Transmigrated to Twenty Years Ago and Adopted Myself

Chapter 67


When he came back late the day before, although Ji Linqiu remembered that Xingwang had something to say, the child had already finished his homework and went to bed, so he didn't want to disturb him.

He has always attached great importance to children's thoughts, so he deliberately leaves work early the next day to pick up Xing Xing from school.

"Brother!" Xing Wang ran out with his schoolbag on his back, and was very happy when he saw Ji Linqiu: "You are back, what shall we have for dinner!"

"You forgot that my brother has something to do, and we are still in a meeting. Let's go to eat burning jelly grass first, and have hot pot together at 8:30 in the evening, shall we?"

"OK OK!"

When he arrived at the store, Ji Linqiu ordered a portion of taro balls with coconut milk and roasted grass jelly, and chatted with the children while eating.

"You said last time that there was something you wanted to tell me. Did something happen?"

Peng Xing was so forgetful that he almost choked when he heard this.

"Ahem, cough," he struggled, "Maybe I was thinking too much, I used to be prone to cranky thoughts... Earlier, brother Wang took me to the hospital for a physical examination, and I thought he was going to sell organs."

Ji Linqiu relaxed, thinking that the matter should not be serious, handed him a tissue and said, "Then teacher doesn't ask too many questions, if you want to talk, you can do it anytime."

"Uh, that's right," the child said after taking a big gulp of burnt grass jelly, stirring the spoon, "I had to fill out the form for the autumn outing, so I went to check my brother's ID card."

"I didn't rummage through my brother's stuff, he agreed with me to go!"

Ji Linqiu had a vague premonition.

"and then?"

Peng Xingwang paused for a while, and lowered his voice very low, lest other people in the dessert shop hear it.

"Brother, he has two ID cards."

Ji Linqiu's pupils shrank slightly, and he covered the small porcelain bowl tightly with both hands, unable to speak.

"Both are of him, and his name and photo are the same," the child said slowly, "but...the styles are very different."

He was afraid that Brother Linqiu wouldn't understand, so he took out the drawing book of the art class from his schoolbag, and showed him the painting according to his previous memory.

"Behind the national emblem of the real certificate, there are many circles. But behind the national emblem of his false certificate is the Great Wall, which is completely different."

"What's more, Brother Wang even got the year wrong. The fake certificate says, Jiang Wang, on July 11, 1998," Peng Xingwang said with a mouthful of burnt jelly grass, "This is the same age as me." What! He is obviously more than 20 years older than me!"

If Brother Wang was born in 1998, wouldn't he be nine years old now!

Ji Linqiu stopped talking, but drank the coconut milk with his head down, eating slowly spoon by spoon.

He couldn't process such horrifying information for a while.

Peng Xingwang was afraid that adults would think he was lying, so he searched his memory for a long time and said: "There is also the validity period of the ID card - it is actually 2021, and it is only 2007 now!"

"Brother Linqiu, you said he got such a fake certificate, is he going to borrow usury!"

The child noticed that brother Linqiu had become very quiet, thinking that he might be angry, but he might not have taken it seriously.

He doesn't understand many things in the adult world, just like there will be many messy rules when he grows up.

Some roads are one-way lanes, and cars have to change lanes and turn corners.

Some shops refuse to give plastic bags, so you have to carry a cloth bag before you go.

In some places, you need to swipe your ID card, in some places you need a household registration book, in some places only adults are allowed to enter, and children will be trained by security guards when they approach the door.

He may have many, many things... that he doesn't understand at all.

Peng Xingwang thought of this, and gradually stopped talking.

He seemed to already know the answer.

When encountering this kind of thing, many elders will say, 'This is an adult's business, children should not worry about it'.

Or 'you don't understand now, I will tell you when you grow up'.

But when he grows up, he may not remember the problems he had when he was a child.

Ji Linqiu thought for a long time, and finally spoke very slowly.

"I'm sorry, brother... I'm not very clear. I only found out about it today after hearing from you."

"If brother finds out in the future why you forgot why brother has two ID cards, he will tell you as soon as possible, okay?"

Seeing the worried expression on the child's face, he smiled again.

"However, your brother doesn't have any debt problems now, and he won't use false certificates to do illegal things."

"Brother Wang is... a very upright and kind person. In this regard, we can all trust him with confidence, so there is no need to be afraid."

Peng Xing gave a sigh, touched the back of his head and nodded in response.


Ji Linqiu was still thinking about the origin of this ID card and that coat, and said after a long while: "Let's not talk to Brother Wang about this for now, and wait for me to find a suitable opportunity to have a good talk with him, is that okay?"

"Don't worry," the child gave a thumbs up, "I'm the best at keeping secrets! I'm the only one who knows where Yang Kai hid his pocket money!"

At the same time, Jiang Wang had just finished the meeting and was still processing follow-up documents in the office.

The secretary came in with the package: "Mr. Jiang, your courier is also from Cizhou this time."

Du Wenjuan's work is relatively old-fashioned. She used to like to send letters at the post office, but now she is also influenced by Jiang Wang and uses faster and more reliable express delivery.

She also felt that it was a waste of postage to send only two pieces of paper, so she simply brought some snacks and sausages made by herself every time, or a few photos of Yinyin, a fairy tale book specially bought for Xingwang, etc., so that every time In ten days and half a month, they all received a simple and heavy parcel.

Jiang Wang was rarely cared about like this in the past, but now even if he was just taking advantage of his own childhood, he also received a small stack of letters from his mother, and he could be happy for several days every time, humming songs at get off work and after work.

This time the package looked a bit big, but it was light in the hand.

Jiang Wang signaled the secretary to go out, took a utility knife and carefully opened it, and found three scarves, hats, and gloves inside.

This time, Du Wenjuan even made it for Teacher Ji. She has been knitting scarves with pure wool thread since summer, and she is finally done now.

The styles for adults are simple and elegant, Jiang Wang is dark gray, Ji Linqiu is dark brown, it is very convenient to match with any clothes, and the wool is soft and ironed, so it won't make your neck itchy.

In addition, a letter was attached.

forget, star:

When late autumn comes and the weather starts to get cold, you must remember to dress warmly, open windows for ventilation, and drink some Banlangen granules at the right time to prevent colds.

Yinyin is lively and healthy now, not at all as sleepy as she was when she was just born. I am really relieved.

I also look forward to when everyone will be reunited again and feel the beauty of autumn together.

I heard that Xingwang has adapted well in the new school, and he can do the Mathematical Olympiad. I am so happy.

But please also forget to tell him more: guard against arrogance and impetuosity, and don't become cocky just because of short-term progress.

Besides, there is one more thing I want to discuss with you.

During the Chinese New Year in February, Yinyin was weaning. The short separation between mother and daughter would help her become more independent, and save me from making soft-hearted concessions, which would be detrimental to her growth.

I intend to let Chang Hua and Bao

Mu took care of her and went back to her hometown for the New Year. I happened to be able to come to Yuhan to spend the New Year's Eve with you and Xingwang.

But I don't know if this will disturb you. If you think it's appropriate, you can call and discuss in detail later.

In addition, in autumn and winter, it is easy to accumulate food and hurt the stomach. The letter comes with a small package of hawthorn jelly I made. Remember to eat it early and don't let it go bad.

Repeatedly worrying, it's hard to say.

Hope all is well.

Du Wenjuan October 27, 2007

After reading the letter, Jiang Wang went to look through the pile of scarves and hats, and found a clean tin biscuit box inside, with plum red hawthorn cakes in it, dotted with sweet-scented osmanthus flowers on the surface.

He wiped his hands and took a sip. It was sour and sweet, so delicious that he couldn't help laughing.

It was several days in a flash.

Although Ji Linqiu wanted to ask Jiang Wang about his coat and ID card, since his parents had just moved here, he had to take them to familiarize himself with the environment in the past few days, so he was not in a hurry to clarify.

In the first week after the two elderly people moved to Yuhan, although they were indeed unfamiliar with the place, their local accent was difficult to change and they could not understand the local dialect, they were more pleasantly surprised than uncomfortable.

So much so that one day Chen Danhong called at ten o'clock in the evening, her tone couldn't hide her happiness at all.

"Linqiu! Did you know that the new house you bought can wash dishes with hot water!"

Ji Linqiu was stunned for a moment, and wanted to explain that this was the case all over the city, it was water heated by natural gas.

Before he could speak, Chen Danhong cheered again: "I have never used hot water to wash dishes in my life. I was so stupid at first."

"Your dad and I have been rushing to wash the dishes these past few days. Hey, don't tell me, the dishes washed in hot water must have been sterilized and sterilized. They are clean and feel very comfortable!"

"Son, the house you bought is really nice!"

When Ji Linqiu bought a house, he originally considered such things as the location, transportation, and the convenience of medical and schooling.

He never thought that his mother's happiest thing was that the kitchen was also connected to hot water, so that his hands would not hurt from the cold when washing dishes.

It seems that I just realized that my mother used to do the housework alone, and in the cold winter of the thirties, she also washed the dishes with a basin full of ice well water.

There are some things that he can't see as long as his mother doesn't complain.

However, Chen Danhong's complaints have always been about ordinary life goals such as getting married and having children, rather than her own situation.

They picked a sunny day with the cool autumn wind, and took Ji's parents to the training center of Do Not Forget Education.

Ji Guoshen is an old teacher, but he is used to staying in a small place, and he has never seen the cruel battlefield like fighting against each other under the contemporary exam-oriented education.

The old man first looked around the spacious teaching center with his hands behind his back, looking at the digital interactive blackboard, the large and comfortable desks, and even the lighting design above his head.

Then read the textbooks, read the papers, and look at the many teachers in the meeting in the glass window.

It seems that the whole person has recovered from the old breath after illness, and feels the call of youth again.

When he saw that there were still grandpas and old ladies of the same age in the meeting, he showed a surprised expression.

"I thought, all your classes are taught by young teachers now?"

"How come, we invited many experienced teachers from Hongcheng," Ji Linqiu said with a smile: "The teaching methods should be trained in a unified way to keep pace with the times."

"But your long-term experience and experience are beyond our new teachers' ability to catch up."

Ji Guoshen originally felt that he had been eliminated by the times after he retired. Although he usually smiled when he met chess and poker friends, sometimes he still couldn't hide his loneliness.

At this moment, he was fascinated by his peers who were still working hard, his eyes were full of light like the morning sun.