Transmigrated into the Cannon Fodder’s Daughter

Chapter 36


She made up her mind, Jiang Tiantian, who has a cool temperament, is holding her mobile phone, chasing the novel written by Sparrow with relish, and the sense of disobedience is almost breaking through the sky! But if you think about it carefully, it is indeed very possible!

If he hadn't read Sparrow Spirit's novels, why would he subconsciously think that Quan Yisen was the Mediterranean Sea

Moreover, since Sparrow Jing’s article was published, a loyal fan has been giving her a reward every day. It used to be one hundred, and now it is one thousand a day. Except for those who have mines at home, they can't do this kind of thing. It just so happened that Jiang Tiantian was not short of money. With her status, even if she doesn't inherit the family's company in the future, she can live a luxurious life for the rest of her life just relying on share dividends.

Li Xiao was in a delicate mood, and found it inexplicably funny.

I didn't expect you to be such Jiang Tiantian.

The sparrow spirit is still desperately looking for work for himself, "I think my artistic processing of Quan Yisen is really good! I also admire my own brainstorm, a stroke of genius!"

Unexpectedly, the sparrow essence made Jiang Tiantian no longer have a crush on Quan Yisen by mistake. Li Xiao patted its head tolerantly and encouraged it, "Yes, keep working hard. Try to sell the film and television copyright someday."

The sparrow spirit nodded vigorously, "Okay!"

Then she was very motivated... and ran to play games!

Li Xiao:? ? ?

Forget it, you can't count on this sparrow.

She returned to her room and began to draw talismans. Quan Yisen's arrival gave her a more or less sense of urgency, and she needed more things for self-defense. The hero in this type of novel has no sense of law in his heart. For the heroine, kill and set fire, do everything.

She never placed her hope on other people's conscience.

Li Xiao drew more than a hundred talismans in one breath. Defensive, offensive, all kinds of types are available. After drawing, she felt that the spiritual power in her body was also squeezed out by her. She adjusted her breath and meditated, and only recovered half of her spiritual power after an hour.

However, the materials in her hand were basically consumed by her, and she needed to replenish them. Li Xiao herself also wants to obtain a better magic weapon, and she needs a suitable stick as a handy weapon.

It's just that she really doesn't know where these are sold in S City.

She suddenly thought of Taoist Sun Rui who was under observation. With his enthusiasm for this industry, he should know a lot of news, right

Li Xiao immediately called him and asked him to come over.

Seeing that he would be useful soon, Sun Rui said quickly: "I know! There is a ghost market, which was only opened to the public at Zishi and closed at Yinshi. It is said that there are ghosts in it who will mix with the crowd and trade with people, but I I think it's just a lie."

His tone was rather disapproving. He had been there at least a dozen times, and he had never really seen a ghost.

Li Xiao pondered, that is to say, it only opens at eleven o'clock in the evening and closes at five o'clock in the morning

There is no class tomorrow, so she will go over tonight to have a look. Now she is really not short of money.

Sun Rui said: "However, there are some stall owners there who prefer to use barter."

Li Xiao nodded, she has a lot of talismans on her body, and she can exchange some of them at that time. After a little hesitation, she took part of her luck with her. Since not everyone would use this method, she also carried a card with her. The most important thing she lacks now is money.

When it was almost ten o'clock, she called a car to come. After all, she was going to that place. Of course, Li Xiao would not let the driver who usually drove her know about it. The driver was paid Li Nanjue's salary, so he would definitely report to Li Nanjue if something happened.

The location of the ghost market is relatively desolate, and some supernatural events often occur. The driver hesitated for a while and said that he would ask for more money.

Li Xiao said very generously: "Five times for you."

The driver drove off without saying a word, without complaining at all. No matter how you go to the ghost market, it will cost more than three hundred, and three times it will become fifteen thousand! This order is done!

Sun Rui couldn't help swallowing his saliva beside him. Although he knew that his master was rich when he saw the big villa, he was still slapped in the face now.

Good, so rich!

Some people are masters at a young age after all, and they still have money at home, so I can’t envy them~

At a quarter past eleven o'clock, Li Xiao arrived at the gate of the ghost market. She transferred the money to the driver, and the driver immediately stepped on the accelerator and flew away, obviously not daring to stay in this place for a while.

Li Xiao looked up at the ghost market. The gate of this ghost market was closed tightly, and there was a very old-looking sign hanging crookedly on the door.

Her gaze was fixed, and the Yin Qi emanating from the sign was very strong, which was not something common. Originally, she was worried that this would be just a market to deceive laymen, but after seeing this, she was more or less confident.

She pushed the door open and stepped inside. Just as she entered, the door that was originally opened creaked and closed again. Although the gate of the ghost market is not big, it is only two meters wide. Entering the inside, people's vision suddenly becomes clear. There was a lot of voices, and the lively scene was in stark contrast to the quietness outside the door.

Many people even wore masks and shuttled between the stalls.

Li Xiao watched with great interest. In this ghost city, there are not only people, but also many ghosts. These ghosts did not know what method they used to temporarily possess entities, but the yin energy on their bodies still revealed their identities. And according to her perception, at least one-third of these people are ghosts!

She glanced at Sun Rui beside her. This silly boy also said that he had been here many times, but he had never seen a ghost. He just was in it without knowing it.

These ghosts seemed to abide by certain rules in it. When Li Xiao saw that they had chosen something, he would exchange it with the items on his body in an orderly manner. The person behind the ghost market, who is unknown, can suppress these ghosts.

Ghosts are just like people, there are good ghosts and evil ghosts, not every ghost is willing to keep its own place.

Li Xiao came to the fifth stall from the left. The face of the stall owner was covered with a layer of white powder, which made his face blurry. He was wearing a set of black clothes, but the exposed part of his body was red.

A word came to her mind unconsciously: red stiffness. The red zombies themselves are zombies who have achieved positive results, and they are very fierce. Ordinary sky thunders have no effect on them at all. But this zombie brother is stammering and haggling with others.

"No, you can't, you need three wisps of evil spirit."

The vicious-looking customer in front of the stall said: "Your wood seems to be of ordinary quality, and a wisp of evil spirit is almost enough."

The wooden boards of this stall are of very good quality!

Li Xiao's eyes lit up, the wooden board was so black that it was purple, and it was full of Yin Qi. If she bought it, made it into a stick, and inlaid the scales she got from Li Qianfei before, it would be much more convenient for her to fight.

Tsk, three wisps of evil spirit want to buy this board, it's so cheap. The customer wanted to buy it with a ray of evil spirit. He was simply cheating people, no, he was cheating zombies.

Li Xiao has only been in this world for two months, so he has no time to collect evil spirits. But she has luck. The luck obtained from Li Qianfei at that time belonged to Li Qianfei's godfather Gu Qian and grandma Qu Lian, so she didn't return the luck to them, only to other victims, so she still had it in her hand. Keep a few strands.

Luck is of course more rare than bad luck. Where can ordinary people get this thing.

Li Xiao squatted down, and said lightly: "A ray of luck, I will buy this board from you."

The red zombie raised its head and showed a stiff smile at her, "Okay."

The fierce-looking customer next to her asked her, "Do you still have luck? How about I buy with you? How much do you want?"

Li Xiao said lightly: "I am not short of money."

She took out a ray of luck, handed it to Hong Zang, and picked up the wooden board.

Sun Rui said: "Master, let me come, I will help you fight."

Sun Rui looked mature, he looked like he was fifty years old, but he called a young and beautiful girl as his master, which inevitably made people around him look at them a few more times.

Li Xiao said: "You can't resist."

Sun Rui didn't think so, "Just one board, it can weigh a lot." As an apprentice who has not formally become a master, of course, he has to perform a lot to catch the master's eyes.

As he spoke, he was about to take over the wooden board, but as soon as his hand touched the wooden board, he felt a cold air penetrate into his body from the place where he touched it, making his whole body freeze, as if he had turned into a stone, completely Can't move.

Li Xiao patted him on the back, a gust of aura penetrated into his body, wandered through his limbs, drove away the Yin Qi in his body, and brought him back to normal. He looked at this ordinary-looking board with lingering fear, and dared not touch it again.

Li Xiao said: "This thing is too sinister, ordinary people should not touch it." She turned her head and asked the red stiff, "Where did you get this wooden board?"

Hong Zang smiled, "It's where I sleep, I disassembled it and sold it."

Li Xiao: "..."

Oh, it turned out to be an authentic coffin board!

Li Xiao thought for a while and asked him, "Is there a better plank?"

Hong Zang hesitated for a moment and said, "Yes."

Li Xiao asked the price, "Two strands of luck."

Hong Zang said: "I, I will bring it tomorrow."

Sun Rui asked him curiously, "You have so many families?"

Red Zombie smiled, his voice a little embarrassed, "It's where my father sleeps, so I went back and dismantled him." He scratched his face, revealing the red skin under the white powder.

Li Xiao Heixian: This is really a bear zombie! Even his own father was cheated! It can only be said that cheating does not distinguish between races.

After she made an appointment with the red zombie, she continued to walk forward. Although the things I want to buy most have already been bought, but it is rare to come here. Of course, the more I buy, the better. And it was the first time she came to this place, so she couldn't help but be a little curious.

There are indeed a lot of things in this place, but most of them are not of interest to Li Xiao.

Suddenly Sun Rui raised his voice, pointed to the front, and said angrily, "Master! It's him! That person is a big liar who cheated me of money, gave me fake exercises, and made me fart for a week!"

After breaking through the iron shoes, there was nowhere to look, and I didn't expect to meet him in this place. As the saying goes, enemies are extremely jealous when they meet, so Sun Rui immediately ran over. His hard-earned money!

Li Xiao followed his line of sight and saw the two men not far away, one in green shirts, handsome as a landscape painting, with a lazy demeanor, and an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

The other has a tough facial features, like a handsome tough guy, when talking to the handsome man in green shirt, he lowered his head slightly, with a respectful attitude.

Although they couldn't sense their specific aura, their strength should not be weak. As usual, such two people shouldn't cheat Sun Rui.

Although she hasn't recognized Sun Rui yet, she is already half a disciple in her heart, and she can't see him suffer. Li Xiao took out a talisman, and the talisman flew directly to Sun Rui's back and stuck to him. Insurance.

The author has something to say: Sparrow Spirit: Anyone who bullies Xiaoxiao, I will write it into the novel and carry out artistic processing!

Can the writing of articles be called defamation? That's art!


Cough cough cough, you guys are too bad, you actually want to see Quan Yisen in the Mediterranean Sea. And, Quan Yisen is really not the hero! Li Xiao didn't like it.