Transmigrated into the World of “Demon Lord Wu Zun”

Chapter 14: teach him martial arts


Just like what Gu Shan told him, he is indeed just an ordinary junior military envoy in an ordinary family. Apart from practicing kung fu, he usually completes family tasks, and has never done anything out of the ordinary. His life experience was also found out. He was the child of a maidservant in that family back then, but it was not an illegitimate child, but the legitimate child of a maidservant and a warrior. It's just that the warrior died in a mission very quickly, leaving behind the maidservant who was still pregnant. The maidservant later died of dystocia and left the child to his cousin. That cousin originally liked Wu Zhe, but Wu Zhe took a fancy to his older sister, so even though she raised Gu Shan, she hated Gu Shan and abused Gu Shan.

All these can be matched, and the evidence of the parties also exists, so the possibility of fraud is close to zero.

If Gu Shan has the ability to get so many people to lie for him, then he can't be just a junior military envoy, and if he has that much energy, he doesn't need to come here to plot against Gu Bai and start from scratch. , what he can get will be more than what he got from Gu Bai.

It wasn't until this time that Gu Bai felt relieved.

From now on, he can follow his own wishes and treat Gu Shan a lot, and he doesn't have to worry about what he has.

... Thinking of this, he secretly smiled bitterly in his heart.

Back then, he was just an otaku who stayed at home every day, but after traveling to such a world where "cannibalism is justified", he didn't know whether to say that he who created this world did his own crimes or lamented that he was unlucky.

Things that I didn’t want to think before, I have to force myself to think about now; Things I didn’t want to do before, now I have to do them to survive.

Even in the face of a person whom he really doesn't want to guard against, he still has to investigate the person thoroughly before he can rest assured... Forget it, he will make up for that guy better in the future.

However, none of these Gu Bai showed on his face, all his subordinates could see was that he spent a little longer than before flipping through the materials.

But it was precisely because of this "a little longer" that the loyal dogs headed by the butler Qin Xubo secretly decided to pay more attention to the person named Gu Shan.

At this moment, there was a knock on the outer door.

Then, a soft voice came in: "Brother... Is the city lord there?"

Upon hearing this, Gu Bai said, "Come in."

When speaking, he naturally handed over the materials on the table to Qin Xubo.

Gu Shan walked in, just in time to see this scene, his eyes flickered.

Gu Bai was a little nervous.

He still remembered how happy Gu Shan was when he knew he hadn't lied to him, so he didn't want to lie to him now.

But Gu Shan didn't ask anything, as if he didn't see it, he said with a smile: "I've already picked it out, didn't you bother the city lord?"

Gu Bai breathed a sigh of relief: "...No."

Qin Xubo was also a little satisfied.

As the chief steward, he knew that Gu Shan called their city lord "brother", but Gu Shan was indeed quite sensible, knowing that he would use the public address in public places.

So Qin Xubo didn't bother the two people who hadn't finished their reunion after a long absence, and left with the documents.

Gu Bai pointed at each other: "Sit."

Gu Shan sat down logically, and pushed forward the various exercise cheats in his hand: "I picked these, brother, can you help me see if they fit?"

Of course Gu Bai had no objection, his original intention was to let Gu Shan find a match for his eyes first, and then he would choose for Gu Shan.

If you want to say what is the biggest gain for him after so many years in the capital city... Probably except for the increase in force value, he just read all the messy cheats in the library-this is all forced by the perverted protagonist with the knife hanging behind his back .

Gu Shan was very restrained, he didn't bring a big stack, but only picked five books.

Among the five books, there are three books on boxing strength and two books on footwork. The former improves lethality, while the latter is useful for escaping.

I have to say that this kid is quite sensible, and he is not dazzled by so many exercises.

Gu Bai glanced at the five cheat books and asked, "Xiao Shan, what is your martial energy?"

Just like himself, the Hunyuan Martial Body can absorb any kind of Martial Qi, but it's better to show it in a single way, so that it's easier to gather strength. If you want to get involved with everything... maybe the protagonist can do it, but he doesn't have shiny golden thighs, so don't challenge him.

Then the more common explicit attributes include metal, wood, water, fire, earth, thunder, light, darkness, wind, ice, and many other special attributes.

For example, the protagonist has the talent to devour, but because he can swallow any attribute, he can use any attribute to cover himself up.

There are also some special martial arts, which also have special powers, but the difference from the protagonist is that talents are talents, and their attributes are also fixed, just like there is a special martial arts called "Fengxing martial arts", the attributes are Feng, but at the same time has the innate ability to float in the air - that is, even if he has no force, he can fly, and with force, he can fly faster than anyone else.

The above settings will be familiar to readers who often read the text at the beginning.

Because this is the "mix-and-match style" that Shidian often has. The domestic ones have gold, wood, water, fire, and earth, while the western ones come with thunder, light, dark wind and ice. It seems a bit similar to cultivation, but it is also similar to magic. Modern supernatural.

However, writing in this way is convenient for arrangement and combination, and readers also like endless strange tricks.

So when Gu Bai wrote this "Demon Emperor Wu Zun", he naturally... also set it like this.

Hearing Gu Bai's question, Gu Shan smiled: "I am of the wind attribute."

Gu Bai was thoughtful: "The attribute of wind..."

This is good, if you can't beat it, you can run very fast!

In this case, Gu Bai quickly chose "Storm Fist" among the three boxing strengths. This is the most lethal, with a single move, and can accumulate a certain amount of power in a short period of time.

For the latter "Fenglongjin" and "Fengshengong", the former can be learned after learning "Storm Fist", and the latter is forgettable, which is relatively tasteless.

There are two more sets of footwork, "Tiger Walking and Dragon Walking" and "Leopard Shadow Step", the latter is still more dexterous than the former.

So without much hesitation, Gu Bai took out two books of exercises first, and said: "First learn "Storm Fist", and then practice "Wind Dragon Strength." Learn to combine them."

Gu Shan listened carefully to Gu Bai's words, then curled the corners of his lips, and said slowly: "...Okay, I'll listen to my brother."

After Gu Shan had collected several exercises, Gu Bai handed over the two unselected books to Qin Xubo and asked him to send them back to the library.

When he explained to Qin Xubo, he didn't realize that Gu Shan's gaze was following him closely.

The exercises are selected, and it is time to practice in the morning.

In order for Gu Shan to gain a foothold in the City Lord's Mansion as soon as possible, Gu Bai decided to teach him first, so he brought him to the martial arts training ground.

This is the martial arts field dedicated to the city lord, and there are all kinds of equipment in it, but except for the city lord, his confidants and the people they brought in, no one else can enter it.

Gu Shan looked like a boy who had never seen much in the world. When he followed Gu Bai all the way, there was only some surprise flashing in his eyes, and there was still a gentle smile on his face, which made those confidantes who followed Gu Bai Some are impressed.

Gu Bai didn't pay attention to these things. He has been in a high position for a long time, and he used force to suppress the Quartet, so compared to some people who can only become the city lord through intrigue, he is relatively simple. Of course, he couldn't pay attention to the details of some people around him.

The martial arts training ground is very large, it is cast from a very hard rock, and a strange medicinal liquid is cast on the surface, so that martial arts practitioners below the level of the Martial King can't damage it in the slightest. This is also a big deal, and in a radius of tens of thousands of miles, there is no other company that can do it except this Tianducheng.

Gu Bai said he was very pleased.

Considering the issue of confidentiality, after a few people came in, Gu Bai asked everyone to retreat except Gu Shan.

Gu Shan looked around, and he also had some calculations in his heart.

With a sway of Gu Bai's body, he came to Gu Shan's right side.

Gu Shan was taken aback: "Brother is so fast!"

Gu Bai's eyes were very bright.

Although I often see other people's adoring eyes, but there is still little Gu Shan who is more awesome!

He said, "Xiao Shan wants to learn?"

Gu Shan nodded seriously: "I want to learn."

Gu Bai was satisfied: "A little skill, I can teach you after you finish a stage."

Gu Shan laughed again, he was always so gentle and gentle: "Then please brother."

Gu Bai also nodded, and pointed forward with his hand: "Punch there."

Gu Shan looked over and saw a huge boulder about two meters high and one meter square. The surface of the boulder is so smooth that it can almost reflect the shadow of a person.

He quickly recognized it: "Is it Yanwu Stone?"

Gu Bai said: "Yes."

Gu Shan raised his eyebrows.

This martial arts stone is a very common thing, it can be used to measure the strength and attributes of martial arts practitioners. It can be said that wherever there are martial arts practitioners, there must be it.

But often it is great to have a square of one foot. I have never seen such a large martial arts stone.


Yanwu stone is also divided into grades, and the smoothness of different grades is different. A piece like this one that can reflect people's shadows is definitely the top grade among the top grades. It can be seen from this that Tiandu City is indeed very rich, and the city lord's use of various resources is absolutely extravagant.

But when Gu Bai looked over, Gu Shan immediately recovered his gentle smile: "Then I'll go."

Gu Shan looked at him silently, and took a step back.

Gu Shan raised his foot and walked over, thought about it secretly, took a stride, and punched him out.

His posture also... made Gu Bai feel very familiar.