Transmigrated into A Big Shot’s Cannon Fodder Little Pampered Wife

Chapter 89


The corners of Min Xingchuan's lips twitched subconsciously, and he felt that he was a very good boss, and he could drop rewards by swiping it.

Just as he was about to leave, he saw Shen Ran was still holding a small box in his arms, and asked, "What did you take?"

Shen Ran smiled: "I received it today and brought it back to my husband."

Barrage above your head: Don't say I don't hurt you! This is inherited from the ancestors of the Qin family, and a market is priceless!

Something from the Qin family

Min Xingchuan thought in his heart that the old man of the Qin family, that is, Qin Zhengdong's father, is an avid antique lover.

The things from the Qin family are definitely not ordinary.

Min Xingchuan felt a little more comfortable. Fortunately, you still know how to send me something.

But... what the hell is hurting me

So instantly turned black again.

Shen Ran stepped forward to take the briefcase from Min Xingchuan's hand, and said eagerly, "Husband, are you tired from work today? Going to work without a day's rest, will your body be overwhelmed?"

Min Xingchuan's heart began to tremble, and he thought that you can't speak properly

In fact, when he didn't watch Shen Ran's bullet screen before, he didn't think there was anything wrong with these words.

Because when Shen Ran decided to chase Min Xingchuan, he had been kneeling and licking him inhumanly like this, and he was used to licking and licking.

In Min Hangchuan's mind, Shen Ran is such a person.

But since seeing the barrage above Shen Ran's head, Min Xingchuan gradually began to associate Shen Ran's image with that irritable little steel cannon.

So looking at Shen Ran like this again, I always feel that he is a bit... schizophrenic!

Min Xingchuan exhaled slowly and said, "It's okay, it's the weekend, you can rest for two days."

The day after tomorrow was the weekend, and Shen Ran began to feel bad. When he faced Min Hangchuan alone, he felt that his energy was not enough.

When can I truly be myself

Shen Ran felt that he was fighting hard enough for the fit of this person.

Shen Ran followed Min Hangchuan into the room and put his briefcase in the place where he usually kept it.

However, after entering the room, Min Hangchuan ignored him and turned on the computer that he had been working on on weekdays, and began to check the stock market and handle some work emails.

Shen Ran stood there a little bit at a loss, and by the way, a barrage floated above his head: I'm afraid the air will suddenly become quiet, should I say something

Min Xingchuan, who was working in front of the computer, couldn't help but hummed out of his nose. When Shen Ran looked at him, he found that he was still indifferent.

Shen Ran: ? I was hallucinating!

Shen Ran moved to Min Xingchuan, put the brocade box in his arms on the table, and said, "Brother, don't you want to see what this is?"

Min Xingchuan looked indifferent: "Oh, good."

Shen Ran opened the package and took out the contents. It was indeed an antique pen holder.

The pen holder is made of jade, with exquisite shapes and decorations.

Min Xingchuan's eyes were finally attracted, he stretched out his hand to pick up the pen holder, and after playing for a while, he said, "Well, it's really not bad. Looking at the patterns, it should be a work from the late Ming and early Qing dynasties."

Moreover, it is carved with a dragon pattern, which is generally rare.

Shen Ran immediately replied with a smile: "Yes, Qin Ke said that it was the royal use of the late Ming Dynasty, and it was left to him by his grandfather."

Min Xingchuan snorted and asked him, "Why did you send me?"

Min Xingchuan is a well-informed advisor. He knows that Shen Ran has something to ask him, so it depends on how this kid opens his mouth.

Originally, it was difficult for Shen Ran to ask for help.

But he was entrusted by Qi Xiaoyang, so he had to clear his throat and said, "That's... that's... I want Brother Chuan to help you with something."

Min Hangchuan thought to himself, why didn't you call her husband

Call twice to listen, I may promise you as soon as I am happy.

Min Xingchuan didn't speak, he just played with the things in his hand, looking very interested.

It can only be said that this pen holder is even more valuable than the previous ancient inkstones.

Shen Ran couldn't help but float a barrage: Why is this person so fat? not in a good mood? Stuck in business? Should not be! Isn't he the fighter in the money machine

Min Xingchuan almost collapsed again, he put down the pen holder and said, "Well, not bad."

Just when Shen Ran thought he would say something else, Min Xingchuan was silent again.

Shen Ran tried to maintain a superficial smile, but a word floated above his head: Fuck!

Minhangchuan: …

Where did his swear words come from

Aran was not like this when he was a child.

Thinking of that sweet and soft baby, Min Xingchuan began to be confused, as if A Ran had long since ceased to exist when he was a child. Since he began to be obsessed with himself, that sweet and soft baby disappeared.

Now it's even more outrageous, it's nothing.

Shen Ran leaned on the edge of the table opposite him, blinked his big eyes, and said unhappily, "Brother, don't you like it?"

Min Xingchuan said, "Me? I like it, thank you."

Shen Ran floated another bullet screen: Is this the end? Say something else! Like... Rewards or something

Min Xingchuan couldn't help but start laughing again. You asked for a reward and said it

So if you don't have a barrage above your head, are you trying to make me guess

Shen Ran still didn't say anything, but just floated one more sentence: If you don't speak again, I'll kiss you! Make you spit, make you spit, make you spit!

Min Xingchuan was suddenly choked by his own saliva, and he really began to have a physiological reaction.

He swallowed his saliva and said, "Okay, if you have something to say, say it quickly, why do you look like you don't want to say anything?"

A barrage floated over Shen Ran's head excitedly: Hey hey hey!

Min Hangchuan: …Why do you feel a little evil

However, Shen Ran still looked well-behaved and said, "I... I want to borrow your Jinchuan Square, um... My new project has been launched recently, and I want to do an offline event. But I have been thinking about it. , only your Jinchuan Square is the most suitable."

There is a large flow of people there, and when doing activities, it is broadcast live on the large LED screen of Jinchuan Commercial Building.

Min Hangchuan nodded and said, "Oh."

Shen Ran floated a barrage: Oh? OK or not, you have to give me the right words! Oh what does it mean! Alas, don't guess the mind of a man, you can't even guess the mind of a domineering president.

Min Xingchuan rubbed his face and said tiredly, "Next time you have something to say directly, you don't need to catch the mat for so long. I'll take it. You can find Secretary Chu tomorrow and let him arrange it for you."

Shen Ran Barrage: Is this... so easy to talk about

Seeing him in a daze, Min Xingchuan said, "Is there anything else?"

Shen Ran immediately said: "No, no, no, no!"

Wouldn't it be a bit hypocritical to say thank you at this time

But Shen Ran still said, "Brother, thank you."

Min Xingchuan didn't speak, just looked at him, but there was no barrage above Shen Ran's head.

It seems this time is a sincere thank you.

Min Xingchuan tapped his fingers on the keyboard and said, "You're welcome, but I'm going to see a friend on the weekend, so please accompany you as a family member!"

Shen Ran asked, "Is that the one who called you that day?"

A barrage floated over Shen Ran's head: As soon as he heard the tone of his voice, he was not a serious man, and if he was locked in the room and talked to him for so long, there must be some improper relationship between a man and a man.

Minhangchuan: …

Is this the so-called double standard

You molested the swimming coach in front of me, what did I say

Shen Ran nodded with a smile, and said, "That's great! Brother is finally willing to bring me to your circle of friends. You've never done this before."

Min Xingchuan laughed in his heart, thinking that this little man with a different appearance really needs to be cleaned up.

But it's a bit slander, aren't you going to kiss me

You are dear!

However, Shen Ran cheered and turned away.

Min Hangchuan: ... a little scumbag.

The little scumbag reported the results to Qi Xiaoyang happily, but Qi Xiaoyang replied in seconds this time: "Great! Then you can push President Chu's WeChat to me, and I can talk to him."

Shen Ran replied, "Let's talk about it tomorrow! Don't you get something to eat now after get off work?"

Soon, Qi Xiaoyang took a photo and came over. It was Qin Ke wearing an apron and cooking in the kitchen.

Shen Ran: …

This dog food is a little choking.

Without a word, he pushed Secretary Chu's WeChat to Qi Xiaoyang, and let him talk.

Qin Ke's cooking skills are very good, so he will work hard in the catering industry.

This is not reflected in the original work, probably because everyone is forced to a certain extent by reality, and the life they really expect has not been reflected.

Soon, Qi Xiaoyang and Secretary Chu made an appointment to use Jinchuan Square.

A total of one week, the staff will be configured accordingly.

After chatting about work, Qi Xiaoyang replied to Shen Ran: "Mr. Shen is really amazing! I have had a headache for half a month, and I can fix it in one night. It's amazing!"

Shen Ran replied: "Your words are ambiguous, I didn't sell my body."

Qi Xiaoyang smiled involuntarily while holding the phone, and replied, "Then have you... spoken?"

Shen Ran: ! ! !

Sheep, you have learned badly!

Where did that cold and abstinent ice beauty go

It seems that Qi Xiaoyang can't get through this stalk, and because of this, he didn't sleep with Qin Ke at night.

After eating, he went to the guest bedroom with his laptop, locked the door, and left Qin Ke alone in the living room outside watching TV.

It was only in the middle of the night that Qin Ke realized that there was no one in the master bedroom. When he found the key to see the person, he found that the person was already asleep.

He felt that he might have frightened his boyfriend, so he shouldn't be so impatient.

The next day Qi Xiaoyang got up and found that Qin Ke had put breakfast on the table and went to work by himself.

He also sent him a message: "I have an urgent order, I have a good breakfast, I can walk to work, there is a small Ben in the underground garage No. 73, and I can also drive."

Qi Xiaoyang didn't drive, he chose to walk there.

Just before entering the company, he saw Min Xingchuan come to see Shen Ran, and when he saw Shen Ran, he couldn't help but think of the topic they were talking about last night.

It was hard for him to imagine that a person like Min Hangchuan would do such a beastly deed.

So as soon as he lost his temper, Shen Ran greeted him, but he ran into the company without saying anything.

Shen Ran: …

How fat four

He cleared his throat and embarrassedly said to Min Xingchuan, "He... shy, hahaha, Brother Chuan, don't mind."

However, Min Xingchuan saw a line floating over Shen Ran's head: Was he spoken to by Qin Ke again last night

Minhangchuan: ! ! ! ! ! !

He just wanted to pry Shen Ran's head open now to see how much yellow waste was in his brain.

But he heard another innocent expression on his face: "Our little boys are like this!"

The author has something to say: Minhangchuan: labor and capital materials mud shoes!

The daughter-in-law is full of yellow waste and is tired!