Transmigrated into a School Idol and Forced to Do Business

Chapter 2


When his name was called, Yu Baizhou paused for two seconds.

The students in the audience sighed.

"Why do you point Yu Shao? Such a difficult question may not be able to be solved by the whole class. How can Yu Shao do it?"

"Fuck, Cheng's poisonous tongue is starting to embarrass Young Master Yu again."

Cheng Jiahui knocked on the table with a teaching stick, and said solemnly: "Anyone who talks small things will consciously go out and stand."

Hearing this, the class fell silent instantly.

Cheng Jiahui felt the quiet atmosphere in the class with satisfaction, then raised the teaching stick and pointed at Yu Baizhou, "You, come up and do the questions."

Yu Baizhou looked at the disrespectful teaching stick pointed at him. Although he knew that Cheng Jiahui was targeting the original owner, not himself, he still felt slightly uncomfortable.

He got up from his seat and walked up to the podium.

Tu Gaoming hated Cheng Jiahui from below so much that he gritted his teeth. Cheng Jiahui was the boss who clearly wanted to punish them this time. As the head teacher, she clearly knew their boss's level, but she let their boss go up to do a super job without knowing it. Outlining the topic, it is clear that they want to take this opportunity to deliberately discipline their boss.


Yu Baizhou walked to the empty blackboard, picked up a complete piece of chalk, looked up at the question, and found that it was indeed a Dao Chaojie question as other students said, and it was very difficult.

The original owner's character design is a poor student, such a difficult problem should not be solved.

Yu Baizhou struggled for a while, but put the chalk in his hand back into the chalk slot.

Just as the chalk was put away, Cheng Jiahui's shrill voice came from the side, "Can't you do it?"

Before Yu Baizhou could answer, Cheng Jiahui raised her voice and said, "If you can't do it, get the hell out of here."

Yu Baizhou closed his eyes, turned around and left, but just after walking a few steps, he heard Cheng Jiahui raising a high-pitched voice and saying to the students below: "Everyone must pay attention to the class, otherwise you will only be a classmate when you come up. Standing in front of the blackboard, just like Yu Baizhou is now, this is a negative teaching material, an extremely negative teaching material!"

The teaching stick slammed on the table and made a sound, Yu Baizhou also stopped walking down.

None of the students below dared to speak out.

Cheng Jiahui looked at Yu Baizhou who had stopped in his tracks, "What are you doing standing there? Why don't you hurry back to my seat!"

Yu Baizhou turned around and looked at Cheng Jiahui, "I'm sorry teacher, I seem to remember how to do this question."

Cheng Jiahui was slightly startled when she heard the words, and then looked at Yu Baizhou, "Are you sure you remembered?"

Yu Baizhou replied: "Not sure, but you can try."

Cheng Jiahui scolded: "Time in class is precious, do you think you can try it if you want?"

Yu Baizhou was helpless, wondering who wasted more time, he asked: "Then what if I'm sure I can do it?"

Cheng Jiahui glanced at her watch and said, "If you're sure, I can give you five minutes, but if you can't do it within five minutes and waste the time of other students, then this class you consciously Go out and stand outside, do you agree?"

On the surface, Cheng Jiahui was thinking about other students, but in fact she was going for Yu Baizhou.

Someone below asked: "What if it is done?"

Cheng Jiahui choked for a moment, and glared at the student who was speaking, who retracted her neck embarrassingly.

Yu Baizhou looked at Cheng Jiahui, "I agree. But correspondingly, if I do it, you must give me an apology."

For the impolite behavior just now, and for the blame that was thrown on the original owner before.

"You!" Cheng Jiahui didn't expect Yu Baizhou to make such a request, her face turned green and pale.

Kelu had come to this point, Cheng Jiahui finally had no choice but to agree.

The bet between the two attracted everyone's attention, and even the students who had just dozed off were already awake.

Yu Baizhou returned to the podium, but he didn't start working on the questions for a long time.

The students in the audience couldn't help being nervous, but looking at Cheng Jiahui on the stage, her mood gradually relaxed from the tension at the beginning. She was only temporarily intimidated by Yu Baizhou's aura just now.

You don't need to think about it, but with Yu Baizhou's level, it is impossible to do it. It is just because of the pitiful spirit of not wanting to admit defeat in his bones that he stayed on stage.

What a false alarm.

Cheng Jiahui looked at the time, and two minutes had passed. She took a sip of water slowly, and then asked with a look on her face, "Yu Baizhou, there are only three minutes left, are you sure you can do it?"

Yu Baizhou didn't answer.

Cheng Jiahui folded her hands, "I advise you to hurry up if you can't do it, and don't delay other things..."

Cheng Jiahui just said this, and saw that Yu Baizhou had already picked up the chalk and started to answer.

Cheng Jiahui frowned slightly.

In the two minutes just now, Yu Baizhou had almost sorted out his thoughts.

Cheng Jiahui originally had an attitude of watching the show, but after seeing the calculation formula written by Yu Baizhou, the expression on her face suddenly collapsed.

The students in the audience looked stunned.

"Let me do it, Master Yu can do it?"

"Isn't it really making up??"

"But if it's made up randomly, then it's too fast!"

Yu Baizhou didn't stop chalking the whole process, and his handwriting was delicate and fluent.

He wrote the answer under the eyes of everyone in disbelief. At this time, there was one minute left before the five-minute time limit.

He put down the chalk in his hand, turned his head, met Cheng Jiahui whose expression had already stiffened, and raised the corner of his mouth, "Teacher, can you please check the answer?"

Cheng Jiahui looked at the correct answer on the blackboard, and couldn't help loosening the teaching stick in her hand.

how is this possible? This is a super-syllabus question she specially found in the college entrance examination problem set. According to Yu Baizhou's reciprocal level, how could it be possible to solve it? And the idea of solving the problem is actually more concise than the only answer in the problem set.

Cheng Jiahui's face was gray.

Someone below asked loudly: "Teacher Cheng, is the answer that Yu Shao solved right?"

Cheng Jiahui was stunned for a few seconds, then with a stiff face, she replied, "...that's right."

The students below started booing.

"Damn it, Young Master Yu's beer!"

"Yu Baizhou is an invisible science master!"

"Young Master Yu is my male god!"

"Campus double bully, I love it!"

Cheng Jiahui didn't know that, as a senior high school graduate who used to write quizzes as a daily routine, Yu Baizhou had already done the quiz that Yu Baizhou did no less than ten times. And, Yu Baizhou's college entrance examination results, in the original world, can be ranked top1.

Cheng Jiahui clenched the teaching stick in her hand, took a deep breath, and put on the mask again to hide the real panic on her face. Just when she thought it was over, Yu Baizhou reminded her, "Teacher, I would like to admit defeat. You should give me an apology."

Hearing this, Cheng Jiahui's face suddenly became ugly, and all the booing below stopped.

Yu Baizhou waited, and the whole class was watching. Cheng Jiahui couldn't get off the horse. She tightly grasped the teaching stick in her hand, and finally could only squeeze out a word of apology through her teeth.

During the break between classes, Tu Gaoming came over and complained to Yu Baizhou about Cheng Jiahui. Yu Baizhou listened and nodded, then folded the letterhead paper on which he drew backgammon for a lesson, and put it in a book as a bookmark.

"Have you noticed that He Yan didn't come to class this afternoon?"

"Seems to be."

"For the first time, it turns out that a top student will also skip class?"

"So what about Xueba, his personality is so weird, and he sits in a corner, his sense of presence is too low, you can see that the teacher didn't even look for him."

Hearing the mention of He Yan by the people next to him, Yu Baizhou's ears perked up.

He Yan... Isn't that the boy who was taken to the empty classroom by the original owner at noon to clean up? That boy is in the same class as me

At this time, Tu Gaoming also happened to chat with him about He Yan, "Boss, He Yan didn't come to class this afternoon, do you think it's possible that we gave him a meal at noon, and he didn't dare to come in the afternoon?"

Yu Baizhou recalled the way the boy named He Yan looked at him when he left, and felt that what Tu Gaoming said was unlikely, that person's personality should not be as weak as Tu Gaoming thought.

Yu Baizhou was suddenly a little curious about this person, so he chatted with Tu Gaoming side by side.

"Ask He Yan? This person has a very weird temper and a very withdrawn personality. He often walks alone and doesn't like to show his face. Some people guess that he may be too worrisome, so he dare not show his face. .”

After Tu Gaoming finished speaking, he came to his senses, "No, boss, why are you asking me about He Yan? Isn't it you who knows the most?"

Yu Baizhou was dumbfounded, and then said: "Yes, I am clear, I just want to see if you are clear."

Tu Gaoming patted his leg, "Then I know for sure that He Yan is a weirdo, and the whole school knows about it."

Yu Baizhou said in a half-questioning and half-certain tone: "He Yan's reputation is bad?"

Tu Gaoming's words sounded affirmative in his ears, and he said: "That's really rotten."

Tu Gaoming said: "He Yan is a guy, anyway, I don't like him, he is like a two-hundred-five by relying on his own study."

Hearing this, Yu Baizhou was lost in thought.

He suddenly felt that he saw the shadow of himself in He Yan's body, and couldn't help but feel a tinge of sympathy in his heart.

After school in the afternoon, the boarding students began to rush to the cafeteria, and the day students were going to go home.

There will be a school meeting tonight, and the whole school will not go to evening self-study.

The original owner is a day student in the setting, with a wealthy family, and a driver picks him up and down.

After school, Yu Baizhou was walking towards the school gate. Because he was in a hurry, he accidentally bumped into a boy on the way. The boy had short black hair, handsome facial features, and his school uniform was clean and tidy. Yu Baizhou was worried that the driver would wait too long, so he hurriedly treated him humanely. After apologizing, he left.

Behind him, the boy looked at the back of Yu Baizhou leaving, and the person next to him took two steps forward, puzzled and said, "Young Master Li, what happened to Yu Baizhou today? Why did he act like he didn't know you?"

Looking at the figure that was about to disappear at the school gate, Li Bei couldn't help narrowing his eyes.

When Yu Baizhou arrived at the school gate, the car was already waiting at the gate.

A black Maybach, very stylish.

Yu Baizhou got into the car.

The car drove all the way forward, leaving the school behind, and the final destination was a luxurious villa comparable to a castle.

After the driver sent Yu Baizhou into the yard, he drove the car to the garage.

Because the information in the novel was not fully imported, Yu Baizhou was unfamiliar with many things, such as the luxurious villa in front of him, such as the appearance of the original owner's parents.

I don't know what the original owner's parents look like, what kind of character they are, Yu Baizhou hopes they can be more amiable.

Thinking of seeing his elders soon, Yu Baizhou couldn't help being a little nervous.

He settled down, walked to the door, reached out and pressed the doorbell.

In less than ten seconds, the door opened.

Standing inside the door was a young man, about the same height as Yu Baizhou, with fair skin and gentle eyebrows, he looked only in his early twenties.

Yu Baizhou was stunned at the entrance of the station. He searched for information about this person in his mind, but he couldn't find anything.

Yu Baizhou thought for a while, the original owner seemed to be the only son, so this person should be the neighbor's elder brother or something...

Otherwise, politely call out brother.

Thinking of this, Yu Baizhou dared to speak: "Brother..."

008: "Call me Dad."

Yu Baizhou: "Dad!!"