Transmigrating into the Big Boss Villain’s White Moonlight

Chapter 11


"Then I won't be polite to you." Xu Zhenzhen said.

Seeing that Xu Zhenzhen no longer wanted to give him money, He Liqin was relieved, and finally stopped treating himself as an outsider.

"By the way, I also bought you an electric car. When you go out of the village to the town, it will be more convenient to ride the electric car. It should be delivered in the afternoon. These are all necessities, and there are other things. Let's take it slowly. Supplement." He Liqin added.

God, this man is so careful, he basically thought of everything she needs to live here. Xu Zhenzhen has always had a carefree temper. In the past, her aunt helped her clean up the room, cook and buy things. In fact, she has poor self-care ability.

In the afternoon, the goods ordered by He Liqin were delivered one after another, and the refrigerator was the first to arrive. He Liqin felt relieved when he saw the refrigerator, and then the electric car also came, and He Liqin rode the electric bicycle to the town , You can buy more meat and vegetables this time!

While Xu Zhenzhen was collecting the goods, she was tidying up the other rooms. There were quite a lot of rooms in the small courtyard of the farmhouse. She cleaned up the guest room facing south first. Maybe He Liqin wouldn't leave today, so he wouldn't really be allowed to sleep. Come on the bench, it's really uncomfortable to sleep on the bench.

When I am free, I have to tidy up the yard, plant some vegetables to be self-sufficient, and raise some chickens and ducks to lay eggs. Then I just need to buy some meat to freeze, and I don’t have to worry about buying vegetables.

There are still a few acres of land left unused outside the yard. Can you plant something and sell it for money

"Really, how are you busy?"

Just when Xu Zhenzhen was thinking about the future, Grandma Liang came over to visit, waving a big cattail fan.

"Grandma, come in and sit down, it's almost cleaned up, can you see if it's clean?" Xu Zhenzhen hurriedly dragged Grandma Liang into the house, the sun was shining outside.

"Oh, it's really capable. It's much cleaner, and it should be quite comfortable to live in." Grandma Liang praised the room with a smile.

"Well, I'll call it a day after I clean up again." Xu Zhenzhen said, pouring a glass of water for Grandma Liang.

"Has your friend gone out?" Grandma Liang asked.

"Yes, he's going to buy some food again. By the way, tonight he's making braised pork. When it's ready, I'll send you a plate to taste. It's delicious." Grandma sat down and chatted.

When Grandma Liang heard that He Liqin could cook, she looked at this guy with admiration. Nowadays, few children can cook. Her precious grandson can cook. She felt very proud. She didn't expect this gentle guy to be able to cook too. . Suddenly, I felt that it would be nice if I really followed this guy.

Oh, what do I think, such a good girl, I have to match up with my grandson! Grandma Liang's mind has already made several detours.

Xu Zhenzhen didn't know what Grandma Liang was thinking at all, she was just talking about what to plant on her several acres of land. Grandma Liang wasn't thinking about it either, so Xu Zhenzhen didn't talk to her about why.

The chicken-and-duck talk between the two ended when He Liqin came back on his electric scooter. He Liqin's back seat was filled with several large bags of daily necessities, vegetables and meat, and the large refrigerator was filled in one go.

"I don't even want to go back to the city, the air here is so good." He Liqin said with some reluctance looking at the abundant supplies.

"Okay, then you stay here and cook for me every day." Xu Zhenzhen joked casually.

After hearing this, He Liqin didn't speak for a long time. Just when Xu Zhenzhen wanted to resolve the embarrassment, he said, "I can't do it now. I can do it when I can afford you."

Xu Zhenzhen didn't expect this sentence to be more embarrassing, so she quickly changed the subject and said, "It's getting late, would you like me to wash and pick vegetables for you?"

"Forget it, you'll only add to the chaos, let me do it." He Liqin stretched out to scratch Xu Zhenzhen's nose. Miss Xu didn't do the housework by herself, but I'm afraid she will have to do it herself in the coming days.

Xu Zhenzhen was not used to this kind of intimacy, he tilted his head, and He Liqin didn't touch her, but he just smiled. Xu Zhenzhen didn't reject him when he was young, and when her stepmother came in, she The distance from him is getting farther and farther, but now it's better, and he has hope again.

He Liqin lived in Xu Zhenzhen's small courtyard for a week, and when Gu Zhebin's vacation came and it was time to go back to the army, He Liqin also bid farewell to Xu Zhenzhen.

During this week, maybe the life in the village was too monotonous, maybe it was because of their congenial temperament, the two men became friends, drinking and chatting together, their life trajectories were different, and they were both full of curiosity about each other's life.

Gu Zhebin's father was a soldier and had a military complex. He taught Gu Zhebin to be a soldier from a young age, so he followed his father's expectations. Go back to your hometown to live, not live with them.

Gu Zhebin was brought up by his grandparents, and he always came to visit the two old people whenever the army was on vacation.

He Liqin drove Gu Zhebin away, and Grandma Liang stood at the entrance of the village and wiped her tears. She didn't know when she would see her grandson next time.

Xu Zhenzhen coaxed and lied to bring Grandma Liang back with an electric car, and then sent her back to the house. After a good comfort, her mood stabilized. To comfort her, Grandpa Liang made a few of her favorite dishes Small dishes, eating the dishes carefully prepared by his wife, Grandma Liang smiled again, which made Xu Zhenzhen feel better after another meal.

The small courtyard without He Liqin was quiet, Xu Zhenzhen comforted herself, it would be better if it was quieter, she could practice freely, for as long as she wanted, and wherever she wanted. It's just that when night fell, she couldn't help but miss the few nights when she was accompanied by someone.

Xu Zhenzhen had an early dinner, washed up, and began to practice in a refreshed body. People in the small village go to bed very early, and it is pitch black before ten o'clock, and only one or two dogs barking can be heard occasionally.

The quiet environment made Xu Zhenzhen quickly enter the state, her mood became peaceful, and the absorption of spiritual energy seemed to be smoother than at the beginning. After these few days of practice, she felt that the lower dantian began to warm up. This is a good phenomenon. The lower dantian is One of the most important places in cultivation is also the place where you start to practice first. Only when you reach the Nascent Soul stage, you can practice the upper dantian between the eyebrows. The realm of apotheosis.

As the night gradually deepened, Xu Zhenzhen got more and more into the state of practice, but this state was interrupted by the sound in the yard. In fact, the sound was not loud. If Xu Zhenzhen was asleep at the moment, she would not be able to hear it, but she was very clear-headed, and opened her eyes when she heard the sound.

At first, Xu Zhenzhen thought it was a stray cat that had jumped into the yard. She didn't want to find out, but after a while, she heard noises from the kitchen again, this time louder.

Xu Zhenzhen stopped meditating, stood up, and walked to the kitchen. It's okay to let the stray cat eat something, but don't overturn the bottles and jars of seasoning.

The light in the kitchen was on, Xu Zhenzhen looked over from a distance, wondering, did he not turn off the light? No, I remember it was closed.

While remembering, she walked quickly to the kitchen and opened the door. She was stunned by the sight in front of her. She only saw two dirty men in the open refrigerator, eating like two starving ghosts. .

"You, who are you?" Xu Zhenzhen asked loudly, pointing at the two of them.

The two men looked at each other, one of them was young, took two steps forward, pulled Xu Zhenzhen in, and put the knife out of nowhere on her neck.

"Shut up, we'll leave when we're full, otherwise, I'll kill you." The older one said fiercely with a fierce look in his eyes.

Xu Zhenzhen saw that it was not good, she met a fierce one, the knife was on her neck, she did not dare to move, she could only nod her head, the older one saw that Xu Zhenzhen did not resist, so she took out a bag and put the food in the refrigerator After packing it, he lifted a bulging travel bag at his feet, and gestured to the young man to wipe his neck.

"Ah!" The young man was stunned.

"Idiot, she has seen our faces, do you want to be wanted?" said the older man.

"We just took some food from her house, it's not enough." The young man retorted.

The older man gave the young man a chestnut with his backhand, pointed at the big travel bag and shouted: "You are crazy, do you have any brains, once you call the police, can you and I escape?"

"But this is life on the hands."

"Make it clean and no one will know."

The young man gritted his teeth and said to Xu Zhenzhen: "I'm sorry, girl, you bumped into it yourself, who kept you up in the middle of the night and wandering around at home!"

Xu Zhenzhen's mind was spinning rapidly, this is to kill his mouth, these two people must have done something terrible, and the older one must have had someone's life, that's why they are so fierce.

Before Xu Zhenzhen could come up with a solution, the young man's knife had already been chopped off. Xu Zhenzhen picked up the bottle on the table in desperation and blocked it. The knife pierced the bottle, and the glass shattered all over the place. Broken and bleeding.

Xu Zhenzhen didn't care too much, and wanted to rush out the door, but was grabbed by the older man. Seeing the young man's knife stabbing him again, Xu Zhenzhen blocked it with his hand in despair, thinking in his heart, would it be possible to die like this? I went back to my own world.

But what was surprising was that there was no predicted severe pain, but instead, a bright light flashed in front of his eyes, and the two fierce and fierce people in front of them suddenly passed out.

Xu Zhenzhen was stunned, what happened just now? Why did the two of them suddenly faint in front of her, but she didn't care to inquire too much, and ran out of the kitchen door in three steps at a time, and ran outside.