Transmigrated into the World of “Demon Lord Wu Zun”

Chapter 50: Imprisonment


Qi Guan Rui got closer and closer, closer and closer.

Gu Bai felt that he might have seen an extremely huge python's head, and he didn't know where to bite first.

But no matter what the swelling is, I hope to bite into a place that doesn't hurt too much. The nose is relatively straight. How does it look swollen

--Ma eggs! Let go of the handsome face of labor and capital!

Do not! Labor and management must never watch themselves being eaten.

Gu Bai tightly closed his eyes.

Why don't you watch the proud face of the winner

At this time, a soft touch touched Gu Bai's forehead.

Gu Bai felt that something was wrong.

Then, the soft touch turned into a wet touch, sweeping back and forth between his brows, sweeping back and forth... to his eyelids.

Nima, this is tongue wow! What the hell is licking it to see if it tastes good!

Do you want to be so impatient!

That tongue licked the eyelids, the bridge of the nose, the bridge of the nose, and the face...

Licking, licking, licking all over the face.

Gu Bai hurried to himself like a fish on a chopping board, as if he was being appraised which is the most delicious.

This made him shrunk back involuntarily--Jibi is not a coward, labor and capital are already very strong if they are struggling hard.

But it's really unhygienic to smear your mouth full of saliva before eating! Gu Xiaoshan--ah no, did you, perverted boss, teach you like this!

Finally, that tongue licked Gu Bai's lips.

The itchy feeling is slightly painful...

Gu Bai flinched again.

Then, the person lying on top of him seemed a little angry.

The anger was so obvious that he could detect it without opening his eyes.

The next moment, Gu Bai's lower lip hurt.

Being bitten was really bitten! The meat was almost bitten off because the meat on the face is the most tender here!

Gu Bai unconsciously "hissed", the sense of reality of being eaten became stronger.

But then, the tongue slipped past the lower lip and directly entered his mouth.

Gu Bai opened his eyes suddenly, and bit his teeth reflexively --- then his jaw was pinched, making it impossible for him to close his teeth at all.

Before he could react, the tongue twitched in his mouth, just after licking his teeth, it wrapped around his own tongue again, wringing them together and sucking hard, the posture was very fierce.

But no matter how fierce it was, it clearly showed that it was a kiss.

What's more, it was a tongue kiss, a very lingering and domineering tongue kiss.

Gu Bai blinked.

His first reaction turned out to be - it's unscientific that a man-eating guy doesn't have bad breath!

Qi Guan Rui's eyes fixed on Gu Bai's face, the madness in his eyes became more and more clear.

Amidst that madness, there was a strong and persistent desire, so intense that it made one's heart shudder.

He fiercely gnawed on Gu Bai's lips and tongue, and involuntarily put his other hand on Gu Bai's waist, and began to knead it vigorously.

The kneading strength is strong and ambiguous, full of erotic meaning, it is urging, eager and undeniable.

Gu Bai: "..."

Wait buddy, you really went to the wrong set!

It's the straight straight stallion world Wake up!

From the rhythm of cannibalism suddenly changed to the rhythm of stirring the base, the change is too fast, I can't get used to it!

Of course Qi Guan Rui didn't "wake up", he kissed harder and wilder.

As if to release all the previously suppressed desires, let him eagerly bite Gu Bai's lips and explore his wet mouth.

He has simulated such scenes countless times in his mind, but none of them is as real as the present one—satisfying him, lusting after him, and driving him crazy.

Qi Guan Rui knew that Zi Che Shubai was not willing -- he didn't even have the same desire in his eyes.

This made Qi Guan Rui feel a bit painful, but it also made him have a deeper and more persistent possessive desire.

If you don't want to... just tie it until you want to.

Ziche Shubai belongs to him, and to him alone.

No one can covet.

Thinking of this, Qi Guan Rui slowly raised his head, and separated from Gu Bai's lips.

But because the kiss just now was too intense, a long thin silver thread was drawn between the lips of the two.

Gu Bai's heart skipped a beat.

Mrs. Mrs. is over the top!

Then Qi Guan Rui's movements became more presumptuous, he raised his hand very naturally, and already tore apart Gu Bai's inner garment.

It's like tearing a thin sheet of paper, effortlessly.

Note: The clothes of the city lord of Tiandu City are custom-made from the inside to the outside. Those below the Martial Lord level can't easily break them. The price is expensive, and they are necessary for home travel.

Gu Bai's face was paralyzed.

Sure enough, the pervert's strength has soared to a certain level.

He had a hunch that even if he hadn't been tied up, he couldn't beat this soul!

Qi Guan Rui tore it a couple more times, and Gu Bai's inner garment was turned into pieces, which were thrown under the bed like trash.

Gu Bai only felt a chill all over his body, and suddenly became naked without a trace.

As for Qi Guan Rui, he smiled softly, and also tore open his own clothes.

The two are facing each other, so don't be too calm.

But Qi Guan Rui's body did not leave Gu Bai's body at all.

His legs were pressed against Gu Bai's side, and the heat around him seemed to permeate the entire room because he was not covered by his clothes.

Especially the thing that every man has between his legs, at this time he firmly raised his head, facing Gu Bai straight.

Gu Bai felt a crisis of chastity.

Maybe all men have such an instinct, he almost immediately raised his leg and kicked it!

The place to kick, of course, is that evil thing.

But Qi Guan Rui just smiled lightly, but didn't dodge.

Gu Bai applauded for himself: Good kick! Clean and neat without leaving traces!

But it's a pity, after actually kicking someone, only to find that it wasn't that evil root that kicked, it was Qi Guan Rui's quickly raised palm.

Then, the feet were grabbed.

Qi Guan Rui smiled: "It seems that brother is angry."

As he spoke, he lifted Gu Bai's foot, put it to his lips and licked it ambiguously.

Gu Bai was embarrassed.

Labor and management didn't wash their feet, you pervert!

But Qi Guan Rui didn't seem to dislike it at all. With this posture, he licked those toes that were as delicate as carved white jade one by one, as if he was tasting some delicacy, carefully, not letting go of a bit. .

The feeling of the wet tongue licking back and forth on the toes made Gu Bai feel a kind of extreme itching from there, and then quickly spread to the spine, so that the whole body could not help but tremble.

Damn it! This has to be a struggle!

Gu Bai originally thought that he was going to be eaten, but he couldn't resist anyway, so he only asked for a cooperative attitude so that he could die faster and suffer less.

But he never thought that he was not going to be eaten, but to be "eaten"!

The reflex arc suddenly became shorter, Gu Bai decisively retracted his feet, and his arms began to struggle.

…but the consequences were rather unsatisfactory.

When Gu Bai was struggling, the chains on his limbs began to make crisp sounds, light and pleasant, as if they were playing music.

And this sound, combined with the sound of the bed sheet rubbing when he was struggling, became almost charming.

He stopped immediately.

Gu Bai silently raised his eyes.

Oops! That pervert's eyes are red!

--It's no wonder that Qi Guan Rui is easily teased.

The chains were black, and the sheets were also dark, and sleeping on the dark sheets seemed to be an extremely white-skinned and perfectly shaped naked body. The chains set off the wrists and ankles in black and white, and even made them a little fragile.

And this perfect naked body, he is still moving and moving... He is still being held and lifted by his feet...

This scenery... is really beautiful.

It's... mesmerizing.

Qi Guan Rui put Gu Bai's feet aside, and squeezed his whole body forward, pressing firmly on Gu Bai's body.

At this time, Gu Bai's legs were separated, his crotch just touched Qi Guanrui's raging desire, and they were also tightly pressed together.

That hot desire also burned into his heart at this moment.

Gu Bai blushed.

As a virgin in two lifetimes, he has never had such intimate contact with any man or woman.

Now my own things are next to another man's desire...

Qi Guan Rui started to move his legs slowly.

He used his fiery hard object to grind Gu Bai's erection fiercely, narrowing his eyes, showing some enjoyment.

The soft the same as my own but different.

But unexpectedly, it made him feel strangely... happy.

It seems that every time you move back and forth, a small electric current can be generated-this is a kind of stimulation that is almost hallucinatory, but it makes people want to stop, wishing to get more.

Gradually, Gu Bai's things also became a little stiff.

He panicked a little and started to move his body, trying to escape.

In Qi Guan Rui's eyes, Gu Bai just twisted his body to make his desire stronger.

But although this kind of twisting is very beautiful, it also makes Qi Guan Rui feel a little angry.

Do you hate me so much? It has come to this point, still resisting pointlessly...

--He still wants to escape

No, he cannot escape.

Qi Guan Rui's eyes suddenly turned into a pair of snake pupils.

He opened his mouth and sprayed out a cloud of black mist, which quickly entered Gu Bai's mouth and nose.

Gu Bai was depressed.

You are so poisonous again!

Immediately afterwards, he found that he didn't even have the strength to struggle. If he exerted a little force, he would become sore and weak, but if he didn't use his strength, he regained his strength.

What kind of high-end foreign style poison is this... It's too peaty and smart!

Qi Guan Rui's actions became more presumptuous.

His crotch moved faster, almost only rubbing it three or five times again, which made Gu Bai completely hard.

Intense heat rises between the two...

Gu Bai's body finally produced desire - he is sexually indifferent, but he is indeed not masculine.

Qi Guan Rui seemed very satisfied, he covered Gu Bai's body completely, while rubbing against him with his own hard objects, while hugging Gu Bai's waist tightly, he walked around his body vigorously. His lips and tongue kept gnawing on Gu Bai's body, leaving countless mottled marks.

It's like patrolling your own territory.

Gradually, Gu Bai's mind also seemed to burst into flames, and it burned all over Qi Guan Rui's body from every place he touched.

It made him feel as if he was being burned in the flames, and he was drowsy, only to hear someone whispering in his ear: "Brother..."

Brother Peat, you unfilial brother!

Gu Bai felt that he was being tossed and tossed, chewed and sucked non-stop, the tingling feeling spread all over his body, making his scalp feel numb.

His body was getting hotter and hotter, the desire in his lower abdomen was being rubbed harder, and the pleasure in his body was accumulating, and finally at a certain limit point, it exploded suddenly!

It seems... slightly comfortable.

Gu Bai thought in a daze, and was flipped over casually.

Ah, just flip it over, anyway, it has been flipped several times...

But the next moment, a hard object was pushed against his back.

A hard object... wait!

Gu Bai was startled awake in an instant, and suddenly understood the current situation.

But it was too late, only a cracking sound was heard, and he was completely penetrated by a hot thing!

Gu Bai wanted to cry but had no tears, a melody suddenly echoed in his dull mind: "The chrysanthemum is broken, the ground is hurt..."

Wood! Have! Run! slip!

Kiss you are not lubricated ah hello!