Transmigrated into A Big Shot’s Cannon Fodder Little Pampered Wife

Chapter 95


The dog forced the old man to be a Buddha. He took a deep breath and tried to drive the car as steadily as possible.

The off-road ride is not as comfortable as a sedan, and the mountain road is difficult to walk, so Shen Ran's buttocks are almost scattered on this road.

But the scenery outside is really beautiful, especially beautiful.

It was just after four o'clock in the afternoon, and the sun began to move westward.

Minhangchuan said, "We parked the car at the farmhouse at the foot of the mountain. There is an alpaca manor over there. We can go see the alpaca when we go down the mountain tomorrow."

Shen Ran's eyes gleamed, and a barrage popped violently: Oh? Grass mud horse

Minhangchuan: ? ? ? What is there to scold! ! !

However, Shen Ran said again: Hey, I like it, I like it!

Thinking of the naive grass-mud horse, Shen Ran wanted to touch its slanted bangs.

Min Xingchuan was even more confused. Why did he still curse when he expressed his liking

The car stopped in the large courtyard of the farmhouse, and an old farmer who was in charge of the farm came out to greet them.

Min Xingchuan nodded to him, and then he greeted Ning Sui to pack up the equipment together.

Three people, one backpack and one trekking pole, walked towards the mountain on foot.

City H is a good place, with the mountains facing the water.

There are water to the south and east, and mountains to the west and north.

Therefore, the four areas are divided into Nanwan, Xishan, Donggang, and Beiling.

The area where their manor is located is Beiling District, which is a hilly landform with endless hills.

Shen Ran only carried a small backpack, which contained several quick-drying changes.

Even so, Shen Ran's physical strength couldn't keep up.

At this moment, he is very glad that his equipment is the size that suits him, otherwise it would definitely be more difficult to walk.

Min Hangchuan looked back at him, stepped forward to support his arm, and said, "Can you still walk?"

Shen Ran smiled at him and said, "It's alright, how far did we go?"

A barrage popped above his head: Come on! Exhausted dad.

Min Xingchuan gently lifted him up, picked him up easily, and said, "Let's go! This way you can relax."

Shen Ran's eyes were slightly curved, and he smiled sweetly: "Husband, you are so kind."

The corners of Min Xingchuan's lips twitched, and a barrage appeared above his head: Don't! You vomit later and no one cares about you.

It may be that the recent desensitization treatment has had a certain effect, and Min Xingchuan no longer feels uncomfortable at this level of support.

Although I still resisted in my heart, at least it wouldn't be as disgusting as before.

Shen Ran thought to himself, is the plastic husband's illness getting better

So he turned to take his arm and rubbed his shoulder, but Min Xingchuan stopped, his face immediately paled by two shades.

Shen Ran was about to laugh insanely, and a barrage popped up: Look, look! Men, don't be brave, don't blame your brother for not reminding you.

Min Xingchuan stabilized his body and suddenly asked, "Why do you like to call others little brother?"

"Ah?" Shen Ran was confused: "Hi... like?"

Min Xingchuan said, "Didn't you just call Ning Sui little brother?"

He looked up at Ning Sui, who had come a long way, and said, "Did you know that he is the same age as me?"

That's the old man you're talking about, you know

Shen Ran scratched his head and said, "Then... it's just for fun. Brother Chuan, don't you think it's very kind for the little brother to cry?"

Min Xingchuan sneered in his heart and said, "Really? Little brother, don't forget that you are a married person. It is sometimes inappropriate to call others so kind."

Shen Ran thought, are you jealous

And jumped up several barrages:

Oh, why did you go early

Are you jealous now

To be honest, people like you only know how to cherish when you lose them. Are you cheap or not

Min Xingchuan was about to collapse, but Shen Ran smiled sweetly at him and said in surprise, "Brother, are you jealous? I'm so happy! Does this mean you care about me?"

Minhangchuan: …

Ah, my heart is so tired, why does God treat me like this.

Ning Sui called them in front: "Don't just focus on falling in love, the two of you, the scenery in front is so beautiful, and there are a group of egrets over there."

Shen Ran excitedly said to Min Xingchuan, "Brother Chuan, there is an egret ahead! Let's go and see!"

As he said that, he turned around and ran forward, and jumped a barrage with it: little brother! I'm coming! color/color/color/

Min Hangchuan: ...Aren't you too tired to walk

Depend on! This little jerk!

What can't I compare to that Ning Sui

When I was in school, I got first place in the school grass five times, and he only got it three times.

Is there something wrong with this little color embryo's eyes

Min Xingchuan was so angry that he was about to catch up with him when he suddenly felt that it was wrong to do so.

The story of Shen Ran's child eating candy popped out of his mind, and Min Hangchuan stopped.

He said that he had longed for it before, but could not get it no matter what.

Even if I get it now, I don't really want it anymore.

No matter how good-looking a thing is, what's the point of it if it's only seen but not touched

Min Xingchuan knew that Shen Ran was hurt by his own illness, but now he couldn't blame him for thinking differently.

But I am still very sad, do I have to think of some way to bring his eyes back to himself

Little brother, am I not good-looking

Little Sebo, Ning Sui is more difficult than you think. Can you believe that he is still in trouble

Min Xingchuan felt that he was crazy, why did he think about it.

He also took two steps to follow, and sure enough, there was a wetland in front of him.

The group of egrets that Ning Sui mentioned were foraging not far away.

Shen Ran was fascinated by the scenery in front of him and said, "This is the magic work of nature. It's so beautiful, the air is so good, and the scenery is so beautiful."

Ning Sui also nodded and said, "This is why I like hiking. Who wouldn't want to see such a beautiful scenery?"

Minhang Chuan also thought it was beautiful and said, "It's suitable to build a wetland park here."

Ning Fen frowned and looked at him with a speechless expression: "It's a terrible sight, it really is the stench of businessmen!"

Minhangchuan didn't care, he planned the area with his hands, and said, "Is it not good to let more people enjoy the beautiful scenery without destroying the ecology?"

Ning Sui said: "Although I say so, but where there are humans, the ecology will be destroyed. Humans are the biggest source of pollution in the world, especially the rise of technology, which is sending the ecology to its demise step by step."

Min Xingchuan chuckled and said, "Are you saying that about yourself?"

Everyone knows that the Ning family is the navigator of technology.

Ning Sui has created various precedents in the field of science and technology, especially in the application of AI technology and the provision of hardware equipment, and has made outstanding contributions.

Ning Sui spread his hands and said, "I'm just stating the fact that although technology benefits human beings, it will indeed destroy the ecology. For example, nuclear, such as biochemical waste, even the most common exhaust emissions will pollute the atmosphere and ozone. But we can't stop developing technology because of this, we can only use more scientific means to protect the ecology."

Shen Ran didn't understand the topics they were discussing very well, but the scenery here was really beautiful.

He took out his mobile phone and took a lot of pictures. He also took a selfie and captured the two old men behind him.

It's a pity that the signal here is not very good, otherwise, you can send it to the circle of friends to make the friends who work overtime in the list envy.

It's embarrassing to say, originally this event should be watched by myself, but now Qi Xiaoyang and Qin Ke are fully responsible.

Although Qin Ke may be very happy.

Ning Sui pointed to a high place and said, "We can walk to that place tonight."

Then he looked at Shen Ran and said, "How is it? Cutie, do you want to camp or sleep in a log cabin?"

Shen Ran said indifferently, "It's fine, it's a different experience."

Min Xingchuan said: "There is also a wooden house over there. I arrived before dark. The fish in the river there are quite plump. You can have a barbecue in the courtyard of the wooden house."

Shen Ran was a little eager to try, and said, "Then let's go faster, we can catch more fish and shrimp."

Maybe it's because Shen Ran's physical strength is better after taking a rest for a while.

Min Xingchuan handed him a bottle of water, Shen Ran drank most of it, and finally wanted to go to the toilet.

Ning Sui was walking very fast, and Min Xingchuan had to take care of Shen Ran again, so he had to say, "There is a bush over there, you can go over there and deal with it."

Shen Ran shivered and asked, "There won't be snakes, right?"

Min Xingchuan thought for a while and said, "This... It's hard to say."

The barrage above Shen Ran's head: It's too late, I'm most afraid of snakes QAQ, what if I bite my little Haw

It wasn't big at first, and it was gone after a bite...

Looking at the barrage above Shen Ran's head, Min Xingchuan almost burst out laughing.

But he still held back abruptly, helped him untie the rope backpack tied to his waist, and said, "Let's go! I'll go with you. But there are no poisonous snakes here, even if there are snakes, they are small grass snakes, grass snakes. It's cute and won't bite you."

Shen Ran still didn't dare, and said: "I am most afraid of creatures without feet and many feet in my life. Snakes are their leaders. This thing must not appear in front of me. Otherwise..."

Overhead barrage: QAQQAQQAQ or I will cry in fear

Min Hangchuan couldn't hold back and laughed out loud.

Shen Ran was a little unhappy and asked, "What are you laughing at? Timidity is not a disadvantage, but being too daring is sometimes bad."

Min Xingchuan nodded and said, "Okay, you're right, pee quickly."

The grass here is lush, and Shen Ran found a place where the grass was lower and started to loosen the waistband of his pants.

Seeing him like this, Min Xingchuan immediately turned around and turned his back to him.

Shen Ran laughed and said, "Brother Chuan, why are you still shy? It's all boys. I have what you have, why are you embarrassed?"

As soon as the words came out, the system reminded him a little: "The host please pay attention to the human-set OOC warning, you are too rude and do not match the human-set."

Shen Ran: ? ?

He just heard Min Xingchuan say behind his back, "You do have what I have, but I don't have what you have. Are you sure you want me to see it?"

After saying that, Min Xingchuan turned his head, to be honest, he had never seen Shen Ran's body.

If Min Hangchuan didn't say this, Shen Ran didn't think that, for ordinary men, wouldn't a fertile boy like Shen Ran be the opposite sex

Sometimes Shen Ran forgets his gender and always treats himself as an ordinary boy.

But he saw Min Xingchuan glance at him and said, "It's pretty cute, just a little smaller, but it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter to you."

In the next second, Shen Ran couldn't urinate, and after half urinating, he abruptly held back.