Transmigrating into the Big Boss Villain’s White Moonlight

Chapter 12


"Grandma, open the door, open the door quickly." Xu Zhenzhen ran to the gate of Grandma Liang's yard and knocked on the door, trying not to let those two people wake up.

The old man was in a light sleep, and Xu Zhenzhen had just knocked on the door twice when Grandma Liang woke up. She recognized Xu Zhenzhen's voice, panicked, and hurried out to open the courtyard door.

Seeing that the courtyard door was open, Xu Zhenzhen plunged in, closed the courtyard door behind his back, locked it, and patted his chest in shock.

"What's the matter, son? What happened?" Grandma Liang asked anxiously seeing Xu Zhenzhen's appearance.

"Hurry up, grandma, come in quickly and lock the door." Xu Zhenzhen pulled Grandma Liang into the house quickly, locked the door, and moved the tables and stools to block the door.

Seeing that he had taken preventive measures, Xu Zhenzhen said to Grandma Liang, "Grandma, quickly bring your mobile phone, I want to call the police."

When Grandma Liang heard the alarm, she didn't dare to delay, and hurriedly took out her mobile phone from the bedroom.

Xu Zhenzhen dialed 110 and gave a general description of the situation just now, emphasizing that there were two men with knives who wanted to kill people.

110 dispatched the police very quickly. Ten minutes later, a police motorcycle drove in.

When Xu Zhenzhen heard the sound, she immediately opened the door and came out. When she saw several heavily armed policemen, she felt at ease. She briefly explained the situation, and a leading policeman comforted her: "Don't be afraid, go to the neighbor's house to hide for a while. Hide, we will go in and arrest people."

Xu Zhenzhen went back to Grandma Liang's house, but she didn't go in. She was just at the door and kept an eye on what was going on inside.

Within five minutes, the two culprits were brought out by the police, and they hadn't woken up yet.

"Girl, how did these two faint?" The policemen in charge came out together, saw Xu Zhenzhen next to them, and asked.

"I don't know, they wanted to kill me, saying that I saw their faces, and then I blocked them with my hands, and then they fainted. By the way, there was a flash of white light before fainting." Xu Zhen I really don't know what's going on, what happened today is too weird.

The policeman's face was full of disbelief. He looked at Xu Zhenzhen, then at the two sleeping men, nodded and said, "Okay, when someone asks you to make a record, just tell the truth."

"Okay." Xu Zhenzhen replied.

"There are objects similar to cultural relics in the bags carried by these two people." One of the policemen reported that he took out the large travel bag from the house.

"Take them all away." The leading policeman said with a wave of his hand, and then arranged for another policeman: "You stay here and make a record for the caller. It's so late, don't let him get away with it."


Xu Zhenzhen was relieved to see the two criminals being taken away by the police.

After the uproar, the nearby villagers all woke up, and everyone gathered around the gate of Xu Zhenzhen's house to watch the fun. After the police left, everyone discussed whether the water lady had appeared.

There is a temple on the back hill of this village. In the temple, the water goddess worshiped by the local people is the god who manages the weather. If the weather is bad and a natural disaster occurs, people will starve to death.

But now there are not many young people in the village, and everyone flocks to the urban area. The land at home is rented to a contracting company, and modern equipment is used for planting and harvesting, which has greatly improved efficiency. There are corresponding preventive measures. In short, they are all taking the road of science and technology. Naturally, few people go to the Water Goddess Temple to burn incense and make wishes.

But the old people still believe in Shui Niangniang, and they have to go to worship on the first and fifteenth day of the lunar new year, and the older people only rely on this spiritual sustenance.

So when someone suggested that Shui Niangniang would come, all the elders nodded in agreement. It is not once or twice that Shui Mistress appeared. Several decades ago, the children in the village went to Biyun Tan to play in the water during the summer vacation. There was a child Accidentally drowned, just when several other children watched him sink, and it was too late to rescue, the drowning child miraculously floated up and floated back to the shore.

This incident caused a sensation in the village, and the whole village went up to the mountain to rebuild the Water Lady Temple to express their gratitude to Water Lady, but after decades, everyone gradually forgot about this incident. Desolate again.

There are many phenomena in the world that cannot be explained by science, like a monk like Xu Zhenzhen, many people do not know that such people exist in this world, unknown things are always mysterious, but just because you don’t know, you can’t deny its existence .

Xu Zhenzhen didn't think that the villagers were all superstitious. She planned to go to Shui Niangniang to watch tomorrow. There might be something to help her practice.

The villagers discussed for a while, and then dispersed. After all, it was midnight. Everyone was very excited at the beginning, and tired after chatting for a long time.

"Really, why don't you come to my house." Grandma Liang said worriedly when she saw that Xu Zhenzhen was about to enter her yard.

"It's okay, didn't the bad guy be arrested? I locked the door tightly so no one could come in." Xu Zhenzhen still wanted to stay at home, otherwise he would always feel unfree.

"Then you have to be careful, if you hear the sound, don't come out, put the table and chairs against the bedroom door, and then call me." Grandma Liang said repeatedly.

"Well, I see, don't worry, grandma." Xu Zhenzhen said with a smile, feeling warm in her heart.

After all this tossing, Xu Zhenzhen didn't feel sleepy anymore. She looked at the right hand that Grandma Liang had bandaged for her. Fortunately, it was just pricked by glass shards. It hurt a little, but it was not a big problem.

Then she glanced at her left hand, where the ring on the middle finger was also stained with blood, and even the ring on the middle finger was stained.

She got up and went to the faucet to wash it, the blood on her left hand was gone, but there was a smear of blood on the yellow diamond, Xu Zhenzhen took off the ring and wiped it carefully with a damp cloth, but the blood seemed to be imprinted inside the ring , and cannot be erased.

The yellow diamond glowed faintly, Xu Zhenzhen felt that this diamond was brighter than before, and the color of blood was also coordinated in the yellow, not obtrusive, but felt very special.

Xu Zhenzhen dried the ring and put it back on her middle finger. She felt that the ring seemed to be integrated with herself, and she didn't feel like wearing a ring on her hand at all.

However, Xu Zhenzhen didn't bother with this feeling, she had another feeling guiding her to start to practice, to start to practice.

Now that the inner feeling is so strong, it is better to follow your own ideas.

Xu Zhenzhen adjusted her breathing and began to meditate cross-legged. Just as soon as she got lucky in her dantian, she felt spiritual energy rushing towards her. Take all the aura as your own, bring it into the dantian and slowly absorb it.

It only took about an hour, and the absorption of aura was dozens of times the sum of the previous few days. Xu Zhenzhen felt that the aura around her had not been reduced because of her absorption, but she did not dare to be greedy. After all, this body At the beginning of practice, you can't absorb too much, or it will be counterproductive.

She adjusted her breath and exhaled, and slowly exhaled a mouthful of turbid air from her mouth. When she opened her eyes, she immediately felt refreshed. This is the effect of cultivation.

"Huh? How did she improve so much that she was able to actively absorb spiritual energy?"

In the room, a childlike voice came to his ears, Xu Zhenzhen was startled, no way, two bad guys just left, and another child came? Or a child who understands what he is doing? Is it a person of the same kind

Xu Zhenzhen looked around, but only saw the big fat cat that liked to eat braised pork squatting in the corner, but did not see any children.

Seeing Xu Zhenzhen walking towards him, the big fat cat stretched lazily, and said, "Unfortunately, the body is too weak, and it will not be so fast to cultivate to the Nascent Soul."

Xu Zhenzhen watched the big fat cat's mouth open and close, but a child's voice came from his ear, and he froze for a moment!

Could it be that this voice came from this big fat cat? No way, I can actually understand what animals say? In the previous world, the ability that I could only achieve after many years of cultivation, in this world, I can achieve it at the beginning of cultivation? No, this cat knows about cultivation and Nascent Soul, it's not as simple as an ordinary animal.

"Who are you?" Xu Zhenzhen looked into the big fat cat's eyes and asked.

The big fat cat was startled when Xu Zhenzhen suddenly spoke to him! What? She didn't even enter the Nascent Soul stage, but she could understand what she said. Could it be that it was meowing in her ears

Xu Zhenzhen said word by word to the stunned big fat cat: "I can understand what you said, tell me, who are you?"

"What? How is it possible, you are just an ordinary human being now, how could you, you, you, you!" The big fat cat said incoherently, and it was the first time his words were understood by ordinary people.

"I don't know what's going on, you just said that I have made great progress and can absorb spiritual energy actively, right?" Xu Zhenzhen automatically ignored his words of "weak body, not so fast".

The big fat cat has round eyes and an incredible expression. The round face and round eyes make Xu Zhenzhen chuckle. The fat cat is so cute, it looks like Garfield.

"Why are you laughing!" the big fat cat said angrily, feeling that his dignity had been violated.

"You are cute!" Xu Zhenzhen said with a smile

"Nonsense, you probably haven't been born when I'm cultivating real." The big fat cat argued, trying hard to maintain his dignity.

"Oh? You also practice cultivation? Did the cat become as fat as you in the end?" Xu Zhenzhen asked strangely.

"You are the cat, all of you are cats!" the big fat cat cried angrily.

Xu Zhenzhen felt a little strange after hearing this, and asked, "Aren't you a cat?"

"of course not!"

"Then you are?"