Transmigrated into A Big Shot’s Cannon Fodder Little Pampered Wife

Chapter 97


Min Xingchuan felt that if one day he died, he would be stimulated to death by Shen Ran.

And at this moment, he feels that he is not very good, because Shen Ran's words just now have a picture in his mind.

Shen Ran turned to look at Min Xingchuan, but said in surprise, "Uh... Brother, are you angry?"

Min Xingchuan still looked cold and said, "No, what's wrong?"

Shen Ran stretched out a finger, pointed to his nose, and said, "It seems like a nosebleed."

Min Xingchuan touched the underside of his nose with the back of his hand. Sure enough, he saw some blood stains. He said calmly, "Oh, maybe it's too dry in the mountains."

A barrage popped above Shen Ran's head: Drink hot water.

Minhangchuan: …

Depend on! This little scumbag!

However, he smiled at him with a concerned look on the surface, turned around and went to the refrigerator to find lemons and chrysanthemums, and made a cup of lemon and chrysanthemum tea for him to drink.

He also warned: "If you want to finish drinking, brother, I will feel distressed if you get angry."

The barrage above his head floated past: It is absolutely impossible to live without taking care of yourself at an age.

Min Xingchuan, who was drinking chrysanthemum tea, choked, then turned around and went to the yard while coughing.

He felt that if he continued like this, sooner or later he would be pissed to death by this little scumbag.

The little scumbag didn't even notice it, he pestered Ning Sui and washed the dishes with him.

The cabins in the mountains are very delicately built. Although no one has come for a long time, they are also cleaned very cleanly.

The necessary daily necessities are also complete, and it can be seen that there are people who come to maintain it from time to time.

However, some things can be seen to be very old, probably a little old.

Shen Ran and Ning Sui get along quite harmoniously. One washes the dishes and the other washes the water and puts them in the disinfection cabinet.

Min Hangchuan looked at it from the window and felt like home

He was wondering why Ning Sui and Shen Ran got along so that he felt at home.

Regarding this, Min Hangchuan only blamed him on his jealousy.

He smoked a cigarette after not smoking for a long time, and the smell of tobacco remained on his fingertips.

After smoking, Min Xingchuan turned around and went back to the cabin. As soon as he opened the door, he heard a loud bang in the kitchen.

He rushed in immediately, only to see Ning Sui jumping out of the window with Shen Ran in his arms.

Min Hangchuan closed the valve of the gas stove in the kitchen without a word. The gas stove that kept spewing fire was already burning red, and there was a possibility of explosion at any time.

His hand was scalded, but luckily the valve wasn't fully aged.

After closing the valve, he quickly evacuated the cabin.

Fortunately, the kitchen has been waterproof and fireproof, and it did not cause other items to burn.

He called the staff at the foot of the mountain, asked them to go up the mountain to deal with it, and asked the person in charge to hold the relevant staff accountable.

After dealing with all these deductions, Min Xingchuan saw Ning Sui hugging Shen Ran tightly and kneeling in the yard.

His emotions were extremely excited, his eyes were red, and his whole body was shaking.

Min Xingchuan frowned, he felt that Ning Sui's mood was not right.

Shen Ran was a little breathless in his embrace, but he didn't dare to push him away.

Because he heard Ning Sui muttering something: "Xiaoyan, I'm sorry... I'm sorry! It's my brother's fault, my brother's wrong, I'm sorry Xiaoyan..."

Shen Ran patted Ning Sui's back lightly and said, "Don't be sad, calm down first, it was just the gas stove leaked. I sprayed it on and blew up a glass bottle. But it's fine, no one was hurt. , there was no fire in the kitchen."

Min Hangchuan stepped forward and said, "He may have a knot in his heart, let him calm down."

After about ten minutes, Ning Sui finally closed her eyes slowly, let go of Shen Ran, and sat down on the ground.

He pressed his temple and said, "I'm sorry, I lost my way."

Shen Ran shook his head and said, "It doesn't matter, you really scared me a bit just now, is it... Did something happen?"

Ning Sui smiled weakly, looked up and asked Min Xingchuan, "Is there any wine?"

After a while, the three set up a wooden table in the courtyard at dusk.

Min Hangchuan took three wine glasses and opened a bottle of red wine hidden in the basement of the wooden house.

The three of them were drinking and watching the sunset, Ning Sui finally spoke.

He gathered up his half-length hair and said, "My parents are both tech freaks, you know that. In fact, they gave birth to me just to keep their good genes going. They don't like children, even It can be said to be annoying. So from birth to ten years old, I rarely see my parents, and usually I am with a babysitter.”

Min Hangchuan has always known this, why does Ning Sui always like to keep falling in love

He's not a scumbag, but he doesn't like that feeling of loneliness.

His parents hadn't been by his side for as long as he could remember.

The loneliness that can't see the head, the darkness of being alone in the middle of the night, and the shadows in the corners of childhood caused Ning Sui a lot of psychological obstacles.

As long as he has someone by his side, he will be much better off.

So he dressed himself up as a male peacock, and as soon as the screen was turned on, a bunch of opposite sex would lean towards him.

From then on, he was no longer alone.

Ning Sui took a sip of wine slowly, and the sweet liquor entered his throat, and he continued: "This state lasted until the age of ten, maybe my parents felt that a good gene was not enough, and they gave birth again. The second child. But they miscalculated and gave birth to a little cutie with a fertile physique. The cutie probably didn't inherit too many excellent genes from them, but she was very beautiful and cute. "

"My parents were born with a lack of love for beautiful and cute babies, so his fate was the same as mine, and he was also thrown to the nanny in the big house."

"For me, this is good news from the sky, because I finally have a company. You understand the kind of... Growing up alone for a long time, the daily schedule is arranged almost strictly and rigorously, and suddenly there is a little bit of intrusion. Does it feel like being in your world?"

Ning Sui smiled, her beautiful face was even more charming.

He continued: "Maybe you guys who have siblings don't feel that way. I was overjoyed. He was supposed to sleep with the babysitter because he was just a month old. But I bought him to take care of him. Came all the books about the newborn and decided to take care of him personally."

"The nanny reported the situation to my parents, who gave me a rare phone call. After I assured them it would never interfere with my homework, they agreed to let me take the little brother myself. I gave him a name. It's called Ah Yan, because I calculated the eight characters for him, and the five elements are lacking in fire."

Shen Ran is a little envious of this little brother, and he can get the kind of care from his brother.

But Ning Sui became sad: "But when A Yan was two years old, a group of people came to steal the Ning family's archived documents. As we all know, my parents' half-life hard work has been stored in a chip. If anyone Getting this chip is equivalent to getting their half-life's technology. I don't know where they got the news, saying that the backup chip was hidden in the ancestral house of the Ning family."

Shen Ran felt that something bad might happen.

Sure enough, Ning Sui went on to say: "I slept with Xiaoyan that night, and that group of people kidnapped the nanny and forced me to hand over the chip. I was only twelve years old that year, but I was not afraid of them. But my His whole body was trembling, because A Yan was sleeping in the back room. If he woke up, then it was most likely A Yan who was kidnapped."

Shen Ran clenched his hands, and Ning Sui said, "I prayed that A Yan would not wake up, but unfortunately, there was too much movement downstairs, but A Yan was still awake. The gangsters ignored my obstruction and threatened me with , If you don't hand over the chip, then throw A Yan downstairs."

Ning Sui closed his eyes and could see that he was very sad and didn't want to recall this past.

He took a deep breath and said, "How could I have a chip in my hand? But... I still handed them a chip, which is my own learning integration. You should know that I am a genius. Ordinary people can't see it at all. It was my learning integrated hard drive, or the chip they wanted. But after getting the chip, they didn't let Ah Yan go."

Shen Ran's blood became cold, and Ning Sui's lips began to turn white.

Ning Sui said: "They were very smart, they were worried that the chip was fake, so they took A Yan. They said that if there was a fake chip, they would contact us again and exchange the real chip for A Yan. But... I couldn't convince my parents, They gave up their half-life efforts for Ah Yan. I hate their cold-bloodedness, but I also know...their relationship is inherently lacking. Even, they got married just because the other party was excellent and they could have excellent offspring with themselves."

"In this world, I'm probably the only one who wants to get this younger brother back. So I tried to steal the chip and take it to exchange for Ah Yan. But I didn't expect... When those people were trading with me, there was another group of people who wanted to To snatch, the scene at that time was very chaotic, I can't even remember it. I just remember the sound of explosions everywhere, mixed with Ah Yan's cry. I tried to find him, but no matter what, I couldn't find him. Be careful to be affected by the explosion and fainted."

When Ning Sui woke up again, his parents accompanied him in the hospital.

This is the first time he has received such an honor.

But when he asked about A Yan, his parents were silent.

Ah Yan died in the explosion, they said.

Ning Sui didn't believe it. He didn't see A Yan's body. Since there was no body, he didn't die.

But he also knew in his heart that an explosion of that magnitude was enough to burn a two-year-old child to nothing.

Ning Sui's brows were furrowed. He was usually lazy and not doing anything right. At this moment, he looked very haggard.

Shen Ran suddenly wanted to hug him, but felt that he was not qualified.

Min Hangchuan handed him a cigarette, and the two smoked opposite each other.

This story is also the first time Min Xingchuan heard Ning Sui mention it. Although he had talked about his life since childhood, he never mentioned anything about his younger brother.

Shen Ran looked at him and sighed slightly.

Ning Sui smiled again and said, "Actually, I have never given up looking for him over the years. It can be said that I have searched all over the country, whether in the capital or in the Y city. But the news I got recently, all the signs are not It all shows that Xiaoyan is likely to be in City H. Back then, I investigated all the surveillance cameras in the explosion area, and after repairing it, I saw that a person had entered the explosion area. When the person left, he was holding something in his arms."