Transmigrating into the Big Boss Villain’s White Moonlight

Chapter 5


Help the middleman pack the things into the big bag and move them to the trunk of the car with her.

"This is 100,000 yuan, Ms. Xu, please order some." The middleman took out a bundle of banknotes from his backpack and handed it over. In the past, Ms. Xu asked for cash when selling things, but this time she also brought cash. Didn't expect it to be so low.

Xu Zhenzhen took a cursory look at it. There were ten bundles of 100 yuan denominations, all of which had just been taken out of the bank, and the bank's seal was still attached.

"There's no need to count them, they are all old customers, so they can't be wrong." Xu Zhenzhen took it and said.

"Okay, I'll be leaving first, remember to call me next time you have something in stock." The man in the middle opened the car door and got into the driver's cab, and said repeatedly without forgetting to roll down the window and put his head out.

Xu Zhenzhen nodded, waved goodbye to her, turned and walked in.

Looking at the brand-new banknotes, Xu Zhen really decided a lot. With this money, he can live frugally for a few years. At that time, he will look at his own cultivation.

Not far from the villa, there was a large supermarket. Xu Zhenzhen spent a long time in the garage, picked out the most low-key white Porsche coupe, and planned to drive out to buy things.

She kept 5,000 yuan in cash with her, and then deposited the rest of the money in her card. Although cash is basically useless now, keeping some money around is good for self-defense. In case money is needed in the countryside, There may not be such a developed mobile payment over there.

The CBD complex has everything, and there are many counters selling clothes of all kinds, but for Xu Zhenzhen, these are not what she likes, they are expensive and uncomfortable, why should she wear them.

Xu Zhenzhen searched and searched, but in the big supermarket, she found the clothes she wanted to buy. She bought two cotton dresses, two T-shirts and jeans. Basically, she can handle the summer, etc. When the weather is cold, she will come to buy winter clothes for the winter.

These things only cost a few hundred yuan, Xu Zhenzhen threw the bag on the car, and drove back to the villa in the luxury car.

Early the next morning, the people from the cruise casino arrived at Xu Zhenzhen's place on time. They are very efficient, and it seems that they often do this kind of house collection.

Under their guidance, Xu Zhenzhen signed a lot of documents, and her hands were sore. In the end, a young man in the lead took out a thin contract from another document bag, and said to her very politely: "Miss Xu, these are the assets you originally owned. After your signature, all of them have been transferred to our assets. In addition, this document is the small courtyard you won back. You signed this thing again. , this small courtyard belongs to you, and we will settle the matter."

"Oh, good." What else can Xu Zhenzhen say, because he committed a crime and couldn't live, and tens of millions of assets just fell into other people's pockets.

The flamboyant names fell on the paper, and Xu Zhenzhen sighed deeply when he finished writing.

"Okay, Ms. Xu, now all the formalities are completed, you can leave." The young man said politely, but Xu Zhen really wanted to throw his shoe in his face. How many families were ruined.

The young man was not angry because Xu Zhenzhen rolled his eyes, he still waited on the sidelines with a smile on his face. I have to say that these people have good self-cultivation skills. Xu Zhenzhen pulled up the big suitcase that he had prepared long ago, pushed the door open and left without looking back. go.

Fortunately, these things are not my own at all, so if you lose them, just throw them away, Xu Zhenzhen, who was struggling to pull the suitcase uphill, thought to himself comfortingly.

The small farmyard that Xu Zhenzhen won back is on the edge of the city. It is actually in the village. You have to take the bus first, then take the subway, and then take the long-distance bus. After getting down, there are still several kilometers to go, and there is no public transportation. Alright, let's talk about it later.

Xu Zhenzhen changed into a convenient pair of jeans, T-shirt and canvas shoes today. She was dressed in a refreshing and comfortable outfit. She had a fair and fair face without makeup, and her long purple hair was coiled up and stuffed into a cap. She looked like an obedient student. Along the way, she, who was carrying a big suitcase, was the object of help. Basically, people helped her carry the suitcase when getting off the car and going up and down the stairs, which made her sigh that there are still many good people in this world.

The scorching sun in summer is like fire. Although the air-conditioned car is air-conditioned, it still makes people drowsy. Xu Zhenzhen fell asleep on the long-distance bus. She had some vague dreams and returned to her own world after a while. Just as he was meditating and practicing calmly, he saw He Liqin turned into a villain after a while, beating people everywhere.

Xu Zhenzhen woke up, not because He Liqin was frightened, but because she felt someone pulling her bag!

When he opened his eyes, he saw a big hand opening the bag in her arms, trying to stuff her wallet into his own.

"Ah! Stealing something! Give me back the money." Xu Zhenzhen called out instinctively, reaching out her hands to grab her wallet.

This sound woke up all the people in the car, and everyone looked in their direction. The thief who stole the wallet saw that something was wrong, he gritted his teeth and grabbed the wallet and pulled it hard. Xu Zhenzhen was pulled away and let go of his hands .

The thief stuffed her wallet into his backpack, pointed at Xu Zhenzhen and cursed: "You little bitch, who stole from you, this is my wallet, how dare you frame me."

Everyone just woke up and looked at the two in a daze, wondering who was telling the truth and who was lying.

Xu Zhenzhen saw that the thief turned right from wrong, so she stood up angrily and shouted: "This is my wallet, and you want to steal it while I'm asleep! Since you said it was your wallet, tell everyone what's in it!"

"Why should I tell you!" The thief was a little panicked. After saying this, he stepped up to the driver and said, "Master, I'm here. I want to get off."

"This bus hasn't arrived at the station yet, why did you arrive? This is a long-distance bus, and it doesn't stop in the middle." The driver said without turning his head.

"Master, don't let him get out of the car. He stole my wallet and drove the car to the police station." Seeing the thief about to run away, Xu Zhenzhen quickly stepped over and grabbed the thief's backpack and said.

The thief tugged on his backpack, trying to get rid of Xu Zhenzhen, but he couldn't get rid of her pull as if he was stuck.

"Young man, just tell me what's in your wallet, so that this girl will give up." Someone in the carriage said.

The people in the car were already suspicious, and everyone stood up and looked at the two entangled in the cab.

"Why should I say that!" the thief roared, turned around and took out a fruit knife, and swung it at Xu Zhenzhen.

Xu Zhenzhen was startled, and actually moved the knife. She quickly turned to the side. Fortunately, although the spiritual power was gone, the foundation of previous cultivation was still there, and her figure was finally flexible.

The people in the car exclaimed.

Seeing that Xu Zhen really didn't dare go over and pull him, the thief pointed the knife at the driver again, gritted his teeth and said, "Old man, open the car door for me quickly, or my knife won't have eyes."

There was another exclamation, mixed with the shout of "don't stab the driver".

The driver saw the knife dangling around his neck, and the tip of the knife almost touched the skin. If he resisted, the car was driving at a high speed, and everyone in the car would be in danger. He had no choice but to stop the car and open the door.

Seeing that the thief had succeeded, he waved a knife viciously at the people in the car a few times as a threat, and then fled under the car.

"Stop!" Xu Zhenzhen got out of the car without even thinking about it.

Xu Zhenzhen just got out of the car and wanted to chase the thief, but someone grabbed his clothes, and a calm and reassuring voice came to his ears: "You stay here, I will help you chase it back."

There was a gust of wind in front of him, and a young guy in a black T-shirt had already rushed out in front of Xu Zhenzhen. Xu Zhenzhen was speechless, the speed was so fast!

Xu Zhenzhen didn't stop at the same place, but ran after her. After all, it was her own business, and she might be able to help by following up.

The thief didn't run very far, and was caught by the person behind him. Xu Zhenzhen ran forward, watching the black figure kick the thief's knife away, and subdued him to the ground with his grasping hand.

"Heroic man, spare my life, spare my life, I dare not dare." The thief was pushed on the ground with his knees, his arms were twisted into twists, and he kept begging for mercy.

The guy in black picked up the thief and said to Xu Zhenzhen who just ran up to him, "Call the police."

Xu Zhenzhen hurriedly turned on his mobile phone, and while calling the police, he followed the guy in black to the direction of the bus.

"Young man, you are amazing, you captured him so easily." The people in the car had already gathered around the driver's cab, and had a clear view of the scene just now.

"This thief really doesn't know what to do. He dares to steal money in broad daylight."

The guy in black lifted the thief to the car, wiped his sweat with the back of his hand, and asked, "Who has the rope?"

"I have it." The driver took out a hemp rope from the toolbox.

"Uncle, help me tie up this thief together. I have already called the police. The police should be here soon." The boy in black said.

"No problem, this kind of scum should be caught. He has arms and legs at a young age. He can do nothing but become a thief." The driver got angry when he thought of being threatened with a knife just now. In case he made a mistake, This killed a carload of people.

The two of them worked together to tie up the thief tightly. The guy in black took out his wallet from the thief's backpack and asked Xu Zhenzhen, "Can you tell me what's in it?"

Xu Zhenzhen was a little dumbfounded, did he actually doubt her

"Girl, don't get me wrong, I just want everyone to be a witness." The boy in black quickly explained.

Although Xu Zhenzhen was depressed, she had her wallet stolen and had to prove that she was not lying, but she also understood that she was bitten by the thief just now, and she really needed to prove who the wallet belonged to.

Of course Xu Zhenzhen knew what was in it, she told the contents in detail, the guy in black opened the wallet and checked it, handed the wallet over, and said with a smile with his big teeth: "It's accurate, This wallet is yours, return it to you, don't bring so much money with you next time."