Transmigrated to Twenty Years Ago and Adopted Myself

Chapter 29


""Good Morning Hongcheng" is broadcasting now! Today Cancer, you are emotionally sensitive and insecure. This week, your financial luck is average and slightly loss, and you are unexpectedly popular. You are easy to get a lot of invitations. Remember to pay attention to the peach around you—"

Jiang Wang turned off the radio with a blank expression and replaced it with the tape of "Qilixiang" played on a loop.

Peng Xingwang had been listening attentively, but was a little disappointed: "I haven't finished listening yet, what are you talking about, Tao?"

"The constellations are all deceptive," Jiang Wang stepped on the brakes, signaling him to pay attention to the electric cars of the parents outside when he opened the door: "Back your schoolbag, and I will go home with Teacher Ji if I don't come to pick you up at night."

"Okay! Goodbye, brother!"

Jiang Wang turned the car and drove towards Chengbei Bookstore, and the phone call followed.

"Mr. Jiang, hello, I am the person in charge of the Shenzhen headquarters of Sufeng Express. I would like to invite you to attend the company conference at the end of the year. Do you have time?"

3G mobile phones do not have Bluetooth function yet, and you have to hold them in your hand to make a call. When you drive to the bookstore, the person in charge has not finished chatting.

Jiang Wang simply typed and signaled the guys to take the account book to buy the original, and he performed a routine check of the account while typing.

After inspecting the first branch, he drove to the second store, and just after starting the car, another phone call came.

"Excuse me," Du Wenjuan was afraid that the call would be inappropriate: "I'm Sister Wenjuan, is it convenient to answer the phone?"


Jiang Wang glanced at the traffic policeman with his back on the other side of the road, and drove past quickly.

Du Wenjuan exchanged a few pleasantries before asking him hesitantly whether it would be convenient to bring children to Cizhou during the National Day.

Jiang Wang forgot that there is still a seven-day long vacation, think about it, go home and ask the child, he will book a ticket if he is willing to go.

"Okay, thank you, thank you for your hard work."

"You're welcome." Jiang Wang didn't want to call his mother or sister, but he still spoke very restrained: "My business here is about to finish, so it's good to take him out to see the world."

The second store was still clearing the goods, he stared at it for a while, when Peng Jiahui called.

"Brother, I succeeded in changing jobs!"

"The monthly salary has also increased by two thousand, how about it! Find a day to treat you to dinner!! You are not allowed to push!"

Before the third store had time to hold a meeting, another call came.

This time it was actually Ji Linqiu.

"Teacher Ji?" Jiang Wanglue was a little surprised: "No class."

Ji Linqiu rarely used a helpless tone: "Brother Jiang, do me a favor."

"Mr. Zhan is Peng Xingwang's language teacher. She is getting married this weekend. Please invite us all over for a drink."

"Is it convenient for you to accompany me there?"

Jiang Wang signaled the clerk to go back to look at the store first, and walked outside the bookstore with a smile: "Why, count me as a female companion?"

Ji Linqiu took a deep breath: "I don't need to explain how much these teachers like to match people up."

"I attend this kind of occasion by myself, and I can smile until my face freezes in the time of eating a meal."

Jiang Wang hooted, but didn't take up the errand right away: "Where are they going to serve wine? Is the food good there?"

Ji Linqiu is also used to Mr. Jiang's snarky temper, and he said slowly like coaxing a second-grade child: "I went to Longde Restaurant, their steamed fish with balsamic vinegar is our specialty, and the Jinsha spareribs are also delicious. .”

"You don't have to help me hold back the wine when you go, there are many female teachers, there is nothing wrong with everyone's dinner except talking too much."

"So I have to help you block the words?" Jiang Wang smiled heartlessly: "It turns out that Teacher Ji sometimes can't handle the teacher."

"You can take it when you see it. Will Boss Jiang go or not?"

"Of course, I have to give someone a big red envelope."

In the end, I paid five hundred, not too much, not too little, and it didn't make much sense in the list of gifts.

Jiang Wang usually sleeps until two o'clock in the afternoon on weekends, and today he dressed like a dog and went out to eat with Ji Linqiu.

Teacher Ji, who was originally cared by all the mothers-in-law and aunts, passed away immediately, and Boss Jiang, an older young man with a promising career, immediately became a new hot spot for urging marriages.

"Boss Jiang is so busy at work now, just when I need someone to love me. I have an uncle and niece who are very good-looking. I will introduce you two later!"

"Hey, Boss Jiang, my niece has a master's degree in literature and graduated from a prestigious school! Do you have time to drink coffee!"

"What? Xiao Jiang is still single now? Linqiu and you too, why don't you introduce him a girlfriend! There are so many good-looking girls in Hongcheng, maybe it's because your eyes are too high and you don't like them?"

Jiang Wang handled it so well that he was a long-sleeved dancer. He could memorize the names of all the teachers, aunts and mothers-in-law clearly after just meeting each other, and he answered each of them perfectly, looking decent.

For a moment, Ji Linqiu looked at him as if he was looking at New Century Superman.

After at least twenty phone numbers were exchanged, the school leaders also came over to say hello.

"Hey, isn't this brother Peng Xingwang? It's a pleasure to meet you. Boss Jiang is very famous now!!"

"Eat and drink well today, don't be polite!"

Everyone's talking was all about the scene, regardless of whether they were sincere or not, they were all taking advantage of today's good day to have fun together.

When he finally sat down, Ji Linqiu let out a long breath, poured a cup of hot tea and handed it to Jiang Wang.

The wedding banquet scene was decorated with bright red, and the middle aisle was filled with plastic red roses. The garlands and porch looked like they had been used at least thirty or forty times.

At the farthest end of the stage is a wedding photo curtain stage like a huge poster. The TVs on both sides are playing vulgar and festive songs in a loop. I don’t know if this is a wedding or a Chinese New Year.

Jiang Wang glanced at Mr. Zhan's huge wedding photo, which had been zoomed in to blurry, sipped hot tea and looked to both sides.

A group of teachers had beaming faces, as if they were finally freed from their busy schedules, and they were happy for a while through the short pictures of their parents.

"You almost hid behind me," he said with a smile, "you're so afraid of them."

"It's not that I'm afraid." Ji Linqiu whispered, "Sometimes... I'm just too enthusiastic."

Before the words were finished, another fat aunt came over and chatted loudly, asking them who their parents were, where they were working now, whether they were married, and whether they could support themselves as a teacher.

While helping Ji Linqiu to block the conversation, Jiang Wang asked who this person was.

Ji Linqiu shook his head and said he didn't know.

Everyone in the small town has no space for himself, and he has long been used to it.

The atmosphere became loud and impetuous.

It seems that the hot sunlight outside the window has become a foil, and the human voice is so noisy that it can be suppressed to the sides, and the sound is like silence.

Before the master of ceremonies came to the stage, the waiters had already shuttled back and forth between the tables, arranging cold vegetable broth and steamed fish, and they didn't even notice that their long gray and black nails poked into the soup.

Jiang Wang gradually lost his appetite, as if his vitality was being silently sucked away by this place.

He leaned on Ji Linqiu's shoulder and murmured: "I just slept for ten hours, why am I sleepy again?"

Ji Linqiu glanced at him, but didn't avoid it, and let Jiang Wang rest on his shoulder.

"It's normal."

"When people want to escape from an environment, they will unconsciously become sleepy."

Yawning is a common way to reduce stress.

Jiang Wang tilted his head and leaned against it for a while, and then dealt with several strangers who came to chat.

Ji Linqiu smiled very politely: "He has a stomachache, let's not talk for now."

Jiang Wang let out a lazy snort, tentatively agreeing to this statement.

The groom and the master of ceremonies appeared on the stage, and the squirrel mandarin fish and Jinsha pork ribs were finally served on the table.

The sound was forcibly amplified to 300%, shouting to signal people to concentrate on congratulating the new couple.

The old lady was busy making fish head soup for the children, the uncle leaned on the chair and looked bored, and a few people who just came to eat were already looking around at the fruit plate.

"Next - invite the bride to come on stage!!"

People suddenly started to cheer and applaud together, as if they came here specially for her today, and when someone applauded, there was still half a stewed chicken foot in their mouth.

Jiang Wang lost his appetite and was sleepy, so he clapped his hands for a while, sat up straight and wanted to scoop up a bowl of soup.

Ji Linqiu deflected his spoon with his chopsticks indiscriminately.

Then he picked a critical moment and explained in a low voice.

"Someone sneezed on this basin just now."

It was the first time that Jiang Wang was whispered in his ear, and he listened to it twice with round eyes, and his expression was very similar to that of Peng Xingwang who had grown up.

Ji Linqiu is actually not close, so the breath will disperse on Jiang Wang's ear, like a dandelion blowing away, a little itchy.

He didn't really like that pot of soup, he was just looking for something to do.

But still put on a reluctant expression, as if this is the only way to be worthy of Ji Linqiu's persuasion.

The bride and groom began to thank their parents and the society with tears in their eyes. Probably because the microphone was held too close, there were many plosive sounds, and they couldn't hear clearly.

The people who had been looking at the real appearance of the bride like a giraffe just now had already sat back, turned their backs to the stage and plundered scallops and pan-fried small fish, and the new plate of small ribs in tinfoil was also emptied in a blink of an eye.

Jiang Wang saw a few old ladies quietly packing vegetables in plastic bags, and turned his eyes away as if he didn't see them.

He ate for a while, immersed himself in playing with the greedy snake that came with the old mobile phone, and directed the little snake to chase the apple by pressing up, down, left, and right.

"Which university did Boss Jiang graduate from?" the teacher asked curiously during the meeting.

Jiang Wang was still immersed in playing with his mobile phone, when Ji Linqiu lightly tapped the back of his hand with the tip of his chopsticks.

He finally looked up and smiled politely.

"In the north, far away from the school."

Finally, after the bride and groom finished their wedding speeches and kissed timidly amidst the booing, the atmosphere finally heated up.

"One more kiss!"

"Kiss one!!"

It seems that kissing is something to be ashamed of. Being seen by people is like seeing the underskirt stripped, which is very interesting.

Ji Linqiu couldn't help but yawned too.

Another plate of Jiwei shrimp was brought over.

"Eat shrimp?"


Jiang Wang replied two messages, puffed up like a child.

"Forget it," he said with little interest in the meal, "I still need to peel the shell, trouble."

"It's hard for you to come and stay with me." Ji Linqiu took off the disinfectant tissue and wiped his fingertips, and picked up a few plump fresh shrimps to help him peel.

Jiang Wang rested his head and looked aside, as if he was exhausted from the noise, he thought about it and spoke again.

"I may take Xing Xing to Cizhou on eleventh, are you going?"

Ji Linqiu shook his head.

"Training is required."

"Hey," Jiang Wang opened his mouth to catch the shrimp, remembering to hold the shrimp meat in his mouth so that Ji Linqiu could tear off the thin shell on the tail of the shrimp.

"Have you ever thought about going to the provincial capital to teach in the future?"

Jiang Wang never went to the provincial capital to study, but he just had a little impression from memory.

There is a foreign language school with a strong school spirit in the provincial capital, and there are many rich children studying international students there. You don’t have to worry about the college entrance examination, just learn English and math well and take the SAT.

Something in his heart was vaguely letting go, and he was suddenly willing to go to a brighter place to see.

"I didn't think about it before, but it seems to be okay." Ji Linqiu touched another shrimp, and thought about it: "I used to think that I just wanted to be against my family, but now I see you running to Yuhan every day, and I feel envious."

"Ah," he suddenly remembered something: "Did I not dip the shrimp in soy sauce just now?"

Jiang Wang smacked his lips, expressing that he didn't care.

Very fresh and delicious.