Transmigrated to Twenty Years Ago and Adopted Myself

Chapter 33


Mille-feuille cakes were finally designed with twelve flavors, and all participants had to sign a confidentiality agreement about the formula.

Jiang Wang half-jokingly said: "See clearly, once it is found out that the formula has been leaked, it may cost 50 to 2 million yuan, not counting the follow-up costs of brand damage."

The first Mango Melaleuca was officially launched on Saturday, limited to 66 copies, each with a small cup of freshly ground coffee, while stocks last.

The news was released by the staff early on. When the door opened at 8:30 in the morning, the long queue went straight 50 meters outside the store.

Needless to say, people in small towns are not used to drinking coffee, mainly because of the bitterness, which is as bitter as traditional Chinese medicine.

If you add non-dairy creamer, add more milk and add sugar, it will become neither sweet nor bitter, so the mellow aroma of coffee will not come out.

Now the fresh and sweet mango mille-feuille is paired with the creamy and smooth fruit, and then neutralized with authentic coffee, the effect is just right.

Many people didn’t grab such a rare good thing, and got tired of the template-style greasy pastries in ordinary bakeries, so they could only buy a cup of milk tea to take away, and they didn’t forget to ask the clerk how many copies they would sell tomorrow.

"It won't be sold tomorrow." The clerk said crisply: "Only sold once every weekend."

Others were surprised: "The business is so good, why don't you do more?"

The clerk shook his head.

Another person who knew the way whispered: "I heard from Aunt Wang, who played cards, that the cakes in this store use secret foreign recipes, which are delicious but very difficult to make. The cooks have to sign confidentiality contracts to learn from them!"

"What kind of cook! He's a pastry chef!"

People laughed together.

Melaleuca has been on sale for many years, and once the taste changes in January, it will only go on sale at 8:30 am on Saturdays, and it will never change.

People who live near the bookstore are also used to queuing up and chatting together every weekend, and even know every clerk by heart.

Many western restaurants and bakeries are envious of the good business of this bookstore. They have obtained a similar recipe from somewhere, and they sell the same taste of mille-feuille cake in a decent way.

But after everyone ate it, they all shook their heads and felt almost.

"They have a secret formula, you can't do this."

But that's all for later.

Jiang Wang took Peng Xingwang to Cizhou as soon as the long vacation came. They bought two soft sleeper tickets and slept without crowding.

The child has never experienced the cramped upper deck of the hard sleeper, and thought that there are TVs in all the compartments, so it was so new that he was reluctant to part when he got off the train.

Jiang Wang was so sleepy that he fell asleep after getting in the car, and his hair was messy after four hours.

Cizhou is located in the southeastern province. The air here is humid and warm. Once you get off the train, it seems to be immersed in warm fog. There are large camphor trees with luxuriant branches and leaves, covering the sky with blue colors.

It was the first time for Peng Xingwang to travel far, holding Jiang Wang tightly with his left hand, while holding a small cake box with great care in his right hand.

It was strawberry millefeuille that he made for his mother with his brother before he left home.

Chang Hua and Du Wenjuan were waiting at the exit, beckoning to them with smiles.


Peng Xingwang originally wanted to rush over to hug his mother, but the next second he noticed that his mother's lower abdomen was obviously protruding, he paused in a daze, and grabbed the corner of Jiang Wangyi to see his brother's expression.

The footsteps also hesitated.

Jiang Wang was already an adult, and he didn't have much affection for the fact that his mother wanted a second child. Only now did he notice Peng Xingwang's retreat.

"... Are you afraid?" He thought the child thought his mother was sick: "Your mother is just pregnant, she's fine."

Peng Xingwang couldn't digest such a huge change in just a few steps, first he deliberately slowed down, and then he didn't speak at all, and hid behind Jiang Wang.

Chang Hua obviously saw his reaction, so he said something to Du Wenjuan, but stopped her from walking into the chaotic crowd.

Jiang Wang noticed that Peng Xingwang didn't want to go forward, so he put the suitcase by the wall, squatted down and hugged the child in his arms.

For a moment, I didn't know what my young self was thinking.

"Why are you so afraid." He murmured, "You are rarely afraid."

"Mom is going to have a new child, right?" Peng Xingwang's eyes were so red that he could cry at any time, but he just kept looking at Jiang Wang with calm despair: "I'm not her only child anymore .”

Eight years old is too young to accept that he can be completely replaced by another existence.

Jiang Wang was stunned, and the emotions of being forgotten as normal surged up in his heart.

He didn't answer right away, but just reached out to touch the child's soft hair.

Peng Xingwang's world needs all the love of his mother, while Jiang Wang's world is empty, without the word "need".

Neither of them should be here, nor should they touch the fact.

Knowing that his mother was still looking at them, Peng Xingwang felt guilty and blamed himself, but contradictoryly didn't want to go over and hug her with a smile, so he could only hide in Jiang Wang's arms at this moment, as if he wanted to hide his whole body.

Hiding, time seems to be suspended for ten minutes, if you can slow down a little longer.

Jiang Wang knew his own temperament best, and knew that it was useless to coax him at this time, children were already immune to the words of adults.

He didn't say anything, just turned his head and signaled them to wait.

The child didn't cry in the end, but miraculously suppressed the tears that were about to burst out of his eyes, and pressed his face on his brother's chest and took a deep breath for a long time.

Then he stood up again and wiped his face with his sleeve.

"Come on, let's go see Mom."

Jiang Wang didn't stand up immediately, but looked down at him carefully.

"Would you like to wait a little longer?"

Peng Xingwang shook his head and led him forward.

Du Wenjuan looked worried, and was afraid that she would make the child more uncomfortable if she rushed over, so she waited for a long time before opening her arms and hugging the star that was walking towards her again.

Peng Xingwang was very strong and didn't want to cry anymore. When hugging his mother, he restrained to avoid her stomach, and said seriously: "Mom, I sprained my ankle just now. I made you wait for a long time. I'm sorry."

Du Wenjuan also noticed his subtle changes, rubbed the back of the child's head vigorously, and did not speak again.

"I miss you very much." The child looked at her again and laughed: "Will I have a younger brother? That's great."

Du Wenjuan finally laughed, stroked her belly and said, "Yes, you won't be alone in the future."

Chang Hua relaxed a little, and asked them to get in the car for dinner together.

This time, the Chang family was the host, and the hotel where they stayed and boarded was quite good. Probably because of the fact that his wife was pregnant, Chang Hua was much more attentive than the first time he saw him, and he deliberately told the children that they would be equally good to the two children in the future, and he didn't have to be afraid of anything.

Peng Xingwang didn't know what he had figured out in those short ten minutes, and when he was eating and drinking, he returned to his innocent demeanor, and the adults agreed to everything in surprise, as if they would believe everything.

Jiang Wang had had enough sleep on the road, so he yawned again during the dinner.

Chang Hua has learned more about Boss Jiang in the past two months, and he hurriedly said: "Boss Jiang, we have booked a very good hotel room. You can go to bed early today, and we will accompany you to visit Cizhou tomorrow!"

Just as Jiang Wang was about to agree, Du Wenjuan suddenly spoke.

"If brother Jiang doesn't dislike it, I still have a guest room in my house, but the sound insulation is a little bit

Bad, is it okay? "

She kissed Peng Xingwang, as if she had made a decision in her heart.

"The stars sleep with me at night, and my lover can sleep in the living room or on the side."

"This time you came here specially to visit relatives, I always feel that sleeping in a hotel... is too alienated."

Chang Hua looked surprised, as if he hadn't expected his wife's decision at all, and said dully: "The room facilities are not very good, right? I have no objection, but I'm afraid that Boss Jiang will not sleep well."

Jiang Wang never thought that there would be such an invitation, but Peng Xingwang was very happy: "Live together! Good!"

In the end, I really bought some towels and toothbrushes next to the community, and went back to Du Wenjuan's house to stay.

When the child thinks of being able to sleep with his mother, he feels as if he has thawed from winter to summer. When he enters the house, he enthusiastically praises the beauty of the house. He walks in and praises the living room and corridor. He is very happy.

Chang Hua felt a little embarrassed when he heard it: "This will be your home from now on, as long as you like it."

Jiang Wang had no intention of participating in their family activities, took a shower early and changed into pajamas, pretended to be sleepy, went back to the guest room and lay down.

Chang Hua prefers a big soft sofa bed, so he didn't sleep on his side.

At ten o'clock in the evening, the lights in the porch rooms are all turned off, except for a small orange light in the master bedroom.

Jiang Wang closed his eyes and wanted to sleep, but suddenly heard a clear voice on the other side of the wall.

Once the environment is quiet, the sound insulation effect is even more non-existent.

"Mom, I brought this book, can you read it to's one of my favorites."

Du Wenjuan originally specially prepared bedtime reading materials for the children, but she readily accepted when Peng Xingwang brought them.

"Mom likes reading to the stars the most."

"When you were a one or two-year-old child, you always asked me to read the same little lamb cabbage over and over again. Later, when your mother was about to fall asleep, you still wanted to listen to it."

"Ah, I don't even remember."

The man looked up at the dark room, and turned over for a while.

The mother and son on the other side covered the quilt, and the child nestled in the most comfortable position in the warm embrace of the mother.

"Little Nutbrown Rabbit was going to bed, but he held on to Big Nutbrown Hare's long ears."

Du Wenjuan's voice became gentle and deep, and every word was clear.

"The little rabbit wants the big rabbit to listen carefully to him."

"'Guess how much I love you,' he said."

"Big Rabbit said, 'Oh, I can't guess that.'"

Jiang Wang suddenly recalled that Peng Xingwang also pestered him to read this picture book.

But he couldn't finish reading it, and forced to change another one after reading halfway.

The word love is really hard to say, it seems to swell in the throat like a sponge, making it difficult to breathe.

Peng Xingwang opened his arms and read to his mother the story that he had quietly read a hundred times.

"so much."

"Mom, I love you so much."

Du Wenjuan kissed him naturally, and read the following words for him with a smile.

"Big rabbits have much longer arms, 'I love you so much,' he said."

"Well, that's a lot, thought Little Rabbit."

"I love you as high as I raise my hand," said the little rabbit.

"I love you as high as I raise my hand," said Big Rabbit.

That's really high, thought Little Rabbit. If only I had arms that long.

Jiang Wang fell asleep in a daze.

He didn't even finish the story, he was relieved just to hear his mother's voice.

Later, the little rabbit said something to the big rabbit, but he didn't remember a word.

Woke up suddenly at three o'clock in the morning.

It is inconvenient for him to turn on the lights at other people's houses for activities, so he just took out the mobile phone that was still charging, first swiped through the unread text messages, and then played a few games of Snake.

At home, Simmons is used to sleeping, and her back is not used to sleeping on the wooden bed in the guest room. Jiang Wang lit a cigarette with the window open in the bathroom, and then sent Ji Linqiu a text message.

[The air here is very good, I should bring you here to play. ]

Unexpectedly, the opposite party replied after a while.

[Why didn't you fall asleep? ]

[Choose a bed. You just finished working? ]

[Well, the school is judging the best and needs to prepare materials. ]

Jiang Wang opened the door to confirm the layout of the house. The bathroom is far away from the living room, so whispering will not disturb them.

Inexplicably, he is like a child who comes to live in his mother's new family for the first time, he is cautious in everything he does.

Then he called Ji Linqiu.

The other party answered quickly, with a sleepy voice.

"This is a long-distance call. Be careful that your phone bill will explode."

"That can't be helped. I just want to talk to Teacher Ji at night."

Ji Linqiu laughed and said, "Why, you didn't have a good time."

Jiang Wang thought about it, but still shook his head in denial.

"It's okay, I'll go see Jing'er tomorrow to blow some air, and I'll be back with the child in a few days."

In fact, he didn't have anything important to talk to Ji Linqiu on a long-distance call.

He just wants to hear his voice.

People always want to get close to the source of security in an unfamiliar environment.

Ji Linqiu's side was not completely finished yet, and the rustling of pens could be heard.

He is also used to pampering Jiang Wang, even if it is expensive to take a long distance, he still puts the phone to his ear and listens to the other party's shallow breathing in the middle of the night.

One listened to the sound of writing, the other listened to the sound of breathing, and remained silent for a long time.

Jiang Wang didn't smoke, but just put the cigarette on the vent to see how it burns out.

When it was about to disappear, he suddenly smiled and said something.

"I haven't seen you for a day, how can I panic."

He came back to his senses just after he finished speaking, thinking that he really drank too much, and he was so ashamed that he was talking nonsense.

No, I only got one bottle of beer today, usually two and a half bottles may not be on my face.

Ji Linqiu thought he heard it wrong, but he didn't dare to ask more, so he hummed.

Jiang Wang put his face close to the phone, as if he was afraid that he would not be able to hear him, and murmured: "Mr. Ji, I want to touch your jade pendant again."

Ji Linqiu was silent for two seconds: "Smelly rascal, sleep."

Hung up the phone.

Jiang Wang looked at the call record and laughed for a while, but he didn't know what he was laughing at.

Du Wenjuan woke up very early the next day, and planned to have a prenatal check-up with her husband first, so that the two of them could sleep a little longer.

Unexpectedly, Peng Xingwang woke up and insisted on going to the hospital with her.

"Mom will be back soon, it only takes an hour." Du Wenjuan was afraid that he might encounter germs in the hospital, moved but hesitated: "Good boy, just for a while."

"I want to protect my mother." The child said seriously, "I also want to protect my younger siblings."

"Okay, let's go together."

Jiang forgets to get up earlier, take a walk

When he came back, he brought breakfast, and his style of doing things was exactly the same as that of Peng Xingwang.

Chang Hua didn't expect Boss Jiang to be so polite, so he was too embarrassed to answer and thanked him again and again.

"It was what we should have done. You are too careful. Thank you very much."

After Jiang Wang finished these things, he realized that he had the mentality of Du Wenjuan's eldest son in his subconscious, so he smiled without explaining.

They have very little interest in visiting scenic spots, and they enjoy going to the hospital with their mother.

The 22-week-old fetus will have a major excretion, and it will take a long time to hold back the urine, and then check the 3D color Doppler ultrasound, as well as blood and urine tests to confirm whether the fetus's facial features, limbs, and internal organs are developing normally.

The obstetrics and gynecology department basically come to couples together, and there are also a few pregnant women queuing alone with their big bellies.

After Du Wenjuan entered the B-ultrasound room, it took about half an hour for the examination. Jiang Wang and Peng Xingwang were idle outside, and the older one held the younger one in his arms. A series of popular science.

Jiang Wang has been single for twenty-eight years, and he really has never understood these things. He is a little ashamed and has to explain the words he doesn't know to the child.

Peng Xingwang had a relaxed expression at first, but after reading the anatomical diagram, he was dumbfounded.

Turning to look at Jiang Wang: "Is giving birth so painful?"

He squeezed it to the size of a tiger's mouth, and then expanded it to the size of a baby's head.

"Squeeze out like this?!"

Jiang Wang himself had never seen it before, so he nodded forcefully: "Probably."

"Ah." The child sighed, "Then mom really loves me."

Inexplicably, Peng Xingwang found the confidence that he could exist again.

——My mother spent so much effort to give birth to me, I am still very important to her!

Jiang Wang probably knew about childbirth, but he really didn't know that pregnant women had to go through so many check-ups. Looking at the items in the leaflet, it seemed like they were getting to know a new world.

When Du Wenjuan came out again, one big and one small looked in awe, as if they were watching a miracle.

Du Wenjuan couldn't laugh or cry: "There's no need to be so nervous, it's fine, the result is very good."

Peng Xingwang nodded solemnly, and reached out to hug her again.

"In the past two years, I've lived with Brother Jiang, so I won't cause you any trouble."

Jiang Wang: "...?"

They did not spend much time in the morning. In the afternoon, they drove to the nearby landscape tower to take pictures, and then slowly strolled around the folk custom street under the tower.

Cizhou has become rich all the way through light industry and tourism. The cultural attractions are well planned. The Small Commodity Street specially invited professional actors to row dry boats and walk on stilts.

Peng Xingwang ran quickly between the shops, watching the silversmith hammering the hammer and picking hairpins for his mother, holding a small wallet and wishing he could buy everything.

Turning around, I bought a pair of silver-pink sunglasses for Jiang Wang.

Colorful laser full of vitality.

"Brother! Cool or not!"

Jiang Wang was suspicious while holding the fifty-dollar sunglasses.

"You really think I'm right for this?"

Chang Hua laughed at the side: "It's okay, if Dai is not used to it, you can send it to your girlfriend!"

Jiang Wang wanted to talk about where his girlfriend came from, so Ji Linqiu was the only one he caught temporarily.

When the words came to my lips, I felt something was wrong.

He didn't think much, hung the sunglasses on his neckline and continued shopping.

Du Wenjuan took a second look: "Kids are very good at picking, you just happened to be wearing a water blue shirt today, and the color matches well."

Jiang Wang straightened his spine suddenly, coughed dryly and fiddled with his collar: "Really? Coincidentally."

Halfway through the shopping, Chang Hua gradually started talking, introducing the most famous specialty here—pens.

The fountain pens in Cizhou are not as famous as the brands in Japan. In fact, most of the domestic fountain pen production is secretly contracted. The craftsmanship is good, the price is low, and the appearance is new.

There is also a very old-fashioned pen shop in the Folk Street. Du Wenjuan just took the children to the opposite side to eat scallion buns and green balls. Jiang Wang said hello to Chang Hua and walked in for a stroll.

The owner of this shop focuses on the craftsmanship of cloisonné enamel, which has a sense of palace luxury in the Kangxi and Qianlong periods.

Jiang Wang looked for a long time, and his eyes stopped in another display box placed separately.

Resin material, rose gold edge, bright blue and dark green blend, like a starry summer night quietly falling into a dream, deep and gentle.

"How much is this?"

The owner of Pen Studio has been observing his choice, and at the moment he is in a good mood: "Good eyesight! This is the original pen that I asked a friend to buy from Italy. It is not for sale!"

Jiang Wang: "...but I only want to buy this one."

The boss was a bit reluctant, and wanted to share his love for this series with him, so he specially took a small lamp to tell Jiang Wangzhao how special this is.

"VISTI, an old Italian brand, look at this platinum nib and the streamlined design of this barrel!"

He spoke eloquently, as if he had finally found a bosom friend who was willing to listen.

"I didn't expect it to be the first thing you saw. My friend lined up for this series and his legs almost broke!"

Jiang Wang seemed to be distracted, and seemed to be listening all the time. After a while, he said: "You just said, what is the name of this pen?"

""Starry Night", "the boss said proudly: "It sounds good, but ordinary pens don't have such a name!"

Jiang Wang nodded: "I want it, let's make an offer."

The boss was at a loss for words for a while, and he didn't think about whether to sell it, so he rubbed his hands together and said, "This... is a bit expensive."

"It's okay, how much."

The boss reported more than 2,000 yuan, and also explained that the labor costs for queuing and round-trip planes were discounted here.

Jiang Wang nodded again and took out his card: "Is UnionPay okay?"

The boss of Penzhai has been in business for so long, and rarely encounters such customers who do not bargain at all, and his expression is surprised: "How about... I will give you a cheaper price?"

"No need." Jiang Wang shook his head.

He wanted to give this pen to Ji Linqiu.

If the price is bargained, it will damage his mind.

That night, Jiang Wang went for a walk downstairs alone. After figuring out what Ji Linqiu was doing now, he called him again.

This time it took a while to pick up.

Before Ji Linqiu could speak, Jiang Wang spoke first: "Mr. Ji, I bought you a pen."

"I like this pen very much, so I want to give it to you."

"You can't put this pen in the cabinet, it's better to use it every day."

He said it without thinking, and he didn't realize that his words were full of righteous coquettishness and domination.

Ji Linqiu didn't expect a series of words when he answered the phone, so he smiled helplessly: "You just made a unilateral decision like this?"

Jiang Wang also reacted, and for a moment felt that he was a fake wine boss, and whined like a wolf with a big tail.

"It's okay if you don't accept it." He said in a low voice: "But if you don't accept it, I will be sad, and I will be sad for a long time quietly."

"Mr. Ji, are you willing?"

Ji Linqiu stretched out his hand to cover his eyes, like

It is a taboo committed by self-deception.

Every word Jiang Wang said made him feel hot, but he couldn't tell him this feeling.

After listening to the last sentence with my eyes covered, I felt a little angry, but smiled happily again.

"Jiang Wang." Ji Linqiu gently called his name.

Jiang Wang's cheeks turned red suddenly, and he leaned against the wall full of creepers, waiting to hear what was to come.

"You're still too arrogant." Ji Linqiu still covered his eyes, and whispered in the silence and darkness.

"What if I'm not used to you?"

The man hooked his lips, and the ending sound was lazy and seductive.

"No, you will."