Transmigrated to become a Koi Husband

Chapter 50


Jing Li had long known that Qin Zhao had a bad temper in some aspects, but he had never expected that this badness would be brought to the extreme in bed.

He kissed Jing Li tenderly, from his slightly trembling eyelids all the way down, kissing his helplessly opening and closing lips, blocking all Jing Li's words.

When he let go, Jing Li was speechless.

Jing Li had never vented like this before he traveled through time. Qin Zhao controlled everything of him with just one hand, but he refused to let him go. He patiently asked him in his ear whether he liked this kind of offense and which kind of strength made him feel more comfortable.

Jing Li was almost turned back into his original form on the spot.

But Qin Zhao said, "Bear with it."

The boy's eyes were full of tears. He looked up to reveal his fragile neck, with some bright red scales faintly visible. Qin Zhao didn't even untie his belt, but just put his hand inside, which made Jing Li shiver.

"This is a punishment." Qin Zhao said.

But apart from the fact that he liked to play tricks on people, he was quite straightforward when it was necessary. After a while, Jing Li blushed and threw all the dirty clothes and sheets into the basin, and took them to the yard to wash.

Qin Zhao leaned on the couch where Jing Li had changed the sheets, listening to the faint sound of water in the yard, and felt that something was not right.

In an ordinary family, is it the husband who takes care of these

But what can he do? His husband won't even let him get out of bed.

Qin Zhao felt a little helpless and planned to have a good talk with Jing Li after he came back.

For example, he is just a little weak now, so it is no problem for him to do some housework, it is not that he cannot even get out of bed. Another example is that he just cannot be too tired and is not suitable for doing that kind of thing frequently, but it is not that he cannot do it at all. What's more, there is obviously a way to make him less tired, and he doesn't mind giving it a try.

But all these plans were completely forgotten when the young husband came back from washing the clothes, climbed onto the bed with a red face and snuggled into his arms.

My little husband is so well behaved, so I’ll just not bother him anymore.

There is ample time.

However, the days that followed were not as easy as Qin Zhao had imagined.

At first, Jing Li was a little worried and didn't dare to have too much contact with Qin Zhao. But after half a month, Qin Zhao's complexion became better and better, and he could even go to the fields with him to pick vegetables and accompany him to deliver vegetables to Fang's house.

Although he knew it was the effect of the pill, Jing Li was completely relieved after confirming that he would not affect Qin Zhao's body.

Jing Li was not yet 20 years old before he traveled through time, which was the time when he was most energetic. Now that he has tasted the sweetness, he loves to stick with Qin Zhao even more than before.

He was too embarrassed to say it, but he did not stop taking action.

Not to mention at night, even during the day he always wanted to stick with her. When Qin Zhao was studying, he served tea and water, and when he was cooking, he helped him. Even before going to town to deliver vegetables or water the fields, he would ask Qin Zhao for a kiss.

It was fine at the beginning, but after a long time, Qin Zhao couldn't bear it anymore.

Who made that little fish only care about its own pleasure? It kissed and ran away without giving Qin Zhao any chance to get it back.

Jing Li didn't mean it.

Occasionally when he was with Qin Zhao, he could feel Qin Zhao's body pressing against him. Of course, he wanted to reciprocate, but he still remembered Mr. Xue's instructions that Qin Zhao was still weak and could not lose his essence.

I can only bear with him for a while longer.

"I'm going to the fields." Jing Li leaned close to Qin Zhao's lips and asked for a sweet kiss, and whispered.

Qin Zhao hugged his waist tightly, pressed his soft lips and asked, "You really don't want me to follow you?"

Jing Li was sitting on Qin Zhao's lap, and he clearly felt something was changing on his thigh. He looked away and said, "No, I'll just go and harvest the corn. You can't help me, so just rest at home."

Because of the Fang family's purchase, most of the vegetables in the vegetable garden have been sold. The corn in the field has also matured these days. After Jing Li sold the vegetables, he started to pick corn.

Qin Zhao frowned: "Has the corn not been harvested yet?"

"Almost...almost." Jing Li looked a little guilty.

Qin Zhao felt vaguely that something was strange.

That bit of corn was planted by Li Dali. It’s less than half an acre of land. Does it take five days to harvest it

Qin Zhao said: "Let me help you."

"No need!" Jing Li firmly objected. "You just got better, and Mr. Xue asked you to rest more. How can you go out to work? You don't have to worry about me. It can be done today, really."

Qin Zhao lowered his eyes: "Okay..."

He took Jing Li's hand and felt a small uneven spot on the base of his thumb, which was caused by the injury Jing Li had incurred while working in the fields.

The scabbed wound felt a little itchy when touched. Jing Li shrank back but didn't pull his hand away.

Qin Zhao said: "Thank you for your hard work."

"It's not hard." Jing Li hooked his arm around Qin Zhao's neck and rubbed his shoulder. "Get better soon so you can come and help me."

All the vegetables in the field that should be sold have been sold, and the others that have a long storage time have also been picked by Jing Li. Now most of the fields are empty. Qin Zhao went to buy some vegetables suitable for planting at this time of year, but this time the number of vegetable seeds was reduced by half.

Firstly, his health has not recovered yet, and most of the farm work is done by Jing Li. Qin Zhao is reluctant to let Jing Li do too much work.

Second, Linxi Village will start planting wheat in autumn. If they plant vegetables now, they will miss the best planting date when the vegetables grow up.

The two argued several times about whether to grow wheat.

Wheat is not like vegetables. It needs to be taken care of diligently and takes a lot of effort. When Qin Zhao rented the land, he had no plans to take the imperial examination, so he naturally had a lot of free time.

But now there are some troubles.

There are three examinations for Tongsheng: the county examination in February, the prefectural examination in April, and the academy examination in August.

The county exam in February was held in the county seat, so the trip would not take up much time, so it was not a problem. However, April and May were always the wheat harvest season, so Qin Zhao should have gone to the prefectural capital by then.

"You still have me." Jing Li didn't think there was anything wrong with this. "I'm very skilled at farm work now. I'll accompany you to the capital city for the exam next April. We'll still have time to harvest when we come back."

In this matter, Qin Zhao had no choice but to agree as he was defeated by Jing Li.

"Okay, I really should go out." Jing Li said, "If I don't go now, I won't be able to finish it before dark."

He said so, but he didn't move at all.

Qin Zhao looked at him for a moment, then understood what he meant and pressed him into his arms and kissed him.

After the kiss, Jing Li was satisfied and nimbly broke free from the other's arms: "You just took the medicine, go to sleep for a while, I will be back when you wake up."

After saying that, he turned and walked towards the yard.

Qin Zhao: “…”

This guy is becoming more and more skilled at flirting and then running away.

Jing Li closed the gate, but did not go to the fields. Instead, he walked in the opposite direction.

Qin Zhao didn't sleep for long during his nap. Recently, he gradually got used to the properties of the medicine and he was not always sleepy after taking it.

Jing Li hadn't come back yet, so Qin Zhao went to the yard to wash his face and returned to his bedroom.

There are several books on the desk.

After Qin Zhao got better, he contacted the bookstore in town and started copying books again. It was no longer suitable to go up the mountain to collect herbs at this time of year, and this was the only source of income for Qin Zhao. He couldn't really rely on his family's small fish to support his family.

Qin Zhao spread out the paper and started copying.

Most of the books sent by the bookstore were for next year's imperial examinations. Qin Zhao was copying them and reciting them in his mind at the same time.

The amazing thing is, he had never actually heard of some of these books, but after reading them through once, he could recite them fluently in his mind, as if he had known them by heart.

Had he...ever actually read these books

Perhaps the effect of Shen Huan Powder was gradually dissipating, and he had been dreaming more and more frequently recently, but also more and more confused. Those scattered memories could not be connected into a line, but they gave Qin Zhao some ominous premonitions.

It was as if... once he really regained those memories, it might cause some trouble.

Qin Zhao put down his pen and pressed his eyebrows.

These could not stop Qin Zhao from continuing his exploration.

He wanted to know what those fragmented past events meant, who he was, and more importantly, who had made him like this.

Suddenly, someone knocked on the gate.

"... Qin Zhao, ahem, are you there?"

In summer and autumn, many people in the village get sick. Ever since they knew Qin Zhao had some medical skills, the villagers always went to him for medical treatment and prescriptions, which was more convenient than going to Huaixia Village.

Qin Zhao got up and opened the door, and sure enough, it turned out to be a villager from Linxi Village.

As soon as Qin Zhao saw his complexion, he knew his purpose and led him in.

"It's a cold." Inside the house, Qin Zhao released the villager's wrist and said gently, "I'll prescribe two decoctions for you. Take them at home, twice a day. Your family members should also drink them."

The villager said in a hoarse voice: "Is this disease contagious?"

"Yes, it's easy to catch a cold in summer and autumn every year, so we need to take precautions in advance," Qin Zhao explained.

"Then I have to be careful. My son is only two years old. I don't want him to get infected."

Qin Zhao thought for a moment and said, "Then I'll prescribe you another medicine that's suitable for young children."

"Thank you, thank you." The villagers thanked him repeatedly and stuffed some medical fees into his pocket.

Qin Zhao used to treat villagers without charging any fees, but recently many people have fallen ill and many have come to him for treatment. As time went by, the villagers started to feel bad about it and would give him some money every time they came.

Qin Zhao did not refuse. He took the medical fee and sent the patient out of the yard.

The villager said, "Oh, I think I got it when I went to Uncle Lin's place two days ago. I noticed your husband is here these days too, so remember to have him take his medicine and don't get sick before I give it to you."

Qin Zhao frowned: "He went to Uncle Lin's house?"

"Don't you know?" the villager asked, "Ahem, Uncle Lin and his whole family have caught a cold, and they can't even work in the fields recently. Your husband went to help him with the work for several days. Didn't you ask him to go?"

Qin Zhao fell silent.

He knew that Second Uncle Lin was ill, and he was the one who prescribed the medicine for him. As for Jing Li...

How did that little guy who was working in the fields end up at someone else's house

Qin Zhao didn't explain much, and smiled and said, "It's me, I almost forgot."

The villagers had no doubts, thanked him and left.

Qin Zhao thought for a moment and followed him out the door.

He went straight to Uncle Lin's house.

The door of Uncle Lin's house was closed, and coughing could be heard faintly from inside. Qin Zhao knocked on the door, and a hoarse voice came from inside the house: "Who is it? I've been sick recently and I won't see any guests."

Qin Zhao said: "It's me, Qin Zhao."

Uncle Lin opened the door but did not walk in. Instead, he asked from a distance: "Qin Zhao, what do you want from me? Ahem..."

Qin Zhao thought for a moment and said calmly, "I want to ask if my husband is here?"

Uncle Lin said, "Your husband is probably in the fields right now. Thanks to you for asking him to help us these few days. Otherwise, I don't know who would take care of the vegetables in my fields."

"Oh, wait a minute." Uncle Lin went back to the house and counted a few copper coins, then handed them to him across the fence. "This is your husband's salary for the past few days. I have agreed with him that he will pay me ten cents a day for watering and weeding."

Qin Zhao took a quick glance and saw that Uncle Lin had at least forty or fifty coins in his hand.

It’s just the amount for these four or five days.

Helping the village with farm work is not a bad thing. Even if Jing Li and Qin Zhao said it directly, he would not object.

Why hide it from him

Qin Zhao didn't answer, but said, "Uncle Lin, you should give it to him directly. He will be in charge of all my family's money."

Uncle Lin smiled knowingly: "I understand, my family is like this too."

Uncle Lin put away the copper coins and said, "By the way, he asked me two days ago if there was any work in the village. Is it because you don't have enough money to buy medicine? If you really can't make ends meet, I can lend you some. Don't let your husband work everywhere all the time. Shuang'er is weak, how can she be tossed around like this every day."

Qin Zhao shook his head, feeling puzzled.

Ever since Jing Li started managing the money, he rarely asked about these things.

However, Jing Li would always report to him how much he earned and spent every day.

Qin Zhao had no expenses for taking medicine recently, and the vegetables in the fields had also made a lot of money, not to mention that the bookstore had just paid the wages for the last batch of copyists two days ago.

Why is the little guy so anxious to make money

Qin Zhao didn't say much. He asked Uncle Lin not to tell Jing Li about his visit, then turned around and went home.

Things at home should naturally be discussed behind closed doors without letting others know.

It was already dusk when Jingli got home.

He was carrying a basket of corn on his back. He quietly pushed open the gate and stuck his head inside.

Qin Zhao was sitting on a bamboo chair reading a book. Hearing the noise, he looked up and asked, "What are you looking at there? Why don't you come in?"

Jing Li said "Oh" and walked in carrying corn.

That’s great, Qin Zhao didn’t go out to look for him.

After helping Uncle Lin water the plants today, he went to Wang's house at the east end of the village to help cut some grass for the pigs. It was already late when he finished the work, but fortunately he had already picked all the corn in the cornfield at home a few days ago, so he could just carry it back home.

Jing Li piled the corn he brought back in the corner and went into the house to change his clothes.

Corn has a long shelf life and can be eaten until the winter if stored properly, so Jing Li doesn't plan to bother selling it outside.

What's more, according to the previous agreement, half of the corn produced from this land must be given to Li Dali's family.

Jing Li fetched a bucket of water, turned back to his original form and rolled around in the water, washing himself thoroughly before changing into clean clothes. After doing all this, Qin Zhao just came into the room and took out a towel to help him wipe his hair.

Qin Zhao asked: "Are you tired today?"

"Not tired." Jing Li's skin was fair and fresh. Even though he worked in the fields every day, he didn't get tanned like other farmers. He looked at Qin Zhao through the bronze mirror with bright eyes. "I have already picked the last corn in the field, and I have also contacted a family to collect the corn stalks. They will come tomorrow."

Qin Zhao responded and moved his eyes downward, just in time to see the other person's hand tucked into his sleeve.

There was a spot of bright red on the index finger, as if it was injured.

Qin Zhao frowned and reached out to grab the other person's wrist: "What's wrong with your hand?"

Jing Li subconsciously shrank back, but couldn't break free.

Qin Zhao lifted his wrist and found that Jing Li had more than one wound on his hand.

There were several tiny cuts on the fingertips. The bleeding had stopped, but the wounds looked shocking on the fair skin.

"No, nothing." Jing Li felt a little guilty, "I accidentally got hurt while working."

These are actually caused by cuts from sharp blades when cutting grass for pigs.

It was Jing Li's first time doing this job, and he was not very skilled, and no one taught him. He didn't pay attention at first, but only after he had finished mowing all the grass did he realize that his hands were cut several times.

Qin Zhao asked: "Did you do it while picking corn?"

"Yes... yes." Jing Li almost didn't dare to look at Qin Zhao's eyes, and said stiffly: "I will be more careful next time, don't be angry..."

Qin Zhao could naturally tell that it was not a wound caused by picking corn, and that helping Uncle Lin water the plants would not cause such a wound. The little guy probably went to the village to take on other work.

His eyes darkened slightly, but he said nothing. He turned around and went to the bedside to look for the medicine box.

Jing Li called him carefully: "Qin Zhao..."

"I'm not angry." Qin Zhao sighed.

He took out the medicine and went back to Jing Li, took his hand, and carefully applied the medicine to him.

Jing Li continued to explain: "... This wound will heal tomorrow, really, don't take it to heart, and don't worry..."

His recovery ability has always been good. The wound left by the last time he went to the mountains to look for Astragalus membranaceus healed completely in just two or three days, without even a scar left.

Qin Zhao carefully applied medicine and bandaged all the wounds before saying, "As a punishment, you are not allowed to go out to work for three days, no matter what the reason."

Jing Li lowered his eyes and replied obediently, "I know."

Qin Zhao looked at him like this, and remembered what Uncle Lin had said to him, and hinted: "If you want anything, you can just tell me, and I will buy it for you."

There's no need to make yourself so hard.

Jing Li was stunned.

Why did Qin Zhao suddenly ask this

Did he know

Jing Li's expression was a little stiff, and he forced a smile: "I, I know..."

He then asked, "By the way, don't just talk about me. How do you feel today? Are you feeling well? Are you not... running around everywhere?"

There was a clear flash of guilt in his eyes, and Qin Zhao knew what he wanted to confirm.

"No." Qin Zhao smiled and said softly, "I slept all afternoon and had a good sleep."

His Xiaoyu didn't want to tell him about the matter for the time being. She naturally had her reasons and there was no need for him to expose them.

After hearing what Qin Zhao said, Jing Li was obviously relieved. Qin Zhao stood up and put the medicine back to its place, but was stopped by Jing Li when he came back.

Qin Zhao made a fuss out of nothing and wrapped Jing Li's hands completely with gauze, which looked a little scary.

Jing Li used the exposed fingertips to gently scratch Qin Zhao's palm and whispered, "Um, punishment... Is this enough?"

It started again.

The little guy hadn't seen him for an afternoon and came back with an injured hand, looking for favors here in a wronged manner.

Qin Zhao bent down, lifted Jing Li's chin, and looked into his eyes: "That's enough punishment, don't bargain."

Jing Li looked away and replied: "Oh..."

"But you can give me something else."


Qin Zhao lowered his head and kissed the slightly open lips.

"This is not a punishment, it's a comfort."

"Thank you for your hard work these past few days."