Transmigrating into the Genius Cannon Fodder’s Aunt

Chapter 104: No. 105


Although Ning Shaobai said that he would sleep until dawn tomorrow, how could he really sleep well after finally seeing the person he missed.

He woke up just as the sky was getting dark. Hearing the sound of laughter outside, he couldn't help but smile before he even opened his eyes.

"Well, Dr. Ning said that he wanted to experience the close-to-nature night here. People in the city like the countryside." The girl's voice was clear and she said it as if she meant it. "The work in their hospital is actually very tiring. Come here It’s time to relax here on vacation, I’ll watch it with him tonight!”

Xia Chuan's voice immediately followed, "Indeed, Jing'er is worse than the Jing'er here. Big cities are full of high-rise buildings and roads, so it's not as comfortable as here."

The aunt has already supported her in action, "Mianmian, put down the mattress first and then the mat, otherwise it will get cold in the middle of the night."


Ning Shaobai was amused when he heard this. He stood up and pushed the door open. He saw Xia Mian standing on the roof, hanging a rope from above, with a basket tied to the bottom of the rope.

Xia Chuan was putting things like mattresses and mugwort braids in. After it was full, Xia Mian pulled the rope and hoisted it to the roof.

Seeing Ning Shao come out in vain, Xia Mian said with a smile, "Doctor Ning, have you slept well?"

"It's all arranged. I'll accompany you to enjoy the scenery on the roof tonight. The moon is so beautiful here, I promise you won't be disappointed."

Ning Shaobai couldn't help laughing when he saw the cunning in her eyes.

After the mat was laid out, Qiangqiang and Xiaofeng quickly came up to have fun.

Yes, after following Qiang Qiang wildly for more than ten days, Xiao Feng also learned to climb on the roof. Of course, the first time he appeared on the roof, Qiang Qiang even received a beating.

However, seeing that the child was climbing steadily, Xia Mian did not stop him. He and Xia Hai built a plastic film similar to an awning under the child, and piled thick stacks of straw under the plastic film for double protection.

So far, the protection has not been used, but Xiaofeng's climbing skills are becoming more and more proficient.

They put on mugwort braids and applied toilet water on the two children. Qiangqiang rolled around on the mat and howled happily, while Xiaofeng quietly looked at the red clouds on the horizon, her big eyes full of joy.

Xia Mian looked into the yard and saw that Ning Shaobai and Uncle Xia were chatting with each other.

She simply lay down on the mat with Xiao Feng and watched the scenery, until the last trace of red clouds in the sky disappeared with the bright light, and night fell completely.

The two of them turned over and looked at the sky in the same posture of spreading their hands and feet. The night sky this time was different from that in Ning Shao and Bai's yard. Last time, the sky was full of stars, but this time there was a huge moon. It's like it's right above your head.

Silver light covered the roof, as bright as day. Xiao Feng rolled on Xia Mian mischievously, her mouth pursed with wonder in her eyes.

Qiangqiang rolled over on the mat for a while and then made no sound. This kid was very active during the day, but fell asleep instantly at night.

Without his commotion, the surrounding area suddenly became quiet, and only the voices of the Xia family and Ning Shaobai talking in the yard could be heard amidst the chirping of insects.

After all, Uncle Xia was still concerned about her and Xia Wenyue's family's life in Yanshi. He asked many nagging questions, and Ning Shaobai also answered patiently.

Seeing that Ning Shaobai had no airs, Xia Chuan couldn't help but ask about Hao Xufeng. He was even more excited when he learned that Ning Shaobai had indeed found someone in advance, and that neither the Hao family nor the Mao family would dare to trouble the Xia family in the future. He pulled Ning Shaobai and chatted non-stop, which made Xia Mian so angry that she wanted to curse.

As the night got darker, Xiao Feng fell asleep, and Xia Mian's sleepiness gradually came over her.

Just when she was about to fall asleep in a daze, she finally heard movement from the other side.

Ning Shao came up in vain!

Xia Mian suddenly woke up, rolled her eyes, snickered, and decided to pretend to be asleep.

She wanted to see what Ning Shaobai would do when she couldn't see him, and at the same time, she was thinking about how to give him a big scare when he lay down next to her.

Yes, Xia Mian was very scheming and only left an empty spot on her left hand side.

Qiangqiang and Xiaofeng were lying on her right side, already occupying the space. If Ning Shaobai wanted to sleep, he could only lie next to her.

snort! Want her to stay away? No! Let’s see what you do!

Xia Mian was already ready to laugh at him.

Soon, she noticed that Ning Shaobai came to her, seemed to be looking at her, and did not move for a long time.

Imagining his helpless look, Xia Mian couldn't help but chuckle in her heart, while on her face she was sleeping more deeply.

Finally, the mat next to her sank slightly. After waiting for a long time, Xia Mian did not hear the sound of the person lying down. Instead, she felt the sound of the other person's breathing approaching.

Huh? Huh! ! !

No, it couldn't be what she thought. Doctor Ning wanted to secretly kiss her? !

Xia Mian's scalp felt a little tight and he hesitated to open his eyes:

If you don't open your eyes, it's inappropriate to lie like this; but if you open your eyes, you won't be able to give this title to others for the time being. Wouldn't it be awkward to meet you in the future

Before she could figure out what to do, she felt two big hands put on her shoulders and waist, and then pulled hard. Xia Mian rolled uncontrollably to the left in a half circle.

The other party pulled again as usual, and Xia Mian rolled half a circle and directly touched the edge of the mat.


She opened her eyes expressionlessly.

Under the bright moonlight, Ning Shaobai had stood up and walked to the other side. Xia Mian saw him gently picking up Xiao Feng and moving her to the position where she had just fallen asleep. Then Ning Shaobai placed herself at Xiao Feng's original position. Lying down.

Really implemented "stay away" to the end.

Xia Mian turned sideways and faced him with a death gaze.

Ning Shaobai put one hand behind his head and looked at the night sky contentedly, saying, "It's indeed beautiful."

After a long while, Ning Shaobai chuckled, "Benefactor, for the sake of our lifelong happiness, please stop reading, okay?"

He didn't even look back, his eyes were still looking at the night sky.

"What? After staying away from you, can't I watch anymore?" Xia Mian's tone was flat, and his handsome profile couldn't make her forgive him, "Is this how you treat your benefactor?" oo-┈ →ωωW.bKXS.иΣㄒ༊

Ning Shaobai avoided the important and took the easy, and said with a helpless smile, "I can't help it. My benefactor, your gaze is too lethal. I'm afraid I can't control it."

"I think Dr. Ning is doing a good job with you," Xia Mian sneered, "With someone as reliable as Dr. Ning protecting my happiness, I feel like I can do whatever I want. What do you think?"

As she was about to pounce on her, Ning Shaobai finally turned sideways and stretched out his long arm to touch her shoulder, with a smile in his eyes, "I don't think it's possible."

"It's already very difficult now. Please cooperate with me, my benefactor, and be more restrained. Just take pity on me."

Xia Mian's arms were not as long as his, and her strength was not as strong as his. She couldn't get any closer to him, and she was so angry that she wanted to bite him.

She suddenly narrowed her eyes, "Since you begged me like this..."

"I think I can restrain myself to the end. It's not fun to think about falling in love."

"How about I make a new vow that I will not fall in love before I graduate from college, no, before I get a job, otherwise I will spend the rest of my life...well..."

Ning Shaobai's hand on her shoulder covered her mouth instead, looking at her dumbfounded, "Benefactor, please think twice."

"Are you sure this is a test of me and not yourself?"

His eyes swept over the place where Xia Mian was lying, and then looked at her current posture, as if to say that she was the one he couldn't wait to get close to.

"Benefactor, don't embarrass yourself so much, I'll feel sorry for you."

Xia Mian laughed angrily, hit his hand hard, sat back down, and said angrily, "Who is in trouble? How about we make a bet, who is in love and who is the puppy before I graduate from college!"

"No gambling." Ning Shaobai also sat up and looked at her with narrowed eyes, "I never make a loss-making business. This bet of yours has high risks and low returns, and it is obviously a lose-lose situation. Why do you want to gamble? "

Xia Mian glared at him, "If you don't bet, how can I bet?"

Ning Shao laughed in vain. He sighed and coaxed her softly, "If you want to know who is more difficult, where you need to pay such a high price, there is obviously a simple and efficient way."

"What should I do..." Before Xia Mian could finish her words, she saw Ning Shaobai's left arm crossed Xiaofeng's hand on the mat, and he suddenly leaned towards her, as if he wanted to kiss her.

Xia Mian was startled and leaned back suddenly. Ning Shaobai's other hand quickly reached towards her waist, and he turned over Xiao Feng and fell on the mat with her...

Xia Mian was a little confused and immediately looked at Xiao Feng next to her. Ning Shao Bai held her in his arms and chuckled, "Don't worry, I'm not pressing him down."

Only then did Xia Mian realize the current situation between the two of them. Ning Shaobai was supporting her body, with his right arm still holding her waist.

The hot temperature of her palms spread to her skin through the thin clothes and spread directly to her limbs. Xia Mian felt as if her whole body was about to burn...

However, Ning Shaobai's body was still pressing down. Xia Mian couldn't help but hold her breath and didn't dare to breathe out.

Ning Shaobai chuckled, "You'll know if you try this."

Then he lowered his head and smiled in her ear, "Benefactor, please don't embarrass yourself and don't touch me!"


Do you want to compete with her? !

Xia Mian clenched her fists tightly, wondering what was so difficult about this! She is absolutely not embarrassed!

Thinking of the hatred he had just played on her, Xia Mian stared hard into Ning Shaobai's eyes and continued her death gaze!


I'm staring at death! You are so ridiculous!

Also, it’s really too close! !

Ning Shao's hanging white T-shirt almost touched her clothes, and she could even feel the body heat emanating from the man.

The expression on his face was completely opposite to the pressure from his body. Looking at her was like looking at an unreasonable little girl, smiling tolerantly and gently.

In those passionate peach blossom eyes, there are thousands of stars flowing freely with intoxicating affection, as if they will not stop until they drown her...

At least her desire to win has been washed away!

This cunning man!

Xia Mian tried hard to hold her breath, fearing that the other party could hear her loud and scary heartbeat, which made every second last extremely long.

Ning Shaobai looked at the little girl's increasingly red cheeks and trembling eyelashes, and her breathing gradually became disordered...

As if she sensed some danger, Xia Mian stared at the young man on her body vigilantly, and at the same time, she broke her long breath hold.

I couldn't help but take a deep breath. My chest rose and fell a bit, as if I had hit something...

Xia Mian's cheeks seemed to be burning, and she involuntarily turned her head to the side and swallowed.

The smile on Ning Shaobai's face gradually faded, "Mianmian..." His voice was hoarse and his breath was unsteady.

This sound seemed to be filled with bewitching magic, which penetrated from the ears and spread throughout the body. Xia Mian felt that her whole body was a little out of control.

She turned back to look at the other person's eyes, which tempted her, wanting to touch him, wanting to reach out and hug him back, wanting...

Xia Mian's eyes fell on those beautiful thin lips, and she couldn't help but licked her lips...

The moment she raised her hand and was about to touch his clothes, Ning Shaobai suddenly held down her arm, lowered his head on the pillow beside her head, and smiled softly, "I give up."

"Xia Mian, I give up..."

The warm breath was next to her ears. Xia Mian felt that her heart was going to explode. Ning Shaobai had already stood up suddenly and lay down on Xiao Feng's other side again.

Xia Mian stared blankly at the moon above her head before she began to breathe heavily. After a while, she said, "Doctor Ning, please stay away from me in the future!"

Who can live with this? I’ll admit defeat too, okay

Ning Shaobai turned to look at her and couldn't help but laugh. In an instant, it was like the Milky Way pouring down. The sea of stars falls into the sky.

Xia Mian said angrily: "Don't even look at me!"

The author has something to say: Ning Shaobai: Stay away from me! Dont look at me!

Xia Mian: You also stay away from me! Don’t even look at me!

So here comes the question, are you two still dating

Originally there was another chapter, but it took nearly four hours to edit this chapter. The author really couldn't bear it anymore, so it won't be updated at midnight. It will be updated tomorrow morning.

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution between 2021-05-0522:30:58~2021-05-0623:41:30~

Thank you to the little angels who irrigate the nutrient solution: 60 bottles of Mama Bear; 24 bottles of Sleepy Tea; 20 bottles of 123456, Hua Lian Little Cute i; 14 bottles of Xiawang; Lin, hello. , leave blank, 10 bottles of skr baby; 8 bottles of Tanhua; 5 bottles of Nezhaye, 凊隚; Jingjie, 358878663 bottles; 2 bottles of Xiaobao Mama; Tianqing, 45831673, oolong, who has Erha, take the name If you have any problems, don’t ask me to get 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!