Transmigrated to Twenty Years Ago and Adopted Myself

Chapter 65


Due to the excessive deposits, Jiang Wang has become a key target of the bank in Hongcheng and Yuhan. There are constant gifts during the New Year and holidays, and there is a dedicated VIP service. Wherever you go to do business, you have direct access to the VIP room.

At this moment in 2007, the macro economy had not fully taken off, and there were not many big entrepreneurs. For banks in Hongcheng, a small and medium-sized place, Jiang Wang’s personal deposits, as well as a series of businesses of online stores and companies under his name, Enough to activate several bank outlets.

After buying several houses in Beijing, Jiang Wang was out of most of the cash on hand. Within ten minutes, the account manager called and asked politely if he needed loan services.

Jiang Wang couldn't help laughing, and he never thought that he would be like someone who was a dignified person today, so he hung up politely after a few words of greeting.

He actually had a farther vision.

If one day his investment fully doubles, he can completely entrust Ji Linqiu with the education of not forgetting, and then go to new fields to expand the territory by himself.

Once a person has a deposit of more than seven figures, life will have the unreal feeling of an RPG game.

It was so easy and simple that it seemed that the hardships and bitterness in the past were all illusions, and now it was the dream of waking up.

Ji Linqiu used to think too much about things, and after getting along with Jiang Wang for a long time, he was gradually influenced by him to act resolutely and make decisions quickly.

He bought a real estate in Beijing, and after returning to Yuhan, he also picked a house with a yard on the first floor in Bailu District. It takes about ten minutes to walk to his home, so that he can take his parents over for the elderly in the future.

The two originally arrived in the provincial capital on October 14th, but they were so busy that they found a hotel to spend the night at random, and they returned home with their luggage on the 16th.

When opening the door, Peng Xingwang was wearing a small apron and mopping the floor, wheezing and sweating on his forehead.

Jiang Wang was silent for two seconds: "I remember I hired a part-time aunt, right?"

The child seemed to be caught by the bag, and hid beside the dining table: "I... My hobby is doing housework!"

Ji Linqiu felt that Jiang Wang didn't really want this, so he took the big mop that was taller than Peng Xingwang, and bent over to mop all the corners beside the refrigerator.

Jiang Wang realized something, and put down his briefcase to find a rag to wipe the table.

Peng Xingwang panicked: "That's not what I meant—brother, you guys should take a rest!"

As a result, inexplicably, it turned into three people cleaning and doing housework together, and the rooms were gradually tidied up one by one, looking like a new spring.

At the beginning, Peng Xingwang felt that he had done something wrong and was a little apprehensive. After cleaning up after them for more than ten minutes, he unexpectedly felt a soft and warm family feeling.

The three of them clean the house together.

It feels so good to have a home, I really like sweeping the floor with my brother.

The house is too big, and there are some weeds and moss in the yard that need to be cleaned up.

Jiang Wang and Lin Qiu chatted a few words about the company, then turned to look at Peng Xingwang who was trying to talk about something.

"How are you doing at school these days?"

The child blinked, and suddenly put down the rag and rushed back to his room. After a while, he rushed back like a small cannonball, holding up several shiny chocolate candy wrappers.

Chocolate candy

Jiang Wang didn't quite understand: "Do you like this brand? How many boxes shall I buy for you later?"

"Ms. Shao rewarded you, right?" Ji Linqiu remembered the past, and said with a smile: "Have you solved all the Olympiad questions she assigned?"

Peng Xingwang nodded proudly, and carefully put all the candy wrappers into the notebook, just like preserving golden autumn leaves.

"I like doing Mathematical Olympiad problems the most now!"

Jiang Wang was moved in his heart.

Great, I myself will not be illiterate in the future.

If this kid is going to be a graduate student in a university in the future, I'll be rounded off, too. It's very good.

After Peng Xingwangxian put his things away, he came back and squatted on the ground to pick weeds.

After picking it for a while, he suddenly said: "The teacher said a very strange sentence to me yesterday."


The child tried to imitate the tone of voice, and stuttered: "Qi Niao Mao?"

"Brother, what is Qi Niao Mao?"

"Ask you if you have eaten."

Peng Xingwang groaned, and searched for another sentence: "Mr. Shao also said that I am very awake. What is spiritual awakening?"

Ji Linqiu couldn't help laughing while holding his forehead.

"I'm complimenting you on your cleanliness and good looks."

The child is confused.

Jiang Wang simply started teaching Wuhan dialect on the spot, explaining the doorway here while cleaning the glass greenhouse.

He has stayed in the provincial capital for many years, with a pure accent, and his teaching is simple and direct.

Yuhan’s wharf culture has a long history, and the local accent can be somewhat rough.

It sounds a bit fierce at first, but after listening to it a lot, you will feel the pleasure of eating meat and drinking like a middle-aged brother. Although the tone and pronunciation are completely different from Wu Nong's soft language, it can still give people a sense of intimacy.

What's interesting is that Jiang Wang taught there, and Ji Linqiu could add a few words from time to time.

He is not from Yuhan, but he has excellent language talent, and he can learn the corresponding accent wherever he stays for a period of time.

It would be interesting for cultural people to speak in tongues.

Jiang Wang raised his eyebrows and said, "What are you so stern?", his ruffian was quite flamboyant.

But when Ji Linqiu said in a gentle manner, "Why did you take the exam?", there would be a gentleness and sharpness that was contradictory, and it was very real.

The three of them did housework all afternoon, and the teaching of Yuhan dialect continued all afternoon, which was like teaching the children half a bucket of water.

When going back to the bathroom to wash the mop, Jiang Wanglue was a little worried.

"You said that he has learned half of the understanding, will he be isolated?"

"It's just that you can't teach him everything," Ji Linqiu laughed: "You have taught him everything, how can the children in the class be his teachers?"

Jiang Wang reacted instantly and deeply agreed.

Everyone knows that Xing Xing is a child from a small city, and they are all willing to admit him into this group.

The teaching is half-meeting and half-failing, just convenient for him to chat more with his classmates.

The doorbell rang a few times, as if a courier had come.

Jiang Wang signaled the children to watch the TV break, and went to open the door by himself.

As soon as the door opened, it was Qiu Mo, the general manager of Sufeng Express's Yuhan District.

"Long time no see, Boss Jiang." She smiled and handed the gift box forward, bowed slightly and said, "Are you free to chat?"

Jiang Wang has not been involved in the express delivery business for a long time.

He started his business with Sufeng Express, and went to the headquarters to attend the commendation meeting at the end of last year, but because of his personal entrepreneurship, he finally handed over the two express stations to reliable friends, and resigned himself from participating.

But with several times of cooperation, many people from Sufeng Group inside and outside the province have become acquainted with him and have a good impression of each other.

Qiu Mo's appearance and dress are typical professional women, and her high heels are steady and firm, just like her speaking style.

After a few pleasantries, the two got straight to the point. They actually intended to invite him to join again and participate in the company's expansion plan as an external consultant.

"Now the expansion of business volume

The speed... has completely exceeded our imagination. "

"To be honest, I used to worry about not having enough business volume, but now I worry about not being able to finish the orders."

In the past two years, the number of online stores has grown wildly like weeds, and the price advantage has continued to emerge.

Due to the establishment of official websites one after another, the major enterprises have rapidly increased their online orders and urgently need the help of excellent freight companies.

"We've been recruiting people like crazy for the past few months, and the trainees are all so tired that their throats are smoking," Qiu Mo said in a low voice, tapping on the center of her brow with one finger, "but I'm more worried that during Christmas and Spring Festival, the efficiency of document delivery is very low. There could be a fault."

There will be a small peak in shopping volume during the Christmas period, and there will be a continuous peak between New Year's Day and New Year's Day, but that time is the most stressful time for transportation and freight.

The unit has been meeting for a long time for this, but the final plan is still undecided.

In the end, Qiu Mo made the decision directly and recruited capable officers to help.

"Salary and share are calculated based on 150% of the price given by the HR department. In addition, there is a salary of 14 a year. It is not mandatory to be on duty, but some meetings must be present. Do you think it is okay?"

She has heard about Jiang Wang for a long time, and she has met him several times before, and she feels that he is very compatible. When she speaks, she has the boldness to solicit comrades-in-arms.

Jiang Wang took the envelope containing the contract, just smiled and said: "I have to think about this matter again, I can't agree to you right away."

"However," he paused for two seconds, and said calmly, "Sometimes, it's not your plan that's wrong."

"It's that your system can no longer keep up with the business volume."

As a friend, even just asking this sentence is enough for her to suddenly see the light.

Qiu Mo's gaze was fixed, and his fighting spirit was ignited again.

"You mean, the first thing we should consider is reforming the entry and delivery system, right?"

"It makes sense, there are also vehicle scheduling and handover, and the docking efficiency of the air transport..." She said to herself quickly, and bowed deeply when she got up: "Thank you so much, please think about it more. "

Jiang Wang bid farewell to Qiu Mo at the door, and thought for a while while peeling oranges in the living room after closing the door.

After Ji Linqiu was busy with the work at hand, he came to sit down and opened his mouth to take a petal, his mouth was full of moist fragrance.

"What do you think?"

"I think salary is very important," Ji Linqiu said unhurriedly, "You are not short of salary, but you are short of their family's shares."

Jiang Wang smiled and nodded.

Indeed, we can discuss the conditions again.

The two of them did not avoid the children while chatting, including just now when Qiu Mo came to talk about work, nor did they avoid Peng Xingwang.

When Jiang Wang said this, he realized that the children were not watching TV, but were watching them quietly.

He laughed: "What are you thinking now?"

"I was wondering..." Peng Xingwang scratched his head and said, "So there are so many choices?"

The two adults looked at him together.

"A long time ago, I thought that I would spend my whole life in Hongcheng." The child showed a puzzled expression: "I see other adults, it seems that there is a step-by-step road, and everyone should follow the road and walk straight forward."

"But Brother Wang, you not only take a few steps to the east, but also take a few steps to the west." Peng Xingwang turned his head quietly: "You also dragged Teacher Ji from his path, and let him wander around like you. I don’t even care what other people say.”

Jiang Wang laughed: "Then what do you think is the most comfortable?"

"I don't know, maybe the answer is very profound." The child said seriously, "But I can see that you are so motivated, and your life is super happy."

When I grow up, I must be an adult like you.