Transmigrating into the Genius Cannon Fodder’s Aunt

Chapter 21: The twenty-first


It’s actually not that far from Mingshi to Mingxi County. It would only take an hour by high-speed train later. However, there are few buses now.

Xia Mian held Xiao Feng in his arms and sat in the shaky red bus. They drove on the international road for five or six hours, stopping and starting, and he almost collapsed.

Arriving at Mingxi County Station, Xia Mian couldn't wait to run off the train holding Xiao Fengping. She took two deep breaths before she felt alive again.

Xiao Feng was also in a bad mood. The little guy was carsick and vomited up an apple he ate on the way.

Just spend two dollars to hire a three-wheeled go-kart to go back to Xia’s house.

The Xia family's house is next to Mingxi County Middle School. It has a good geographical location. It was built by Grandpa Xia and Father Xia when Grandpa was still young.

Originally it was a large courtyard with six main rooms. Later, when Grandpa Xia passed away and Father Xia fell ill, the rogue Second Uncle Xia took advantage of the situation and robbed it, leaving only two rooms.

As for these two rooms, Uncle Xia also kept a close eye on them after Mother Xia left.

The gate to the courtyard was an ordinary wooden door with an iron handle. However, the wall was not high, and there was a dent in one place with obvious signs of easy climbing. Except for the second branch of the Xia family who regarded the house as their own, no one else came.

After Xia Mian opened the door, he found that the yard was very clean. Not the ordinary cleanliness, but the cleanliness as if it was cleaned by bandits.

In Xia Mian's memory, when the original self left, there were some charcoal, firewood, some old bricks left over from building a stove, empty bottles, etc. left in the corner.

It's just some miscellaneous things that are usually insignificant and you can't remember when they might be used, which make this yard full of the atmosphere of life.

Now, the yard is so clean that there is not even a tree branch. The people who took things would like to sweep the soil between the bricks back to use for farming.

Xia Mian was so angry that she almost laughed, but she didn't have the energy at the moment. Fortunately, the doors and windows of the main room were locked, so the other party obviously didn't dare to do that.

After all, taking advantage of someone's opportunity is one thing, but breaking into a house by picking the lock is theft. If he dares to do it, even though they are family, the Xia family members will not forgive him.

Open the door and window for ventilation, take off the dustproof blue checkered sheet, wipe the wooden bed and mat with a basin of water, put the child on the bed, and say, "Sleep for a while. Are you hungry?"

Xiao Feng's face was still a little pale, and he said listlessly, "I'm not hungry."

Xia Mian still went to the store at the door to ask for some hot water, made two bowls of milk powder, one bowl each, and then they both fell asleep.

Half asleep and half awake, Xia Mian suddenly noticed that there was silence beside the bed again. She was startled, thinking that a thief had broken in. After all, she had locked the door before going to bed.

She opened her eyes slightly and saw a short and fat figure squatting beside the bed and rummaging through the suitcase she brought back.

Xia Mian recognized him at a glance. He was Xia Bao, the youngest son of Uncle Xia.

She sneered, and in order to prevent scaring the child, Xia Mian quietly pushed Xiao Feng first. The child slept lightly, and woke up immediately after she pushed him. Before he could make a sound, Xia Mian made a gesture to keep quiet, and the child covered his mouth consciously.

Xia Mian then picked up the large blue checkered sheet that he had placed on the side, stood up suddenly and covered the fat man, then picked up the broom next to him and beat him hard, shouting, "Catch the thief! Catch the thief! He broke into the house and robbed it in broad daylight!"

The man was obviously stunned by the sudden attack. After being hit a few more times, the pain spread up. He couldn't help but struggle and scream under the sheet, "It's me, it's me, I'm Xia Bao, Xia Mian, are you crazy?!"

Refusing to listen to the bastard's words, Xia Mian kicked the fat man to the ground, threw away the broom, and took a feather duster which was more convenient to use and hit him hard on the face and buttocks.

There were many relatives of the Xia family living in this area. When they heard Xia Mian's voice, they hurried over and saw that the wooden door was locked. It was quite quiet inside.

There was a strong and anxious voice, "Mianmian, is it Mianmian in the back?!"

"It's me!" Xia Mian yelled while smoking, "Uncle? Uncle, I caught a thief, I dare not let go!"

"Hurry up, Xiaohe and Xiaochuan, go in and take a look!" Uncle Xia hurriedly made arrangements.

At that moment two young men rushed in, one went to open the door to let the people in, and the other rushed into the house to help.

When Xia Chuan entered the room, he was stunned for a moment, then he saw a pretty girl in a skirt pressing down a figure covered with a blue sheet. The figure was quite big and was struggling violently.

Xia Chuan didn't even have time to be surprised at Xia Mian's change and hurried forward to help.

People don’t call the police these days. When they catch a petty thief, they just have one word to describe it: thief!

Xia Chuan was a young man in his twenties, and he did not hold back. Xia Bao struggled and wailed, "It's me, it's me! Xia Mian, are you deaf?!"

Xia Chuan paused when he heard Xia Bao's voice, but saw that Xia Mian seemed not to hear it and treated him as a thief. He laughed secretly and showed no mercy.

The main reason is that this kid is so abominable. At such a young age, he has learned his parents' bad habits of taking advantage of others and stealing things, and he is even better than them.

Unfortunately, Second Aunt Xia was unreasonable, and all relatives and friends were helpless and suffered greatly from her.

Of course, the family that suffered the most was Xia Mian's family, who had no pillar of support.

Xia Chuan didn't expect that after returning from a trip to the city, his little cousin would be much smarter.

Xia Mian looked around, picked up the hemp rope from the corner, and tied Xia Bao's mouth through the bed sheet. Xia Bao was screaming with his mouth open, and this time he was tied up right. The rough hemp rope went across his big mouth and pressed down his tongue. He couldn't say anything except for a whimpering sound.

Xia Chuan looked at the two holes in the sheet due to Xia Bao's intense breathing, and was afraid that he would suffocate due to poor breathing, so he quickly pinched his fingers to pull the sheet up to give him some breathing space. Xia Mian looked at him, and there was a tacit understanding of cunning in their eyes.

A bunch of people followed in from behind, and when they saw Xia Mian tying someone up, they immediately came up to help. Then the young men who rushed up didn't care about anything and kicked the man first, and screams and groans came from under the sheet.

A dark, thin, tall man walked in. He looked to be in his fifties, with bright eyes and a strong voice. "What's going on?"

This person is the cousin of Xia Mian's father, so Xia Mian also calls him uncle. He is considered a close relative of their family.

Uncle Xia is an upright and responsible person. He is considered the patriarch of the entire Xia family. Relatives like to ask him to mediate and handle any major issues between them. He has also taken good care of Xia's mother over the years.

Xia Mian said, "I came back from the city tomorrow morning. I was so tired that I fell asleep right away. Then I realized someone was sneaking through my things. I was so scared that I covered him with the sheets when he came to my bed. Fortunately, you guys came quickly."

"What kind of person is this? He is so bold that he dares to sneak into the house and steal things." said a young man.

He kicked the person under the bed sheet again, "You are really not afraid of death! Don't you want to listen to me? Our Xia family is not easy to bully?!"

A whimpering sound of pain came from under the sheets.

Uncle Xia first looked at the graceful young girl with satisfaction, "Well, it seems that living in the city has some advantages. It's much better this way."

Xia Mian was not feeling well and rubbed his head thoughtfully, "Well, I will study hard in the future."

Uncle Xia nodded with relief. When he looked at the person trapped on the ground like a meat dumpling, he thought of something else. He frowned and said angrily, "Let's see whose family this kid is from. Either send him to the police station or send him to the ancestral hall for custody!"

The young men started to punch and kick the men first, then began to untie the ropes with their own hands, cursing.

Two people suddenly rushed in from outside the door, "Xia Bao?!"

The leader was in his forties, not tall, dark, thin and skinny. Xia Mian almost thought he saw Song Xiaobao.

The man following behind was fat and white. He rushed in and tried to lift the cloth sheet immediately. Unfortunately, the bed was tied tightly with hemp rope and could not be lifted for a while.

After all, these two people are biological parents. Even if he recognizes each other by their figures, he can recognize them at a glance as his most beloved youngest son.

Second Aunt Xia burst into tears and screamed, "Oh my God, Xia Mian, you actually killed your brother, you have such a dark heart!"

Everyone suddenly understood that if it was Xia Bao, then it would make sense.

The second branch of the Xia family is a top-notch family that causes headaches for the entire family.

Second Uncle Xia likes to take advantage of others. He will be happy even if it is just a penny.

Second Aunt Xia likes to steal things. No matter whose house she goes to, if she doesn't keep a close eye on her things, she will definitely lose something when she leaves, even if it's just a needle.

The three children in their family were more or less influenced, with Xia Bao being the most affected. This kid combined the true qualities of both of them.

The most infuriating thing is that Xia Bao is not very courageous, but very shameless. He specifically targets relatives and friends, so even if he is caught, no matter how miserable Uncle Xia begs for mercy and Aunt Xia makes a scene, they will basically be defeated.

After Xia's father passed away, Xia's mother suffered the most because she was sensible and good-tempered, and the two families were separated by a wall.

However, Xia Mian is not afraid of them. He will treat the gangsters more gangster-like than him, and treat the scoundrels more rogue-like than him.

Anyway, she can be a fairy in literature or a barbarian in martial arts. She has many tricks up her sleeve, so who is afraid of whom

"Second Aunt, what are you talking about?" Xia Mian said, "I just came back at noon, and I locked the door before I went to sleep. Brother Xia Chuan just jumped over the wall to get in. He's obviously a thief!"

Then he kicked the chubby boy again and said, "If you dare to steal my things, I'll kill you!"

Second Aunt Xia glared and reached out to Xia Mian, "You are here on purpose. I knew you had bad intentions. You came back without even saying a word. We are separated by a courtyard wall. What can a simple greeting do?!"

Do you want me to give you a call so that you can harass us

Xia Mian hid behind Uncle Xia, who frowned and shouted, "Chengzu family!"

Second Aunt Xia sat on the ground and started crying, dragging out her voice, "Xia Mian, that damn girl, just holds a grudge against us~~ She has the support of her brother-in-law from the city, and she looks down on our Xia family. She specifically bullies me and her second uncle... The Xia family has produced an ungrateful person~~ She doesn't recognize her relatives~"

It was a commonplace thing in his memory, but the personal experience still made Xia Mian marvel.

Moreover, Second Aunt Xia's voice was loud and continuous, leaving no room for anyone to interrupt. Uncle Xia's face turned pale, "Cheng Zu, do you care?!"

Of course Uncle Xia didn't care. He was anxious to untie the rope on Xia Bao. Xia Mian didn't know how it was tied, and the rope was getting tighter and tighter. Uncle Xia was so anxious that he was sweating profusely.

Xia Mian had a headache because of the noise, especially when she saw Xiao Feng huddled in the corner with a frightened look on his face. She picked up the feather duster, rushed over and gave Xia Bao another sudden slap.

He said to Second Aunt Xia, "Shut up! If you sing one more line, I'll spank him. If you don't believe me, try it!"

Second Aunt Xia had never met an opponent in many years, so she was so angry that she rushed forward to snatch the feather duster from Xia Mian's hand, not caring about singing, "You stinky girl, you are rebelling against God! Do you have any elders in your eyes?"

"Three sentences," Xia Mian waited for her to finish scolding, then dodged while striking Xia Bao three times in a row.

Xia Bao, whose mouth was untied, screamed in agony, "Mom, Mom, don't say that!"

"You..." Aunt Xia was about to speak when Xia Mian raised the feather duster.

Second Aunt Xia shut up with a flushed face, but she was unwilling to give in. She looked around, obviously trying to find some weapon.

Unfortunately, Xia Chuan and a few others separated her. They didn't want to fight with her, but were happy to see Xia Mian punish her.

In the end, Uncle Xia and Aunt Xia were helpless and could only support Xia Bao, who was bruised and swollen and crying, and left.

"Wait!" Xia Mian stepped forward and grabbed the sheet draped over Xia Bao and the hemp rope held by Second Aunt Xia, "Put the things down!"

Second Aunt Xia yelled angrily, "What are you doing? You don't need this thing? You made Xia Bao look like this, and you don't even ask him to cover it up?"

"Why doesn't he feel ashamed when he steals things himself?"

Xia Mian exerted force on her hands and pulled all the things back. "I don't need them, but I'm not happy to give them to you even if I throw them away. What's the matter?"

"What the hell!" Second Aunt Xia was so angry that she wanted to yell. Xia Mian raised the feather duster again...

The second branch of the Xia family walked away cursing. Xia Chuan gave Xia Mian a thumbs up and said, "Mian Mian, go to the market and make some progress!"

Uncle Xia looked at Xiao Feng who was sitting in the corner and asked, "Where did the child come from?"

When Xia Mian did something, Xiao Feng hid in the corner obediently and didn't say a word. Everyone's attention was focused on the second branch of the Xia family, so even if they saw him, they didn't have time to ask.

Xia Mian reached out and picked him up, "This is Xiao Feng, my sister's child. Xiao Feng, this is great grandpa."

Xiao Feng put his little arms around Xia Mian's neck and said timidly, "Grandpa."

Uncle Xia forced a smile on his wrinkled face, but his tone was a little sad, "Chunchun's child? He's already this big!"

Xia Chun was the only college student of Xia Mian's generation in the Xia family, but unfortunately he died young. When the news of Xia Chun's death came that year, Uncle Xia also fell ill.

"How many days will you stay?" Uncle Xia asked. "Come home for dinner later and let Qiangqiang take the kids out to play."

"Okay. I'll pack up a little and then leave." Xia Mian was not polite.

Most cooking in Mingxi County is done on earthen stoves. When she came back, the family had no stove or pots left. The key point was that the little firewood and charcoal left in the yard had been taken away by Uncle Xia, so there was nothing to do even if she wanted to.

Everyone dispersed. Xia Mian and Xiao Feng changed their clothes and rested for a while. They took out the gifts that Huang Xiaoxia had given to Teacher Mi's family. There were many things suitable for the elderly, which came in handy.

Uncle Xia's house also has a large courtyard with six rooms. When Xia Mian took Xiao Feng in, it was as lively as a vegetable market.

A fifty-year-old man came out from the kitchen next to him and greeted Xia Mian with a smile, "Mian Mian and Xiao Feng are back, the meal will be ready soon!"

It was my aunt-in-law. She always spoke gently and kindly, making people feel very comfortable. Just like this greeting, Xia Mian naturally felt that this was their home.

Over there, Xia Chuan had already set up a long table and long benches, and said with a smile, "Let's go out and have dumplings at home. My mom is cooking today, so we can have pork whistle noodles. We're all in for a treat!"

When Xia Mian heard this, her saliva started to water. In her memory, her aunt's hand-rolled noodles were indeed a must, but it was also extremely time-consuming. Later, she had a wrist pain, so her family rarely let her make them. Today, in order to welcome Xia Mian home, her aunt has returned to the restaurant.

Xia Hai, the eldest son of Uncle Xia's family, picked up his own son who was lying on the ground playing with marbles, and flicked the dirt off the child with his big palms, as if he was holding a pillow instead of a child, "So dirty! So dirty! Every day, can't you be clean for a while?!"

After taking all the photos that could be taken, he placed the child in front of Xiao Feng and said, "This is your brother Xiao Feng. Let him recognize him. I will take him to play later. OK?"

"Mianmian, take the two children to wash their hands. The meal will be ready soon."

There were no polite greetings, but Xia Mian felt warm in his heart and missed his family a little.

A pair of dirty little hands grabbed the thing she was holding, and Xia Mian almost pulled it out of her hand. She lowered her head and looked at the naughty monkey, "What are you doing?"

Qiangqiang dragged out his voice in a coquettish tone, "Miangu, is this the delicious food you brought back from Ming City? What's in it? Let me see it!"

A seven-year-old child is at the age when everyone hates him. Xia Mian patted his dirty hands and said disdainfully, "Bring some candy, biscuits, and milk powder, quite a lot. Give them to the clean children."

"Oh yeah oh yeah!" Qiangqiang immediately ran to the washbasin, pushing aside his second uncle Xia He who was washing his hands, splashing water everywhere. Those who knew he was washing his hands might think he was swimming.

Xia He couldn't help but kick him in the butt, "Wash it properly! If you mess around again, I'll beat you up!"

He turned to look at Xia Mian and asked, "Why do you carry so many things?"

Xia Mian smiled and said, "These were all given by neighbors in the city. Some of them are nutritious foods suitable for the elderly, but I can't eat them, so I gave them to my uncle and aunt."

"You're still being polite," Xia He said with a smile, his eyes fell on the clean and well-behaved Xiao Feng, and he was instantly delighted, "Is this Xiao Feng? She is worthy of being Sister Chun's child."

"Xiao Feng, I'm your uncle Xia He. Do you want to wash your hands yourself or should I do it for you?"

Xiao Feng leaned against Xia Mian's legs tightly. Seeing Xia Mian looking at him encouragingly, Xiao Feng whispered, "I can wash myself."

"Okay, uncle will find you a new basin. Don't share it with that mud monkey. It's so dirty."

"You are the mud monkey, you are the mud monkey!" Qiangqiang got his whole body wet while washing his hands. He jumped on Xia He, and Xia He was so angry that he slapped him twice.

Xia Mian lowered her head and found that Xiao Feng's face was a little pale.

Xia Mian regretted his carelessness. All the children in the small county were raised in this way, and everyone was used to it. But Xiao Feng was different. He had experienced abuse from adults and had a traumatic experience.

Xia Mian hurriedly picked him up and said, "Don't be afraid, Uncle Xia He doesn't really hate Brother Qiangqiang. He is just joking with Brother Qiangqiang."

Xia He was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that this would scare the child. He was wondering if the child was too delicate.

Xia Mian quickly winked at him. Xia He smiled and said, "Uncle only punishes Qiangqiang because he is disobedient. Xiaofeng is so obedient, how can uncle bear to punish him?"

Xiao Feng pursed her lips, trying hard to hold back the tears in her eyes, and said timidly, "Be good, Xiao Feng."

Xia He was used to seeing his naughty nephew, but now seeing this well-behaved child made his heart melt, "Uncle knows, no, Xiaofeng, uncle will go get you some water, let's wash our hands and have dinner."

Afterwards, Xia He probably heard something from his family, as it was rare that there were no children at Uncle Xia's dinner table. Qiangqiang was showing off like crazy, and Xia Hai slapped him several times, looking very frustrated.

Xia Mian was both amused and heartwarming. She still held Xiao Feng in her arms. The two of them huddled together, and Xiao Feng ate with Qiangqiang's small bowl.

As for Qiangqiang, he had already been shouting that he was an adult and should use a big bowl, and he was very caring towards his younger brother who used a small bowl.

The臊子面 made by my aunt-in-law smelled so delicious that even Xia Mian couldn't help swallowing his saliva. Xiao Feng hadn't eaten anything for almost the entire day, and now that the delicious food was in his mouth, he gradually relaxed, ate the last bite with great care, and reluctantly put down the bowl.

The aunt looked at him and smiled, "Is it delicious? Xiaofeng, do you want another bowl?"

Xiao Feng looked up at Xia Mian, who touched his stomach and said, "Our Xiao Feng can still eat half a bowl."

Xiao Feng pursed her lips and nodded to her aunt, her eyes full of joy and her calves shaking.

Adults can all see something when there is a naughty child like Qiangqiang at home. A child who is so well-behaved that he suppresses his nature must have suffered great grievances.

The aunt served Xiao Feng another bowl of soup, and after putting the bowl down, she naturally lifted up the child's clothes. The adults at the table who had come over almost all changed their expressions.

Xiao Feng had been injured a lot, but the densely spread green and yellow color on her snow-white skin almost covered her entire body.

As a father, Xia Hai couldn't help but curse in a low voice, "Damn it..."

Uncle Xia glared at him. Xia Hai closed his mouth, but he was still angry. He didn't know how to express himself, so he simply picked up a large piece of meat and gave it to Xiao Feng, trying to soften his voice and said, "Good boy, eat more."

As a member of the newly "strong" group, Xiao Feng was a little afraid of him, but since his uncle gave him delicious food, he was a little at a loss.

Xia Mian touched his back, "This is Uncle Xia Hai, Brother Qiangqiang's father. Brother Qiangqiang was naughty, so his father brought him up. Xiao Feng is very good, and everyone loves you so much."

"Yes, the uncles love Xiao Feng very much." Xia He also picked up a piece of egg for him with chopsticks, "Wait a few days, Uncle Xia He will take you to catch fish, okay? It will give our Xiao Feng a good nourishment."

The atmosphere was warm and relaxing. Xiao Feng gradually relaxed, but still did not dare to leave Xia Mian.

No one wanted to ask anything in front of the children, so after dinner, the aunt took Qiangqiang and Xia Mian back to the Xia family.

Xiao Feng felt much more relaxed after returning to the yard. He knew that this was his aunt's home and there were only the two of them. Occasionally, he even dared to run around the yard with Qiangqiang.

The eldest aunt lit mugwort to fumigate the house and asked about the situation while she was fumigating. Xia Mian told her the whole story.

Hearing Xia Mian scolding that man, this gentle man rarely smiled, "Okay, next time I go, let your brother Xia Chuan go with you. You, a kid, your hands are useless." It didn't hurt.

While helping Xiao Feng take a bath, the aunt carefully checked the child's body and couldn't help shedding tears, "What a sin! How could you do this?"

Xiao Feng looked at her curiously, her big eyes clear and bright.

The aunt wiped her eyes and said, "It's good that you're back. In fact, your uncle didn't want you to go to the city in the first place."

"The conditions there are good, but Zhang Qiming is already married with children, how can he really take care of you? As the old saying goes, a nest of gold or silver is not as good as your own doghouse. If anything happens to you there, we won't be able to take care of you."

"As for your second uncle's family." The eldest aunt frowned and sighed, "It's annoying, but they don't dare to really harm anyone. Now you are the only one in your family. If he dares to do something bad to you and come to us again, your uncle will never forgive him."

"Yeah." Xia Mian had plenty of ways to deal with Second Uncle Xia, and at the same time she didn't let her aunt down.

"As for the Zhang family, I want to think of a way to move Xiaofeng's household registration back." She didn't have a clear idea about this matter yet. She was not very clear about the household registration system and procedures of this era.

Uncle Xia has some prestige in Mingxi County and can help ask. After all, she is still old enough to need a guardian. I wonder if it is okay to add Xiaofeng to the household registration book.

The aunt was about to say something but stopped herself. The classmate sighed and said, "Okay, no matter what, it's right to bring the child back first. He will always be well fed and warmly clothed in our home, which is better than being beaten every day."

Xia Mian knew that her aunt was worried about her, a minor with a child, and how she would have to support herself. However, this matter was hard to explain, so Xia Mian didn't say much. After all, her aunt had good intentions.

The next morning, Xia Mian and Xiao Feng were awakened by the shouting and cursing from next door. It turned out that after a night's rest, Xia Bao was in so much pain that he couldn't get out of bed.

Xia Mian looked around but couldn't find it. At the beginning, Xia's mother hated Second Uncle Xia's family so much that after the other four rooms were extorted, she built a high wall around the courtyard, making it feel like a prison.

Although out of sight, out of mind, the sound could not be blocked. The original mistress had gotten used to it and turned a deaf ear to it, but Xia Mian was not that good-tempered.

She went out to pick up a few stones and stood at the gate of the next courtyard. "Second Aunt, shut up! Can you let me sleep?"

"Sleep, you can still sleep, you hurt your brother like that, don't you feel guilty?..."

Xia Mian raised a stone and said, "Don't you know whether I have a conscience or not? If you don't shut up, I will smash you..."

"You smash it, you smash it! If you don't smash it..."

Accompanied by a "crash" sound, Aunt Xia's scream resounded through the sky.

Second Uncle Xia rushed out, looking distressed, "Whoever did this to my glass, pay for it!"

Xia Mian threw the stone in his hand and said with a smile, "Second Aunt asked me to do it. Didn't you just hear it? She asked me to smash it. This is the first time I heard Second Aunt make such a request."

"Asumiun! You!!... Don't!!!"

Second Uncle Xia's angry words stopped urgently at the moment Xia Mian raised the stone again, which showed that he had heard everything clearly in the room.

"Can you be quiet?" Xia Mian tilted his head to confirm.

Second Aunt Xia wanted to say something, but Second Uncle Xia held her back, "Xia Mian, what are you doing... Alas! Alas, it's ok, it's ok..."

Xia Mian then put down the stone in his hand and warned, "This is the last time, if you make any more noise, I will smash all the glass!"

Second Uncle Xia said, "If we don't argue, do you have to compensate us for the glass?"

Xia Mian shrugged and said, "It depends on your performance." He turned and left.

Second Uncle Xia said from behind, "Why don't you go see your grandma when you come? She has been missing you for a long time!"

He couldn't help but reveal his purpose at the end, "Your grandma is getting old, she wants to drink some elderly milk powder! Give it to me, I'll bring it to you."

This must be what I heard about the things she sent to Uncle Xia's family yesterday.

Xia Mian rolled her eyes. Not to mention that Grandma Xia was not in Mingxi County at all, even if she was, people didn't need her to send things. The old lady was a person who would treat her very well and would never let anyone else suffer.

Second Aunt Xia was used to being domineering, but she refused to believe it. In the middle of the morning, she couldn't help making a fuss again. This time, she didn't scold Xia Mian.

He directly cursed the ancestors of the Xia family. In short, the idea was that their ancestors were not kind and that their family was unlucky. A bad guy came out of nowhere and didn't even know how to pay compensation.

Seeing Xiao Feng's frightened look, Xia Mian became extremely annoyed.

She grabbed a handful of candies and gave them to the children playing at the door in front of Uncle Xia, who was standing outside and watching: "If you hear them swearing, just smash their windows. For every broken window, I'll give you a handful of candies."

"You all threw stones together. There were so many people here. Who knows who threw it? He can't find your parents."

“It counts every day.”

Second Uncle Xia was so anxious that he wanted to scold Xia Mian, but the kids who got the candy were very good at handling things, and after hearing a loud "crash".

It's finally quiet next door.

Summer hibernation is full.

However, Huang Xiaojuan, who was far away in Ming City, was not very satisfied.