Transmigrating into the Genius Cannon Fodder’s Aunt

Chapter 11: The eleventh


Old Mrs. Liu's son has already gone out to work, and Zhuangzhuang can go to preschool a little later, so the Liu family's breakfast has just been served and is not rich.

Xia Mian borrowed Aunt Liu's space to make the milk egg rolls again. Li Xinmei loved to eat. When the aroma came out, she couldn't help but go to the kitchen, "This is a fresh way to eat it. So the one in Xuanxuan's hand was made by you?"

Xia Mian kept moving his hands while saying, "I just like to think about food. Xiao Feng ate here yesterday and never ate again. They didn't even leave any food for us when we woke up."

"I also know that I had a falling out with her family because of what happened yesterday. They must be eager to kick us out, so I didn't care. Thinking about what the doctor said, I wanted to make Xiao Feng a nutritious meal. I didn't expect that after seeing what I made, she would snatch it away and not let Xiao Feng eat it."

"I really didn't see it before." Li Xinmei said with a sigh, "It turns out that you can only see a person's true character when he encounters something."

Old Mrs. Liu looked at the egg rolls Xia Mian made and said, "This is good. There is enough milk and eggs. Make more so that the children can enjoy it."

Finally, they had a comfortable breakfast at Liu's house, and Xia Mian and Xiao Feng's stomachs were finally filled.

Before leaving, Old Lady Liu stuffed a small piece of bread into Xiao Feng's mouth and said, "If she embarrasses you again, come to me. Don't let the child go hungry again. Do you want me to knock on the door for you?"

Xia Mian said, "No need, she probably won't dare to do that."

Huang Xiaojuan really didn't dare to do it. As soon as Xia Mian knocked, the security door opened immediately.

Leading Xiao Feng into the house, Xia Mian looked at Huang Xiaojuan, whose eyes were full of hatred, and said, "I thought you would have learned your lesson."

Huang Xiaojuan was very angry at this man's two-faced attitude, but she really didn't dare to do anything else.

Seeing Xia Mian find the phone number of the milk station from the phone book next to the phone and order an extra pound of milk; then he turned around and instructed her, "I think there are no eggs left. Remember to buy some eggs when you come back today. If there are any fish, you'd better buy some as well. I'll give half to your Xuanxuan when they're cooked."

It was as if she was the mistress of the house.

Huang Xiaojuan was so angry that her lungs were about to explode, but Xia Mian's next words calmed her down.

"Where's my passbook?"

"What passbook?" Huang Xiaojuan replied reflexively.

Xia Mian laughed, "What what passbook? Of course it's my passbook, what? You don't want to give it to me?"

Of course Huang Xiaojuan didn't want to give it to her. If it weren't for all these messy things, she would have given it to her to appease her and could have coaxed her back later. But after yesterday and today, Huang Xiaojuan knew very well that if she returned the passbook, she would never get it back.

Xia Mian urged impatiently, "Give it to me quickly, I need to take Xiao Feng out to buy some things today, and I need to withdraw some money."

Huang Xiaojuan's mind raced, "I left your passbook at school after I withdrew money yesterday. I'll get it back for you today."

Xia Mian frowned, "I need money, I'll go to school with you to get it."

Huang Xiaojuan rolled her eyes and said, "How much do you want? I withdrew some money yesterday and there is still some money left. You can use it first. I will bring it back to you after get off work today."

"one thousand."

"What?" Huang Xiaojuan's voice unconsciously raised, "What do you need so much money for? One thousand is enough for your high school tuition for a year!"

"I'm spending my own money, what does it have to do with you?" Xia Mian said, "Then I'll go to school with you to get the passbook."

"Got it!" Huang Xiaojuan turned and went into the bedroom.

Xia Mian raised her eyebrows. She knew that the other party would not return the passbook to her easily, but judging from her appearance, it was obvious that she had already touched the money in it. If that was true, then it would be easy to deal with.

After a while, Huang Xiaojuan came out with a stack of large gray banknotes and handed them to Xia Mian. These banknotes were from her memory when she was very young. Xia Mian still found them quite fresh. She counted them and found that there were only fifty of them.

"This is all we have at home for now, you can use it first." Huang Xiaojuan was obviously afraid that Xia Mian would make trouble, and then said, "I'll give you the passbook tomorrow."

Xia Mian didn't say anything. He turned around and wrote something on a piece of paper and pushed it to Huang Xiaojuan, "Sign it!"

"What?" Huang Xiaojuan looked down and saw a receipt with unexpectedly beautiful words on it:

Today I received 500 yuan in cash from Ms. Huang Xiaojuan of Huagang Family Quarters

But the strange thing about this receipt is that it requires the signatures of both Xia Mian and Huang Xiaojuan.

Huang Xiaojuan frowned, "What do you mean?"

"It doesn't mean anything." Xia Mian said, "I don't believe you. What if you only gave me 500 but told others that you gave me 1,000? So just to be safe, sign a receipt."

Huang Xiaojuan did have such an idea, but she didn't expect Xia Mian to think so quickly.

Xia Mian didn't want to argue with her, so she said, "If you don't want to sign, I can find a witness. Aunt Liu and Teacher Mi are here anyway."

Huang Xiaojuan had no choice but to sign. Xia Mian put away the receipt and warned, "Be careful not to lose my passbook. My mother's name is on it. I can't report it lost and get a replacement."

At this point, she glanced at Huang Xiaojuan, whose eyes were rolling around, and said, "If you dare to tell me that your passbook is lost, I will call the police immediately!"

Huang Xiaojuan could only temporarily give up the idea and said unhappily, "You are such a mean person! Who cares about your money?"

"Yes, only those worse than pigs and dogs would covet my money."

Huang Xiaojuan was furious.

Xia Mian took out a shoulder bag from the suitcase, packed all the important things, and went out with Xiao Feng.

The first thing he did when he went out was to go straight to the bank. The passbook had already fallen into Huang Xiaojuan's hands. Not to mention whether Xia Mian could get it back, even if she did, Zhang Qiming would probably not let it go. Xia Mian was afraid of trouble and didn't want to argue with the Zhang couple, so she naturally wanted to get it over with once and for all.

Of course they lied to Huang Xiaoxia that the card could not be reissued. In fact, with Xia's mother's ID card, death certificate and the family's household registration booklet, it could of course be reissued.

Banks were not yet everywhere at this time, so Xia Mian asked someone about the nearby Postal Savings Bank, which happened to be near the department store, not far from here;

Xia Mian thought about the new clothes and shoes Huang Xiaojuan brought back yesterday, and felt that it was most likely that place.

She took Xiao Feng by the hand and asked along the way. After walking about two kilometers, they finally saw the business hall of the Postal Savings Bank...

How did those passers-by unanimously say that this was "nearby"

The sun was quite strong at around nine o'clock in August. Xia Mian squatted down to check on Xiao Feng's condition. After making sure that he was fine, he stood at the door of the bank to calm down before taking him inside.

If there is any advantage to this bold red hair, it is that it is eye-catching and impressive enough.

There was no rule of calling numbers at this time, just queuing. Fortunately, it was a weekday morning, so there weren't many people, and there was no one at the report window. Xia Mian handed in all her documents and said, "I want to report it lost. My passbook is lost, and I don't know if the money is lost."

The teller was a woman in her forties, who was at an age where she couldn't stand rebellious teenagers. She glanced at her and said perfunctorily, "You can't withdraw money with just the passbook without the password, don't worry."

Xia Mian still frowned, "I hope so. I have 31,400 yuan in my bank account..."

The staff entered the account number and operated for a while, then asked Xia Mian to tell him the password, then paused as he looked at the screen, "How much money do you have in your bank card?"

"Thirty-one thousand four hundred." As it concerns his own property, the original body has a deep memory of it.

The staff member frowned at her and asked, "Do any other family members of yours know the password to this passbook?"

"I don't know." Xia Mian said, "I am the only one left in my family... This is the tuition and living expenses my mother left for me until I go to college..."

The staff saw her mother's death certificate. After hearing what she said, they no longer despised her for being a gangster. They immediately became anxious for her. "There is only 25,000 left in your passbook. Think about it carefully. Who else knows your password?"

The amount of more than 6,000 yuan is not small and is enough to warrant a sentence.

"Sister, can you see when it was taken away?"

The other party had some sympathy for her. More than 6,000 yuan was not a small amount. When he heard her address, he felt happy and softened his heart. His attitude became enthusiastic. "Huh? You picked it up yesterday. It was done here! It was done by Xiao Wu."

She immediately called the manager over. Because it might involve a criminal case, the manager took them to the office and soon brought Xiao Wu in as well.

Xiao Wu is a young girl. She still remembers this incident. "She was a young woman with permed hair and dressed quite fashionably." The teller said, "I thought her family was quite wealthy. She said she wanted to go shopping at a department store and withdraw 10,000 yuan. But I didn't know that you need to make an appointment in advance to withdraw more than 6,000 yuan from a bank. I was surprised. It would make sense if the passbook was stolen."

The manager asked, "Little girl, do you know who this person is?"

Xia Mian bit her lip and angrily gave them a powerful point, "She is my brother-in-law's concubine!"
