Transmigrating into the Genius Cannon Fodder’s Aunt

Chapter 74: The seventy-fifth


On the day when the final exam results were announced, the whole high school was shocked when I saw my name listed high up on the list.

Sun Yuexin and Li Lizhen were more excited than seeing their own results.

You know, as the final exams approach, more and more news comes from Class 7.

Tian Xueya was apparently very hardworking in Class 7. I heard that she fainted several times due to exhaustion, so the reason for her changing classes was always mentioned.

The rumor that Xia Mian was taking advantage of his power to bully others and boasted that his grades were better than Gu Zhou's was spreading more and more widely.

Xia Mian had already attracted much attention because of her transfer to another class and calling the police. Except for the people in Class 3 who knew about it, most of the people in other classes in the high school had a very bad impression of her. They thought she was arrogant and liked to bully the weak.

Everyone hopes that she will do poorly in the exam.

If she fails to pass Gu Zhou's test, those people will ridicule her. If she fails even Tian Xueya's test, it will be even more embarrassing.

But they had no way to confront Tian Xueya about those words, nor could they clarify them. Sun Yuexin and Li Lizhen could only grit their teeth in anger and then redouble their efforts.

Thinking that Wan Xia Mian's grades were not better than Tian Xueya's, the two of them at least earned her some face.

Yes, neither of them thought that Xia Mian could surpass Gu Zhou. Gu Zhou was a top student after half a semester of testing. Except for his relatively weak Chinese and English composition, he was good in all subjects.

Although Xia Mian was praised by the head teacher for his good academic performance when he entered the class, this was the affiliated school of Yanda University, and there were many students with good academic performance.

In addition, she was always in the last row with Sun Yuexin and Li Lizhen, and she didn't look very hardworking, so everyone thought her grades were at best just above average.

Tian Xueya obviously thought so too, which is why she did such a thing.

As a result, no one expected Xia Mian to perform so well. Not only did she rank first, she also beat Gu Zhou by ten points, only five points away from the full score.

Not to mention Tian Xueya, Gu Zhou couldn't believe it after hearing the results. He stared at the scoreboard several times. After coming back, he kept checking his own paper. He even borrowed Xia Mian's paper, but he didn't know whether it was for reference or for checking.

Xia Mian didn't care and just watched Sun Yuexin and Li Lizhen happy.

“Hahahaha.” Sun Yuexin laughed arrogantly, “Serves you right!”

"Tian Xueya has put in her best effort this time. I think she is ranked fifth in the school this time. If it weren't for you, she would have been fourth. This is her best performance ever. What a pity... Hahahaha."

Li Lizhen held her chin with her hand and her face was full of excitement. "I really want to see her expression. It must be very exciting."

Sun Yuexin immediately said, "Why don't we go to Class 7 and take a look around?"

"Don't go anymore," Li Mingjing from the table turned back. Just as Class 7 was heading towards Tian Xueya, the people from Class 3 would naturally head towards Xia Mian.

A nosy person like Li Ming immediately went to Class 7 to watch the show. "Tian Xueya cried so pitifully, saying that she didn't work hard enough, was too stupid, and deserved to be hated. Many people in Class 7 scolded Xia Mian for bullying them."

At this point, he sighed, "Why didn't I think Tian Xueya was so eager to cause trouble before?"

Sun Yuexin rolled her eyes and said, "Have you done enough stupid things for her?"

"Alas, let's put the past behind us. Wasn't that just due to youth and ignorance?" Li Ming finished speaking, and then whispered, "Don't just worry about Tian Xueya. I think Gu Zhou's face doesn't look good either."

Sun Yuexin looked at Li Lizhen and said after some consideration, "That's normal. After all, I've never been second before. It's normal that I can't accept it for a long time."

Li Lizhen looked at Gu Zhou, and quickly looked away when she saw him turning Xia Mian's scroll over and over again.

"But you two are awesome this time!" Li Ming said with a thumbs up, "You have improved by 300 places in your grade, that's great!"

Sun Yuexin and Li Lizhen could not hide the pride on their faces. There is no one who doesn't like to be praised, especially when it is obtained through hard work. The harder the process is, the more satisfied one will be when enjoying the results.

In fact, almost all teachers of various subjects praised them by name, and their learning enthusiasm became increasingly high.

Zhao Cheng from the next class was boasted to the point of being praised by the two families' parents. After being beaten for a while, Zhao Cheng began to feel a little restless.

He didn't care about suppressing Tian Xueya, nor did he care that his childhood friend had better grades than him, but he vaguely remembered that he had a dream of becoming a police officer.

The former No. 1 student worked hard, while the current student who was just idling around was thinking about how many places he should move up next time. This made the others feel full of a sense of crisis, as if they would be at the bottom of the class if they didn't study hard.

During that time, the entire senior grade of Yanda Affiliated School was filled with a strong learning atmosphere.

The head teacher was very pleased: this is truly the most motivated class of students.

The second week after the midterm exams, after school was dismissed early on Saturday afternoon, Xia Mian took Sun Yuexin and Li Lizhen to eat skewers as agreed.

There weren't as many people at the Xia family's stall as usual, so Sun Yuexin and Li Lizhen were immediately excited, "Hurry up, there's a seat available."

Xia Mian, who was about to leave, stopped after glancing at the stall and asked in surprise, "Second Aunt? Why are you here?"

Because the orders for the fish tofu were getting bigger and bigger, Xia Wenyue had to focus on that side, so she hired someone to run the skewers stall.

Anyway, the number of skewers is limited and the daily income is also certain, so Xia Wenyue thought of hiring someone to give it a try.

When Jia, a local resident in the compound, heard about this, he introduced this person to Xia Wenyue, saying that he was a relative of the family.

Since Xia Wenyue gave Jia a commission for the fish tofu orders in the first month of the year, Jia introduced several relatives and friends to work as part-time salesmen. As a result, the number of Xia Wenyue's orders increased a lot. Now the machines for making fish tofu and fish balls can almost work all day long.

So now Xia Wenyue has a pretty good relationship with the Jia family. When they heard that Xia Wenyue wanted to hire someone to run the stall, the Jia family recommended their rural relative.

Seeing that the woman was neat and tidy and looked honest, Xia Wenyue hired her, and agreed that she would only open the stall in the afternoon and evening, and would be paid according to the number of skewers sold.

"Xia Mian is back?" Xia Wenyue still greeted the guest with a smile, and there was no sign of sadness on her face. "Everything is ready at home, you should go back with your classmates."

Seeing this, Xia Mian thought that the woman had something urgent to do, so he didn't take it seriously and asked Sun Yuexin and Li Lizhen to go home.

"Aren't we eating here?" Sun Yuexin said before she realized, "So Xinsheng Chuanchuanxiang is your stall."

Li Lizhen said excitedly, "So can I really eat whatever I want today?"

Xia Mian laughed, "Let it go, enough."

When they got home, Mao Huilan, who had finished school earlier than them, had already placed the skewers of incense on the table.

Li Lizhen looked at the large basin and the full skewers on the table and couldn't help swallowing her saliva. "I never thought that there would be a day when I could eat all-you-can-eat skewers. It's so happy."

"Then you're welcome. Please take your seats, students."

While the three were eating, Mao Huizhu, Chenchen and Xiaofeng also came in to join in the fun. After all, they never got tired of the new ingredients.

"… "

Sun Yuexin said, "My parents were so happy this time that they said they would buy me the pair of shoes I liked."

Li Lizhen also said, "My mother promised to buy me a skirt."

Xia Mian smiled, "Congratulations, we will continue to work hard in the future!"

Sun Yuexin said, "I want to thank Xia Mian for your good teaching. Please continue to supervise me in the future!"

"… "

Xiao Feng was eating the fish tofu that Xia Mian brought to him, and from time to time he looked up at Sun Yuexin and Li Lizhen.

The two thought that he had forgotten them, so they introduced themselves again.

After Xiao Feng greeted shyly, he leaned on Xia Mian and observed silently.

Xia Mian always felt that Xiao Feng's expression was a little strange. Until he had eaten and drunk his fill and it was getting dark, Xia Mian sent him away.

Xiao Feng then held Xia Mian's hand and looked up and asked, "Aunt, can those two aunts also make five million?"


She remembered that when she was looking at those antique picture albums at the auction house, the child was so fascinated...

Xia Mian wiped her face and thought, when she becomes a teacher, will all her students in Xiaofeng be worth five million

How do you explain this

Before she could figure out how to tell Xiao Feng, Xia Wenyue came back, followed by Mao Huimei who had just returned from work.

Both of them looked unhappy, Xia Wenyue had no expression on her face, while Mao Huimei looked angry.

Xia Mian then realized that the woman running the stall was not out of emergency, but was fired by Xia Wenyue.

The family business was closed yesterday.

The reason lies in the Jia family.

After listening to what Mao Huimei said, Mao Huilan found it unbelievable, "Sister, do you mean that Aunt Li and Aunt Wang are actually relatives of the Jia family? Aren't they on bad terms?"

When the orders for fish tofu increased, Xia Wenyue had to hire people. After she spread the word, many people came to apply for the job.

Several people came in the room, and finally two people were decided, namely Aunt Li and Aunt Wang. So Xia Wenyue also found these two people to keep them and let them guard each process.

In order to better keep it confidential, Xia Wenyue specially divided the two processes into two rooms, so that they would not see each other when they were busy. Moreover, due to the process reasons, they had to go to work at different times.

However, it was unexpected that the two people who did not know each other in public and even had a bad relationship were actually mother-in-law and daughter-in-law in private, that is, Aunt Jia and her niece-in-law.

"So, those few people that your mother thought were pretty good, who left for unknown reasons after working for two days, were actually driven away by the threats from the Jia family?"

"That's right," Mao Huimei was so angry when she mentioned it, "If Mr. Luo from the hot pot restaurant on the floor above our company hadn't asked me, I wouldn't have known they were so mean."

"If you want to work on your own, just go there. Why don't you go to the south and get everything? Didn't mom spend more than half a month there to learn?"

Xia Mian said, "The cost of a trip to the south is not low. Second Aunt got a ride, so she could live with Uncle on the set, but running around and asking for advice and finding the right way took a lot of time and energy. If we go there by ourselves and spend thousands of dollars, we may not be able to find it."

“So stealing is the fastest way.”

"They can just steal. The market is so big, why do they have to keep an eye on our orders?" Mao Huimei couldn't understand. "Do you know what they said to Mr. Luo?"

"They said that our family wanted to specialize in the skewers stall, and they couldn't take care of the fish tofu, so they gave it to our family!"

Xia Mian sighed, "People who stare at others don't care how big the cake outside is. They can only see how delicious the cake in other people's mouths is."

Mao Huimei said, "I went to see the goods that our family sent to Luo Xiaoban, and the plastic bags used for packaging are the same as ours."

Xia Mian asked, "Are you also using our new student's logo?"

Because Xia Mian mentioned preventing people from impersonating, Xia Wenyue used trademarked packaging from the beginning even though the cost was a little higher.

Although it is the simplest transparent bag, the trademark was designed by Ning Shaoyun herself, and it is not ambiguous at all.

Mao Huimei said, "They used it, but it's different from our logo. It just has the two words 'newborn' written on it. I guess it's because they can't copy our trademark."

"I thought they might be afraid that customers would be suspicious, so they even imitated the packaging," Mao Huimei said, "but it turned out not to be the case, so Mr. Luo asked me about it casually, and then I found out about it."

"No wonder there are fewer orders," Mao Huilan said angrily, "I thought it was because the weather was hot and fewer people were eating hotpot."

Mao Huimei said, "I asked Wang Pang's mother about the place after work yesterday and went around to have a look. Our family rented a small courtyard in Xiaoyu Lane. I heard from people around us that the machine has been in use for almost a week."

This was obviously a premeditated plan.

It should be after Xia Wenyue gave Jia a commission, and his family and friends started promoting this product, they discovered that it was profitable, so they started thinking about it.

It just so happened that Xia Wenyue needed to hire someone again, and they were unprepared, so Xia Wenyue was naturally unprepared.

As for purchasing machines, Xia Wenyue's phone book was not placed secretly. After all, after she had this business, she often had to make and receive calls, so she carried the phone book with her and didn't care too much about where she put it occasionally.

It's not difficult for them to secretly find the phone number of the seller of the machine.

The more Mao Huilan thought about it, the angrier she became. "He's just so ungrateful. When he heard that we were going to hire someone to sell Chuan Chuan Xiang, he immediately introduced another one to us. If he hadn't discovered the fish tofu incident, would he have wanted to steal our Chuan Chuan Xiang recipe as well?"

"Of course I will steal if I can," Xia Mian said, "What bottom line do you expect from someone who has such a crooked mind?"

"Just took advantage of our family to take advantage of us?!" Mao Huilan stared.

Xia Mian said, "We are from outside the city, we have no relatives, so we are easy to be bullied."

Xia Wenyue asked Mao Huimei, "Did you ask Wang Pangma about this yesterday?"

Mao Huimei nodded.

Xia Wenyue sighed, "Why are you so impatient?"

"If Fatty Wang's mother knew about it, then the Jia family would naturally know about it too. No wonder they suddenly fell out this morning."

After Xia Wenyue found out about this yesterday, she naturally wanted to tactfully fire the woman who was setting up the stall today. However, she immediately turned hostile after receiving her salary.

He stood outside the door and cursed their family for being dishonest, saying that the skewers stall made only seven or eight hundred yuan a day and was particularly dishonest.

"Is she trying to cause trouble?" Mao Huimei asked nervously, "We have a large family. If she interferes, will we be unable to make fish tofu and food stalls?"

"Don't think too much," Xia Wenyue said for the first time without smiling in front of the children, "Let's eat first, and I'll think of a solution."

Mao Huimei's worry is not without reason. Since the Jia family can do such a thing, they are definitely not people of good character.

Sure enough, after knowing that the Xia family had discovered their doings, the Jia family simply openly snatched the order.

It is obvious that the market is so big that there is not enough for us to eat, but we just stare at the food in other people's mouths and don't let them eat it.

Starting from the next day, Xia Wenyue began to receive calls from customers one after another.

Almost all of them canceled their orders, and those who did not cancel also asked for price reductions because other companies were selling them cheaper.

"I'm sorry, our costs are here, we have to pay for the price and the goods."

Xia Wenyue was not annoyed and said kindly, "It's okay, you can try ours and buy from whichever one you think is suitable. This is how business is done, you should compare prices from three different stores."

"It doesn't matter. I believe we will have a chance to cooperate again."

She spoke frankly, and some dealers felt that after a long period of cooperation, the Xia family could be trusted to continue buying here, but most of them cancelled their orders and bought from the Jia family.

The Jia family lived nearby, and since they were doing this business openly, people around them would naturally know about it.

Mao Huimei and her family thought that the Jia family felt ashamed, but in fact, not only did they not feel ashamed, they even said confidently, "You are from outside the city, where do all these singles come from? Didn't we come here for you?"

"Now that we have our own goods, isn't it normal to send our own goods?"

Every time Xia Wenyue opened the stall, the eldest wife of the Jia family would sit at the door and say with a smile, "Your family's skewers business makes 700 to 800 yuan a day, why bother making fish tofu? That's how you earn hard-earned money."

"I think it's not worth it for your family to make so little fish tofu every day. Since our two families are so close, if you buy from me, I'll give you the cost price, which will save you the trouble and it will be mutually beneficial."

Because the wife of the Jia family was busy promoting the huge profits of the Xia family's skewers, she became famous to many people.

The Xia family was originally an outsider family that was easily excluded, so their business obviously declined. Many customers said implicitly that they sold too expensively and that it was okay to make half a penny less, and they believed that it was better to make small profits but quick turnover and so on.

The three sisters of the Mao family were all very angry.

Xia Wenyue's expression became calmer and calmer. Every day, apart from running errands at the stall, she would go out for a run. No one knew what she was thinking.

Until one day, the three children came back from outside, covered in dust.

Mao Huizhu was the most seriously injured, with her hands scraped and her nose bleeding. She cried angrily, "Mom, Jia Lixin stopped □□ from buying our fish tofu at the alley entrance."

Jia Lixin is the grandson of the Mao family and is two years older than Mao Huizhu.

Xiao Feng's clothes were all askew, her face was covered in dust, her lips were pursed with tears in her eyes, "You pushed Aunt Hui Zhu to the ground."

"Your family is so evil!" Chenchen's hair was also messy, and he was so angry that he waved his fist, "You deserve retribution!"

Xia Mian quickly pulled Xiao Feng and Chen Chen over to check carefully, "Are you hurt anywhere? Does it hurt?"

Chenchen said, "I'm not hurt. I just broke my fingers. I cried so loudly."

"I pulled your hair." Xiao Feng stretched out her hand, "So much."

The adults couldn't help laughing when they saw the small bunch of hair in Xiaofeng's hand.

Xia Wenyue's eyebrows also relaxed, "Okay, it seems that I didn't suffer any loss."

Ning Shaoyun, who rushed over after hearing the news, carefully checked Chenchen again, and after confirming that he was fine, she smiled and said, "I never thought that Xiaofeng would also fight one day."

"Yes." Xia Mian was also a little surprised. She had always worried that what happened to her had left her unable to bear it and unable to resist. Now, it seemed that with two friends by her side, she was becoming more and more brave.

Xia Mian helped him wipe his face clean, kissed him and encouraged him, "Xiao Feng, you did a great job! If others bully you, you must resist."

Xiao Feng smiled, Chen Chen turned around and hugged Ning Shaoyun, "Mom, I'm great too."

"Yes," Ning Shaoyun touched his head, "You are great too."

Mao Huilan said, "Thanks to my sister Mian for teaching us a few moves, otherwise we would not be able to defeat Jia Lixin."

"It seems I need to teach you a few more moves." Xia Mian said, "How about sending you to learn some martial arts, so that you won't suffer losses when encountering such things in the future."

Mao Huilan suddenly frowned and asked, "Will the Jia family come over to find us?"

Normally, adults would not interfere in fights between children, but it is not impossible that the Jia family deliberately targeted our family and came to pick a fight.

Ning Shaoyun held Chenchen's hand and said calmly, "I'll go find you guys."

She couldn't just interfere in business matters, but this kind of small matter could serve as a warning.

Although the Ning siblings didn't interact much with the neighbors around them, anyone with a keen eye could see that they were not people they could mess with, so they all had awe of them.

Sure enough, after Ning Shaoyun went there, the Jia family's quails remained quiet for two days.

But Mao Huilan was still furious when she saw the scratch on Mao Huizhu's nose, "We have so many orders, we don't care about those few individual sellers, we are deliberately bullying our family!"

"Mom! Let's sell it at a lower price and get back all those orders!"

"By the way, you haven't applied for any qualifications, right? Let's report you. If you report us, we'll be finished."

"Then what?" Xia Wenyue, "If we cut off their source of income, do you think they will let us go? Will we be able to do business again?"

Mao Huilan said angrily, "Then let them bully our family?"

Xia Wenyue applied purple medicine to Mao Huizhu, and seemed to have made a decision. She said calmly, "Don't fight with us anymore. Let us sell for a few months, a year at most, and I will let you return our money with interest!"

Xia Wenyue had the ability to make people feel at ease, and after she said this, everyone immediately stopped being anxious.

Soon Xia Mian found out Xia Wenyue's plan: in less than a week, Xia Wenyue bought the convenient factory and used the method Ning Shaobai had suggested, taking out a loan with the factory as collateral.

Xia Wenyue sighed, "The price was much cheaper this time. I'm afraid that many factories will go bankrupt in the next two years."

Xia Mian suddenly thought that there seemed to be a terrible wave of unemployment in the 1990s. Could this be it

If this is true, then Xia Wenyue's factory was bought at the right time.

"What about the Chuan Chuan Xiang stall? Are we going to stop setting it up?"

"Set up!" Xia Wenyue said, "I'm renting the stall to □□'s family."

Mao Huilan clapped her hands, "The □□ family and the Jia family are rivals! And the □□ family has many brothers, so it's not easy to mess with them."

Xia Wenyue sighed, "I used to think that the Li family was fierce and the Jia family was kind, but now that we encounter something, we can see a person's character."

Xia Mian asked, "How do you wrap it for us?"

"I grind the seasonings into powder and pack them up. I boil the red oil and vegetable oil separately and then sell the seasonings to you. You make your own soup. Of course, you also have to buy ingredients like fish and tofu from us, but you have to use our signature brand."

Isn't this the model Xia Wenyue had always imagined? It seems that she has been thinking about it these days. Can the Jia family squeeze them out? She must make the new students bloom everywhere!