Transmigrated into the World of “Demon Lord Wu Zun”

Chapter 114: Hundred Swamp Gardens


When he landed, Gu Bai was held tightly by Qi Guan Rui's hands, and the two of them never separated at all.

Because the force values were all above the Emperor Wu level, they fought steadily, but the members of the Swallowing Society with low force values were a little staggering.

Chen Yuanhao looked around and expressed his opinion: "...the scenery is not beautiful at all."

The Tuntian congregation nodded in agreement.

It's not their fault, it's because the interior of Tianlong Treasure is really disappointing.

There is no beautiful scenery in front of me, it's pitch black, okay? There are wild grass fields everywhere! You can’t even see small animals, let alone beautiful mountains and rivers!

Bad review! It must be badly rated! Nothing like a treasure trove!

Gu Bai remained expressionless: "Quiet."

So everyone was quiet.

Qi Guan Rui also looked around and observed secretly.

This is a scene similar to barren mountains and wild lands (Gu Bai: There are always samples of graves appearing in front of you), and there are faint ghosts everywhere, which makes people feel chills in the dark. And this place looks even more vast, it seems that if you walk a little longer, you can see the swamp...

—Speaking of which, the land is obviously very dry. Why is there such a thing as a swamp

Everyone is very puzzled.

Gu Bai, who had no knowledge of geography, was shot in the knee and suffered a little pain.

Afterwards, there was a lot of miasma blowing towards the face, rising from some muddy ground, and the stench was thicker and thicker.

It seems that something like a cloud is gradually forming, and it is about to cover people's sight.

It stinks! Incomprehensible! This unscientific!

All kinds of roars rushed past, and everyone in the Tuntian Society had to immediately tear off their clothes to cover their mouths and noses, and supported them firmly.

Gu Bai paused silently, and then he knew where he was.

In Baimao Garden, the more you walk, the more you can see a lot of mud puddles, and there are strange and fierce beasts in each mud puddle—for warriors with not so high force value, it is considered a dangerous place.

The teleportation locations of several people who came in through that gate were random, and they happened to be teleported here.

... Well, it's the same as the place where the protagonist arrives at the first time in the original book.

Is it really the protagonist's destiny

But that's good too, if the plot doesn't change, it's easier to be a winner in life XD~

Qi Guan Rui pulled Gu Bai and discussed with him a little bit.

Without hesitation, Gu Bai directly told all the plots that will happen in this place.

For example, what will suddenly emerge from those quagmire;

For example, what will fall from the sky after finally passing through the quagmire;

For example, after saving the falling so-and-so, you will be stared at by so-and-so; or...

and many more.

Qi Guan Rui nodded: "I understand, brother, I will work hard." He then waved his hand, and a soft white sedan appeared on the ground, spotless and clean, "This place is dirty, don't worry about it brother .”

Chen Yuanhao hesitated for a moment, he clapped his hands, and called a few members of the Tuntian Society with big arms and round waists to come over. Then he pointed at the soft sedan chair with his finger: " understand?"

The men who were very strong at first glance took a look and nodded with a wooden face: "We understand."

Three seconds later, the soft sedan chair was lifted up by four men, and on the sedan chair, the city lord of Tiandu City in a brocade robe and silver gauze sat solemnly, noble and glamorous, aloof and unattainable.

Install [beep—] the fashion value is refreshed again.

Gu Bai silently praised himself and Qi Guan Rui.

Laozi is such a man!

Only labor and capital are worthy of such equipment!

No one other than labor and capital has such an exquisite shape!

What a pervert!

Seeing Gu Bai whose eyes were shining with joy, Qi Guan Rui was also in a good mood, so he raised his arms at that moment, revealing his empty sleeves.

The next moment, countless black thin threads rushed out, and they turned into countless black snakes, rushing into many quagmires in front of them like a gust of wind and rain.

Immediately afterwards, under the eyes of everyone in the Tuntianhui, those originally quiet quagmire suddenly bubbled up like boiling!

Everyone in the Sky Swallowing Society=population=

Is this boiling water? It's so puzzling!

But soon they were no longer puzzled, because under those bubbles, the quagmire was stained red with sweet blood, and following the blood came up some huge beast corpses that looked hideous and terrifying, or Stranger and more vicious-looking—

It is conceivable that if they pass by the quagmire ignorantly, they may be attacked by a terrifying ominous creature that suddenly popped out of it!

Of course, everyone is not inexperienced, and they will definitely be on guard.

But even if he is on guard, how can he not fight now!

Sure enough, the captain's fried chicken is amazing!

He is an idol worthy of respect!

As for those little black snakes...

After these years of getting along, everyone has long known that the captain likes to keep snake-like animals as pets, and is especially good at manipulating them. The trained snakes are more obedient than their sons, and they are also very poisonous. I don't know how to tame them. Those little snakes can not only report the news, but also follow the members to protect the members. They are so obedient, so many people want to raise a few... Do you think they are very vicious and vicious

Just kidding, of course the things raised by men can't be chirped by sissies! The more powerful the better!

Therefore, Qi Guan Rui is very frank when he uses snake Gu now.

It's just that snake Gu can manipulate people, and everyone still doesn't know - but apart from this, who said snake Gu has no other abilities

Manipulating people is just the most powerful kind, okay? Fighting with beasts is the job!

Soon all the floating corpses turned up in those quagmire, and everyone remained in a state of shock, and they were all a little dazed.

Gu Bai said indifferently: "Let's go."

Qi Guan Rui smiled slightly: "Naturally listen to brother."

Then, as if the play button was finally pressed again, everyone followed in a normal manner.

It’s just that when I passed by the quagmire xN, I still couldn’t help but take a second look—this cliff is very scary!

Everyone's footsteps were not slow, and it didn't take long to walk through more than one hundred quagmire.

This fierce place basically didn't touch the oily skin of these people, and it has become a "road behind", without any threat at all.

After passing by, many small snakes sprang out of the mud.

Someone was very curious: "Captain, those snakes..."

Qi Guan Rui replied softly: "I'm full, let them hide here for a while, when we go out, they will naturally return to my side."

Swallowing Heavenly Crowd: "... Yes, we understand!"

Qi Guan Rui looked at Gu Bai, and Gu Bai returned his calm gaze.

Don't you know that you are a pervert, you must have a conspiracy!

Although the original book didn’t use the snake Gu, but this guy also used the little monsters in the quagmire to cut off a lot of aliens after discovering the quagmire. Now that there are no aliens around without cutting off, but the snake Gu is left behind, who would believe that there is no purpose!

Qi Guan Rui was as tender as water: "Brother, don't worry."

Gu Bai's face was paralyzed: ... Well, I believe you.

Then forget about it.

Qi Guan Rui did have a purpose.

After them, there must be many people who will come to this place—maybe which chess pieces will lure some objects that the empire wants to eliminate

But when they came over, what they faced would not be the sneak attack of the fierce beast in the mud, but the snake Gu belonging to him, Qi Guan Rui.

—Nowadays, apart from the fact that people whose force value is higher than Qi Guan Rui's are difficult to be controlled by the snake Gu, those of the same level and those with a lower level, even if some people have defensive means in their bodies, they cannot resist the snake Gu carefully cultivated by Qi Guan Rui .

In this way... the damned ones will still die, and those that Qi Guan Rui doesn't want to be killed will become the parasitic targets of the Snake Gu.

At that time, the chess pieces are still chess pieces, and the masters of certain factions who survived by luck are still masters, but in fact, they already have to dedicate their loyalty and even their lives to Qi Guan Rui, becoming his string puppet.

One day, he, Qi Guan Rui, will control the entire continent.

Then, turn this continent into a place where his beloved can play freely.

In Qi Guan Rui's heart, there was something even darker.

In addition to admiration, in addition to respect... He also has the deepest desire that cannot be revealed.

— If the whole continent is his, then no matter where Zi Che Shubai goes, it is impossible to escape from his side.

Forever and ever, possessed by him.

Gu Bai, who had no idea that his protagonist had turned black again, was carried forward comfortably, feeling that this treasure hunting trip was like traveling.

Ever since he was entangled by a pervert and knew his identity, he hadn't experienced anxiety for a long time—thinking about when the guy he couldn't avoid had become the target of trouble, would all his previous thoughts still make sense


So I broke the jar and found that I was doing well.

So he returned to his nerd status.

If it weren't for the noble and glamorous shell supporting it, if it wasn't for practicing martial arts every day, it would be no different from the previous life~(≧▽≦)/~

Gu Bai looked at the front very comfortably, ready to take a short nap.

but! The plot still won't let him go!


A black shadow fell from the sky and was about to hit the ground hard.

There was a gust of fragrant wind in the process of falling, so there is no doubt that it is a girl!

Chen Yuanhao took three steps forward and happily caught the nephrite jade Wenxiang.

Those who will fall must not have a high force value, since it is not high, there must be no strange blood!

My son's spring is finally coming——

Gu Bai had fish eyes.

Nima! It fell down again!

Yes, that's right, in the original book, a girl fell, and she happened to be caught by Qi Guanrui, and then an adulterous relationship developed and the sex is a plot that the readers of the dead house love to hear.

But this is obviously wrong!

In the original book, the protagonist spent at least half an hour to kill those beasts and eradicate dissidents, and when he stepped forward, he happened to find someone falling.

But this time, it took less than five minutes to solve the problem, and the girl fell off on time. What kind of trouble is this time difference!

Do you have to smash it in front of the protagonist!

It seems that the malice towards the world is better than a middle finger!

Qi Guan Rui looked at Gu Bai: "It's her?"

Gu Bai expressionlessly... nodded again.

It's her!