Transmigrating into the Genius Cannon Fodder’s Aunt

Chapter 36: The thirty-sixth


Xia Mian excitedly took Ning Shaoyun's arm and went back, only to find that Mao Huilan had returned first.

Although she is only fifteen years old, her life skills are already topped up. Her personality is a bit like Xia Wenyue, and she is not afraid of coming and going alone.

Xia Mian was surprised to see that she actually brought back a pair of amniotic fluid.

"Can you do this?" Xia Mian asked. She only knew how to clean this thing. "It seems to be quite difficult to do, right?"

"It's okay, I'll do it!" Mao Huilan carried some things to the kitchen, "Come and get it done. I'll cook it when mom and dad come back. You wash it first."

After saying that, he rolled up his sleeves and started to work. Mao Huizhu immediately put down his water gun and followed behind to help.

Chenchen and Xiaofeng had never seen these strange things before. Chenchen poked the furry bulge curiously, "What is this?"

"Sheep stomach," Mao Huilan replied. "This is where everything the sheep eats goes."

"Why are you here?"

"Is this lamb liver? Why is it red? Wow, it changes color!"

“Why does it change color when it comes into contact with boiling water?”

After that, it was irreversible. Xia Mian fully experienced the fear of being dominated by children's questions.

Mao Huilan probably couldn't stand it anymore, so she just assigned the three guys some tasks, and then the world finally became quiet.

When Aunt Wei and Xia Wenyue came back, they saw three children squatting with a basin beside the water pipe in the yard, washing their clothes.

"I can hear the children making noises from far away." Aunt Wei was also very happy when she saw the happy smile on Ning Shaoyun's face. "It's been a long time since we had such a lively time. The children in Xia's class are all well taught."

"I see Chenchen has become much more lively. He never dared to make such a fuss before," Aunt Wei, who seemed happy, frowned slightly when she said this. "Xiaoyun, you guys go back tomorrow. Your mother-in-law..."

"No." Ning Shaoyun said, "Even for Chenchen, I won't stay in Huoshan anymore. Look how happy he has been during this period. This is how a child should be."

"If you stay there any longer and raise another Huo Xuewen, you will definitely regret it to death."

Aunt Wei smiled helplessly, "Son-in-law is also very good."

Ning Shaoyun remained silent. During this year when Mr. Huo was away, the Huo servants had been gradually troubled by the relatives and friends of Mrs. Huo.

Childhood is an important stage of growth and should not be affected.

"Besides," Ning Shaoyun couldn't help laughing as she watched Xia Mian teasing the child, "It's not that Xia Mian doesn't exist. Aunt Wei, you haven't seen how powerful she is."

Aunt Wei laughed and said, "Of course I haven't seen him before, but he has a bad temper."

"It's amazing," Aunt Wei said, "When she speaks, she is so powerful that even the son-in-law has to listen."

"Well, so, the same goes for Madam Ming." Ning Shaoyun said softly, with obvious anticipation in her tone.

Aunt Wei couldn't help but smile and shook her head. Ning Shaoyun herself didn't notice it, and she was afraid that she was also affected by the summer hibernation.

The next morning, Xia Mian got up, washed, and dressed, especially wearing the skirt that her wife had given her.

Zhou Qianqian has a sharp eye and the size is good. Apart from its nature, the quality and style of this skirt are actually quite good.

But it doesn't look quite right with her bald head and stubble. Maybe this is part of Zhou Qianqian's malicious intentions

Xia Mian put on a white baseball cap and looked at the weird outfit in the mirror, which was an eyesore.

Ning Shaoyun also looked like she couldn't bear to watch it, "Why don't you just change clothes and do whatever makes you feel comfortable."

"That's definitely not possible, it would be too ugly for them." Xia Mian laughed, "Besides, they can't see it themselves."

At this point, he confirmed, "It's just the few of us today, right? No one else will come, right?"

Ning Shaoyun curled her lips sarcastically and said, "Maybe Huo Xuewen will show up at the end?"

Xia Mian waved her hands. In her eyes, Huo Xuewen was not a big shot. Just like his wife Zhou Qianqian, she just needed to be a big devil in front of them. She didn't need the image of a little fairy.

"Alas, it's just hard for you, Sister Ning," Xia Mian said with a distressed look on her face, "Just don't look at me today."

Ning Shaoyun was amused by her and laughed. This girl made everything interesting.

Xiaofeng and Chenchen are wearing the same pair of overalls and light green short-sleeved shirts today, looking like a pair of little brothers.

This was also something Ning Shaoyun bought specially. Xia Mian couldn't help laughing. Sister Ning was also a mischievous person.

I guess Mrs. Huo’s expression must have been very interesting when she saw “Prince Huo” and a “commoner” like Xiao Feng wearing the same clothes.

Xiao Feng happily accepted everything Xia Mian said, but Chen Chen already had his own aesthetic taste. He looked at Xia Mian with narrowed eyes and said, "Aunt Xia Mian, if you act like this, grandma won't be able to eat."

"Wow, really?" Xia Mian clapped her hands happily, "Chenchen, you can say this more times."

"What do you think will happen to her?" Xia Mian prayed devoutly to Chenchen's bad luck, "Will she cry?"

Chenchen nodded, "I will cry."

Ning Shaoyun laughed, "When Huo Xuewen appears, Madam Xu cries easily."

Xia Mian, with the help of Chenchen's bad mouth, said confidently, "Don't worry, I'm definitely not pretending to cry today. I have to make her cry!"

Ning Shaoyun shook her head with amusement.

Huo Xuewen did not show up as expected. He was a little better than before and called in advance. His tone was very cautious, "Xiao Yun, there is an emergency in the Chengbei project. I must go over and deal with it immediately..."

"Sorry, I'll ask Xiao Liu to pick you up later..."

Ning Shaoyun interrupted and said softly, "It's okay, we can go there by ourselves, you go ahead and do your work, don't worry about me."

Xia Mian shook his head and sighed. Classmate Huo Xuewen was really hopeless.

Ning Shaoyun smiled and said, "Do you think you guessed it right?"

Xia Mian said, "Well, Sister Ning, you should open a gallery as soon as possible, paint with the tall, rich and handsome guys every day, and never pay attention to me again."

Ning Shaoyun laughed, "That's a good idea, let's go back and have a good look at it."

Huo lived in Xinghu Villa near the Fourth Ring Road, which was one of the first batch of villas built in Yan City after the economy was revitalized. The people who lived here were indeed either rich or noble.

The villas at that time were mainly functional and practical, without any frills. They were just neat three-story red brick buildings with a 60-square-meter yard, and each villa was not far from each other.

The car stopped in front of a big gate near the inside. Xia Mian held Xiao Feng's hand and got out of the car. She saw the animals in the yard moving quickly immediately.

Two young men opened the door. Uncle Fu was still dressed in a tuxedo, and it was so hot that he looked sweaty.

The other party seemed to feel that he had made a fool of himself in front of Xia Mian yesterday. He stood even more stiffly and stared at her closely. I don't know if he was finding fault with her or what the purpose was.

However, when he saw Xia Mian's appearance, Uncle Fu almost couldn't hold back his expression, and his eyes twitched, obviously hurt by her weird outfit.

Pian Xiamian held his head and chest high, holding Xiao Feng in one hand and placing the other hand at his side, and walked in with graceful steps, with a graceful manner and imposing aura.

In her previous life, Xia Mian specially learned etiquette in order to have the temperament of a fairy. If she wasn't exaggerating, just her manners could definitely crush everyone present like Huo Xiao.

So when Xia Mian stood in front of Uncle Fu, nodded and smiled, Uncle Fu unconsciously straightened his chest and raised his head, pushed open the door and said, "Madam, Young Master, Miss Xia, please."

The decoration of the villa is quite elegant, which shows that Mrs. Huo's decades of study were not in vain.

However, in reality, it was cold and lifeless. Although people were coming and going, it seemed as if they were in a photo studio, making people feel like they were just passers-by staying here temporarily.

Zhou Qianqian was there, wearing only a simple dress. Seeing Xia Mian and Ning Shaoyun's solemn appearance, she smiled contemptuously at them, and then told the maid next to her, "Go and invite the maid to come, and tell them that the young masters are back."

She looked as if she was the heroine of this story.

However, Ning Shaoyun didn't even glance at her. She took Xia Mian to sit on the sofa first, and then ordered, "Bring tea first."

The maid next to her glanced at Zhou Qianqian and stood there without moving.

Xia Mian sneered, "Oh, is this the etiquette of the great families in the world? At first I saw everyone busy doing their job and was amazed, but in the end I didn't expect it to be just for show."

"Fortunately, I heard from Sister Ning that Mrs. Huo is a good ruler and has strict rules and etiquette. However, the guests didn't even have a sip of tea when they came in, and we villagers served them a bowl of sugar water."

Every word touched the protagonist's nerves. Uncle Fu raised his head and glanced upstairs, then glared coldly at the maid. The maid did not dare to hesitate any longer and ran into the kitchen to serve tea.

Xia Mian winked at Zhou Qianqian and then gave a provocative smile.

Why are you so proud? You put yourself in an awkward position, and you are just trying to be proud of yourself.

I must teach her a good lesson today.

Xia Mian and Ning Shaoyun took a few sips of tea, and Mrs. Li was finally supported by him and went upstairs. She was also wearing a casual Tang suit, but her face was made up.

If you ignore the weird things she does, at first glance she does look a bit like a queen.

Zhou Qianqian stepped forward and helped them up, and Ning Shaoyun and Chenchen stood up.

Ning Shaoyun: "Mother."

Chenchen also greeted her politely, "Grandma."

Madam sneered, "How come you came back? You have a bad temper. Just for a painting, you took our eldest grandson away with you."

At this point, his face was full of anger, "Fortunately the child is fine, otherwise I'll see how you can face us, Huo!"

Xia Mian didn't expect Taiyi to be so rude right from the start, and she treated Chenchen as a son but had no intention of loving her grandson at all.

He only glanced at Chenchen and asked as if it was a routine matter, "Chenchen, did you run into some bad guys when you went out with your mom this time? Were you scared? Don't run around anymore in the future."

"Go back to your great-grandmother and ask how you are doing. I heard from your grandfather that you are playing wild and have thrown away all the rules, right?"

Chenchen seemed to be used to it. He just listened with a pair of ears and did not refute at all. He just looked at Ning Shaoyun with a pair of big round eyes.

Ning Shaoyun patted Chenchen's head soothingly and said, "Your grandma is from the countryside. There aren't as many rules as we do, nor as many servants as we do. Chenchen does everything himself, and he is much more sensible than before."

Mrs. Huo didn't expect Ning Shaoyun to talk back. She was stunned for a moment and then said coldly, "You are also hanging out in a place without rules? Where have you thrown our Huo family's etiquette?"

"Wow!" Xia Mian exclaimed, "So this is the etiquette of the rich families. Scolding the daughter-in-law in front of the father? I heard that the rich families in the world teach their sons in front of them and teach their daughters-in-law behind their backs. Isn't that the case?"

"Madam, where did you learn these etiquettes? Please tell me and learn them. Otherwise, you will be embarrassed in the future. How embarrassing."

What Mrs. Xu hated and feared most was being told that she was uneducated. She didn't expect to be accused by a country girl, and she looked displeased and gloomy.

"Miss Xia..." Mrs. Xia's gloomy face suddenly lightened when she saw Xia Mian's appearance, and her voice was even lowered, "Really?"

Xia Mian smiled and said, "Yes, I am Xia Mian, the one who saved your grandson. Your family specially sent an officer to invite me. I am so grateful to you."

Xia Mian pulled up her skirt to show it to her wife, and praised, "My husband, you are so polite to invite me to your home to send you clothes. With your heart, of course I have to wear it to show you. It's so beautiful."

Ning Shaoyun replied calmly, "My husband has always had good taste."

Mrs. ‌ felt that this sentence was an insult to her, but the skirt was indeed given by her, so she had nothing to say.

Zhou Qianqian said, "I heard that after Miss Xia saved the young master, she sold her house and came to Yan City with the young mistress. Oh, not only did she come here by herself, but she also brought her second aunt and her son with her? Are you going to develop in Yan City?"

Mrs. Huo's face immediately turned pale, as if she had confirmed that Xia Mian was going to take advantage of her life-saving grace to suck Huo's blood.

"I didn't have that plan in the beginning," Xia Mian said with a smile, "Who told Huo Yu to be so sentimental? I heard that even Miss Zhou, whose father had helped Mr. Huo Yu, had accepted Huo Yu's financial support all the way and even went abroad to study. Now she has become a part of Huo Yu."

"The one who saved Huo's eldest grandson can't be worse than you, right?"

Mrs. ‌ and Zhou Qianqian's faces, which had just relaxed, became gloomy again, as if they didn't know what Zhou Qianqian was going to say.

Xia Mian chuckled, "My husband, you are not taking me seriously, are you? Haha, of course I am joking."

"There is a rule in our Xia group training: 'Do not expect to repay a favor, but never forget a favor received'. This is a rule that was taught by the gentlemen of the great families in the past,"

Xia Mian smiled and said, "You won't be like Miss Zhou, who would spend more than ten or twenty years to repay a favor. Wouldn't that be like using a favor to get something in return? That's what small families with narrow vision would do."

"We just decided to come to Yan City, so Sister Yining will just accompany us for a while."

Zhou Qianqian asked angrily, "What do you mean?"

Xia Mian tilted her head in confusion, "You said it yourself. You have been supported by Huo since you were a child." She looked at Mrs. Huo, "Did you say anything wrong?"

Mrs. ‌ had a limited level of education and was completely speechless.

Ning Shaoyun chuckled. Xia Mian always had this aura that was like, "I'm just scolding you, tell me if I'm right or not."

Zhou Qianqian was furious. "Why are you pretending to be so noble? Who said that Huo Xian wanted all the courtyards?"

Xia Mian smiled and said, "Yes, I said I would take the one where you live first. After all, that one is closest to Sister Ning, and it's also cleaned up and it's good for you to live in."

She looked at Mrs. Xu, "But I'm talking about buying it. Don't worry, if you don't want to sell it, I won't force you to buy it. After all, we Xia Xu are different from Zhou Xu. We can't be so shameless and live in your yard for free just because we have received a little favor."

Zhou Qianqian was furious, "What do you mean?!"

Xia Mian showed a worried expression, "Miss Zhou, why do you ask this question?" She still looked at Mrs. Huo, "Don't you understand? Did she live in Huo's yard for nothing?"

"Miss Zhou's IQ must have been paid for, right?" Xia Mian sighed to Mrs. Zhou, "You are too grateful."

Zhou Qianqian screamed in anger, "I can't repay you even if I try to get revenge!"

"Don't worry, we won't seek revenge." Xia Mian said sympathetically, "It's pitiful enough that Huo was taken advantage of by you, we won't get involved."

Mrs. Xia said in a deep voice, "Miss Xia is very eloquent."

"Haha, ma'am, you're too kind." Xia Mian said, "It's mainly because of the logic. Secondly, I read a lot and my logic is clear."

Zhou Qianqian: …

So she is unreasonable and her reading is not clear? !

Madam Xi could see that when it came to talking, they were probably no match for the country girl.

So they planned to use their grand display to shock this country bumpkin who had never seen the world.

"Well, I invite Miss Xia here today to thank you for saving our Chenchen's life." Mrs. Xia began to speak politely, "I specially collected some delicious food for you, please don't hesitate to come, Miss Xia."

With that, Mrs. Xu walked straight to the main seat at the dining table and was helped to sit down by Zhou Qianqian, who then sat down next to Mrs. Xu.

Seeing that there was no movement for a long time, Mrs. Xu looked up at Xia Mian and asked, "What's wrong?"

Xia Mian said in shock, "Madam, you alone can sit at the table, and you can sit at the head seat?!"

Zhou Qianqian said angrily, "Who said you are a fool?"

"Oh, I'm sorry." Xia Mian said, "Now I'm not calling you 'Xiao Xiao', I'm calling you 'Guan Xiao'."

"I saw that you were Mr. Huo's assistant yesterday, in charge of work, life and daily life; today you are serving his wife, and the servants in the house all listen to your orders. Aren't you in charge of everything just like Uncle Fu?"

"It's just that Uncle Fu is in charge of the outsourcing, and Miss Zhou is in charge of the internal affairs? Could it be that I have seen it wrong again?" Xia Mian pointed at Ning Shaoyun and said, "After all, it is impossible for Huo to let a servant be more impressive than the host, right?"

"Could it be that Miss Zhou accepted Huo's sponsorship and returned not to repay Huo, but to replace Master Huo?"

Xia Mian shook her head and said, "My dear husband, I suggest that Miss Zhou also wear a uniform. Although when she stands with Sister Ning, you can tell at a glance that Sister Ning is Huo's daughter-in-law, but there are many nouveau riche now, and there are always those who are ignorant among those who come and go in your house."

"If Sister Ning happens not to be here, and we mistake her for Huo's daughter-in-law, it will be a big joke."

"When the time comes, people will either laugh at you, my husband, for not being strict enough in your management, or at Miss Zhou for not being well behaved. It will be embarrassing for you anyway, which is not good."

Mrs. Huo's face gradually turned pale, and she said angrily, "Qianqian is not yours to manage. She is your noble daughter, you should treat her as your daughter."

"Oh, that's a misunderstanding." Xia Mian said, "So you shouldn't call me Miss Zhou, but Miss Zhou?"

Zhou Qianqian raised her chin proudly. As long as the lady recognized her, Xia Mian would only be able to express her satisfaction with words.

"Tsk tsk." Xia Mian said, "Then this can't be considered your husband's fault. You are so thoughtful. You knew that you didn't have good clothes when you came to your house, so you specially sent clothes for you. If Miss Zhou were your daughter, she should have more good things."

She looked at Zhou Qianqian with disdain, "Why are you dressed so poorly?"

"Miss Zhou, this is really misleading. If you don't know, you might think your husband is treating you harshly. How can you be harmed by such a favor?"

Xia Mian said to Madam Xu earnestly, "Madam Xu, if you treat her as a daughter, you should teach her the rules. You are such a polite lady, but Miss Zhou is embarrassing you everywhere. It's not good."

Ning Shaoyun said, "Go change your clothes. It's very rude to entertain guests like this."

Zhou Qianqian didn't want to say anything, but Xia Mian was invited by Madam Xu, so even if her behavior was disrespectful, she was still a distinguished guest in name. If she refuted, she would be slapping Madam Xu in the face.

She could only snort disdainfully and look at Mrs. Xi, obviously wanting her to make the decision for her.

Xia Mian said in surprise, "Are you blaming my wife? I'm not talking about you. Even in our village, when we know that there are guests coming, we have to clean up the house to show respect."

"How dare you blame your wife when you yourself are ignorant of etiquette?!" Xia Mian was extremely disgusted.

Zhou Qianqian was also extremely dissatisfied. Xia Mian was simply confusing right and wrong!

She hurriedly explained to Mrs. Li, "Auntie, that's not what you meant?!"

"That's not what I meant. Why don't you change your clothes quickly?" Xia Mian stared at her, then looked at Mrs. Xu, "Since you treat her as your daughter, you can't let her behave without rules. It's too embarrassing."

Mrs. Xi couldn't say a word. After all, it was she who started the show. The clothes Xia Mian was wearing were given by her. Except for asking Zhou Qianqian to change her clothes, anything she said would be a slap in her face.

"Go change your clothes." Mrs. Zhou said to Zhou Qianqian with trembling lips.

Zhou Qianqian bit her lip, stood up, and went upstairs angrily.

Xia Mian looked at Mrs. Xi and smiled. Where was this going