Transmigrating into the Genius Cannon Fodder’s Aunt

Chapter 83: The eighty-fourth


After the adults, especially Ning Shaobai, left, Xia Mian and his friends all breathed a sigh of relief.

Sun Yuexin said, "I don't know why, but every time when Dr. Ning is here, I don't dare to speak."

Li Lizhen said infatuatedly, "But no matter how many times I see him, Dr. Ning is always so handsome."

Xia Mian was very proud of it. "Of course I have seen anyone more handsome than him."

Zhao Chengze looked at Xia Mian's earrings and said, "Did Doctor Ning really give you this injection? I can actually imagine him holding a scalpel and cutting open someone's stomach with an expressionless face."

Han Haoyan nodded in agreement, "Doctors' occupational diseases are really scary. When he looks at me, I always feel like he's looking for places on my body where he can cut."

Girls focus on different things. Sun Yuexin looked at Xia Mian's earrings carefully and asked, "Is it really not painful at all?"

She touched her earlobe and said, "When I got my ears pierced in middle school, they were red and swollen for many days."

Xia Mian's nose was about to turn up with pride, "It doesn't hurt at all, Doctor Ning is super good, haha."

Sun Yuexin said, "If I had known, I would have worn it later."

Zhao Cheng asked, "Are you sure you dare to let Doctor Ning put it on you?"

Sun Yuexin immediately changed her words and said, "It's good to wear it earlier. Anyway, I have forgotten how it felt at that time."

A few people finished the birthday banquet with laughter, shared the birthday cake together and then dispersed.

After seeing off her friends, Xia Mian hugged Xiao Feng and they sat on the sofa to open their presents.

The child gave Xia Mian another painting. Although it was still immature, it was a lot better than last year.

Xia Mian hugged him and asked him to hang the painting side by side with last year's.

"When this wall is fully painted, our Xiao Feng will become a great painter." Xia Mian said with a smile, "You must paint Auntie the most beautifully!"

Xiao Feng nodded solemnly, "My aunt is the most beautiful!"

"Oh..." Xia Mian kissed his face hard, "Our Xiao Feng is so discerning."

Xiao Feng hugged her neck and giggled.

Xia Wenyue came in and handed her a passbook. "This is the dividend. Now that you are eighteen years old, you should manage your money well from now on."

In the second month after the Xinsheng Food Factory opened, Xia Wenyue hired a professional lawyer to formally sign a contract with Xia Mian.

Xia Mian mainly provided the recipe for Chuan Chuan Xiang and part of the initial capital investment in the food factory. Xia Wenyue was responsible for the remaining investment and overall operation. After calculation, Xia Mian could get about 30% of the profit dividend.

Xia Mian opened the passbook and took a look, then said excitedly, "So much every month!"

Xia Wenyue smiled and said, "I'll give it to you for this month so that you can enjoy it. We haven't paid off the loan yet."

"But according to this trend, we can pay it off by the end of this year, right?" Xia Mian said.

"Well," Xia Wenyue said, "but after paying off the loan, I want to add two more production lines."

"I saw some vacant land around the factory and I want to buy one. It will definitely be useful in the future."

Xia Mian thought about the location of the food factory. Although it seemed remote now, when Yan City began to develop rapidly after 2000, the land there would definitely appreciate quickly, and there was a high possibility that it would be demolished.

"Buy, buy, buy." Xia Mian used Ning Shaobai skillfully. "I heard from Doctor Ning that housing prices and land are the cheapest right now. I'm afraid they will skyrocket in a few years."

"Second Aunt, if you see anyone selling a house in the nearby village, please tell me. I can't afford to buy land, so I plan to stock up on some houses."

"Okay," Xia Wenyue didn't ask any more questions after hearing that it was Ning Shaobai who said that. Although Xia Mian was naughty sometimes, he obviously knew what he was doing.

There is nothing wrong with buying property.

After Xia Wenyue left, Xiao Feng leaned on his arm to look at the passbook in Xia Mian's hand.

Xia Mian held him in her arms and looked at it together, "Come and count, this is how much money it is in a month."

The child could now recognize words. He stretched out his little finger and counted tens, hundreds, and thousands for a while, then sat in Xia Mian's arms and rocked happily.

"You look so happy," Xia Mian stroked his ahoge and laughed, "Do you know how much this is?"

Actually when it comes to money, Xiao Feng is just like all other kids. He has some concept of pocket money of a few dollars or tens of dollars. Thousands or tens of thousands of dollars are just a lot to him and he feels like he can buy anything.

Sure enough, Xiao Feng looked up at Xia Mian and said, "Buy a house and demolish it!"

Xia Mian smiled, "Well, this is possible."

She had wanted to buy it for a long time, but she was unfamiliar with the place and she didn't have time because she was in school.

Fortunately, the real estate market has been sluggish in recent years, so Xia Mian is not in a hurry and plans to slowly inquire during the summer and winter vacations in the next two years.


“This money is not enough to buy a house.”

Xiao Feng tilted her head and thought about it, "Selling stamps?"

Xia Mian touched his head. "The value of stamps may not be slower than the price of housing. Besides, the stamps belong to Xiao Feng. When Xiao Feng turns eighteen, we can consider where to put them."

"What should we do then?" Xiao Feng asked.

She shook the passbook and smiled, "Although this isn't enough, have you forgotten that we have other money?"

Xiao Feng remembered, "Uncle Ning!"

"Yes, we gave the money to Uncle Ning to help us manage our finances." Xia Mian said this, and stood up excitedly, "Let's go over and ask."

After she transferred the money to Ning Shaobai, she never asked about it. "I don't know how much it is now."

Knowing the family's financial situation will help you have a better idea when buying a house.

However, as soon as they walked out of the door, Xiao Feng was seduced away by Chenchen.

It turned out that Zhou Xuewen bought a remote control plane for Chenchen, and Chenchen came to find Xiaofeng and Huizhu. Xiaofeng immediately followed Chenchen.

So Xia Mian went to Ning Shaobai's house alone.

When she entered the yard, she saw Ning Shaobai sitting on the beauty's seat in the corridor, reading a thick tome in his hand.

The summer breeze gently blew across his short hair, and the warm sunset outlined his handsome features, making him look like a beautiful picture.

Xia Mian blew a short whistle, but Ning Shaobai ignored her.

Xia Mian smiled and moved over to sit down. Ning Shaobai didn't even raise his head. He just stretched out a finger to press against her shoulder and slowly pushed her away, "Stay away."

Xia Mian took a closer look and found that he seemed serious, so she behaved herself and didn't make a fuss. She looked around and simply got up and ran to the main room to get a fan to fan him.

He smiled and said, "Are you feeling cooler now, Doctor Ning?"

Ning Shaobai enjoyed the thoughtful service but remained indifferent.

Xia Mian thought about it, then approached him mysteriously and said, "Doctor Ning, have you noticed that Sister Ning and Mr. Zhou seem to be a little different?"

"At noon, I saw them holding hands."

"Just now, Chenchen was sent out to play with Huizhu and Xiaofeng."

You know, when Zhou Xuewen comes, Chenchen basically stays with his father.

Ning Shaobai finally took his eyes off the book and looked at Xia Mian who was coming over.

Xia Mian was frightened by his gaze and moved away in fear, "What's wrong? What do you mean by that look?"

"Are you dissatisfied with Mr. Zhou?" Xia Mian asked doubtfully, "There's no need to be so mean to me. It's not me who asked them to be together."

Ning Shaobai rolled his eyes. If it’s not you, then could it be me

Oh, it was me, but you are the culprit.

Seeing that he was not willing to listen, Xia Mian simply used his trump card. He made a hissing sound and covered his ears with his hands, saying, "Doctor Ning, my earlobe seems to hurt a little. Is it inflamed?"

Ning Shaobai put down the book and sighed helplessly, and Xia Mian immediately came over with a smile.

Ning Shaobai looked at the small and shiny earlobe in front of him. There was a pair of snowflake earrings that he had personally selected. They were very beautiful...

He lowered his eyes, then moved to the side, away from someone, and suddenly asked, "How long is your summer vacation?"

Xia Mian said, "One and a half months, what's wrong?"

"Nothing," Ning Shaobai said expressionlessly, "I just think it's too long. I'm about to be a senior in high school, so a week's vacation is enough."

So as to save him from being tortured here.

Xia Mian's eyes widened, "Doctor Ning, are you a devil?"

Dr. Ning thought, you are the devil sent by God to torture me.

The author has something to say: Dr. Ning: People who can’t fall in love but want to have an affair are all devils.

I would like to recommend a female-dominant novel to my gay friends. If you are interested, you can take a look.

"Wife, I'm Afraid (Female Master)"

Lin Xi has a secret—she is very timid.

She was afraid when there were no living things around her, and she started to have wild thoughts without light, and couldn't sleep all night.

Once she traveled to a poor girl's world where women were the most important, the only comforting thing was that she had two rabbits to keep her company.

As the son of a criminal, Ji Yunzhi remembered his father's teachings.

The best way to deal with a woman is to show weakness. Be 70% afraid of her first, so that she will give you 30% in the future.

So when he saw Lin Xi's outstretched hand, he timidly took her hand.

With tears in the corner of his eyes: "My dear wife, I'm scared~"

Lin Xi:? I just wanted to find a poor friend, why am I forced to start a family


At the beginning of the journey, the skinny Lin Xiren had three urgent needs:

Holding the only two little rabbits in the house: "What? You want to go to the toilet but are afraid of the dark? Come on, I'll go with you!"

After Ji Yunzhi came, Lin Xiren was in a hurry. He just rubbed his toes.

Ji Yunzhi came over with tears in his eyes: "I'm afraid of the dark, can you accompany me to the toilet?"

How can I not pamper such a considerate husband!

Thank you to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-04-23 23:58:07 ~ 2021-04-24 14:58:17~

Thanks to the little angels who irrigated the nutrient solution: Ink on Paper 44 bottles; Ying 32 bottles; Eight Principles 30 bottles; Soy Sauce Man, Mushroom Head 20 bottles; T, Li Changqing 10 bottles; Li Zi, Muggle 8 bottles; Playing Doudou Together 6 bottles; Go Reading Makabaka, It's Nezha 5 bottles; Xiao Bao Ma 2 bottles; Catty, Zhuzhu, Weiying 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!