Transmigrated into A Big Shot’s Cannon Fodder Little Pampered Wife

Chapter 66


To demote a high-level executive to the security brigade as captain, probably only Min Xingchuan could do it.

He was actually helping Min Jie in disguise and giving him a chance.

After all, quitting is easy, but coming back is hard.

Not to mention the difficulty of Min Hang Chuan, all the relatives of the Min family were staring at him.

After all, they have a hard time, and they don't want to make others feel better.

Only then did Min Min realize the seriousness of the matter, but Min Xingchuan turned around and helped Shen Ran, who was wrapped in his large suit, and walked outside.

Shen Ran was a little embarrassed at the moment, he really didn't laugh on purpose just now.

It's really that Min Hangchuan's actions are too showy. If there were no outsiders present at this moment, he would even be able to laugh at the hammer bed.

Min Hangchuan helped him out, but Shen Ran didn't ask him where he was going, but let him help himself into the elevator.

Originally thought that Min Hangchuan was going to take him home, but who knew that the other party pressed the top floor.

After the elevator closed, Min Xingchuan looked at Shen Ran speechlessly, and said, "Laugh if you want, it's not easy to hold back for so long."

Shen Ran put his head on Min Xingchuan's chest without saying a word, shook his shoulders and laughed.

He smiled and said, "Brother... It really belongs to you... Are you serious? Let Min Jie be the captain of the security team?"

Min Xingchuan wanted to back away, but he promised Shen Ran to try, so he stood there stiffly and didn't move.

Fortunately, Shen Ran didn't go too far, but just pressed his forehead for a while, rubbed his forehead as if he was grinding his corners, and then got up and stood up.

The elevator stopped at this moment, and Shen Ran followed Min Hangchuan out of the elevator with a bewildered face, and asked, "Brother, where are we going? How did we get to the top floor?"

Min Hangchuan didn't answer, he just led the way in front. When he reached the end of the corridor, he pressed a password on the door lock.

The door opened, and Shen Ran understood in an instant.

Every hotel will reserve a separate tolerance room for Minhangchuan, and H City is no exception.

Although it is a tolerance room, the conditions of the big boss must not be bad, at least six stars.

As soon as Shen Ran entered the door, he was attracted by its luxurious furnishings. Looking here and there, poverty in his heart still limited his imagination.

The consciousness of the rich second generation, which was cultivated with great difficulty two days ago, was brought back to its original shape by a suite in Minhangchuan.

I am a local old hat who entered the city for the first time, love it!

Shen Ran first walked around the hall, the expression on his face had completely betrayed him.

It can be seen from the cheerful little steps that Shen Ran likes this place very much.

Min Xingchuan just glanced at him, and then pressed the remote control in his hand. After a while, Shen Ran raised his head again, the roof turned transparent, and above them was the vast starry sky.

Shen Ran: ? ? ? ! ! !

Depend on!

You wicked rich people!

He didn't expect that the rich man's residence in the TV series was actually seen by him, but he heard Min Xingchuan say: "It only looks good when it rains, and the surrounding area can be raised and lowered. The surrounding area becomes transparent, like being in a water curtain cave."

Shen Ran: Ahhh! ! !

Shen Ran, who had never seen the world, wanted to cry, why why why.

I work hard to make money, isn't it just for this arrogant and lustful life

Shen Ran said to Min Xingchuan, "Husband, why are you so rich?"

Min Xingchuan's eyes were full of confusion, the Shen family didn't treat this young master badly, right

Why is it so exciting to live in a technology-themed house today

Shen Ran was very happy, as if the unhappiness just now was quickly forgotten by him because of this trivial matter.

Min Hangchuan asked, "Want something to eat?"

Shen Ran didn't eat anything in the evening, and he was really hungry after playing hard for so long just now.

He nodded aggrievedly and said, "Well, I want to eat small wontons."

When Shen Ran was hungry, he wanted to eat some soupy pasta, a problem that fell from his childhood.

Min Hangchuan nodded, pressed a few keys, and soon someone brought delicious little wontons.

One person and one bowl of small wontons, the two were eating and talking, separated by a distance of two meters.

Min Xingchuan ate slowly. After eating, he opened the air and said, "I'm sorry about Min Min. Although she has been targeting you before, I didn't expect her to do such a thing."

Shen Ran was also full, and after he was full, his tolerance for anything would increase.

But about Min Min, Shen Ran didn't dare to take it lightly.

Shen Ran put down the spoon and said, "Brother, I'm very surprised, how did she know that I would come to Jinsha to open a room today? I asked Xiao Xu to book a room for me before going out. We walked in half an hour before she came to catch the rape. ? I… I suspect, she's spying on me."

When he said this, Shen Ran was still a little guilty. He knew that Min Hangchuan was not stupid, he was even smart.

He was also worried before doing this, worried that Min Xingchuan would see that this was a scene he played for him.

But when he thought about it, he felt that Min Xingchuan would definitely not think so, because he had no motivation.

Why do you want to show Min Xingchuan this scene of catching a rape

This is completely unnecessary, because no matter how much Min Min makes trouble, it will not affect Shen Ran's status.

After all, Min Min is only Min Xingchuan's cousin, she can't do anything, at most embarrass Shen Ran.

In such a scene, only Min Min's brother was hurt, and to Shen Ran, he was just an irrelevant outsider.

Therefore, Min Hangchuan would feel that Shen Ran did not need to do this.

Although Min Min who did this will not be punished, it will make Min Xingchuan start to be vigilant.

He thought for a while and asked, "Are you still starting a business recently?"

Shen Ran scratched his head embarrassedly, and said, "Small trouble, let Brother Chuan laugh."

Minhang Chuan said: "It's very good and very successful. The sales of Mangzhong Mall have exceeded 100 million."

Shen Ran said, what is it that its sales exceed 100 million yuan

My profit target for these three months is one billion, can you believe it

I don't believe it myself when I say it, the system just gave me such a big courage.

Min Hangchuan analyzed: "It may be that your competitors want to harass you and plant a commercial spy in you. They may want to frustrate you through this matter, but unfortunately they miscalculated. Your date turned out to be me."

Shen Ran was surprised by Min Xingchuan's analytical ability, he nodded and said, "I also think... Min Min was used as a gunman."

Min Xingchuan thought for a while and said, "Let's do it! You find out the spies in your company, and I'll help you find out your competitors and see if I can find out who's behind the scenes."

Shen Ran nodded, smiled sweetly, and said, "Okay, thank you husband."

Min Xingchuan's ears were slightly red, but he didn't say anything. He always felt that Shen Ran's mouth was getting sweeter recently.

Just like smearing honey, the words that are spoken make people feel comfortable in their hearts.

This is completely different from what he used to be. Shen Ran used to be a typical willful and unruly young master.

The more he is not allowed to do anything, the more he has to show his identity that is different from others.

Min Xingchuan gave Shen Ran a deep look, and suddenly said, "Shen Ran, why do I feel like you're a different person?"

Shen Ran felt guilty, and immediately stammered: "Uh... ah? I... have?"

Min Hangchuan added: "You seem to have grown up overnight, can you tell me what caused you to grow up?"

Shen Ran couldn't think of a reason, so he said, "Brother, have you ever heard a story about a child who likes to eat candy?"

Min Hangchuan was puzzled and asked, "What?"

Shen Ran said: "It's just... There was a child in the past, he kept crying and clamoring to eat that candy. But his parents, who had absolute leadership, wouldn't give it to him no matter what. The child cried for a long time, but still I couldn't eat it. But I don't know why, after a long time, the child's parents suddenly gave him a packet of candy. The child was not particularly happy, brother, do you know why?"

Min Xingchuan asked, "Huh?"

Shen Ran grinned, smiled sweetly, and said, "Stupid, because the child has grown up!"

Min Xingchuan didn't understand what Shen Ran was trying to convey for a while, and Shen Ran didn't want him to understand either.

But that night he slept in a six-star suite, which was not too cool.

The next day, Min Hangchuan personally sent him to the company. Shen Ran carried the breakfast packaged from the hotel in his hand and distributed it to Chi Haoyu and Qi Xiaoyang.

Qi Xiaoyang immediately leaned over to wink at him, because Xiao Hu was still in the office, so the two couldn't talk blatantly.

Shen Ran understood what he meant, and said, "It's alright, let's talk! Do you think it's possible to keep him here at this stage?"

With that said, Shen Ran turned to look at Xiao Hu and asked, "Xiao Hu, who is your boss? Who ordered you to be an undercover agent with me?"

When Xiao Hu heard this, his honest face immediately turned green, and he said, "You... President Shen, you can't talk nonsense, how can you wrong a good person?"

Shen Ran didn't want to talk to him in vain, and he didn't have the right to check his cell phone, and there was no direct evidence to prove that he was a spy, so he said: "Yes or no, you naturally understand? walk on my own?"

Xiao Hu angrily stomped his feet, got up and said, "I have never seen a boss like you. I am diligent and willing to work, but I have aroused such suspicions! Where can I eat! I won't serve you!"

As he said that, he picked up his bag and left without paying the salary.

Presumably the other party must have been hired as an undercover agent with a high salary, so he didn't take this money seriously.

If he was really just an ordinary worker, he would have already made a fuss to settle his salary.

Shen Ran told Qi Xiaoyang what happened last night, and the two children hugged each other and laughed.

Shen Ran said: "However, I think this matter will not be so easy to find out. The other party is very cautious and will not leave any evidence, let alone any evidence for us to investigate."

Even the club they went to that day was a very private place with no monitoring facilities inside.

Qi Xiaoyang was still a little angry, and asked, "Then let him get away with it like this?"

Shen Ran couldn't be sure for a while, so he just looked at the results of Min Xingchuan's investigation.

Sure enough, in the afternoon, Min Xingchuan sent him a message, saying that the culprit behind the scenes had been found.

When Shen Ran saw that name, he knew that Qiao Qiyun was overwhelmed again.

But Qiao Qiyun, the scapegoat, is really useful, and he takes all the responsibilities every time.

Shen Ran sighed with lack of interest, thinking that he was bored, so let's focus on his career and make money!

So the mango food delivery platform should also be put on the agenda.