Transmigrating as the Supporting Male Lead’s Sweetheart

Chapter 28


For a moment, the entire classroom was too silent.

The students even felt that the teacher had made a big joke and was waiting for everyone to laugh out loud.

But no, the English teacher took Tang Tang's paper and happily asked Tang Tang to come up to collect the paper. When Tang Tang walked to the podium, the eyes of all the students in the class were fixed on Tang Tang.

After the English teacher handed over the paper to Tang Tang, he praised Tang Tang for a long time before continuing to hand out the remaining papers.

"Yesterday we still have one error correction and composition left. After the error correction is finished, we can take a look at the few full-score compositions of this exam..."

Most of the people didn't hear it. The teacher said on the podium that some people couldn't control their heads and would look back. What's going on? The 20 points agreed, why did they become full marks in a blink of an eye

Especially the teacher said, the questions this time are really really not easy!

After waiting for the correcting of mistakes, the teacher began to show the three full-score essays in the class. When the projector projected Tang Tang's papers, the students suddenly became extremely serious, and each of them opened their eyes wide, ready to appreciate Tang Tang. Tang's perfect score for the essay, maybe the teacher gave her a high score

However, everyone was disappointed again.

Some students were ashamed to find that there was no grammatical error in Tang Tang's composition, and the sentences were fluent and advanced. Most importantly, there were several rare words that they had never seen before!

Everyone can guarantee that these words are definitely not part of the vocabulary of high school English.

In a word, they couldn't write this composition.

In such a comparison, the first two articles can be given full marks, so why not this one.

But the composition is good, really... Tang Tang wrote it

Except for the two girls sitting in front of Tang Tang, even Dong Yu Yangtao, who had a good relationship with Tang Tang, couldn't believe it.

After all the papers were finished, the class resumed its usual rhythm, starting to do the questions and then giving lectures. The English teacher gave everyone a newspaper that had not been done yet, and gave everyone time to do it first.

First make a single choice, and then set aside ten minutes to do cloze and fill in the blanks. After finishing, start to talk. As before, start with a student in the first row, and each person will talk about a question.

Fortunately, it was Tang Tang's turn to fill in the blanks.

Cloze and other questions are different. English teachers usually let a classmate do it until the next classmate makes a mistake. Now Tang Tang happened to receive a cloze, and when he stood up, all eyes were on him. Even the students who didn't like to attend lectures and goof around, they kept staring at the options and listening to Tang Tang read his answer.

"A Toronto man is a free round the world air ticket to the right woman. But 41 apply, 41 question choice c, according to the content of the latter sentence You must be named Elizabeth Galgher and have a adian, we can know that there are conditions to apply for free round the world travel , needs to be a woman named Elizabeth Galgher with a Canadian passport, so choose Crestris, limit... "

Tang Tang's voice is nice, but for some reason, it sounds better when he speaks English.

The teacher didn't interrupt Tang Tang, which meant she was right, so Tang Tang continued to do it, 42 questions, 43 questions, and finally reached the last question. When Tang Tang finished the last answer, the English teacher sat her down satisfactorily. , "All are correct, and each question is explained very well. Do you understand?"


I understand.

If they had looked at the 150-point paper a moment ago, everyone would have suspected that Tang Tang's 150-point score was wrong, so how could they doubt it now

There are 20 questions, and everyone is right, and each answer can tell the reason for choosing this answer. Papers that have never been seen before, no answers, everyone is doing the questions together in the same classroom at the same time, how can this be fake

Seeing how many mistakes I made, how dare I say that someone's English scores are not true

Thinking back again, Tang Tang's spoken language just now was not too nice.

So, is such a good English level, the score of more than 20 points posted on the Internet before, is it a joke? ?

Everyone no longer doubted it, convinced it, finally waited until the end of get out of class, Dong Yu was the first to rush to Tang Tang, and slapped Tang Tang on the shoulder, "Damn it, your English is so good, you said before You scored twenty points in the exam, what the hell?"

Yes, yes, scare them to death, okay

"Actually," Tang Tang smiled, "Actually, I don't know when I got 20 points in the exam. I said it was my classmate who broke the news, but I can't figure it out."

Without definite evidence, everything can only be called a rumor.

The school has school rules, so Tang Tang doesn't have to worry that the previous school will really release Tang Tang's report card. Therefore, even if the former Tang Tang really got 20 points in the test, the former classmates also testified that Tang Tang got 20 points in the test. Useless.

Now that Tang Tang said so, the students have completely believed it.

Having seen Tang Tang's English proficiency just now, no one will doubt it anymore, so the only thing that doubts is the original rumor.

These internet rumors are poisonous!

The water in the entertainment circle is too deep!

The unrealistic revelation of a random classmate made everyone happy, but Tang Tang suffered so much cynicism that he couldn't explain it at all, which was too fucking wronged.

Outsiders like them feel wronged.

After all the results of the attached high school come out, the ranking will start. Just log in to the campus network, and you can check the results of each student in each class. The foreign affairs office didn't know how many classmates Tang Tang had taken the exam. As soon as the rankings were released, after looking at themselves, they found Class 9, Senior Three, and went straight to the end to find Tang Tang's name.

How not

If you don't believe in evil, you look up, and you can see more than a dozen and nearly twenty. Now the score is more than 400 and almost 500. How much more

how could it be possible!

Didn't Tang Tang take the exam? Didn't he hide his grades under special circumstances

In the end, someone gasped and yelled, shit, everyone finally found Tangtang's name in the top 20.

Tang Tang, 17th in class, with a total score of 561.

Read it once, 561, read it twice, still 561, not 261! Everyone is messed up, let's look at the results later.

Mathematics is not very high, Chinese is not accurate, and comprehensive literature is not very good, but English, full marks.

The post bar exploded that day.

[Tang Tang English 150? Are you kidding me? ]

The front row is full of black question marks, and after a few floors, someone directly said, didn't they copy it

In the end, it happened to be seen by the students in Class 9, Grade 3, copying your sister, copying, wronging people like this for no reason, who gave you such a big face

Immediately, there were a lot of replies, directly revealing my identity. I, Tang Tang's classmate, guarantee that Tang Tang's grades will be absolutely fine. If I can't get a perfect score in the exam, I will say that others copied it. How jealous are you of Tang Tang

When such a comment appeared, there were more similar comments in an instant. A lot of classmates who claimed to be Tang Tang testified to Tang Tang that Tang Tang's grades were absolutely fine, and that Tang Tang was fluent in English.

Everyone looked at the students in Class 9, Grade 3 and Class 9 who spoke one after another, and they were all dumbfounded.

Did Tang Tang pour some enchanting soup on the students in the class? Are you crazy

But despite the testimonies of classmates, the current full score is far from the original 20 points, and there are many doubts. The results have just been sent out less than two hours ago. There are a few top students who usually have good English, because they cannot accept As a result, they actually formed a team to find the dean, saying that Tang Tang must have plagiarized.

This is serious.

Teacher Liu brought Tang Tang to the teaching and research group with a dazed expression on his face. The head of the grade group pointed to a few girls who had come by appointment and explained their purpose. Before Tang Tang could speak, Teacher Liu became angry.

"All my students and I can testify that Tang Tang studies so hard every day, and his ability to get this grade is definitely due to his own strength." After speaking, he gave those students a stern look, "I will never tolerate someone insulting me Students, if this is the case, adjust the monitoring."

After speaking, he glanced at Tang Tang, who looked calm, "Tune it."

The exam monitor is not difficult to find. Once the monitor was turned on, all the teachers and classmates saw Tang Tang sitting in the most conspicuous position in the first row, under the camera and under the nose of the teacher. How to copy this position

The girls were a little panicked, pursed their lips, and stared at the picture without blinking, but they were disappointed. Tang Tang had been working on the questions seriously, and there was no suspicious behavior from the beginning to the end.

The possibility of plagiarism is directly crushed.

The faces of the girls were a little pale, and they didn't dare to lift their heads. One girl whispered unconvinced, "Maybe she knew the question in advance..."

Many people in the class said that Tang Tang has a backstage now, maybe...

Before the words fell, the teaching director immediately lost his temper when he heard this.

"After the question came out, even the teacher didn't read it. How could she, a student, see it!"

"But she could only get 20 points in the test before..."

"Excuse me, did you see that I scored 20 points in the test?" Tang Tang, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said.

The girl was taken aback for a moment, then suddenly raised her head to look at Tang Tang.

"...No," the girl paused and whispered, "but that was your classmate's revelation..."

"No one can prove that it's my classmate, and I don't even know which classmate it is." Tang Tang looked at her fixedly, "Actually, I don't understand why you can believe that I got 20 points in the test, but you don't believe that I can get full marks in the test? Why do you trust me when someone says I’m not good, but you don’t believe me when someone says I’m good? We don’t know each other, why do you speculate about me with such malice? Now that the results are out and we’ve watched the video, The teacher also wanted to testify, I don’t understand why you just don’t believe it.”

The girl was stunned.

It was because she firmly believed that Tang Tang scored 20 points in the test, so now she did not believe that Tang Tang could get a full score in the test.

But just like what Tang Tang said, why do you believe in the 20 points rumor without any evidence

All the girls were silent.

After that, several posts in the post bar that threatened to ask the teacher to prove Tang Tang's plagiarism disappeared almost at the same time, but everyone still couldn't help being suspicious, or even more suspicious.

Dong Yu read the post for a while and scolded her mother angrily for countless times.

Tang Tang didn't say anything, but his expression was much more solemn than usual, as if he was thinking about something.

After returning home from school in the afternoon, Feng Qianyang and the others who usually came here specially to go with Tang Tang, Qi Qi disappeared, Tang Tang only thought it was something they had to do, and didn't think much about it.

Feng Qianyang and the others were still doubting life in the classroom.

It's not that I don't want to go with Tang Tang, it's really... too embarrassing!

I think he also persuaded Tang Tang, saying that poor grades are nothing, that he is only 44 in mathematics, and that everyone is a scumbag, and the big deal is to walk hand in hand.

Now, who will test 44 points with you!

If you can get full marks in the exam in the world, you will be side by side with you only if your brain is sick.

Feng Qianyang has lived for seventeen years, and he has never felt ashamed of his poor grades. He is tall and handsome, and his family is rich. No matter how many nerds have good grades, the girls at school still chase him.

But after learning about Tang Tang's grades, Feng Qianyang felt ashamed for the first time in his life, so shamed that he dared not leave school with Tang Tang.

Feng Qianyang sighed countless times within a minute, and finally picked up his schoolbag and walked out of the classroom in a decadent manner. After walking a few steps, he heard someone talking in the corridor,

"I heard that the monitoring was adjusted, but I didn't copy it."

"Who knows if someone spent money to buy the questions and memorize the answers? If she is capable, she also passed the college entrance examination so high. By the way, who is behind Tang Tang? Is the company so generous? I heard people say The watch she wears is five or six hundred thousand..."

Feng Qianyang's face suddenly darkened.

The girls were talking excitedly, and when they looked up, they saw Feng Qianyang and the others with unusually ugly faces.

They didn't know that Feng Qianyang was hanging out with Tang Tang every day, so they shut up in fright.

Because Tang Tang was thinking about things, he was much quieter than usual. When he entered the house, he was hugged by Aunt Cheng before he could speak.

"Our baby heard that he did well in the exam!" Aunt Cheng was so happy that she said, "I made your favorite today, let's eat more later!"

"Okay", Tang Tang also hugged Aunt Cheng, and then turned to see Ming Shaoyan on the sofa.

Tang Tang smiled, walked over and sat on the sofa beside him, "Uncle."

Ming Shaoyan raised his head, glanced at her, took a little longer than usual, then looked away again, "You did well in the exam."

where is nice.

It was so many times better than he had imagined.

"What reward do you want?"

Tang Tang raised his eyes, "What reward?"

Ming Shaoyan is very generous, especially to his own family, "Of course there will be rewards for doing well in the exam. If there is anything I don't have but want."

Want it

Tang Tang thought for a while, but he didn't seem to have any, so he shook his head, "I don't need anything."

"Then think about it slowly, and let me know when you think about it," Ming Shaoyan stood up from the sofa, and patted Tang Tang on the head, "Now go up and change, it's time to eat."

The author has something to say: Ming Shao, you will regret it, really, I told you so in advance.