Transmigrated to Twenty Years Ago and Adopted Myself

Chapter 12



Hongshan Elementary School is located at the T-junction, and there are more than a dozen small restaurants here and there in the south. Will take the initiative to say hello.

"Brother Jiang! The yellow bone fish in the store is fresh today, come and try it?"

"Not yet, don't worry."

Jiang Wang ate this street as a cafeteria, and the child felt bored after following the restaurant for a few days, and went home excitedly to cook instant noodles.

The man didn't bother him too much, and continued to compare the textures of the noodles and noodles.

Aunt Hu's noodle shop is not very big, and there are six tables filled with stools that are almost piled up to the ceiling. Business is not usually good when it comes to meal time.

After all, in the three streets before and after, only her family's noodles are made with duck egg yolk and wheat flour. At three o'clock in the morning, they are blown dry with a night light to keep their teeth springy.

The beef bone soup is boiled thick and milky, and the oil from the shallots is boiled and poured on the head, which is even more indescribable.

Jiang Wang ordered a few guys to handle cross-city business, and came over half an hour early for noodles.

The stool was not hot yet, and someone knocked on the window outside the window.

"What a coincidence." Ji Linqiu greeted, with a profile of his face through the low-definition cobalt blue glass window, he looked a bit Hong Kong-style.

Jiang Wang was slightly surprised, and when Teacher Ji came in and sat across from him, he smiled uncomfortably.

"The taste of this store is average, and it's still early. Why don't you try another place, Teacher Ji?"

"Two days ago, you said you owed me a meal, and today you can't bear to ask for beef noodles?" Ji Linqiu's gaze stayed on his face for a few seconds, seeming to scrutinize him and seem to be teasing: "Don't worry, I'll just order another pot of Jiu Tian Chi Japan Bao, Mr. Jiang is bold and will definitely not reject me."

Strange to say, there are quite a few old customers in the store on weekdays, playing cards, chatting and cheering if they don’t eat, today the store is empty, only two old men are sitting in the corner eating noodles, and there is a worn-out canvas bag next to them .

The proprietress was not in front of the counter, and the waiter hurried to the back kitchen after ordering, and refused to come out to pour tea.

Jiang Wang's eyes changed slightly, and he was still trying to find a way to chase someone away, but there was already a sharp sound of brakes coming from the door.

That's too late.

Three Altos blocked the front and rear passages in front of the store, and a dozen young people got out of the car and poured into the store, and someone outside sealed the door with a U-shaped lock.

With a click, it is completely locked.

Ji Linqiu glanced outside the door, pouring tea for Jiang Wang himself.

"Mr. Jiang looks like a foreigner. Have you ever drank the camellia here?" He seemed not to see the street ruffians who surrounded him, so he took a sip and said, "Our local dialect calls this kind of tea three-skin pot. The best one is Taishan Begonia, which has a unique aroma."

Jiang Wang took the tea he handed, and his eyes were a little more scrutinized.

"Are you not afraid?"

"What are you afraid of?" Ji Linqiu raised his head and looked around, looking slowly: "Coincidentally, there are three other students I have taught here."

"Xia Peng, Feng Zhaoyang, Li Hai, should be in the second and third year of middle school now, right?"

The three people who were named looked disheveled and looked away unnaturally.

Jiang Wang suddenly realized that Ji Linqiu had come to look for him on purpose today, he didn't figure out the reason for a while, he just held his breath and looked at these bastards.

There are a total of twelve people inside and outside, four high school students, five junior high school students, the leader looks like no more than twenty-four years old.

"Jiang Wang, right?" Brother Society took a sip of Ninety-Five Supreme, puffing out his nostrils and mouth like a humidifier: "You're quite capable."

"Anyone who dares to mess with me," he sneered, took another puff and continued to puff through his nostrils: "If you don't kneel down and call me grandpa today, don't even think about walking out of this shop in full swing today."

"It's all beards and all tails." Ji Linqiu gently corrected: "In Beijing slang, the last two words should be pronounced yier, you don't know how to pronounce it."

Several high school students looked at each other, and Jiang Wang showed curiosity.

The social brother pretended to be half-baked in public, and raised his eyebrows angrily, cursing: "Who is this teacher who is riding a horse? Who let a teacher in by riding a horse?!"

The little gangster who was in charge of watching said in a panic: "He came over suddenly, I can't help it."

"Listen clearly, if you offend me, Lord Gong, you offend Zhan Long Feitian!" Brother Society yelled back: "One more nonsense, I will fuck you first!"

Sitting in a relaxed posture, Ji Linqiu propped his chin and repeated it in a playful tone.

"... What, me?"

Jiang Wang suddenly felt as if he had been scratched.

A few students couldn't bear this kind of gaze at all, and held back for a long time to make a sound to save the scene.

"Brother Gong, he has taught us a few times, why don't you let him go..."

"That's right, Brother Gong. He's just an English teacher. He doesn't know anything. It's really none of his business."

"I'm going to use the teacher for surgery today." Brother Society slapped the sharp knife on the table with his backhand, and inserted it horizontally between Jiang Wang and Ji Linqiu, with the intention of fighting fiercely.

"What's so great about being a teacher? What's so great about doing business?" The youth in society looked even more hostile, and stepped on the middle of the table with one foot: "Those who dare to rob labor and capital, you are paralyzed!"

Jiang Wang had planned for a long time, and the sudden addition of an elementary school teacher in the battle made the atmosphere absurd and wonderful.

Ji Linqiu stood up slowly.

"Master Gong, the leader of Zhanlongfeitian, right?"

As soon as he stood up, several servants beside him became alert.

"Knife game, have you heard of it?"

The young man lowered his eyes, and his long eyelashes curled up a bit.

He seemed to be completely unaware of the danger, and reached out to take the sharp knife in Brother Gong's hand.

"What are you doing?!"

"I warn you!!"

"Teacher, don't mess around!!!"

Jiang Wang didn't make a sound to stop him, but just watched silently with his fingers crossed.

Ji Linqiu's right hand was spread out and laid flat on the table. The hand used to write chalk characters was well-articulated, and the edges of the nails were neatly trimmed.

He hummed in embarrassment, and flipped the sharp knife in his left hand neatly.

In the next second, without waiting for anyone to react, the tip of the knife was turned upside down like a falling star, and it quickly passed between the five fingers and then stabbed immediately. The movement was so fast that only an afterimage remained!

Ji Linqiu glanced at these students, turned his left hand again like playing with a ballpoint pen, let the sharp knife spin upside down, stabbing from the right side of the little finger all the way to the left side of the thumb!

The time before and after is only an instant, and if you are not careful, the entire finger will be destroyed on the spot!

Jiang Wang raised the corners of his lips and whistled.

Ji Linqiu stared at the social man, and said unhurriedly: "You are their leader."

"I ask you, do you dare?"

Ji Linqiu pronounced his words with a clear sense of professionalism, so that people in their twenties seemed to have to repent and be trained in front of him.

It is difficult for a person to have two contradictory lights at the same time.

Gentle and pure, but also sharp and arrogant.

The social man's face turned pale, and when he wanted to make a move, he realized that the dagger was in the opponent's hand, and instinctively took a step back.

"Don't retreat." Jiang Wang lazily said: "The door is locked, why are you retreating?"

"You—" The social man signaled his subordinates to take out the knives and sticks, thinking that if these two people bleed a little today, they would have to protect the face of the gang.

The students present did not expect that he would really give such an order, and the guy who took the prestige did not dare to point at the teacher.

—If only this foreigner came here today, they would never hesitate for a second, and they would even be eager to try.

"What are you doing in a daze?! Come on!!!" The society man roared angrily: "I'm so scared?! I'm raising you to eat for nothing?!"

Jiang Wang raised his hand to signal a timeout.

"Well, wait a minute."

Everyone turned their heads in unison.

The man took out the hand-cranked folding chainsaw from the mountaineering bag, unfolded it to a length of nearly 1.5 meters, and pulled it twice with a friendly expression.

The sound of a crazy motor capable of sawing through skulls resounded through Aunt Hu's noodle shop.

The social man stared straight at the chainsaw, and before the others could react, he rushed to the door and hammered it desperately.

"Unlock and unlock!! I won't fight anymore!! Let me out, idiot!!!"

"Open the door!!! People!!!"

Ji Linqiu sat by the side and watched Jiang Wang play with the chainsaw, took a sip of tea and said, "Are you ready?"

"The crystallization of wisdom in the industrial age," Jiang Wang sincerely praised: "With such a thing, who would want to fight hand-to-hand."

A few junior high school student attendants had already hid in the corner with their knives, unable to run or beat, holding back their tears and looking miserable.

The big brother of the gang was already pounding on the door with his fist, and many people outside were curiously poking their heads and pointing.

"How many of them are there?"

"Yeah, I heard that you haven't finished junior high school yet, you're still pointing a knife at the teacher?"

"Tsk tsk tsk, children really need to be taken care of now..."

Jiang Wang pressed the big motor as if he was playing, and the whole noodle restaurant was enveloped by the classic sound effects of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Brother Society screamed out: "I won't beat you, I won't beat you, I will surrender!! I will surrender!! !!"

"Help, ah, ah, help me!!!"

Jiang Wang reached out to turn off the chainsaw, knocked on the table and said, "Stand in two teams and line up neatly."

"The one at the door, come here and stand in the line."

The big brother of the gang was almost scared to pee, and fell down by the door trembling and couldn't stand up.

Ji Linqiu picked up the chainsaw curiously.

Brother Society scrambled and crawled to stand in the line, and cried while being punished. He had never suffered this kind of grievance.

"Okay, Uncle Chen, how about torture?" Jiang Wang turned his head and said.

The old man in the corner of the noodle shop hadn't finished eating his noodles, so he wiped his mouth and opened his canvas bag in public.

It was filled with shiny silver handcuffs.

Seeing more than a dozen people queuing up to wear handcuffs and receive police education, Jiang Wang stood at the door and squinted to blow the air.

"It's almost time," Ji Linqiu pushed his broken hair behind his ears, "I'll go back and teach Xingwang."

"He told you about today's matter?" Jiang Wang laughed dumbfounded: "Children know how to come up with random ideas."

"No, I just happened to join in the fun." Ji Linqiu smiled softly, and turned to leave.

"Wait a moment."

Jiang Wang stopped him and made a knife game gesture.

"I don't dare to come here easily, why do you do this?"

Ji Linqiu let out an ah, put one hand in his pocket and laughed, and the white jade pendant on his wrist flickered.

"Teaching in the mountains doesn't even have magazines, it's boring."


The shock of successfully upholding justice in the Hongshan District cannot be compared to the few seconds of witnessing the teacher playing with a knife.

When Jiang Wang dealt with emergencies, most of his mind was filled with work-oriented rationality, and when he returned home, he became better and better.

The knife-tip game is very popular among soldiers in the United States, and it was originally their western culture.

But it is very different to entrust this kind of thing to Ji Linqiu who holds a book and teaches the students every day.

He originally thought that he and the teacher were very familiar, but now there are many things he wants to know more about.

What is normal but unreasonable is that after this incident, Ji Linqiu continued to attend classes like a normal person at school, the children still surrounded him chattering and kissing secretly, and the parents also pulled their sleeves and chattered non-stop. Appreciation written all over his face.

Jiang Wang looked behind the crowd for a while when he picked up the children from school.

Peng Xingwang looked up and observed him: "Brother, do you also want to get closer, and come earlier next time."

Jiang Wang reached out and chopped off his head.

"Ah! Why did you hit me again!!"

As the punks begged for mercy, Zhanlong Feitian and other related organizations were quickly eliminated.

This kind of small gang has no fixed base in the first place. It is purely a dream of unemployed people united with middle and second-stage children.

In any case, this is also to cleanse the social atmosphere and eliminate potential safety hazards.

The police station specially issued a certificate to Jiang Wang.

"Excellent Citizens of Hongshan District"

Jiang Wang took a group photo with the police comrades holding the certificate in both hands.

"Everyone is for me, and I am for everyone. This is what I should do, thank you for your encouragement."

The man specially wore a more handsome pure black leather jacket, and his back was hot and sweaty after taking the photo.

But this outfit is really handsome. He looks like the big brother Congliang in the TV series, especially righteous and heroic.

Peng Xingwang walked the award to the side wall of the living room on his feet, and stared at himself smiling foolishly in the photo for a few seconds.

"The eyes are too small, they don't look good." He sighed softly, "If only I looked like my elder brother."

Jiang Wang reached out and pulled the child's face from side to side: "What are you thinking?"

... It was obviously carved out of the same mold.

That being said, Jiang Wang had discovered some details earlier.

The current Peng Xingwang is most likely to look a lot like himself when he was a child.

He knew exactly what he looked like in his early teens.

Shady and introverted, even wearing bright red and green clothes, his face looks covered in a layer of gray when taking pictures.

Peng Xingwang has not suffered for many years in the future, he was fished out of the abyss by himself twenty years later, and after a short time of raising him, he gradually returned to his childlike demeanor, and his smile is particularly pleasing.

The man looked at his appearance for a while, and comforted him: "It's okay, it's good luck to be a bit naive."

The child was silent for two seconds, not thinking it was a compliment at all.

"By the way..." Peng Xingwang took out a receipt form from his schoolbag, and faltered: "There are... summer camp activities in the school, but it doesn't matter if you participate or not."

Jiang Wang took the list and looked at it, knowing a little about it.

The summer camp was only a few days old. In fact, it was a group of teachers taking the children on an outing in the surrounding area, giving the parents a holiday in disguise.

After signing the agreement in two strokes, he tapped the paper with the tip of the pen to see if there was anything left to fill in.

The child moved to the side, afraid that he might not see the price clearly.

"Two thousand and eight..."

Jiang Wang stopped to look at him.

Peng Xingwang was at a loss: "How about I write an accounting book and return it to you when I grow up."

He couldn't understand this kind of affection that transcended his parents' blood relatives. He didn't want to show that he was different from each other, but he also tried hard to reciprocate.

This is really difficult for a seven-year-old child.

Jiang Wang thought about it for a while, and then filled in the address field number at the end.

"Actually, your elder brother was taken care of by many people in this way when he was a child."

He said slowly: "If you feel embarrassed, when you grow up and meet children who have a bad life, just help them more."

"If I can't meet such a child, I will be very satisfied if I save the kittens and puppies that are about to freeze to death on the side of the road."

Peng Xingwang took the receipt and nodded seriously, staring at the words on it for a while.

Jiang Wang knows that the child has too many worries, but it is impossible to say clearly that I am you and you are me, so he can only rub his head over and over again like a dog.

The child let out a hey for a long while.

"Brother," he held up the receipt: "Your birthday is actually the same day as mine!!"

"And it's all in the day after tomorrow!!"

Jiang Wang's hand stopped in mid-air.

Oops, he forgot this one.

Patronizing to fill in the date before the timeline, the birthday has not been changed.

Peng Xingwang even knew how to read the ID number information in the first grade, and when he saw 19780711, he caught the key point at a glance.

The child seemed to be afraid that he might make a mistake, so he handed the receipt in front of him: "Really?!"

The eldest brother nodded slowly: "What a coincidence."

Peng Xingwang cheered loudly.

He seems to realize that he is actually a lucky kid. Being able to have the same birthday as the elder brother he admires is as happy as getting a three-good student award.

"Big brother, big brother! We are actually super destined!!"

"That, that, can I celebrate your birthday!! I want to sing for you!!!"

Jiang Wang stretched out his hands to cover his face.


Not to mention that he has not celebrated his birthday in the past ten years, and it is also a serious excuse for his colleagues to go out and eat and drink.

Celebrating each other's birthdays by myself is like making a phone call in the mirror.

Peng Xingwang just thought he was embarrassed, and quickly pulled out the piggy's tail from the piggy bank, and took out all the coins and paper notes inside, humming a song and going out to order a cake for him.

"Wait." Jiang Wang was really embarrassed, the iron-blooded man had never eaten cake with a child in his life.

He called Peng Xingwang to stop, but he couldn't speak when he saw the child's bright smile.

So the words of refusal were twisted back into the stomach abruptly.

"Don't order chocolate flavor," the man said with a sullen expression, "and don't order strawberries, ordinary cakes are fine."


On July 11th, the alarm clock hadn't sounded yet, and the children blew the ribbons like someone had shot them.

Jiang Wang literally ejected the quilt from his sleep, and when he saw Peng Xingwang with the paper crown on his head, his temples throbbed.

"Big! Shou! Xing!" The child tiptoed to put on a birthday hat for him: "Happy birthday!!"

Peng Xingwang was actually embarrassed, but he still mustered up the courage to hand him the birthday card he wrote, and took out a gift wrapped in red cardboard from the king's cloak surrounded by bath towels.

"Thank you! Thank you! You!" He said loudly, "Brother, I love you!!"

Before the words fell, before Jiang Wang could react, the child ran away in a hurry: "I'm going to school!!"

After Jiang Wang witnessed the whole process of the shy behavior of the young version of himself, he took a deep breath and lowered his head to open the greeting card first.

The greeting card was bought at the canteen next to the school. It can be seen that the child tried his best to avoid those cardboards full of flower fairy Ultraman and found a perfume card with the simplest style.


I wish you live to be 700 years old!

Be sure to make your mother happy!

your star peng

There are extremely exaggerated twenty-eight five-pointed stars drawn with crayons next to it.

Jiang Wang rubbed his brows and kept laughing, now he wanted to push the child back to practice calligraphy.

I'm about to go to the second grade, and I can't write a single word, but I still write five horses, and there are still few homework assignments.

The cardboard can be seen to be a package he wrapped with double-sided tape in art class, and the corners are crooked and the glue surface will be exposed, but on the front of the gift, two adults are drawn on the red cardboard with a pencil. There was also a crow flying in the sky.

... Give me a birthday present and remember Mr. Hua Ji, okay.

Jiang Wang looked disgusted, got up and took a fruit knife to slowly tear apart the paper along the glue surface, not willing to destroy the stickman drawn by the child.

After he came to this world, every second spent with Xingwang was like exploring his forgotten self.

In the repressed, numb, and fierce adult shell, the once lively, happy and bright self.

The gift was carefully wrapped in three layers like an onion.

The two layers of gift paper were peeled off, and there was a wooden box inside.

Something moved in Jiang Wang's memory, but he couldn't remember where this box had appeared.

As soon as the box was opened, a bear crystal ball was revealed.

The fluffy resin bear hugs the crystal ball and sleeps soundly. Inside the crystal ball is a brightly lit log cabin, which is also the bear's dream home.

Shake gently, and the bright and bright six-pointed snowflakes will dance with each other, making the forest cabin even warmer.

He remembered.

It was the last toy his mother bought him before leaving the city.

But it was given to him again by Peng Xingwang.

When Jiang Wang was a child, he never dared to ask his family for anything.

Even if it's a birthday, they will cleverly pretend that they don't know anything.

He couldn't remember the trivial quarrels when his mother left. He only remembered that it snowed heavily that day, and the sky was so gray that the moon could not be seen.

The woman bought him the bear he had been looking at in the window for a long time, then kissed his forehead and left.

Later, the little bear was locked in the depths of the bookcase, and then it was forgotten by everyone.

Jiang Wang stood holding the crystal ball for a long time, and suddenly realized that his twenty-eight-year-old self sometimes still couldn't figure out his eight-year-old self.

What did the child want to say when he gave this forgotten home to himself.

Jiang Wang scratched his hair a little irritably, and suddenly didn't know what kind of gift to give back when he picked him up from school at night.

The stars had already given him the most precious and only gift he could.

It seems that I want to thank him for his care and protection these days, and it seems that I want to tell more whispers that I dare not say in my heart.

Jiang Wang skipped work for half a day and visited most of the gift shops in the city.

Expensive is bad, cheap is bad, nothing is good.

The man was really helpless, so he called Ji Linqiu halfway, and suddenly realized.

When it was time to leave school, Peng Xingwang walked out with Mr. Ji nervously, as if waiting for an answer from Jiang Wang.

Men are still cool.

Wearing the best-looking motorcycle jacket, he was waiting for him with his pockets in the crowd of gray-haired old grandpas and old ladies.

Teacher Ji patted his shoulder lightly, and Peng Xingwang ran over in small steps, still embarrassed.

Jiang Wang picked him up and kissed him super hard in public.

"Call me brother from now on."

"I am your brother."