Transmigrating into the Genius Cannon Fodder’s Aunt

Chapter 77: The seventy-eighth


Xia Mian had a dream all night.

At the beginning it was Xia Chun. The Xia Chun in the original body’s memory from childhood to adulthood was very clear.

Later, it was Xiao Feng. In her dream, she had not come to this world. Xiao Feng was locked up in a small dark room and abused by Zhang Qiming and Huang Xiaojuan, just like in her previous life...

Xia Mian woke up in a cold sweat, looked down at Xiao Feng who was sleeping soundly in her arms, and couldn't help but hug him tightly.

"Aunt?" Xiao Feng said dazedly, rubbing his eyes.

"It's okay." Xia Mian kissed his forehead and stroked his back, to comfort him and to comfort herself.

She guessed that this dream might have something to do with the original body's consciousness.

Because of this dream, she felt a little listless on the first day of her hibernation and spent the whole morning in a daze. At noon, she forced herself to take a nap, but accidentally overslept.

I got up, washed my face, picked up my clothes and ran to school.

When passing by an alley near the school, I saw a group of thugs surrounding a thin boy.

"Take it out quickly, or you won't have to go to school today."

The boy was about to cry, "I have no money, really, I gave it all to you yesterday."

"Yesterday is yesterday, you're not eating today?"

The boy was obviously very anxious, "That's my meal money for the week, I gave it all to you, we have a quiz today, I can't be late..."

The more anxious he became, the more the thugs refused to let him go, and they were about to search him.

Xia Mian ran over, grabbed the boy's arm, and rushed forward to push away a group of hooligans, saying, "Why are you still here? The dean will be here soon, don't be late."

The hooligans probably never thought that a girl who looked weak and well-behaved would lie to them. They hesitated and looked back at the same time.

The director of studies at Yanda High School is a well-known figure to the nearby hooligans. It is said that he was once the champion of a martial arts competition in the North China region. Anyway, beating up these hooligans is like a piece of cake for him.

The battle that made him famous was when he beat a dozen thugs who came to his house to beat him up. It was said that he was the first generation of the Top Ten Bullies in No. 14 Middle School and the most ferocious gang in the vicinity at that time.

If they really encounter one, they have to run away quickly.

As a result, when I turned around, I saw a few students who were in a hurry to get on the road. They immediately realized that they had been deceived and chased after me, shouting:

"Fuck you!"

"You little stinky girl, are you looking for death? Stop right there!"

At the beginning, they had a distance between them, and those thugs couldn't catch up for a while.

He was so angry that he shouted from behind: "If you have the guts, don't let us find you!"

"Just wait, unless you don't go to school, I'll catch you right away!"

Xia Mian believed their lies.

She was wearing a hat and the uniform of Yanda High School. It was impossible for those thugs to recognize her.

Just as I was thinking this, a clear voice came from the side, "Xia Mian?! What's wrong with you?"

The voice was so loud, as if he was afraid that others couldn't hear him.

Xia Mian turned around and saw Tian Xueya walking not far away, with an innocent and anxious look on her face.

Xia Mian sneered in her heart, when did the two of them have a relationship where they could care about each other

Sure enough, the thug behind him said, "Xia Mian, right? Stop right there!"

"Asumiun, good job, don't let us catch you."

Xia Mian also said in panic, "Tian Xueya, run! Those hooligans are trying to steal your money. Don't you have the 100-yuan class fee we just collected on you? Don't let them take it away!"

Tian Xueya's expression changed slightly.

Sure enough, the gangsters over there immediately stopped, changed direction and surrounded him. What they wanted was money anyway. As for Xia Mian, the monk could run away but the temple could not. It would be the same if they looked for him later.

Xia Mian grabbed the boy and ran away.

Want to harm her? Try it yourself first.

Xia Mian couldn't help but shake his head. This girl had suffered so many losses, but she still didn't learn her lesson.

His hatred was so deep that he was unwilling to miss any opportunity to bring disaster to Xia Mian.

After entering the school, Xia Mian let go of the little boy and asked, "Are you from the first year of high school?"

The boy nodded, and looked back with some concern, "Is Senior Sister Xiao okay?"

Xia Mian said, "Don't worry, he is not a good guy, he is definitely stronger than you."

"How many times have they blackmailed you?"

The boy whispered, "For the first time."

"It was your first time yesterday?" Xia Mian asked, "How much did you give?"

"Fifty," the boy said, "It's my meal money for a week."

Well, he is a rich man, no wonder he was targeted.

"Have you told the adults?" After saying this, he felt that he had asked the wrong question. How could an adult possibly give so much living expenses all at once

Sure enough, the boy shook his head and said sadly, "My parents are not at home."

Xia Mian said, "Then just rely on yourself. You are fifteen or sixteen years old, not a child."

"Anyway, this kind of thing is bound to happen. You must resist, otherwise you won't have a good time in high school."

Seeing the boy's helpless look, Xia Mian sighed and said, "Forget it, I'll show you how to do it once. Next time you can do it yourself."

She took him directly to the Dean's office.

"Teacher Li, I saw a gangster blackmailing a classmate. He took away the classmate's meal money for a week, fifty yuan."

"I pulled him back, but they seemed to have stopped a group of female students at the school gate."

The Dean of Studies immediately stood up and left. Xia Mian said, "Did you see that? Next time you want more money, just do this. Get the money back. If you can't do it yourself, there will always be someone who can."

"The dean of our school is very capable. He remembers everyone clearly. If you see them, come to find the dean."

The little boy obviously didn't expect that someone would use the dean as a bodyguard, but...

The boy said timidly, "What if they stop me alone and beat me up?"

"First, avoid being alone." Xia Mian said, "Then I'll give you some reference methods."

"First, if you carry something valuable with you, worth a few hundred dollars, give it to them if they ask for it, and then report it to the police. This can constitute a criminal offense, and the police will arrest you."

"First, get beaten up and call the police immediately. You can also be detained for intentional injury or provoking trouble."

The boy looked at her blankly.

Xia Mian didn't have time to care about him anymore, so she said, "It's not every time you run into someone as nosy as me. If you don't want to be bullied, find a way yourself."

If a person cannot stand on his own, no one can help him.

Xia Mian was already late when she entered the classroom. It happened to be Michael's class. He saw that she didn't look very well and asked, "What's wrong? Are you feeling unwell?"

"I encountered a gangster blackmailing a classmate," Xia Mian explained, "I went to report it to the dean."

Michael asked with concern, "Are you okay?"

"It's okay, the dean of studies is over there."

"Okay, go back to your seat."

Sun Yuexin handed her the notebook and said, "It must be those guys from No. 14 Middle School."

Xia Mian was puzzled. "No. 14 Middle School? It's a few blocks away, right? Why did they come to our school?"

"No. 14 High School is the high school with the lowest admission score in the entire Yan City, you know that," Sun Yuexin said, "Everyone calls it a gangster high school, with names like the Ten Great Guardians, the Eight Vajras, and the Four Golden Stars. It's full of gangs."

Xia Mian was amused by this old Chinese name.

"Those hooligans can't stand the students in our school. They always come to bully us, either asking for money or fighting."

Xia Mian understood that in the eyes of the students of No. 14 Middle School, the students of Yanda High School were just "other people's children", and they were particularly outstanding.

"When we were in the first year of high school, we had several fights with the top ten bullies in their school." Sun Yuexin still has some nostalgia.

Xia Mian touched her head and sighed, "You guys are pretty wild."

Sun Yuexin chuckled and said, "We won't bother with them if they don't cause trouble. Besides, we don't have time now. We can't even study hard."

After entering high school, Sun Yuexin and Li Lizhen both made it into the top 100 in the school. Teachers from the entire grade used them as examples to educate those students who were just slacking off. Their parents even invited Xia Mian to dinner.

The two of them gradually realized the fun and became more and more diligent and serious. Of course, the most important thing was that there was still Tian Xueya's target hanging in front of them.

"Did they come to cause trouble again later?" Xia Mian asked.

"No," Sun Yuexin said, "After you came, didn't you quickly send Hao Jian and the gangsters to the police station? After the news got out, the gangsters around here didn't dare to come to our school anymore."

Xia Mian didn't expect that what happened last year would have such a deterrent effect.

But it is obviously time-limited, Sun Yuexin sighed, "It's a pity that it was peaceful for only one year."

At this point, she suddenly remembered, "Hey, do you think it might be because of Hao Jian? He transferred to No. 14 Middle School."

"You have to be more careful next time. I'm afraid he will take revenge on you."

"Tian Xueya was willing to tell him about your family. Now that he knows that your family has no background, he won't be afraid."

Not long after Xia Mian invited Sun Yuexin and Li Lizhen to his home to eat Chuan Chuan Xiang last year, rumors spread around the school that Xia Mian's family was a street vendor, pretending to be rich, and was a vain person.

Xia Mian was ridiculed for the whole day, but she didn't care at all. At that time, the Jia family happened to be in trouble and business was not good.

Xia Mian turned a derision to the people who came to mock her and directly called on her classmates to go to her skewers stand to eat. "I'm from the countryside, my family is super poor, and I rely on this stand to support our studies. Please take care of us!"

Those who mocked her could not feel a sense of accomplishment, and finally left in frustration.

At first, Xia Mian thought it was an unintentional misunderstanding. After all, the Xia family's skewers stall was already there, and Xia Mian had never concealed it. In addition, Tian Xueya had spread rumors that she had a strong background, so it was normal for people to misunderstand her.

Until the news that Xia Mian was an orphan came out, it was confirmed that it was Tian Xueya. Apart from Sun Yuexin and Li Lizhen, only Tian Xueya knew that Xia Mian had no parents.

Given Tian Xueya's hatred for Xia Mian, she would definitely take advantage of this kind of thing.

Xia Mian didn't care, but Sun Yuexin had already started to be on high alert, "Let's go to and from school with Zhao Cheng from now on."

At this point, he said with a lingering look on his face, "I wonder if Zhao Cheng and Han Haoyan know each other."

Xia Mian shook his head helplessly.

Han Haoyan was a transfer student who had just arrived some time ago. He was tall and handsome, with a bad-tempered temperament that was very much to Sun Yuexin's liking. It was also said that he was very good at basketball and his academic performance was not bad either. In short, after he came, Gu Zhou's position as the school's most handsome boy was obviously no longer secure.

Sun Yuexin never misses any opportunity to observe the surroundings. Just one look is like taking a breath of fairy air, which can make her excited for the whole day.

Of course, she is not the only girl like this.

As soon as the bell rang for the end of the first get out of class, people in the corridor began to rush towards Class 6. Li Lizhen was already standing at the door of the classroom, waving at them, "Hey, hurry up!"

In high school, they were divided into arts and science, and most of them chose science. Unfortunately, they were not assigned to the same class. Xia Mian and Sun Yuexin were still in Class 5, while Li Lizhen and Zhao Cheng were in Class 4.

Sun Yuexin immediately followed Li Lizhen out excitedly. Xia Mian was in no mood today, so he just lay on the table and closed his eyes to rest.

Li Ming at the table in front of me exclaimed, "These girls are really crazy. Are they really that pretty?"

His deskmate said, "When I first came here during summer sleep, it was also a grand occasion, but the boys were a little more excited."

Li Ming said, "We were really happy when we were in class."

"So now it's Class Six's turn."

"But I heard that the transfer student seems to be interested in Tian Xueya..."

Li Ming was shocked, "What?! Is this true?"

Li Ming, who felt that he had seen through everything, said in a tone of a hermit, "Alas, another poor person who was deceived by Tian Xueya."

During class, Sun Yuexin came back from outside with a look of disillusionment on her face, "Oh my God, Han Haoyan is actually dating Tian Xueya..."

"Isn't this too fast? It's been less than a week since he transferred here?" a girl exclaimed.

Xia Mian was just about to comfort Sun Yuexin when she heard her say with self-contempt, "You really can't just look at the appearance of a person. Fortunately, Zhao Cheng hasn't had the chance to flirt with her yet. With such an IQ..."

The girl next to her also shared, "I heard that at noon today, Tian Xueya was blackmailed by hooligans at the school gate, and then Han Haoyan came to the rescue and beat the hooligans away."

"I didn't expect him to be so good at fighting," the girl said with regret, "but his eyesight is so bad. How come he likes Tian Xueya?"

Over the past year, all the students who have a good relationship with Xia Mian know that Tian Xueya has never stopped causing trouble for Xia Mian.

She seemed to have grasped the essence of the classic skills of the Lotus Flower. She just threw out half a truth and left the rest to everyone to play out.

After all, what she said was true, and how others understand it is their business.

However, she never succeeded, and each time she framed someone, her classmates would understand Xia Mian better:

Her frankness, her broad-mindedness, her intelligence and humor, anyway, Xia Mian is better than Tian Xueya.

Tian Xueya's revenge on Xia Mian was also straightforward and adorable: it was to crush her in all aspects, not just her academic performance.

Whenever Tian Xueya was asked to participate in any learning competition, Xia Mian would participate; even at the New Year's Eve parties two years ago and last year, the four-hand piano duet that Tian Xueya wanted to perform with Gu Zhou was defeated by Xia Mian's piano solo, and she even lost the qualification to go on stage.

I really can't confront you if you're causing trouble, but you can't blame me because I'm better than you, right

In short, thanks to Tian Xueya, more and more people got to know Xia Mian. I don't know about other classes, but in Xia Mian's class, few people dislike her.

To put it in the words of summer hibernation, that is the charm of a fairy.

On the contrary, there are more and more despicable people in Ming Tian Xueya's life, and of course most of those who have such keen intuition are girls.

Xia Mian asked the girl, "Didn't you mention me when you talked about the blackmail incident at noon?"

The girl asked, "Why do I have to mention you?"

Xia Mian exclaimed, "You are quite patient. Are you going to improve your rank?"

Sun Yuexin was puzzled, "What do you mean?"

Before Xia Mian had the chance to explain the situation, the English teacher came in and started the class. Afterwards, no one took the incident to heart and it was forgotten.

Today is Saturday and there is no evening self-study. Everyone is looking forward to the holiday and has no time to gossip. The last self-study class is relatively free and there is no teacher supervising. Most of the students are racing against time to do their homework, looking forward to having a rest after the holiday.

Li Lizhen ran in from the door with an ambiguous look on her face, "Xia Mian."

Sun Yuexin smiled as soon as she saw her expression. "You're almost a messenger. Another love letter? How many?"

Li Lizhen said, "I won't be busy today. Open the envelope." Then she handed Xia Mian a pink letter, one hand of which was folded into a heart shape.

The classmates in the class started to make a noise, Xia Mian reluctantly took it and stuffed it into his pocket, saying with a smile, "As usual, I appreciate your kindness, but we don't have relationships in high school, please tell me."

Li Lizhen asked, "Don't you even want to see who it is?"

Xia Mian smiled and said, "No, I'm afraid that I will be attracted by the excellence of others and won't be able to study well."

Xia Mian received love letters almost every day in the past year, and everyone knew that she was rejecting them, and she never embarrassed anyone in this regard.

Everyone laughed in good faith, and suddenly a cold sneer was heard, "Not rejecting and giving people hope is just keeping them hanging. You are really good at it."

The students in the class were stunned for a moment and looked up at the boy standing at the door.

He is half a head taller than the average boy, with a slender figure and a slim sportswear, looking very handsome and eye-catching.

His bad boy temperament, coupled with his academic performance and athletic ability, does indeed have a charm that high school girls cannot resist.

It’s Han Haoyan, a transfer student from Class 6.

Sun Yuexin frowned and said unhappily, "Classmate, who are you? Why are you suddenly running into our class to get a fight?"

Han Haoyan crossed his arms, leaned lazily against the door frame, and smiled, "Nothing, I'm just curious about the strange eyes of the boys in our high school. They actually like such a vicious girl."

This is a map shot. The girl is still crazy about his looks, but the boy is already angry.

"Are you sick? Who said summer sleep is evil?"

"What's Xia Mian like? What does it have to do with him? Did I provoke him?"

Xia Mian probably guessed something. She crossed her arms across her chest and smiled gently, "Just to confirm, are you here to vent your anger for your sweetheart?"

Han Haoyan smiled in a sly way and said, "I just stand up for what I see as injustice."

"I think you should apologize to Tian Xueya."

Tian Xueya seemed to have heard the noise and ran over. She blushed and nervously pulled his sleeve and said, "Han Haoyan, don't do this."

Han Haoyan looked at her gently and said, "It's okay. I'll take care of this matter today. She must apologize to you today."

Sun Yuexin rolled her eyes, "Are you sick? Why?"

Han Haoyan narrowed his eyes slightly, "I saw Xia Mian frame Tian Xueya this afternoon! He said she had money on her, and then she was surrounded by thugs and blackmailed."

"Student Xia Mian, do you admit it?"

"Why can't I admit it?" Xia Mian said softly, admitting it straightforwardly, "I did it on purpose."

Han Haoyan choked, obviously not expecting Xia Mian to be this way.

Xia Mian asked, "Since you heard me frame her, did you hear her calling me?"

Han Haoyan said, "I heard that she cared about you."

When he did this, everyone in the class laughed like crazy as if their funny bone had been poked.

"Oh my god, he said Tian Xueya cares about Xia Mian?!"

"Ha ha ha ha… "

"This is so funny, the biggest joke of the year..."

"… "

Han Haoyan was stunned. The situation was obviously completely different from what he had imagined.

Tian Xueya sensed something and quickly pulled the person to beg, "Han Haoyan, please stop talking and come back with me..."

"Don't!" Sun Yuexin said, trying not to laugh, "Tian Xueya, before you take someone away, don't you want to understand his personality and habits?"

"Although this guy's brain is not very good, his momentum in a head-on confrontation is still good. Let's make it clear whether we are on the right track or not."

Looking at Han Haoyan's cold face, Li Lizhen said, "Everyone in high school knows Tian Xueya... Poor classmate Tian Xueya was bullied by us Xia Mian and didn't even dare to choose science. She could only go to the liberal arts class."

"Ah," a girl from Class 7 said sarcastically, "Everyone in the senior class knows that Xia Mian is bullying others by taking advantage of her power. She forced Tian Xueya to transfer classes, fainted during the competition, and couldn't even appear on the New Year's Eve party..."

"Excuse me, classmate Han Haoyan," Sun Yuexin asked, "would you care about someone who bullies you like this?"

"Except when cursing, how could Tian Xueya call Xia Mian's name and show concern? Hahaha..."

Xia Mian asked, "Do you know why Tian Xueya suddenly cares about me?"

Han Haoyan and Xia Mian looked frankly at each other, as if they understood something, and their faces turned a little ugly.

Xia Mian didn't let him go and said directly, "Because I robbed the fat sheep of those gangsters, those gangsters wanted to settle accounts with me, but they didn't know my name."

Everyone suddenly realized what was going on. They looked at Tian Xueya with disgust, and turned around to ask Xia Mian worriedly, "Xia Mian, those hooligans won't block you at the door, right?"

"Is it those people from No. 14 Middle School? What should we do? Xia Mian, you have to be careful. How about we go together?"

"Hey, let's go together. It's okay."

Han Haoyan was just surprised that Xia Mian was so popular when he heard her call him, "No need, isn't there classmate Han Haoyan?"

"Since you like to speak out against injustice, there's no reason for you to blame Tian Xueya, right?"

Xia Mian stood up and said to Tian Xueya, "Classmate Tian Xueya, I'm very sorry that I shouldn't have used the method of giving you a taste of your own medicine to frame you. I should have just accepted it and let those hooligans surround me and rob me, so that you could get what you wanted and feel good."

Her expression was very sincere, while Tian Xueya and Han Haoyan's expressions were very ugly.

Everyone in the class had a look of ridicule on their faces.

Xia Mian asked Han Haoyan, "I have apologized, so please help me deal with the gangsters at the door. There are so many people watching, please show your ability to save the world."

Sun Yuexin then said: "Amen"

Everyone laughed.

Han Haoyan narrowed his eyes and said, "I misunderstood you today. I apologize to you. I will also help you solve the problem of the gangster."

Xia Mian ignored the previous ones and continued with a smile, "Then thank you in advance!"