Transmigrated to become a Koi Husband

Chapter 45


"… You say it's inappropriate to deal with the Imperial Hospital now? Then let me ask you, how can you guarantee that there is no one in the Imperial Hospital harboring evil intentions?!"

"If you want to completely destroy Shen Huan Powder, no one in this world can know the formula anymore. All the doctors who have come into contact with the formula must die, not a single one is allowed to survive!"

“… Be obedient, finish this last thing, and the world will be yours.”

Qin Zhao suddenly opened his eyes.

The room was silent, the sky was dim and foggy. Qin Zhao felt a sharp pain in his head, and sat up. It took him a while to realize that he was breathing rapidly.

"Why are you awake..." The boy's soft voice came from my ear, with a hoarse sound of sleepiness.

Jing Li was too sleepy to open his eyes. He closed his eyes and groped for Qin Zhao's hand. He placed his slightly cool palm on the back of the other's hand: "Are you having a nightmare again?"

"Yes, a nightmare." Qin Zhao wiped the sweat from his forehead and asked in a low voice, "Did I wake you up?"

“Hmm…” Jing Li responded softly.

When in the county town, Jing Li always shared a bed with Qin Zhao. After coming back, he was unwilling to sleep by the pool and very unceremoniously occupied half of the bed.

Qin Zhao turned around and saw the young man with half of his face buried in the pillow, frowning a little grumpy.

The irritability and depression in his heart suddenly disappeared. Qin Zhao breathed a sigh of relief silently, leaned over and hugged the boy beside him into his arms.

The boy rubbed against his arms: "Don't be afraid, dreams are all fake."

"Yeah, they're all fake." Qin Zhao said softly, "Sleep a little longer, it's still early."

"… "

Jing Li didn't answer and seemed to have fallen asleep again.

"Be careful, cut them together with the roots and stems, and don't damage the leaves!" Mr. Xue sat in the yard, directing two young men to pick herbs.

Qin Zhao brought out a cup of tea and placed it on the small table next to Xue Ren.

Xue Ren said: "It's really wonderful. This Astragalus is hard to find. Even in all my years of practicing medicine, I have only seen one or two plants in the deep mountains near Jiangling Prefecture. I have never seen one growing so lushly."

The Astragalus membranaceus has now fully grown, with large silver-gray leaves growing in the corners of the wall, adding brighter colors to the yard.

Qin Zhao heard the hidden meaning in his words and said, "If you want, you can pick more."

Xue Renxi smiled happily: "Mr. Qin is still magnanimous."

After the Astragalus is picked, it needs to be dried for a few days, then ground into powder before it can be used as medicine. Qin Zhao borrowed a larger winnowing basket from his neighbor and helped them spread the herbs on it.

Just after drying the picked herbs, someone came to see Qin Zhao.

"Qin Zhao, the vegetable collectors from town are here. Uncle Chen said you wanted to sell the vegetables from your field, and they are waiting at the entrance of the village. Do you want to go take a look?"

"Thank you, but I..." Qin Zhao looked at Xue Ren.

Mr. Xue waved his hand and said, "You can go to your family if you have something to do. I plan to go up the mountain this afternoon. I heard yesterday that there are several uncommon herbs on this mountain, so I'll take my grandson to try his luck."

Qin Zhao nodded: "Okay."

Qin Zhao took Jing Li out.

Before leaving, Jing Li made an appointment with Ayi, asking Ayi not to come back too late, and that he would take him to the creek to play when he came back.

Qin Zhao felt very jealous after hearing this.

After leaving the yard, Qin Zhao asked, "Why do you go to the stream with him every day?"

"Ayi doesn't like crowded places. He doesn't have a good life in the city. It's rare for him to come here to relax, so I-"

Jing Li's voice stopped abruptly.

Because Qin Zhao gently pinched his waist.

Mr. Xue came to the village these days and changed some new medicines for Qin Zhao, which made his health recover better and better. Now he can walk around the village without any problem, and he doesn't need Jing Li's support.

But Jing Li still had the habit of supporting him, to prevent the sickly boy from falling and getting hurt again if he wasn't careful.

—It actually makes it easier for someone to take advantage.

Qin Zhao slowly pressed the small piece of soft flesh under his palm and asked calmly, "What do you want?"

"I, I just..." Jing Li felt a little itchy from being pinched by him, and dodged to the side, "Ayi is Shuang'er, how can you be jealous of Shuang'er!"

Qin Zhao said calmly: "But you are not."

Jing Li was speechless: "..."

That's true. He's been pretending for too long in the village and he almost takes it seriously.

But he is indeed not Shuang'er, he doesn't even have Shuang'er's cinnabar mole.

Jing Li said: "But I don't like him..."

Qin Zhao asked casually: "Do you like me?"

Jing Li: “…”

He finally understood that Qin Zhao was not jealous at all, he just wanted to find an opportunity to take advantage of him.

How could this person be so childish

Jing Li's face felt a little hot. He tilted his head slightly, stood on tiptoe and kissed Qin Zhao on the side of his face: "Is this okay? Don't be angry..."

Qin Zhao pursed his lips and couldn't help but curl them: "Just barely."

"Cough." A light cough was heard behind him, and Jing Li quickly pushed Qin Zhao away.

The two turned around and saw Chen Yanan standing behind them, his cheeks flushed and his eyes a little uncomfortable: "Well, I was just passing by, passing by..."

Jing Li felt even more uncomfortable than him, and his ears, hidden by his long hair, were already completely red.

Qin Zhao asked: "Did you pass by my house?"

Qin Zhao's small courtyard is at the westernmost end of the village, and his is the only family nearby.

"I, I made an appointment with Grandpa Xue to accompany him up the mountain today!" Chen Yan'an was inexplicably nervous and shouted, "I will accompany him up the mountain to collect herbs!"

Accompany Grandpa Xue up the mountain

Jing Li vaguely realized something and narrowed his eyes suspiciously.

Chen Yan'an didn't dare say much to them. He just said vaguely, "Grandpa Xue is still waiting," and hurried away.

Looking at the fat boy's back, Jing Li said angrily, "I always feel that his intentions are not pure."

"Well, that's obvious." Qin Zhao added, "He also wore new clothes today."

Jing Li: “…”

The two of them had to rush to the village entrance and could not delay any longer, so they could only put the matter aside for the time being.

At the entrance of the village, several ox carts carrying goods were parked on the side of the road. A dark-skinned vegetable vendor was squatting beside the carts waiting. Seeing Qin Zhao coming over, he patted his clothes and stood up: "Is it your family that wants to sell vegetables?"

Qin Zhao: “Exactly.”

The vegetable vendor looked him up and down.

The tall man in front of him looked like a weak scholar, and his complexion was not very good, just like a sickly person. The boy next to him was handsome, but also skinny and small, not like someone who could work.

No wonder they were willing to sell vegetables to him.

Normally, the town would choose more remote mountain villages to harvest vegetables.

Vegetables have a short shelf life and high transportation costs. If they are far away from towns, villagers cannot transport vegetables to the town every day and can only cooperate with them.

Restaurants usually decide what vegetables they want months in advance, and then simply hire people to pick up the goods during the harvest season. This is a win-win situation for both parties, and the supply is stable, ensuring that there is a daily supply of fresh vegetables.

Since Linxi Village is not far from the town, if the villagers have leftover vegetables, it is not difficult to transport them directly to the town, so few are willing to sell them in bulk.

Only those families whose men are unable to work and whose vegetables will rot in the fields if not processed would want to do business with them.

This time of year happens to be the time when vegetables are ripe in every household, so vegetable vendors search for them in various villages and take the opportunity to buy them at low prices.

If you meet someone who doesn't know the business, he can lower the price very much.

The vegetable vendor has been in this business for many years and naturally knows that those scholars who can only read and write are always the least knowledgeable.

The vegetable vendor thought for a moment and said, "We buy at a fixed price. Five catties of cabbage is two cents, and five catties of eggplant is four cents. We buy one carload at a time. We take care of the picking and transportation, and we pay you in cash. What do you think?"

Qin Zhao frowned slightly.

He knew that such acquisitions usually came at a low price, but…

Five pounds of cabbage could be sold for five cents in the town. The price given by the vegetable vendor was more than 50% lower than the price in the town.

"Why don't you go and grab some?" Jing Li said unhappily, "This is too cheap. The food in my house is all very good."

The vegetable vendor smiled kindly: "Business is not good these days. Vegetable prices in the nearby villages are not as high as last year. If you don't believe me, go ask around."

"this… "

Jing Li couldn't make up his mind.

He didn't know much about the market price, he just thought it was too cheap.

At this price, even if they sold all the vegetables from their two acres of land, it would not be enough to pay for Qin Zhao's medicine.

But if they are not sold, the vegetables will rot in the fields in half a month. Even if some vegetables can be preserved for a longer time after being picked, they can only last for two or three months at most.

You definitely can’t finish eating it.

What can I do

The vegetable vendor saw through their mentality and was not only confident, but also openly persuaded them: "There are very few people in town who come here to buy vegetables. If you don't sell to me, you may not find anyone else to sell them to. Didn't you just say that your vegetables are so good, it would be a pity to let them rot in the fields?"

“Then… then we…” Jing Li grabbed Qin Zhao’s sleeve.

"We're not selling it anymore." Qin Zhao said calmly.

Jing Li: “Ah?”

Qin Zhao squeezed his hand and repeated to the vegetable vendor: "We don't sell anymore, please go back."

After saying that, he really pulled Jing Li away.

"Wait, wait!" The vegetable vendor didn't expect him to be so decisive, and hurriedly said, "Otherwise I'll give you another penny per cart, no, two pennies, don't be in a hurry to leave, we can discuss it."

The price he offered was much lower than the purchase price, so even if it increased a little, he would still make a profit.

But if you let him go, you won't make any money at all.

Qin Zhao stopped.

But before he could say anything else, a voice suddenly sounded from behind them: "Add another 30% to the price, otherwise I won't sell it to you."

Jing Li turned his head and saw that it was Ayi.

The vegetable vendor also looked over, and when he saw the boy clearly, he immediately became annoyed: "What do you know about Shuang'er? If you increase the price by 30%, will I still make any profit? Go away."

Ah Yi shrank back a little insecurely after hearing what he said, but still insisted, "But, but it should be like this. Wouldn't it be too low if it were lower than this? Even other villages wouldn't lower the price so much, right?"

Adding another 30% to the price would indeed be almost the same as the purchase price given by the employer. However, in that case, the vegetable vendor would hardly make any profit from this trip.

The vegetable vendor was secretly surprised that the boy's estimate was so accurate, but he also secretly felt unlucky that he had run into someone who knew the business.

The vegetable vendor said, "At most, I'll add three cents per cart. No more than that."

Ayi: “You—”

Qin Zhao took a step forward, stood in front of him, and said calmly: "Please go back."

The vegetable vendor was still a little unwilling, but he couldn't keep it to himself, so he waved his hands and said, "Forget it, it's bad luck."

After saying that, he turned around, got on the ox cart, and drove away in shame.

Jing Li asked: "Ayi, why are you here?"

Ayi replied: "The young master of the Chen family is going to accompany Grandpa Xue up the mountain. I heard that you were going to sell vegetables, so I wanted to come over and help."

Jing Li: “…”

It seems someone has made a wasted trip.

Ah Yi didn't think there was anything wrong with it, and continued, "I've done business in the county, and these vendors like to lower the price they buy from so they can make a profit."

Jing Li: “So that’s how it is.”

Ayi felt a little guilty: "I'm sorry, I just wanted to bargain, but he just left. Your vegetables..."

This is indeed a problem.

If purchasing doesn't work, they'll have to find other ways to sell the vegetables.

"The extra vegetables can be exchanged with the villagers, or processed and preserved." Qin Zhao touched Jing Li's hair, "You worked hard to grow those vegetables, I don't want them to be sold at such a low price."

It was not easy for Jing Li when he first learned to farm. He went out early and came back late every day, and his hands were almost worn out.

Qin Zhao looked distressed.

"Or, do you want to send the vegetables to the city to sell? I know how to sell things, so I can help you."

Ah Yi indirectly drove away the vendor, feeling a little guilty, so he said, "Besides, doesn't the young master of the Chen family have a bullock cart at home? One cart can carry 50 kilograms, and it can be sold out in half a day."

Jing Li's eyes lit up: "This is a good idea."

The three of them went home and discussed some details about selling vegetables, and the matter was settled.

Qin Zhao originally wanted to go with them, but Jing Li was worried that he would not be able to handle it. Moreover, the medicine preparation would start tomorrow, so he had to stay and help Mr. Xue process some medicinal materials. Therefore, the task of selling vegetables was left to Jing Li and Ayi.

The next day, the two got up early, borrowed Chen's ox cart, went to the fields, loaded a full cart of vegetables and transported it to the town.

Ayi is indeed very talented in business. He has a clear and complete plan on how to set prices, how to sell, how much to buy to get discounts, and which dishes can be sold together.

They had been in town for less than an hour and the truckload of vegetables was almost sold out.

Jing Li was so busy this morning that he didn't even have time to breathe. After seeing off the last guest, he breathed a sigh of relief and said to Ayi, "You are really amazing."

Ayi smiled shyly: "No, I learned it by watching more."

He was picking up the remaining vegetables on the ox cart. Most of these were accidentally damaged during picking and transportation. Although they are difficult to sell, they do not affect the taste and can be taken home to cook.

Jing Li helped him clean up and asked, "Have you learned these since you were a child?"

"Yes." Ayi said, "My father and my father used to be herbal medicine merchants, so I learned a little from them. Later they opened a medicine shop, and I learned how to run the shop, but..."

He seemed to have thought of something and lowered his head in frustration.

Jing Li hurriedly said: "Sorry, I shouldn't have asked."

"It doesn't matter. Few people are willing to listen to me." Ayi said, "I would rather be a doctor than selling herbs, but... the clinic won't accept an apprentice like me."

He smiled again and said, "Luckily I met Grandpa Xue now. I have learned a lot of medical skills from him!"

Although Xiao Shuang'er is a little shy, she is always sunny and optimistic, and her smile is very contagious.

Jing Li said sincerely: "I hope your wish will come true."

It will come true.

Ayi is such a kind person, he will definitely get what he wants.

Jing Li thought to himself.

They bought more than 100 coins for the truckload of vegetables today. Jing Li wanted to give 20 coins to A Yi, but the latter refused to take any. Jing Li had no choice but to let A Yi wait there for a while while he went to the pastry shop to buy some cakes.

Ayi was packing things alone beside the ox cart when suddenly several figures walked to the stall and blocked the light.

"We have already bought everything for today. If you want—" Ayi looked up while speaking, and when he saw the person standing in front of him, he paused, "You... do you want to buy some food?"

The two men in front of him were tall and only wore open-necked coarse cloth jackets, revealing their muscular chests.

"I heard that someone came to steal our business at this street corner. I didn't expect it to be a Shuang'er." The taller man sneered, "Little guy, do you know the rule of first come first served? You're selling things at this street corner and you've taken away all the business behind us."

Ayi took a half step back timidly and whispered, "We asked when we came here, and we were told that we could set up a stall here..."

"Why do we say rules are rules and regulations are regulations?" the short man said, "It doesn't matter if you don't understand the rules. Aren't we here to teach you?"

This half of the street is specially designated for retail vendors in the village to sell goods. In theory, as long as they do not leave the designated area, they can set up stalls anywhere. However, most of the vendors here come every day, and it is customary that each has its own area and does not interfere with each other.

Newcomers usually have to sit in the back row to avoid stealing everyone else’s business.

Jingli and his friends were here for the first time, so they didn't understand the rules.

The two men got closer and closer, and Ayi took a few steps back: "What do you want?"

"Of course we want you to compensate us for our losses." The short man looked Ah Yi up and down, smiling in a way that made people feel uncomfortable. "We don't want to embarrass Shuang'er either, so how about this, you treat us to a meal as an apology, and let's just let it go. What do you think?"

"this… "

"What are you still thinking about? Are you afraid that your man will find out?" The tall man also smiled and stepped forward to hold Ayi's hand. "Your man is willing to let you show up in public, why do you still care about what he does? Why not find someone who loves you, huh?"

"What are you doing?"

Jing Li saw Ayi being bullied from afar, ran over in three or two steps, and pulled Ayi behind him: "Who are you? Just tell me if you have anything to say."

"You?" The two men looked at Jing Li carefully, and when they didn't see Shuang'er's unique cinnabar mole, they said, "Who are you? Stay out of other people's business."

Jing Li said: "He followed me to the town, this is not a trivial matter."

"He came with you?" The short man narrowed his eyes, a little unhappy, "Why, you are his man?"

"I..." Jing Li was speechless for a moment.

When he was in the village, he had not yet clearly felt Shuang'er's inferior status, or perhaps it was because of Qin Zhao's protection of him that he did not feel that he had been discriminated against in any way.

But when I left Linxi Village, I realized that there was unfairness everywhere in the outside world.

Ah Yi was blocked behind Jing Li. He pursed his lips nervously and gently pulled Jing Li: "Jing Li..."

"Don't be afraid." Jing Li patted his hands and said loudly to the two men, "Yes, I am his man. If you have any problems, just come to me."

Ayi: “…”

The two men looked at each other, obviously unhappy with the answer.

One of them said, "Okay, since we are all men, it's easy to talk. You two have occupied this territory, and the brothers behind us have lost all their business this morning. You have to compensate for this loss."

Jing Li was about to speak, but someone behind him interrupted him: "Why should he compensate you for your losses?"

The voice was clear and deep, and the tone was calm, but it gave people an invisible sense of oppression.

Jing Li was stunned.

He turned around and saw Qin Zhao striding towards him. Ayi was still grabbing his sleeve, with a look of "I want to remind you" written all over his face.

Jing Li: “…”

Qin Zhao didn't even look at him, and said calmly to the two men: "The rules of the street are clearly written. There are no stalls in this half of the street. Villagers can occupy the stalls on a first-come, first-served basis. You use rules to replace rules. If someone is willing to abide by them, that's your business, but you can't ask everyone to do so. Otherwise, what's the point of the existence of rules?"

The two men could not read a single word and were stunned by what he said.

Qin Zhao spoke slowly and clearly, "If the two insist on asking for compensation, you might as well go to the village head and make it clear. If the village head agrees with your rules, compensation is fine."

These so-called rules were just created by a few retail investors who banded together to dominate the market. How could they dare to bring the matter to the head of the village

The two men were bullies who only bullied the weak and feared the strong. Their faces turned pale and blue after hearing what Qin Zhao said. They did not dare to argue with him and turned away.

After walking a few steps, one of them suddenly stepped on a piece of fruit peel and slipped. The man behind him couldn't dodge and fell down. Before they could get up from the ground, a wild dog rushed out of the alley and bit the leg of the tall man who almost made a move on Ayi.

"Don't bite, it's going to break!"

"Let go, you beast, let go!!!"

There was a commotion at the street corner in the distance, and people were busy and confused.

Ayi blinked blankly: "How, how could there be a dog..."

"God doesn't like them, they deserve it." Jing Li muttered softly, then leaned close to Ayi's ear and whispered, "When did he come? Did he..."

"Whatever you want to ask, why not ask me directly?" Qin Zhao turned around and looked at him helplessly.

"..." Jing Li managed to maintain his composure, walked up to Qin Zhao and held his hand, raised his head and smiled at him, "Qin Zhao, aren't you resting at home? Why are you here?"

"I was worried about you." Qin Zhao said, "Chen Yan'an is going to private school today, so he sent me here."

Jing Li: " long have you been here?"

"Not long." Qin Zhao said calmly, "I just happened to hear you say you are his man."

Jing Li: “…”