Transmigrating into the Big Boss Villain’s White Moonlight

Chapter 1


The author has something to say: The author's follow-up article "Fu Dao Tianshi wants to ascend" please accept it in advance~~

On the pitch-black sea, a 10,000-ton ship with bright lights was moving slowly. The waves on the sea rushed towards the ship one after another, as if clamoring to devour the giant ship, but there was not even a splash of water. Do not go on deck.

Inside the cabin of a giant cruise ship, there is a completely different scene from the outside. Luxurious and extravagant decorations, lights that are as bright as day, loud noises, strong perfume smell, all of these stimulate people's nerves, making people on the field The people who gambled became more and more crazy.

This is a luxury cruise ship sailing on the high seas. Usually at this time, the casino on board is the busiest. The time when ordinary people are sleeping peacefully is the time when gamblers are the most excited.

At the end of the casino hall, there is a row of VIP private rooms, which are specially prepared for big-money players. The environment and service will be much better than the lobby, but in one of the private rooms that should be a big gamble, there are several people He was scrambling around a woman who was fainting on a big leather chair, slapping her face and pinching her.

"Miss Xu, Miss Xu?"

Xu Zhenzhen felt a stabbing pain in his chest, and opened his eyes involuntarily.

However, opening her eyes this time shocked her a lot! What the hell? I used to meditate with my eyes closed, why did I suddenly sit at the gambling table

"Hey, miss Xu Zhenzhen, can you stop pretending to be a ghost? Why don't you pretend to be dizzy, don't be fooled by bad cards!" A young man standing on Xu Zhenzhen's left hand did not know how much he had applied to his hair. Hairspray, with a big back and shiny hair, saw her wake up, and sat back in her seat, said quite impatiently.

"That's right, I can't afford to lose, so don't come to gamble. Now you've already made a bet, and two cards have been dealt, but you're pretending to be dizzy here, you don't play like this!" Xu Zhenzhen's right hand The young lady, while touching her chest and talking, walked to her seat with her fat buttocks twisted.

"Miss Xu, are you feeling better?" The young brother in the dealer's costume did not dare to leave, he leaned down and asked her anxiously, if something happened in his private room, he would be very responsible.

Xu Zhenzhen looked at the dealer in front of him, and nodded mechanically. Seeing that Xu Zhenzhen had come to his senses, the dealer heaved a sigh of relief, and hurried back to his seat. The critical moment is coming. If Miss Xu loses this hand again, Then ask her out.

Xu Zhenzhen looked at the three people in front of him, rubbed his eyes with his hands, and memories that did not belong to him flooded up in his mind instantly.

That's right, I was gambling heavily on the cruise ship's casino! Moreover, she has already lost all her property, only the diamond ring on the table is left! If you lose this one again, you will be penniless.

Xu Zhenzhen shivered for a while, and without thinking about other things, he quickly picked up the cards on the table and took a sneak peek. It turned out to be two aces! This is blackjack, also known as the game of blackjack.

Xu Zhenzhen was thinking fast, two of the same cards can be divided, but she has no bets now, obviously it cannot be divided, A can be used as eleven or one, if both are used as eleven, That adds up to twenty-two, and it explodes by itself, but if one is counted as eleven and one is counted as one, the total is only twelve, and it is obviously impossible to win.

"Miss Xu is fine, let's continue. The dealer doesn't want any more cards. Do you want any more?" The dealer's younger brother returned to his seat and said.

"Hurry up, my card is good, I don't want any more cards." Dabeitou said.

"Well, I don't want it either." The middle-aged lady continued.

Xu Zhenzhen saw that the dealer's card on the table was 10. If the dealer's card does not exceed 17 in this game, he must ask for a card. Now he says no, it means it is higher than 17, and both the left and the right are full of enthusiasm If he replied that he didn't want to play any cards, then it is estimated that the cards of the two companies will exceed 17 anyway, otherwise the chances of winning are too small.

The two aces in my hand add up to only 12, and I smiled wryly in my heart. This card is so stinky, I can’t ask for any more cards, not to mention that you need to raise the card, even if you have money, you need to raise the card and ask for the card , the probability of blowing up is too high, as long as you get more than 10 cards, you will be finished.

"Miss Xu, what about you?" The dealer couldn't help interrupting Xu Zhenzhen's meditation. She had no more bets to raise, and it all depended on the number of cards in her hand.

Xu Zhenzhen took a deep breath, there was no other way, although she didn't want to do this, but if she didn't do something at this time, she might end up wandering the streets. She was lucky in her dantian, and wanted to use her spiritual power to change a card in her hand, but she was horrified to find that only a few traces of her full spiritual power remained.

Originally, although she was shocked by her adventure, she still didn't panic. No matter where she went, with her rank as a high-ranking monk, nothing could stop her. However, the loss of her whole body's cultivation caused her to lose her footing.

"Miss Xu, if you don't want cards, then we're going to start showing our cards." Although the dealer's younger brother had a submissive tone, there was already an impatient expression on his face.

Xu Zhenzhen didn't have time to think anymore, she picked up an ace in her hand, facing the palm of her hand, and concentrated all her thoughts to transfer the remaining aura in her body to this card in her hand.

"Miss Xu, if the cards are too low, then quickly show them, anyway, you are used to losing, haha!" Big back looked optimistic.

Xu Zhenzhen glanced at him coldly, looked down at the altered card in his hand, and slowly turned it over. A 10 of hearts was imprinted in everyone's eyes. The three of them felt that Miss Xu in front of them suddenly It makes people feel a chill, but they don't know why.

The eyes of the three people couldn't help but follow Xu Zhenzhen's hand, and saw that she slowly showed another card, which was an ace of clubs!

"Blackjack!" The younger brother of the banker dutifully reported the cards of the gamblers. Although he was shocked in his heart, he did not show his expression on the surface.

"What! How could she be blackjack? Did she read it wrong!" Dabeitou jumped up first. This woman has been losing miserably all the time. How could she get better with a little luck and turn over!

The middle-aged lady was very calm. She turned over the two cards in her hand and said, "You win!"

"Eighteen o'clock!" The younger brother of the dealer glanced at the middle-aged lady's card, and called out.

Just when the middle-aged lady was showing her cards, Dabeitou had already moved to Xu Zhenzhen's side, and looked at the two cards carefully. It was indeed true, it was a 10 of hearts and an A of clubs. It was the same after several times. , and there is no trace of the card being changed.

"Mr. Zhang, please show your cards." The banker reminded, sighing in his heart that this Mr. Zhang is really unmannered. The dealers in this cruise casino are all first-class people. Only one year of training can take up the job, and these bankers can tell at a glance whether someone is cheating.

Even if the tricks are clever, the dealer can't see it, and those cameras with different angles and no dead angles are not vegetarians. No one dares to cheat here. It is said that someone has tried it before, and the result was thrown away. When they got to the high seas and disappeared on the high seas, no country would or could not control them, so no one has done this kind of gambling with their lives since then, and they, the dealers, have been much more relaxed.

Although Xu Zhenzhen's card is so good that it explodes, he dares to swear that this Miss Xu didn't cheat, so there is no need to call up the camera to take a look. Fortunately, if it didn't come out, the casino would have to compensate the guests several times the wager.

Reluctantly, Big Back returned to his seat and threw out his two cards.

"Nineteen o'clock!" The dealer dutifully reported his cards.

Dabei put his hopes on the dealer, and urged impatiently: "Dealer, hurry up and show your cards, you are also blackjack, right! A draw will be fine!"

Xu Zhenzhen gouged out Dabei's head and took a hard look. This person obviously has the mentality of losing by himself and dragging others to lose with him. He just doesn't like others! But he will be disappointed. When she concentrated her consciousness just now, she already knew the cards of several of them. Otherwise, if a card with the same card as them was conjured up, it would be bad, and the dealer's points would only be exactly ten. It's only seven o'clock.

The dealer is also speechless about Dabeitou. No matter how the cards are, people with good brands will always be respected. The Zhang Gongzi in front of him is a mess. Although he has been contributing a lot of money in the casino, but for this kind of person , It is very difficult to get respect from the heart of others.

"Twenty." The dealer revealed the hidden cards in his hand and reported the points at the same time.

"Ah! What! The banker has such a small number of points, why don't you want any cards? Another ace, you are only blackjack! You are too timid as a banker." Dabei sighed loudly, He scolded the dealer loudly.

"Okay, Mr. Zhang, you are not finished. It is none of your business how the dealer asks for cards. I still say the same thing. I am willing to accept the bet. If I lose, I lose. At worst, I will start again. You are so long-winded. Do you still look like a man!" The middle-aged lady couldn't help but sneered.

The dealer's little white eyes have been secretly thrown to Guo Dabeitou several times. I have never seen such a mother-in-law man. People who ask for cards after twenty o'clock must have their brains squeezed by the door. After all, there is only a chance of four cards. Only then will you win, whoever is so courageous, if he asks for another card and blows up, then the job will not be guaranteed.

Xu Zhenzhen looked at the middle-aged lady with admiration. Although her words were rough, they were not rough. She was willing to bet and admit defeat. This is the most acceptable character on the gambling table.

"Ms. Wu is really a hero among women, and Xiaotian admires it very much." The Zhuang family didn't turn his head away, but instead saluted the middle-aged lady with a smile.

At this moment, Dabeitou's face suddenly turned pale, but he couldn't say anything, so he could only suppress his temper. After all, this was in the high seas, and he didn't want anything to happen.

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