Transmigrating into the Genius Cannon Fodder’s Aunt

Chapter 61


It was not until the morning of the 29th day of the twelfth lunar month that Xia Wenyue and Mao Zhishan returned home together.

Not only did they bring a large bag of luggage, they also brought back a color TV!

The three Mao sisters were so happy that they went crazy. Mao Huizhu grabbed Mao Zhishan's legs and screamed, "Dad, Dad, you are so good!"

Mao Huilan touched the box curiously, "Dad, can we pack it up today?"

Mao Zhishan looked at his children's children with a satisfied smile on his face.

In just a few days, he has changed a lot. Not only in appearance, but also in personality, which has become much more cheerful.

"Dad didn't install it because he was afraid it would break."

"Dad will go next door and ask Uncle Li if he is free. If he is, he can install it right away."

Mao Huizhu immediately pulled him to the next room.

Xia Wenyue shook her head helplessly and opened the large luggage bag.

Mao Huilan exclaimed, "Wow, so many clothes, Mom, are you going to sell clothes?"

Xia Wenyue laughed, "I bought them all for you, one for each."

Mao Huilan was surprised, "Really?!"

It’s no wonder that Mao Huilan was so excited; the Mao sisters haven’t worn new clothes for many years.

When they were in their hometown, their family was in financial difficulty, and their clothes were all made by Xia Wenyue after collecting some from relatives and friends, mending and modifying them. Although Xia Wenyue was very skillful, the clothes were still old after all.

Although the conditions in Yan City were better this year, the Mao sisters realized that their family's income was not stable once the skewers stall stopped.

So after Mao Huimei received her salary, she only bought one new set of clothes for Mao Huizhu, and the two older ones just had to find a set they liked, wash it clean, and wear it for the whole year.

They didn't expect Xia Wenyue would bring them such a surprise.

Mao Huimei was so happy that she didn't forget to ask, "Mom, did you buy it?"

Xia Wenyue smiled, "We bought it. Your dad and I both bought it. We bought it for the whole family. No one was left out."

Mao Huilan was even happier. "Is it my dad's pay? My dad earns so much."

Xia Wenyue smiled unconsciously, "All his film pay was used to buy a color TV. Maybe he'll be able to take on another movie soon. He'll have a bigger role in that one, so he can make a lot of money."

Nothing could make me happier than this.

Xia Wenyue continued, "The main reason is that the things there are quite cheap, especially these clothes, which are better than those here."

"I thought, after all, this is our first year in Yan City, a new year, a new beginning! Let's be extravagant!"

"It's really nice, I haven't seen this style here," Mao Huilan immediately picked out the clothes and said impatiently, "Come on, let's go change into them together!"

People of any age and in any era cannot resist the temptation of new clothes.

Xia Wenyue took out a snow-white lambskin coat with large black spots and handed it to Xia Mian, "This is for Xiaofeng, try it on too."

Xiao Feng's eyes lit up, "Me too?" Then he looked up at Xia Mian, "I have new clothes."

Xia Mian rubbed his head and said, "You can change the two outfits."

Xiao Feng immediately grabbed Xia Mian's hand.

Xia Mian laughed, "You like new clothes too."

When Xia Mian finished changing herself and Xiao Feng and went out, Mao Huilan was already in the main room.

The girl was spinning in circles with joy.

A casual sweater with a bow pattern paired with tight jeans and a furry bat-shaped jacket on the outside is playful and cute.

When he looked up and saw Xia Mian, his eyes lit up, "Oh, my mom has such good taste! Sister Mian, you are so beautiful."

Xia Mian laughed. Actually, the styles of their clothes were the same, except for the patterns of their sweaters and the colors of their coats. They looked like sister outfits.

"Same here, you are just praising yourself in disguise."

Mao Huilan laughed out loud, and when her eyes fell on Xiao Feng, she couldn't help but run over to hug the little guy in her arms and rub him, "Wow, Xiao Feng, why are you so cute!"

The child is wearing a plush, snow-white lamb coat with black spots and a small hat with a black wool ball. The child looks like a panda cub. He couldn't help but rub his coat during his hibernation.

So Xiao Feng was very calm at this moment.

"This dress is really cute." Xia Wenyue came out and smiled at Xiaofeng, "When I saw this, I thought that our Xiaofeng would look great in it."

"Oh, mom, you are so good too." Mao Huilan let go of Xiao Feng and rushed towards Xia Wenyue, crying excitedly, "Mom, mom, how can you be so good!"

It made Xia Wenyue laugh.

She wore a white turtleneck sweater with dark grey high-waist wide-leg pants, a pair of thick-heeled leather shoes, and a camel-colored wool coat.

Xia Wenyue was tall and slender, and if you ignored the wrinkles on her face, she looked a bit like a girl in her twenties.

Mao Huimei, who was following behind Xia Wenyue, also smiled and said, "If I go out with my mother this day, everyone will definitely think I'm a sister."

Her figure is similar to Xia Wenyue's, and the styles of their clothes are also similar, but Mao Huimei's sweater has pink flowers, her wide-leg pants are light gray, and her leather shoes are more playful.

Xia Wenyue smiled from ear to ear, "It is good to come to work. Huimei has learned how to speak more skillfully."

Mao Huilan said, "Mom, what my sister said is not exaggerated at all. Your face is much whiter and tenderer. Did you apply a facial mask with my dad?"

Xia Wenyue couldn't help but touch her face, with a look of happiness on her lips and eyebrows, "Your dad makes one for me every night. The actors in his crew use a lot of different facial masks, and they use pearl powder and other things."

At this point, she smiled and said, "He is a grown man, but he is not afraid of losing face. He even went to ask for advice from a famous celebrity."

"The clothes I bought for you were put together by my colleagues who are costume designers in the crew. Otherwise, I wouldn't know that there are so many things to learn when it comes to matching clothes."

Just then, Mao Huizhu, who had gone to the next door to look for her, came back. When she saw her mother and sisters dressed up in fancy clothes, she was shocked and asked, "Wow, are you all going to be stars?"

This caused everyone to laugh.

Mao Huilan said proudly, "These are all new clothes that mom bought for us!"

Mao Huizhu widened her eyes and asked Xia Wenyue, "Is there any for me?"

Mao Huilan teased her, "No, don't you already have new clothes?"

Mao Huizhu bit her lip and nodded heavily after a while, not knowing whether to comfort herself or convince herself, "Yes, I already have new clothes. Now everyone has new clothes, it's great."

Then he said to Xia Wenyue, "Mom, I'll give you my new clothes!"

Xia Wenyue patted her little head with relief, "Your second sister lied to you, you have it too."

The difficulty in Mao Huizhu's mind disappeared without a trace in an instant, and she screamed excitedly and rushed to Mao Huilan, "Bad second sister!"

Mao Huilan ran away laughing.

Uncle Li followed Mao Zhishan in and said enviously, "Your children are really well raised."

There was pride in Mao Zhishan's eyes.

A few minutes later, Mao Huizhu ran out wearing furry clothes and hugged Xiao Feng, "Our clothes are the same, haha."

Xiao Feng also happily touched the fur on her body. Xia Wenyue said, "Chenchen has some too. You can send them to him later."

Chenchen was naturally excited for a while, but the adults just asked them to satisfy their desire and then took them off.

After all, I have to do a thorough cleaning today, and lambskin clothes are not resistant to dirt and are difficult to wash.

Xiao Feng rarely showed reluctance to part with the clothes, and asked Xia Mian for confirmation, "Can I wear it tomorrow?"

"Yes, you can wear it tomorrow," Xia Mian rubbed his little face with the fur on his clothes, "We'll clean the house today, and then we'll put up Spring Festival couplets and set off firecrackers tomorrow, and then you can change into new clothes."

Mao Huizhu was probably told the same thing, so when everyone started to sweep the bathroom, the two little ones followed behind, handing out rags and dustpans, and seemed busier than the adults.

Fortunately, they had just cleaned the house thoroughly when they moved in, so they didn't have to waste so much time now. Everyone in the family was diligent, and by nightfall, the house was finally spotless.

Xia Wenyue heated up the boiler room, and everyone took turns going in to take a bath.

After Xia Mian finished washing herself, she stripped Xiao Feng naked and put him in a large basin. She couldn't help rubbing his soft little belly. The child finally became fat from her feeding.

"You've gained weight."

Xiao Feng giggled as she rubbed him, and stretched out her arm to Xia Mian, trying to divert her attention, "Auntie, wash here."

Xia Mian kissed his little brother fiercely, "Do you know that you have gained weight?"

"You know," Xiao Feng smiled and stretched out her arms to gesture, "I ate a lot of delicious food."

Xia Mian laughed, bent down to pick him up and wiped him dry, "Tomorrow's New Year's Eve is the highlight, and there will be your favorite dumplings."

Xiao Feng obediently raised her head to wipe her hair, muttering, "Post couplets, set off firecrackers, wear new clothes..."

"Are you thinking about new clothes?" Xia Mian wrapped him tightly in a quilt and ran back to the main room from the side room, quickly stuffing him into the warm quilt.

Xiao Feng seemed to feel very comfortable and rolled around happily in the bed.

Xia Mian couldn't help but touch his smooth back and said, "Go to sleep quickly. You can wear your new furry clothes when you wake up!"

With anticipation for the New Year, everyone slept well all night, but were awakened by the sound of firecrackers early the next morning.

Xiao Feng was startled in his sleep, and before he even opened his eyes, he leaned on his arms and rushed towards Xia Mian. Xia Mian quickly lifted the quilt and hugged him in his arms.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid." Xia Mian quickly touched his back to comfort him, "The firecrackers are set off because everyone has put up the Spring Festival couplets!"

When Xiao Feng heard about putting up Spring Festival couplets, she immediately opened her eyes and said, "After putting up Spring Festival couplets, we will wear new clothes!"

"Haha, yes, you have to put up the Spring Festival couplets first, otherwise your new clothes will get dirty."

Xiao Feng got up quickly, took the new autumn clothes and trousers next to her and started to put them on...

When the aunt and nephew came out, Xia Wenyue's family had already gotten up. Mao Zhishan, Mao Huimei and others cleaned the yard for the last time.

Xia Wenyue was making paste, with Aunt Wei standing next to her.

Aunt Wei came to deliver Spring Festival couplets. This year, Ning Shaoyun was in charge of all their Spring Festival couplets.

Since both of them are good at calligraphy and painting, Ning Shaoyun is also a good calligrapher.

However, this was also the first time for her to write Spring Festival couplets for her family. She didn't need to do so before she got married, and she had no interest in doing so after she got married. But now, her passion for life made her very positive about this matter.

During the days when they were preparing to eat, she stayed at home alone and wrote a tall pile of couplets and the word "Fu".

"I thought Sister Wei you would be here soon, so I've prepared the paste. Tell Brother Li that they don't need it anymore and can just come here to get it." Xia Wenyue said.

"Okay," Aunt Wei said without hesitation, "give me a bowl first. If it's not enough, I'll come back for more."

Xia Wenyue said, "Don't worry, we have a lot of them here, we'll help you after we finish pasting them."

Aunt Wei said with a smile, "No need, Chenchen's father is here, we can put it on ourselves."

Xia Wenyue immediately understood, "Although the child is usually not well, he still misses his father."

Aunt Wei said, "Isn't it? Otherwise, the father and son will be convicted."

After Aunt Wei left, Xia Wenyue told them, "No one should run to the other side. Finish pasting our own door first."

Xia Mian thought, there are assists everywhere.

Sure enough, when Xia Mian and Mao Huilan carried a stool to paste Spring Festival couplets on the door.

I ran into a family of three across the street.

Huo Xuewen was lying on the bed pasting the banner, and Ning Shaoyun was standing at the door directing him, "A little more to the left, it's crooked, all right!"

I don’t know if it was because she was young and in a good mood, or for some other reason, but she did have a smile on her face.

After Huo Xuewen came down, Chenchen ran over with a "Fu" character in his hand and told him, "Dad, the "Fu" character should be pasted upside down."

It can be seen that the little guy was very happy, and for a moment he didn't even notice Xia Mian and the others.

Huo Xuewen simply picked him up and said, "Then let Chenchen do it."

Then he lifted him to the door.

Chenchen was obviously very happy. He gestured with his hands and asked in a baby voice, "Is this it?"

Huo Xuewen said, "Dad doesn't know, Chenchen ask Mom."

So Chenchen turned around and asked Ning Shaoyun, "Mom, did I put it on correctly?"

Ning Shaoyun smiled and said, "Yes, Chenchen is the best!"

Chenchen was very proud.


Mr. Huo is great, he has a routine.

Near noon, all the Spring Festival couplets were finally posted.

Xiao Feng snuggled in Xia Mian's arms, covering her ears, and watched Mao Zhishan set off a few firecrackers and two strings of firecrackers in the yard.

Xia Wenyue gave an order, "Okay, everyone change into new clothes, it's the new year!"

Everyone cheered and ran as fast as they could.

The happiest ones were undoubtedly the three little cubs. After Chenchen changed into new clothes, he also came to show off. They were all identically furry, and from a distance they looked like three balls making a fuss, which made me smile.

Amid the children's cheerful noises, the adults were making dumplings and preparing the New Year's Eve dinner.

When night fell, we gathered around the dining table and watched the Spring Festival Gala on the 21-inch big-butt color TV.

All the busyness is for this moment of peace and happiness.

"Wow, it's snowing!" Mao Huilan suddenly shouted excitedly when she went to the toilet, "It's snowing!"

Xia Wenyue was happy, "Auspicious snow means a good harvest. This year is a good year."

Xiao Feng has started running outside with Mao Huizhu. Ever since the last heavy snow, Xia Mian has discovered that the little guy particularly likes snow.

Of course, I also like summer sleep. The snowflakes falling under the dim light are very beautiful.

As soon as I went out, I heard Chenchen's excited voice coming from outside, "Mao Huizhu, Xiaofeng brother, come out quickly, my dad is going to set off fireworks!"

As soon as he finished speaking, there were sharp sounds of breaking through the air, followed by colorful fireworks exploding in the sky.

"Wow!" Mao Huizhu opened her mouth wide and Xiao Feng's eyes were full of surprise. The little guy grew up in a poor mountain village and had never seen such gorgeous fireworks.

He then followed Mao Huizhu and ran out staggeringly.

Mao Huilan clapped her hands and said, "My dad also bought fireworks." Then she turned around to get them.

Xia Mian chased out first.

When I arrived at the door, I saw Huo Xuewen holding a bazooka. Fireworks shot out from the one-meter-long tube one after another, exploding in brilliant colors in the air.

Chenchen happily clapped his hands and said proudly, "Mao Huizhu, Xiaofeng brother, my dad set off the fireworks! Isn't it beautiful!"

Mao Huizhu suddenly remembered, "I have one at home too!"

Mao Huilan had already come out with the bag, "Here it is, put it away sparingly, you have to put five bags in!"

Because the Mao family was full of children, Mao Zhishan bought small fireworks that could be placed on the ground, such as rotating lotus flowers, butterflies, roosters, etc.

Mao Huimei came out with a bunch of lit incense sticks and said with a smile, "How are you going to set them off?"

A few people cheered and took incense sticks from her pocket. Xia Mian handed one to Xiao Feng, "Are you scared?"

Xiao Feng looked at the fireworks that Mao Huizhu had already lit in amazement and said happily, "Don't be afraid."

So Xia Mian gave him the most gentle one and let him go.

The child approached the firecracker cautiously like a little squirrel stealing food, and lit the fuse very carefully.

When the fuse crackled and caught fire, the little guy quickly rushed into Xia Mian's arms on his little feet.

Xia Mian laughed out loud, and Xiao Feng didn't care about her anymore. He turned around and saw the fruits of his labor.

When the lotus flower began to spin rapidly on the snow, the little fellow stomped his feet in joy, "Auntie, come on!"

"Yeah, I got it." Xia Mian couldn't help but kiss him hard on the face, "Xiao Feng is awesome!"

After Xiao Feng set off two, Xia Mian also became interested. She used to play with fireworks at her grandmother's house when she was very young, but later with the ban on fireworks, she hadn't played with them for many years.

But little Mao Huizhu was extremely fast. Before Xiaofeng and Xia Mian could even start to set off a few fireworks, Mao Huilan had already set off all the fireworks she had brought out.

Seeing Mao Huizhu running over there again, Xia Mian rushed over without thinking and grabbed one out.

Xiao Feng took photos happily.

Xia Mian looked carefully and found that it was a parachute.

It is said that this kind of firecracker will explode when it soars into the sky, and then slowly fall down as a parachute, which is very magical.

"This will explode, how about putting it together with Auntie and Xiaofeng?"

Xiao Feng naturally had no objection, so Xia Mian held the child's incense stick and changed it to a long incense stick. Even so, he was frightened and shrank back several times before he finally lit the fuse.

When the fuse crackled, Xia Mian was so scared that she turned around and ran away with the child in her arms.

At this time, there was a thin layer of snow on the ground, and Xia Hibernation woke up in a hurry, so I felt my feet slip after running only two steps.

Xia Mian subconsciously protected Xiao Feng tightly and turned around, thinking that he was definitely going to fall down.

As a result, I felt that my shoulders were supported by a strong arm.

The moment I opened my eyes, I saw Ning Shaobai's expressionless handsome face. Under the dim street lights and amidst the flying snowflakes, he was so handsome that my heart beat faster.

"Doctor Ning, you are so handsome!" Xia Mian praised sincerely.

But she didn't know where Ning Shaobai got to. She saw him rolling his eyes, and the hand that was holding her suddenly loosened, and Xia Mian fell backwards uncontrollably, "Hey!"

Then quickly leaned against a solid chest.

Xia Mian breathed a sigh of relief, raised his head and laughed, "I think Doctor Ning is very kind, it's definitely not intentional."

Ning Shaobai helped her up from his body and said with disdain, "Stand still, are you boneless?"

Xia Mian put Xiao Feng down and sighed, "Doctor Ning, you are so hard to please. Can't I even praise you?"

Ning Shaobai tapped her forehead unhappily, "Your flattery? Forget it, I'm scared."

"You are prejudiced against me." Xia Mian was just thinking when Chenchen came running over.

"Uncle!" Chenchen jumped around Ning Shaobai's legs excitedly, "Fireworks, fireworks!"

Only then did Xia Mian notice that Ning Shaobai was holding a large bag in his other hand, which was filled with a lot of fireworks.

"Wow, Doctor Ning, you're awesome!" Xia Mian couldn't help but excitedly rush over to give him a big hug.

Ning Shaobai quickly stretched out his arm to hold his shoulder, "There's no place for you!"

"Doctor Ning, why are you so heartless?" Xia Mian was acting like a drama queen, her eyes widened exaggeratedly, "I have paid so much for you, and you treat me like this. Thinking back to the past..."

In the end, he was like a traitor who had abandoned his wife.

Ning Shaobai stuffed the bag of fireworks into Xia Mian's arms, "Please, shut up!"

Xia Mian immediately said obediently, "Thank you, Doctor Ning!"

He turned around and laughed arrogantly, "Haha, kids, let's go, there are more fireworks!"

Ning Shaobai shook his head and sighed.

A few minutes later, Ning Shaobai, Huo Xuewen and Ning Shaoyun stood on the steps at the door and saw Xia Mian and a group of children dancing wildly in the middle of the road, waving magic sticks.

"Sister Ning, Sister Huimei, you come too!" Xia Mian shouted to both sides, and without waiting for her to refuse, he ran to pull Mao Huimei down first, then came to drag Ning Shaoyun away, and waved a few magic wands happily.

Under the light, in the snow, all around are the innocent laughter of children.

Maybe it was because the atmosphere was too good, Ning Shaoyun and Mao Huimei couldn't help waving their hands.

Like a group of happy elves.

"I just realized that this is what life is like." Huo Xuewen's eyes fell on Ning Shaoyun and Chenchen's faces, and his eyes were full of tenderness, "Xiaobai, thank you."

Perhaps because of his age, Ning Shaobai rarely had a gentle smile on his face, but he was still not too angry when he said that, "I'm only doing this for Chenchen, but I'm also very young. I'll only give you one chance."

Huo Xuewen looked at Ning Shaoyun and Chenchen with a firm gaze, "I will never let them down again."

Ning Shaobai did not comment, he only stood on his sister's side.

New Year's Eve is an addiction to new clothes and fireworks;

On the first day of the Lunar New Year, people greet each other and receive red envelopes;

On the second, third and fourth days of the Chinese New Year, I just ate and played;

On the fifth day of the New Year, everyone agreed to go to the temple fair together.

However, Xia Wenyue went to the temple fair with a purpose this time. She needed to do some research.

It also has something to do with the fact that she came back late from the South a few years ago.

It was still the same preparation as when they went to the market, but this time the one holding Chenchen's rope was Huo Xuewen.

Huo Xuewen looked at his son who had already started preparing for the competition with Xiao Feng, moved his mouth, but ultimately said nothing.

It’s good to leave some “good” memories while you are young.

"Did you bring a camera?" Huo Xuewen turned around and asked Ning Shaobai.

Ning Shaobai put down the camera he had just pressed the shutter on and asked, "What are you doing?"

Huo Xuewen looked at the two children in front of him with sympathy in his eyes, "Nothing."