Transmigrated to Twenty Years Ago and Adopted Myself

Chapter 80


When Jiang Wang sent Peng Jiahui out of the house, he originally wanted to ask his biological father a lot, but the words came to his lips and he couldn't say them.

If it wasn't for the car accident, he would never have come to this place, let alone see his biological parents again.

So in his concept, there has never been such a thing as a family gathering together.

When it really happened, his emotions were blank, and he didn't even know whether to be sad or happy. Forty minutes passed in a flash, and before he could recover from this extremely powerful incident, everything was over.

Peng Jiahui was still happy before knocking on the door, but when he came out, he was very preoccupied, hesitated to speak, walked two steps and stopped two steps, and turned to look at Jiang Wang's expression.

"Big brother," the middle-aged man found a brand new red envelope from his briefcase, and handed it to Jiang Wang: "Here is half of my salary this year, and the year-end bonus, which can add up to 50,000 to 60,000 yuan at last." money."

"You treat Xing Xing really well, and I can see it, but his food, drink and clothing, as well as his tuition fees, should have been paid by me."

Peng Jiahui touched his head in embarrassment when he talked about this.

"As you know, I work in mechanical engineering, and the payment is settled every two or three quarters, and the fixed salary I usually pay is not too much."

"I didn't dare to tell you before, because I was afraid that you would think I was talking empty words to fool people. I just got it today and I came to you. I also told him about the child. Dad will definitely pay for the tuition and living expenses. Don't be stressed. Just go to school happily."

Jiang Wang's thoughts were still on the fact that his parents appeared at the same time, and it took him a long time to react, looking at the bank card in his hand covered by the red paper.

"You must answer it. The password is the date of birth of the child. I know that the money is relatively small. I am too embarrassed to ask you about the school selection fee." I have been transferred to Yuhan, but the premise is that this year and next year’s projects will be overfulfilled, and I can be promoted.”

"I originally said to buy a house in Hongcheng, but I didn't expect you to bring Xingxing to Yuhan to study. No matter how lucky you are, you want to share with him. No, I'll rent a house to live with him, do you think it's okay?"

Jiang Wang lowered his head and touched the red envelope, finally said: "How do you feel when you see Du Wenjuan?"

Jiang Wang had one meaning in his mouth, but when the words reached Peng Jiahui's ears, there was another meaning.

In Peng Jiahui's eyes, the young man in front of him, who is strong and strong, is the younger brother of his ex-wife.

And he had done too many things to be sorry for his ex-wife, which both of them knew very well.

Peng Jiahui's momentum suddenly weakened.

"I really didn't want to disturb you." He returned to a somewhat humble and embarrassed state: "A lot of things happened back then... I was not a thing, and I shouldn't hit her."

Peng Jiahui originally had a card in his pocket, thinking about bringing some money to change himself to a decent place to live, to buy some New Year's goods for his parents, and to buy some new clothes.

He took the wallet, gritted his teeth and opened it again, taking out this one as well.

"The second one, please pass it on to Juan, I owe her this."

"The password is my parents' birthday, she knows."

Jiang Wang was silent for a while, then pushed back the card that belonged to Peng Xingwang, and took the second card into his hand.

"I'll pass this one on." He turned around and walked back, turning his back to Peng Jiahui and swiping the card in his hand.

"What you owe Peng Xingwang will never be repaid with money."

"Come and see him when you have time."

Peng Jiahui didn't expect Jiang Wang to choose this way, he just held the red envelope in a daze, not knowing what to say, but his face felt like he had been slapped in the face.

Jiang Wang stopped suddenly, turned around and looked at Peng Jiahui again, smiling relieved as if he had let go of something.

"By the way, Happy New Year."

Du Wenjuan waited in the living room for a long time, still feeling uneasy.

She didn't expect to see her ex-husband so suddenly. She felt both the familiar fear and the pleasure of revenge after having given birth to a daughter for others.

But in front of the child, these emotions need to be restrained, and only the mother's side should be retained.

As for how much Jiang Wang will's out of her control.

Jiang Wang smoked a whole cigarette downstairs and patted off the smell before going upstairs.

I just saw my mother cooking in the kitchen alone, Xing Xing was watching TV in the living room, said hello and entered the kitchen, closing the door.

"He asked me to pass this one on to you. He said it should have been given to you long ago, but I haven't been able to find a chance. The password is his parents' birthdays."

Du Wenjuan was frying lettuce. When she heard this sentence, she reached out and turned off the range hood. She turned her head and said, "I'm sorry, I didn't hear clearly just now. What did you say?"

Jiang Wang repeated it patiently.

He can't talk about loving his mother, but he can clearly distinguish these two emotions.

Who owes whom, and who leaves whom, are always different things.

Du Wenjuan was stunned for a while, then put down the shovel, and hastily wiped her hands with her apron.

"This is not a place to talk, let's go to the guest room."

She hurried back to the room where she was staying with Jiang Wang, and found an inner pocket from the depth of the travel bag, and even sewed the edge tightly with hemp rope to prevent thieves from picking up the pocket on the train.

The scissors clicked to cut the seal, and a small thing wrapped in red cloth fell out, which looked like a notebook.

The red cloth was uncovered layer by layer, and it was still packed in a small plastic bag, as if it was afraid of water.

After the last layer of plastic bag was taken out and the item was handed over to Jiang Wang, he finally saw what it was.

A passbook.

An old passbook with curled edges and blurred gilt lettering.

He hadn't touched such an ancient deposit for more than ten years.

"With Peng Jiahui's character, how could he remember to save money for me." Du Wenjuan smiled coldly: "If it was really left to me, the password should be my birthday, not his parents'."

"Even if he has money and is good to everyone in the world, I'm still the last one. He can still use the opportunity of not being able to meet each other to avoid it and pretend nothing happened."

"This money is only the school money he left for Xingwang, you keep it, the password is 528111."

She vaguely felt a little unlucky, put the card aside without mentioning it, and solemnly handed the passbook to Jiang Wang with both hands.

"Forget, the stars have always been with you, and it has also prevented you from finding a good family to marry. In your twenties with a child, you will always be gossiped."

"I'm thinking, if I don't wait for the child to finish his year of study and take him back to Cizhou, Yinyin will be able to take care of her, right?"

"There is no rush to get married." Jiang Wang instinctively said: "I am in love, and the other party likes Xing Xing very much, so he won't think too much about it."

"Xing Xing has just settled in a school, and if he transfers rashly, he may not be able to adjust again."

Du Wenjuan was still secretly worrying about her younger brother's marriage before, but when she heard the sound, she raised her head and was a little surprised: "Have you found someone? What kind of girl is it? What do your parents do? Do they treat you well?"

She thought of something, and patted Jiang Wang a little anxiously and a little funny: "Why didn't you tell me earlier, if people say they don't mind the stars, they must be polite. Which girl is willing to help outsiders raise a baby?"

child. "

"This matter really can't be delayed, no, I quit my job and rent a house in Yuhan to take care of Xingxing?"

Jiang Wang didn't expect that she would care about so many things, he didn't think about the extra words for a while, he lowered his head and coughed.

"My partner... is very busy with work and often travels across the country, so I can't take care of these for the time being."

"You don't have to think about it too much. If there is any trouble, I will definitely tell you."

Du Wenjuan nodded repeatedly, twisted her hands together, and said after a while: "This deposit is not a lot of money, only less than 40,000."

"Counting Xingxing's expenses in Yuhan and the confinement nanny you hired for me, I don't think it's enough."

Jiang Wang didn't expect that she would calculate the accounts so clearly, and even felt a little alienated for a while, and stepped back a little uneasily, pulling away the distance from Du Wenjuan.

"Brother, don't think too much, it's not that my sister doesn't accept your kindness, and I also know that you are richer than us." Du Wenjuan saw his small movements, and hurriedly grabbed Jiang Wang's hand: "But Wang Wang—you should always do it for me." For your own future plans, save more money."

"It's not easy to marry a girl in the city now, and you need a lot of dowry gifts. Your parents are gone. These things must be considered by my elder sister. Don't worry about me."

Jiang Wang suddenly asked back: "Do you think the most important thing I should consider in the future is marriage?"

Du Wenjuan originally had a lot to say, but when she was suddenly asked this question, she smiled helplessly: "But, people should get married."

"Get married, start a career, have children, have a continuation, and someone will take care of you in the future, right?"

Jiang Wang looked at the fine lines in the corners of her eyes, and thought of another old voice on the phone many years later in his mind.

He didn't pension anyone.

He was forgotten by them when he was young, and he simply forgot them when he was an adult.

Marrying and having children, raising children to look after their old age, these words are all absurd.

"Then what if," he said softly, "I like men?"

Du Wenjuan's pupils trembled, and her breathing stopped.

Jiang Wang never thought that he would tell Du Wenjuan about it so suddenly and without preparation.

He even planned to keep it a secret for a while, and wait for Du Wenjuan's second child to settle down, and then talk about it step by step.

But at this moment, the person he was facing was not Peng Xingwang's mother, the so-called 'sister', but the real, young-looking, own mother.

Mom, what if I like men

Do you still dare to put the young me by my side

Do you think I'm weird and crazy

Mom, will you still urge me to save money and toss about getting married

When Du Wenjuan heard these words, her mind went crazy, and she couldn't react for a long time.

"Who else knows about this?"

Jiang Wangping replied bluntly: "Peng Jiahui, a friend of mine is gone."

She was stunned for a few seconds, then stretched out her arms to hug him tightly, her voice trembling.

"Wang Wang... You must have had a hard time these few years, right?"