Transmigrating into the Genius Cannon Fodder’s Aunt

Chapter 56


Huo Xuewen's coming and going did not have much impact on other people, except that Ning Shaoyun occasionally showed some worries.

Taking bitter medicine in the evening was like a war for Huizhu and Chenchen.

Only Xiao Feng was the most obedient. The child swallowed the pill without saying a word, did not complain about the bitterness, and obediently opened his mouth to let Xia Mian eat.

This made Xia Mian feel distressed. After asking him to drink two gulps of water, he quickly took out the cream cake he brought back and cut off a piece, "Those who have taken the medicine can eat the cake!"

Now Mao Huizhu and Chenchen also swallowed the medicine quickly.

The three children were all amazed by the margarine. Xia Mian shook his head and said, "I'll show them real cream cake tomorrow."

Mao Huizhu was delighted when she heard that there would be more tomorrow. "Will we do it tomorrow?"

"Yes, I'll do it tomorrow."

Chenchen asked, "Is it more delicious than this?"

"Yes, it tastes much better than this!"

The three little guys were immediately full of anticipation.

Cream cake is actually very difficult to make, the trouble lies in beating the eggs and cream.

Cakes were still a rare thing in those days, and cake shops were pitifully rare.

I searched the aestivation market and people didn't even know what an egg beater was.

"Egg whisk?" The chefs all expressed the same doubt, "Do we need to invent a special device to beat eggs? Can't we just use chopsticks?"

Well, there’s not even an egg beater, let alone an electric one.

If we do it manually, even if the whole family takes turns, their arms will be worn out. Besides, today is just an experiment, and we will have to do it formally later.

Summer sleep comes from deep thinking.

When Ning Shaobai went out, he saw Xia Mian leaning against the door with his eyes narrowed and in a daze.

Just when I was about to ask her what she was doing, I saw the girl's eyes suddenly light up, "Doctor Ning!"

Ning Shaobai immediately became alert, "What are you doing?"

Xia Mian's eyes sparkled, "You have a fan at home, right?"

Ning Shaobai felt the cold wind blowing into his neck, and glanced at the thick coat she was wearing, "Using a fan now? What's wrong with you?"

Xia Mian said with a smile, "Don't worry about it. Lend it to me for a while. I'll return it next week."

Ning Shaobai frowned.

Xia Mian simply pulled his arm and started to act like a spoiled child, "Okay, okay, please..."

Ning Shaobai couldn't stand it and shuddered, "Speak properly!"

He raised his hand and took a look at his watch. "Go get it from Uncle Li." He then warned, "Don't mess around."

Xia Mian immediately cheered, "Don't worry!"

Ning Shaobai sighed helplessly. It would be strange if he could feel at ease.

Ning Shaobai didn't take this matter to heart, but when he came back from get off work in the evening and passed by the Xia family's yard, he heard bursts of exclamations and cheers from inside, especially Xia Mian, who laughed extremely arrogantly.

Ning Shaobai thought about it, then walked over. He had a feeling that it was related to the electric fan he had borrowed this morning.

Sure enough, as soon as I opened the door, I saw Xia Mian and Mao Huilan holding up the base of an electric fan and shouting with joy.

The fan's mesh cover and blades were all gone, leaving only a base connected to the motor. A wooden stick was tied to the motor's shaft in the middle, and at the bottom of the stick were several bamboo strips bent into a rough egg beater.

He had seen the egg beater when he was studying abroad, so he knew how this girl knew about it.

"Okay, turn it to the maximum, turn it to the maximum, it will be ready soon!" Xia Mian gave the order, and Mao Huilan pressed the fastest windshield.

The homemade electric egg beater rotated rapidly, and the cream in the porcelain bowl, which was already in some shape, became even whiter and fluffier, exuding a sweet smell.

The three children and Mao Huilan who were surrounding the porcelain basin were all amazed at this miraculous change.


"Aunt Mian is so awesome!"

“Is this how cream is made?”

“Wow, that’s amazing!”

Xia Mian said proudly, "Oh, it's me who is to blame. Haha, wait, the cream cake will be ready soon!"

Just as they were about to cheer, Ning Shaobai suddenly spoke up, "Does Second Aunt know that you are doing this?"

When he spoke out of the blue, Xia Mian and Mao Huilan were both frightened and almost dropped the fan base in their hands.

It was the peak time for the skewers stall, so she chose this time to make the cream. Of course, if Xia Wenyue knew that she dared to dismantle the electric fan, she would definitely be beaten.

Ning Shaobai looked at her frightened expression and said calmly, "Be careful not to break it..."

Xia Mian hugged the base of the electric fan tightly with a strong desire to survive, and laughed, "Doctor Ning, why are you here?"

Ning Shaobai looked at the cream in the porcelain bowl and said, "How did I know that they were so capable?"

"Haha, it's better to arrive at the right time than to arrive early," Xia Mian said flatteringly, "Our cream has just been made, let's try it together? It tastes amazing!"

Seeing Ning Shaobai still staring at the base of the electric fan in her hand, Xia Mian patted her chest and said, "Don't worry, I did this for easy cleaning. I took down the grille and fan blades and cleaned them very thoroughly. I guarantee that they will be as good as new when you return them."

Ning Shaobai rolled his eyes.

Chenchen rolled his eyes and said cleverly, "Aunt Mian, is the cake ready?"

"Yes!" Xia Mian clapped his hands and said, "Okay, okay, I'll go get it right away. Don't touch the cream, it will be super delicious with the cake later."

After saying that, he ran to the back room to get the cake.

Xiao Feng hurried to catch up. The little guy had been a little clingy again after going to the hospital yesterday, and today he had been hibernating all day.

Mao Huizhu and Chenchen also ran out, of course they were there for the cake.

As for Mao Huilan...

Mao Huilan said with a bitter face, "Doctor Ning is so scary, I dare not be alone with him." The key point is that he had just dismantled his electric fan.

Now that she thought about it, it was really bold of her to follow Xia Mian.

So Xia Mian took a group of children to get the cake.

Because Chuan Chuan Xiang had competitors and business was a little less, Xia Wenyue asked someone to build an oven in the back room. At first, she wanted to use it to make sesame cakes and sell them. Later, Xia Mian taught her how to make croissants, and she sold both together.

After the experiment, the sesame cakes sold better. Xia Wenyue would make two batches of sesame cakes and sell them before setting up the stall every day these days.

It was also because of this oven that Xia Mian dared to think about making cream cake.

The cake base is baked from it.

As soon as they passed through the hanging flower gate, the rich, sweet smell of the cake filled their noses. Mao Huizhu couldn't help but ask, "Is it done?"

"It's ready!" Xia Mian rolled up his sleeves and put on heat-insulating gloves, "We can eat it soon. Please move aside and be careful not to get burned."

The bright yellow cake dough came out of the oven, and even Xia Mian couldn't help swallowing her saliva. She hadn't eaten this for a long time, and she was craving for it.

Huizhu and Chenchen were already stamping their feet anxiously, "Can we eat now? Can we eat now?"

"Okay, okay!" Xia Mian cut the cake with a knife, put it on a large plate and carried it to the main room, "Let's go and spread the butter!"

When they went in, Ning Shaobai had already removed the egg beater from the motor and was standing by the table scraping the cream off the egg beater with a spoon.

That cold and hard temperament and a slightly sloppy look, as if he was performing surgery on a patient.

Xia Mian looked at the fan base beside him and felt a little guilty. He rushed forward and took the thing. "I'll do it, I'll do it. How can I let Doctor Ning do such a thing?"

Ning Shaobai snorted lightly and remained silent.

Xia Mian suddenly noticed a suspicious white spot at the corner of his mouth.

Ning Shaobai saw her smiling at him in a creepy way and asked unhappily, "What are you doing?"

Xia Mian asked slyly, "Doctor Ning, is the cream delicious?"

Ning Shaobai paused for a moment, then said calmly with a stern face, "I know."

Xia Mian didn't say anything. She just spread a thick layer of cream on the first cake and handed it to him. "Doctor Ning, please accept it."

Ning Shaobai glanced at her and accepted it calmly.

"Sister Mian, hurry up!" Mao Huizhu couldn't help but urge.

Chenchen couldn't wait any longer. Although Xiaofeng didn't say anything, she stared at her with her big eyes without blinking.

Xia Mian quickly used a spoon to spread the cream on the cut cake base. Anyway, this time he was just trying the taste and didn't need any shape.

Mao Huizhu was very ceremonial, and during the distribution process, she urged, "No one is allowed to eat first, we'll eat together after everything is ready!"

So the three children including Mao Huilan looked at them eagerly.

Xia Mian quickly painted five pieces and placed one in front of each person.

Mao Huizhu shouted the slogan, "One, two, three! Eat!"

The moment you put the cake in your mouth, the soft fragrance of the cake and the smooth sweetness of the cream instantly fill your entire mouth, and you feel extremely happy.

Xia Mian saw the three children's faces suddenly brighten up, as if they were blooming. Even Chenchen, who was the most polite eater, had cream on his nose because he lowered his head to take a big bite.

Xiao Feng bit the cake with her little mouth puffed up and down, and she kept smiling at Chenchen's little face.

Chenchen hadn't noticed yet, and only said to Xia Mian, "Aunt Mian, this is better than the cake from yesterday!"

Mao Huizhu was humble and kept her head down, proving with her actions that what Chenchen said was true.

Because it was delicious, the delicious time seemed very short. After everyone finished a piece of cake, Xia Mian put away the remaining cake and cream:

"These are for my second aunt, my second uncle, Sister Huimei, Sister Ning, and Aunt Wei. They've finished eating!"

Mao Huizhu said, "Let's do it tomorrow!"

Xia Mian looked at the other two eager children and smiled, "We can't do this every day. We have to do it on Xiaofeng's birthday."

"I'll make a big, beautiful one for your birthday, and then you can all eat as much as you want!"

Mao Huizhu still remembers the small cake she bought before, "Is it as beautiful as the one yesterday?"

"Yes, it's as pretty as that one, with lots of flowers."

Chenchen really cared about Piaoliang and only told her, "You must make a big one, bigger than today's!"

"Okay, big boss!" Xia Mian smiled.

Of course, today a big piece of it will be used to please Ning Shaobai.

Before Ning Shaobai left, Xia Mian handed him a cake covered with thick cream and begged him, "If the electric fan is broken, please tell my second aunt and I will definitely send it back in good condition."

Ning Shaobai accepted the cake without hesitation, but said, "Then I need to show my performance."

Xia Mian smiled slyly and said, "Then should I make more cream for you?"

Ning Shaobai looked at her steadily and said, "Return the fan to me tomorrow."

Xia Mian said, "Doctor Ning, this is how I can use my trump card."

Ning Shaobai narrowed his eyes vigilantly.

Then Xia Mian suddenly said in a loud voice, "Huizhu, Chenchen, Xiaofeng! Doctor Ning asked me to make the cream..."

Hearing the footsteps of the three little ones, Ning Shaobai hurriedly covered Xia Mian's mouth.

Xia Mian couldn't speak, but her almond-shaped eyes curved in pride.

Ning Shaobai tapped her forehead and cursed angrily, "Scoundrel!"