Transmigrated to Twenty Years Ago and Adopted Myself

Chapter 97


Jiang Wang woke up very late.

He was a little drunk yesterday, and he was too tired from the business trip before, so he fell asleep, vaguely as if he had some dreams, but his consciousness was always chaotic, half awake.

Probably after dawn, the phone started to vibrate one after another. The long vibration is the phone, and the short vibration is the ringtone, like the broken sand on the Simmons that has not been cleaned.

The impact is small, but it always makes people unable to sleep well.

When I woke up again, it was already two o'clock in the afternoon.

He was tired from sleeping, and his shoulders and back were a little sore. When he turned on his phone again, there were more than 20 missed calls and more than 30 text messages.

The secretary's phone call just happened again.

Anyway? Boss, you finally woke up?! The little secretary was in a hurry: Oh my god, I thought something happened to you. I knocked on the door a few times at noon and you weren’t there—

I was catching up on sleep, Jiang Wang's voice was hoarse: what happened

Generally, when asking this question, he always has some presuppositions and corresponding solutions in his mind.

There is a family that loves bookstores to make troubles, some teachers go on strike and refuse to go to class, some students fight with someone during class, or there is something wrong with the bookstore or real estate company.

——Teacher Ji and his family are gone!! We all want to call the police, can you contact us? Jiang Wang’s sleepiness has not completely faded, so that when he suddenly opened his eyes, there was a pain in the back of his head. What does disappeared mean

At 8:30 this morning, a parent made an appointment with Mr. Ji to meet and talk, and arrived at the classroom 15 minutes early, but Mr. Ji didn't come until 9:00, and the secretary hurriedly said: "We guess there is something unexpected, so I apologize to the parents." I explained that the teacher had a fever, so as not to be unhappy, he gave me a voucher, but later my colleague upstairs also came to me and said that Mr. Ji did not come either.

—He always arrives at 7:30 in the morning, drinks tea and reads the newspaper, and then holds a meeting to prepare lessons or chat with everyone. Everyone upstairs is used to it, but now he can’t find anyone!

I made a call at home, and a landline call. I was able to make calls from my mobile phone at first, but no one answered, and then it was turned off directly. The little secretary became more and more frightened as she talked: I even went to Mr. Ji’s house to knock on the door. Looking from the yard, the curtains were all drawn, and I couldn’t see anything inside, and no one knocked on the door—they, they couldn’t be encountering gangsters Is something wrong?!

Jiang Wang vaguely guessed something, his throat ached. He sat up with support and smelled the smell of wine on his collar. I'll take a look first, and you help me with other things. ok ok, need me to come over?!

Being not. Jiang Wang paused for a few seconds, and then said: "Teacher, calm down first, and use the excuse of having a fever, and we will talk later."

Dressed thinly, he casually picked up a coat and went to put on his shoes barefoot, took out the spare key that Ji Linqiu put in the pen holder, and hurried to Ji's house.

As the little secretary said, the courtyard door was closed, all the curtains in the room were drawn down, and there were no figures or lights. Jiang Wang walked in again, his toes were cold, and his throat and the back of his head ached. He tapped procedurally. Auntie? It's me, Jiang Wang.

Then, without waiting for a response, he took out the key and turned the doorknob.

The living room is empty.

To be precise, it was messy and messy. Although the statues, vases and other arrangements had not been moved, almost all the objects that carried Ji Linqiu's life atmosphere had disappeared.

The coat he often hangs at the door, the fedora he occasionally wears, the stack of reference books on the high bar, and the few pens that are always scattered on the coffee table. It's all been evacuated.

There are many things in the trash can that I didn't have time to throw away, and there are even notebooks full of content. Jiang Wang squatted down and turned over the garbage after a long absence.

They are all the same, they are all cherished by Linqiu, and they are all thrown here.

He looked down at these things, as if looking at their common scars. Caught off guard, he was stabbed several times. Even though it hurt, I felt ridiculous in my heart.

It's ridiculous. ,

Going further inside, the wardrobes in the room are all open, and the inside is very empty.

If it is about moving, it probably means that they hurriedly cleaned up all night, and called a truck to take it away in the morning.

Only a piece of letter paper was left on the coffee table, the handwriting was vigorous and powerful, it was written by Ji Guoshen. Mr. Jiang:

It happened so suddenly, I'm really sorry to leave without saying goodbye.

There are some things that I vaguely felt at first, but I always feel that it is really filthy to speculate on you like this... But in the end, it was all explained by Dan Hong.

It's hard to describe the current situation at home.

I have always been grateful to Mr. Jiang for your multi-faceted care. If you hadn't been a matchmaker late at night, I might have died in the hospital and I would not be here today.

Now following his mother's wishes, our family left Yuhan and severed the relationship. I think this is an irrational move under panic and fear. Hope this decision doesn't hurt you.

The mountains are high and the road is far away. I wish both of you can let go of your worries.

Linqiu's father, Ji Guoshen.

Jiang Wang put down the note and sat on the sofa.

He could hear his own rising and falling breathing, which was very clear in the quiet and deserted living room.

In fact, the living room has always been very lively.

Every time I come here, I can listen to the broadcast of the news channel on TV, and the sound of Aunt Chen cooking. Sometimes I have to chop the thread to make dumplings, and there is a mess like a crackling rainstorm. laughing.

The little nephew is always running around with a paper airplane, and Linqiu sometimes sits beside him to read a book, and sometimes makes tea with his father. He sat among them, peaceful and content, as if he had a new home.

The cell phone rang suddenly.

Boss? Boss, are you at Teacher Ji's house? How's the situation now

Jiang Wang thought for a few seconds, and explained: Linqiu's family...something happened, and he returned to his hometown early in the morning, and he couldn't come back for the time being. Ah! Is that so?! The little secretary hurriedly asked: I will help him ask for leave, how long will it take for them to return to Yuhan? Jiang Wang turned on the hands-free and folded the letter paper that did not convey the meaning into a paper airplane. Please half a month first.

The paper airplane passed by, drew a zigzag arc, and finally fell into the trash can.

Jiang Wang had to face Ji Linqiu's sudden withdrawal from life.

In fact, he hopes that time can press the pause button, like taking a breath in the busy life and complicated family relationships, and pressing the pause button again, everything can be directly fast forwarded to the moment of satisfactory resolution.

He loves him and understands him.

Quarantine is an appropriate means of cushioning large shocks.

Suddenly knowing that his son is gay, that his son and his best brother are actually lovers, that the two men may have even kissed each other, and had an even more unimaginable physical intimacy——

This series of events came crashing down in an instant, and the two elderly people were fine without having a cerebral hemorrhage on the spot. It was a blessing to be able to pack overnight instead of going straight to the hospital.

But then what

How long will they have to wait for the two old men to return to calm, to be able to sit down and talk about this matter, instead of being like a minefield, which explodes at the first touch and does not give any chance to communicate

Jiang Wang always thinks about this question before going to bed.

It would be great if people can communicate with each other telepathically, even if there is some Morse code like spy warfare.

He would think about whether Ji Linqiu was flustered, calm, strategizing, or collapsed and painful when Ji Linqiu left.

I also think about more pictures, such as when I was picking up Peng Xingwang from school, was Linqiu helping to dry clothes in the countryside, or reading a book in the study.

Or, Linqiu has already been taken by Ji's family to an inevitable turning point in a sad story such as Taiwan and Hong Kong. In the end, the two of them will meet again when their hair is gray. At that time, even if the spark of love can burst out with a snap, It may be a bit difficult to have a long-awaited reunion.

Jiang Wang felt like he was half-immersed in sad emotions, but he didn't allow himself to be too immersed. Those who are not up or down are like wearing the wrong size of clothes, and they are not suitable for the whole body.

On the first day when Ji's family disappeared, he told Peng Xingwang that something happened to your brother Ji's family and he needed to go back for two months. Then the child squeezed over and asked to sleep together that night, and whispered beside him before going to sleep. Why did Linqiu brother leave, I felt that the house was empty and the house was too big. Brother, all the gardenias in Brother Linqiu's house are in bloom, do you want to show him a photo? Shall we go and see him next week

Brother, you seem to be unhappy too, I hug you, you will have a good dream at night.

Jiang Wang felt that it was annoying for the child to talk too much, but he hugged him like a puppy, and he fell asleep very quickly. In the dream, Ji Linqiu came and knocked on the door, smiling helplessly.

I'm running away and you still don't come to pick me up? Isn't the answer obvious where I am? Silly, there is no tacit understanding at all. Forget it, I'll run back by myself.

Jiang Wang woke up suddenly, and when he got up, he reached out to grab the car keys on the bedside table, it was not yet bright outside. Peng Xingwang was taken aback, fearing that he would be late for school, he also jumped up, and saw the time was 5:30 am on Saturday. elder brother!!

Then the second day, the third day, the tenth day, the twentieth day.

Jiang Wang waited patiently.

He will not rush back easily, or bring people back by snatching or abducting them. , There may only be one chance to contact Ji's parents, so don't act rashly.

But he didn't expect that life would become so thin when a person left suddenly.

It is like a double-layer beef cheeseburger with rich layers and full of sauce, but it turns into a piece of paper after biting down with full expectation. It hurts people's gums. ,

People in the company didn't dare to talk about it with Jiang Wang. They seem to perceive something, or they may not.

A few ignorant ones guessed that Ji Linqiu had been poached by some big company, but they were soon so stunned that they didn't dare to talk nonsense. Jiang Wang took pictures of meetings, took pictures of work, and ate melon seeds and chatted with everyone when he was free. But no one would take the initiative to mention the person who disappeared suddenly, as if everyone knew that this was a restricted area.

Peng Xingwang seemed to understand it, but also seemed to not understand it.

The child has always been very sensible, even if the dearest and dearest brother Linqiu is not at home, he will still get up early to go to school, and even walk back from school by himself, without Jiang Wang going to pick him up.

It's just that one night, he slept in Jiang Wang's arms, and after sleeping for a long time, he suddenly cried, his shoulders shrugged, more like a puppy who couldn't find his family.

Brother—he shook the sleepy Jiang Wang, crying so hard: Brother Linqiu, when will Brother Linqiu come home!