Transmigrated to become a Koi Husband

Chapter 94


It was not until the next day that Jing Li remembered that he did not know the young man's name.

The young man had just brought up the steamed buns for breakfast, and subconsciously answered, "My name is Ying Qi—"

Those who work as shadow guards usually cannot have their own names, only numbers. At first, he was ranked seventh among the shadow guards, so everyone called him Shadow Seven.

"Yin Qi?" Jing Li seemed to understand something and said admiringly, "I can't even take care of one person, how can you have seven in your family?"

Ying Qi didn't fully understand what Jing Li meant, but still said truthfully: "Madam, there are twelve in total."

“Wow, that’s amazing!”


Qin Zhao choked on the tea and started coughing.

How did these two people get to talk to each other

Jing Li glanced at him and didn't care: "So from now on we will call you Ah Qi?"

Shadow Seven: "Yes, ma'am."

It would indeed be much easier to have one more person to help at home.

Neither Jing Li nor Qin Zhao were the type of masters who liked to order people around, so being a servant in his family was extremely easy. They only had to clean the yard and house regularly and go out to buy daily necessities and groceries.

Although Ah Qi is a man, he is very thoughtful and serious in serving his master, and he hardly causes any worries to Qin Zhao and Jing Li.

As for cooking, Ah Qi knew how to do it, but Jing Li still preferred the dishes cooked by Qin Zhao. Therefore, Jing Li would usually decide what to eat, and then ask Ah Qi to buy the ingredients, and then Qin Zhao would cook it himself.

The division of labor is very clear.

What’s even more surprising is that Xiao Yuzai and Ah Qi get along very well.

It only took the little fish one hour to adapt to the new uncle living in the house, and another morning to learn how to grab the uncle's clothes and whimper and beg for snacks.

At this time, Ah Qi could only look at Qin Zhao in panic: "Master... Sir, this..."

Qin Zhao was very sober when he was not involved, and said cruelly: "It can't be given to him. He just ate half a piece of millet steamed cake and half a bowl of goat milk at noon. He has to wait at least another hour and a half before he can eat anything else."

Helplessly, Ah Qi could only endure the aggrieved look of his little master and frantically try to comfort him.

Jing Li was helpless: "Why is he so greedy?"

"You also..." Qin Zhao paused and said, "When you were about to turn into a human, you always wanted to eat."

Jing Li blinked: "Yeah, I was always hungry then too."

Qin Zhao nodded: "I guess it's probably because he consumed too much energy in his transformation, but we can't feed the fish cub too much. He's still young, and it's easy for him to get bloated if he eats too much at once."

"You're right." Jing Li sighed, "Poor kid."

As autumn turns to winter, the weather becomes colder day by day.

The first snow fell in the city in early November.

The city had a special charm after the snow. Qin Zhao specially gave Gu Heng a day off, asking him to go out and play with his friends, and only need to compose a poem about the first snow afterwards.

He also went out for a stroll with his husband and son.

"Don't you really want to play?" Jing Li asked suspiciously.

"Yes." Qin Zhao admitted readily, "I just want to play with you."

The weather in the city is warmer than in the small mountain village. At this time of year, as long as you put on an extra layer of padded jacket under your outer robe, you won't feel cold. Jing Li was born with a small frame, and Qin Zhao was also slender and thin, so he didn't look bloated even after wearing three layers of clothes.

The same is not true for their children.

Afraid that the little fish would be cold outside, Jing Li specially put a small cotton coat on him and gave him a small hat.

The kid has short arms and legs, and when he puts on his cotton coat he's like a ball and can almost roll in the snow.

The fish trod on the thin snow on the ground, leaving a trail of small footprints, and threw himself into Jing Li's arms: "Ah... Ah!"

"I know you're happy." Jing Li hugged him and coaxed him, "You're so old and still can't speak. Come on, call me daddy."

Fish cub: “Ah!”

Jing Li: "Yes, Daddy!"

Fish cub: “Ahhh!”

"Why are you always competing with him?" Qin Zhaohu said helplessly from behind Yuzai, "Other children can only speak when they are one year old, but your son is only six months old."

Jing Li muttered, "But he doesn't look like he's six months old at all."

Qin Zhao and Jing Li unanimously decided to regard the day when the fish baby was hatched as his birthday, and now it is exactly six months. As time goes by, it can be seen that the fish baby grows faster than other children. Not only can he now learn to walk unsteadily with the help of his two fathers, but he is also taller than some one-year-old children.

But I still can't speak.

Did he learn to speak so late before? Jing Li doubted himself.

Of course Jing Li didn't remember anything about his childhood, and no one had ever told him.

In fact, he seldom thinks about his previous life in the modern world now, perhaps because there was nothing worth missing in that life. But it is different here, he has a lover, children, and friends, which make up his sense of belonging and make him fully integrated.

It seemed as if he was meant to live in this world.

"What are you thinking about?" Qin Zhao walked over, lowered his head and brushed Jing Li's scattered hair behind her ears.

Jing Li looked up at him, then looked at the little fish cub who looked more and more like Qin Zhao, and said with a smile: "I was wondering why he didn't inherit your intelligence at all."

"I think he's very smart." Qin Zhao said gently, "But not everyone can learn to walk in six months."

"That's right, and even if you're not smart, what can you do? It's too late for you to stop wanting it."

Jing Li poked the little fish cub's face and laughed: "You already have a fool, so it doesn't matter if you have another one."

The little fish cub had just been able to walk two steps, but he couldn't sit still for a moment. He broke free from Jing Li's arms and ran forward with his short legs.

"Hey you—" Before Jing Li could say anything, the little fish fell headfirst into the soft snow with a plop.

Only two short legs were left kicking around outside.

Qin Zhao didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He pulled the kid up and brushed the snow off his body.

"I was wrong. He is much dumber than me." Jing Li said, "Silly Fish."

The little fish cub probably didn't understand and was giggling happily.

The family played in the street for a while, and then went to the nearest cloth shop. Winter was coming, and Qin Zhao planned to buy some winter clothes for Xiao Yuzai.

Jing Li held his chubby baby in his arms, shook the weight, and said disdainfully, "It seems heavier again."

"Really? I didn't think so." Qin Zhao was selecting materials for winter clothes. Hearing this, he didn't even turn his head. "However, I did find that a piece of cake was missing from the kitchen this morning. I wanted to ask if Ah Qi secretly gave it to Yuzai again."

Jing Li looked at the kid in his arms and looked away: "Most likely, I'll ask later."

Qin Zhao was concentrating on comparing two pieces of red material of similar color, and it was rare that he didn't notice the guilty conscience in his words.

He asked the boss to wrap the selected fabric and handed him the already drawn blueprint: "Thank you for your trouble."

"I dare not." The cloth shop owner took the deposit and the blueprints and said with a smile, "I'll send it to your house tomorrow when it's done."

Almost all the cloth shops in the capital city are owned by the Gu family. Now everyone knows that Qin Zhao is Young Master Gu’s teacher, so everyone treats him with great respect.

Jing Li looked at the pile of fabrics, frowned and asked, "Aren't you buying clothes for Yu Zai? Why do I get the most in the end?"

Qin Zhao was keen on dressing Jing Li in all kinds of red clothes, and he especially liked the bright red color which was closest to the color of his scales, so he bought several different materials at once.

In addition to the drawings designed by Qin Zhao himself, each piece of clothing is made differently, but they all suit Jing Li very well.

"No, I also bought some for Yuzai." Qin Zhao remained calm, "He can also wear these materials."

Jing Li looked at him suspiciously.

Qin Zhao always said this, but every time the cloth shop delivered ready-made clothes, he always got the most.

His closet is almost full.

Qin Zhao took the kid from Jing Li's arms and was about to leave when he heard the cloth shop owner say, "By the way, Mr. Qin, it's better not to take the little boy out these days."

The two of them paused and turned around: "What's going on?"

"I heard from the clinic that the weather has been cold recently and many people in the city have contracted typhoid fever and have a high fever. This disease is most easily transmitted to the weak elderly and children, so you have to be careful." The cloth shop owner sighed, "My child is only two years old, and I haven't dared to let him go out for several days."

Qin Zhaoying said: "I understand, thank you for the reminder."

Perhaps because he inherited Jing Li's physique, the fish boy has never been sick since he was a child.

However, in order to avoid getting sick when going out to play, Qin Zhao still asked Ah Qi to go to the clinic to get some preventive and cold-dispelling herbs. After boiling it, the three adults in the family drank a bowl each, and even the little fish took a few sips after reducing the dosage.

But this typhoid fever was very severe, and since those who fell ill were all elderly and children, the recovery was slow but the disease spread quickly, and it soon swept the entire city.

"If you have a fever or feel unwell, be sure to tell me in time." Qin Zhao instructed after taking Jing Li's pulse.

These days, Qin Zhao has been taking the pulse of his family members every day and has never stopped prescribing preventive medicine.

"I know." Jing Li had just coaxed Yuzai to sleep and said worriedly, "I heard that Aunt Wang's grandson next door has also had a fever for several days."

Qin Zhao comforted him in a gentle voice: "Yuzai is in good health and has never been in contact with patients. Don't worry."

Jing Li: “Yeah, I know.”

Qin Zhao nodded and was about to get up and go out.

Jing Li reached out and held him: " still want to sleep in the study room today?"

Qin Zhao nodded: "After all, I often go out, so I'd better not get too close to you these days, so as not to pass on the disease outside to you."

“But…” Jing Li hesitated to speak.

"It's okay." Qin Zhao patted the back of his hand and said gently, "This illness is caused by the cold weather. It will be better when it gets warmer. You should rest early. I'll leave first."

After he finished speaking, he turned and walked out the door. Jing Li looked in the direction he left and frowned worriedly.

Qin Zhao has not been to Gu Mansion in the past few days, but when his illness was not so serious a few days ago, he went to Gu Mansion to teach every day.

To be on the safe side, Qin Zhao has been sleeping in a separate room from Jing Li these days.

Qin Zhao returned to the study and found a figure already in the room.

Ah Qi was waiting in the room.

Qin Zhao asked: "What's the matter?"

Ah Qi handed him a letter: "This is what Master Gu asked me to pass on."

Ever since Ah Qi came to his place, it has become much easier for Qin Zhao and Gu Changzhou to communicate. They can just let this person deliver the message.

Qin Zhao took the things, and Ah Qi said, "There is one more thing."

"Mr. Gu said that he just received news that the mother of the National Defense General Xiao Yue passed away, and he will return to his hometown to personally handle the funeral." Ah Qi said, "He will pass through Jiangling Prefecture."

Qin Zhao paused.

He smiled and said, "He still hasn't given up the idea of attacking General Xiao."

Ah Qi lowered his eyes and did not answer.

Qin Zhao stared at him for a moment and asked, "When will he arrive?"

Ah Qi said: "Before the Lantern Festival."

Qin Zhao just nodded and said nothing more.

Ah Qi went into the inner room to help him make the bed. Qin Zhao unfolded the letter, read its contents quickly, and pressed his brows tiredly.

The intelligence network had been destroyed once, and with the long incubation period of several years, it was not easy to completely repair it. Qin Zhao had been worried about this matter for a long time.

He threw the letter into the charcoal brazier, and Ah Qi came out: "Sir, the bed is already made."

Ah Qi has become more and more accustomed to calling Qin Zhao this lately and no longer makes the mistake.

Qin Zhao tilted his head to look at him and said with a smile: "It's a bit of a waste of your talent to ask you to do these things."

Ah Qi lowered his head: "Being able to stay by your side is what I have always wanted. It doesn't matter what I do."

That night, Qin Zhao had another rare dream.

The scenes in the dream were chaotic, sometimes there were pavilions and towers towering into the clouds, and sometimes there was endless noise and bustle.

— "Poisoned? When were you poisoned? How could it be possible—"

—"There's an ambush, hurry up, protect the prince and hurry up!"

The roars and sounds of fighting disappeared in an instant. In the deep darkness, Qin Zhao heard himself saying softly:

"Power has fallen into someone else's hands. As long as I stay here, the world will not be at peace. This is the best way."

“… This is also the result he wanted.”

Qin Zhao opened his eyes suddenly, his head buzzing, and after a while he heard someone calling him softly: "Qin Zhao... Qin Zhao!"

He turned his head and saw the anxious-looking man next to him.

"How..." He opened his mouth, but no sound came out. He then realized that his throat was dry and painful.

Jing Li held a silk handkerchief in her hand and wiped the sweat off his forehead, whispering, "You have a fever."

Qin Zhao was stunned.

It seems that the typhoid fever did not find his son first, but found him first.

He smiled bitterly, wanting Jing Li to stay away from him, and also wanted to ask if Yuzai had been sickened by him. But Qin Zhao was so dizzy that he fell asleep again before he could say a word.

Qin Zhao spent the whole day in a coma.

He hadn't been so sick in a long time, and when he woke up again, it was completely dark.

Jing Li fell asleep beside his bed, holding his hands tightly.

Qin Zhao just moved his fingers and he woke up.

Jing Li raised his hand to test the temperature of Qin Zhao's forehead, and said with a worried look: "It's still feverish."

"Are you hungry?" Jing Li fed him some warm water and said, "I asked Ah Qi to make some porridge. Eat something first."

After the warm water went down his throat, Qin Zhao's throat felt a little better. He asked, "Why are you here? What if..."

"Where else could I be if not here?"

They were still in the study, and porridge was simmering on the table outside. Jing Li scooped a bowl and brought it over: "You didn't wake up this morning, and Ah Qi only found out that you had a fever when he came into the room."

"The doctor has been here and prescribed some medicine. Eat something first and then drink."

Jing Li wanted to help him, but Qin Zhao dodged him: "What if I infect you—"

"I've been in this room for a whole day. If I was going to get infected, I would have been infected a long time ago." Jing Li smiled softly, "I thought everyone was like you, a sickly person."

Jing Li helped Qin Zhao up, took two cushions and placed them behind his waist, then said, "Your son hasn't seen his father for a day. He has come to the door crying twice. I didn't dare let him in. Ah Qi is taking care of him."

"People say that this disease is most easily transmitted to the weak elderly and children. I didn't expect that you would be the only one in the family who fell ill." Jing Li picked up the bowl of porridge and said helplessly, "Tell me, are you considered an elderly or a child?"

Qin Zhao: “…”