Transmigrating into the Genius Cannon Fodder’s Aunt

Chapter 88: The eighty-ninth


Because he planned to return to his hometown in high spirits, Xia Mian made an appointment with Ning Shaoyun to get a haircut together early in the morning.

During the summer vacation, when Sanxiao had free time, he basically did everything neatly, so he brought everything along.

They went to the image design shop that Ning Shaoyun had always gone to. It was a rare membership-based shop in this era, but the environment and teacher Tony's craftsmanship were worth the beautiful price.

Although Xia Mian also wanted to perm her hair, she was a high school student after all, so she just needed a slight trim like the other three children.

Only Ning Shaoyun had to wait for quite a while, because Xia Mian urged her to perm her hair into big wavy curls. Ning Shaoyun had delicate features and a standard oval face, so she would definitely look good with this perm.

Of course the three children would not sit quietly in the box, so Xia Mian took them outside for a walk.

As a result, when I went downstairs and reached the door, I ran into a handsome man wearing gold-rimmed glasses. If you didn't know his character, he looked like a decent person.

The man opened the door attentively, and then a girl in her early twenties with a cheerful temperament walked in with a middle-aged woman wearing jewels.

The man was surprised when he saw Xia Mian, and then his eyes fell on Chenchen, and his expression changed slightly.

He seemed to be worried that Xia Mian would talk to him, so he immediately turned his back to them and hurriedly led the two ladies upstairs.

Xia Mian rolled his eyes at him. He really thinks he is so important!

This man was none other than Ren Xiude, the gallery owner whom Xia Mian met when he took Xiao Feng and Ning Shaoyun to an art exhibition more than a year ago.

Xia Mian still remembered that he showed obvious interest in Ning Shaoyun when they first met, and at that time he just thought that his behavior was a bit greasy.

Ning Shaoyun was also very averse to love and marriage because of her previous experiences, so she tactfully rejected his advances and obviously didn't want to have any more contact with him.

However, Ren Xiu De didn't seem willing to give up.

After all, the two of them were in the same circle, and Ren Xiu De owned a gallery, so it was easy for him to get information about art exhibitions. Therefore, Ning Shao Yun would always run into him whenever she went to an art exhibition.

This man didn't care about Ning Shaoyun's rejection and just launched a fierce offensive.

Ning Shaoyun was really fed up with it, and later she stopped going to some unimportant art exhibitions.

However, more than half a year ago, after Ning Shaoyun attended the painting exhibition of Professor Zhu's students, Ren Xiude actually followed her all the way home and found where they lived now.

After that, he would drive to people's homes from time to time with flowers in his hands to block their way.

Ning Shaoyun was not at home when he visited for the first time, so Aunt Wei received him very politely.

After all, Ren Xiude looked decent at first glance, and he owned a gallery, understood art, and had common interests with Ning Shaoyun.

When Aunt Wei saw that he had come in person, she thought it was Ning Shaoyun's tacit consent, so she greeted him in a friendly manner.

It was not until the other party started to criticize the courtyard in a condescending manner and showed off his wealth and excellence in his words and deeds that Aunt Wei realized that she might have been wrong.

After Ning Shaoyun came back, she realized that the other party had followed her. She became furious and rudely drove the man out.

But Ren Xiu De didn't know where he got his confidence from, and he felt that Ning Shao Yun was playing hard to get towards him.

He believed that with his superior conditions and the sincerity of giving Ning Shaoyun a bouquet of flowers every other day, he would be able to impress Ning Shaoyun sooner or later.

When Ning Shaoyun refused to let him in, he placed the flowers at the door with an inclusive attitude of "I won't force you".

However, in reality, he just did what he wanted and ignored Ning Shaoyun's rejection.

Later, Ning Shaoyun simply ignored him. Aunt Wei would not let him in anyway. When flowers appeared at the door, Aunt Wei would just throw them away when she went out to clean up. Later, the frequency of the other party sending flowers gradually decreased, from one bouquet a day at the beginning to one bouquet a week later.

The turning point came on the day this bastard met Chenchen.

That day was Xiaofeng's birthday. After Ning Shaoyun picked up the three children at noon, she saw Xiaofeng's expectant look, so she simply took them to Yanda High School to wait for Xia Mian and Mao Huilan to finish school.

When the group returned to the alley after chasing and playing, they saw Ren Xiu De leaning against a car, standing at the gate of Ning Shao Yun's house with a bouquet of bright roses in his hand.

Xia Mian got up early and went to school late every day. Ren Xiu De came either in the morning or in the afternoon, so she had only heard about this incident.

This was the first time he appeared here. His attitude of trying to hook a naive young girl made her feel funny. "This method is too old-fashioned. He hasn't been able to impress anyone after so long. Shouldn't he think about changing his strategy? He just throws money at her blindly, which shows that he has no sincerity."

"Obviously, it's just for fun."

Ning Shaoyun frowned in disgust. Chenchen noticed her mood and quickly ran over to hold her hand and said, "Mom, what's wrong?"

Ren Xiude, who was coming over, heard this and looked at Ning Shaoyun, then at Chenchen, who was holding her hand, with an expression as if he was struck by lightning, "Yun, you have a child?!"

Xia Mian was so shocked by his old-fashioned, childish name that it took her a beat to react to what he said.

Ning Shaoyun faced the attack head-on and was obviously badly injured. She frowned and said coldly, "Mr. Ren, please be respectful and call me Miss Ning."

Seeing the other person's expression, she immediately took Guo Chenchen's hand and introduced him coldly, "Mr. Ren, this is indeed my son, and I'm married."

"May I ask what brings you here?"

Ren Xiu De was shocked and asked, "You've been married? Why didn't you ever tell me?" His tone was even questioning.

Ning Shaoyun laughed angrily, "This is my private matter. Why should I tell you?"

Ren Xiu De, however, looked as if he was betrayed, "Can't you see that I'm pursuing you?"

Ning Shaoyun also said angrily, "I have already clearly rejected you. I have no intention of dating you. Please don't come here again."

Ren Xiu De said incredulously, "You've already given birth to a child, so am I not worthy of you?"

Wow, where did this idiot come from? Xia Mian wanted to beat him back to the furnace and rebuild him.

Ning Shaoyun obviously found it ridiculous, and immediately picked up Chenchen and said, "I am not worthy of you, Mr. Ren. Goodbye."

After that, Ren Xiude disappeared for several months.

After Ning Shaoyun knew that he was not coming, she sighed, "If I had known that this would be possible, I should have told you earlier."

Xia Mian was also a little speechless, "Who would have known that he pursued you so confidently, but he didn't even know your basic situation!"

"I think he probably just treats you as an ordinary girl and wants to trick you into having fun."

It can also be seen that Ren Xiu De did not come from a family with profound background, and was most likely a nouveau riche.

Although Ning Shaoyun lives a secluded life and is not very active, as the last disciple of Mr. Qi Minghao, she is not an unknown figure in the upper circles of the painting world.

Not to mention the painting world, there is also the business world. After the incident at Mr. Ning’s birthday party, anyone with some background knows Ning Shaoyun’s basic situation.

Even though he was not from the upper class, Ren Xiu De had contact with many wealthy people through his art gallery. He could find out about Ning Shao Yun's situation with just a little inquiry. Not to mention others, Wei Hong Qiu, whom he knew, was at the birthday party for Mr. Ning.

He didn't even bother to inquire about her, which showed that he didn't really like her at all. He was probably just attracted by her beauty and only treated Ning Shaoyun as a pastime in his spare time.

No wonder he always has a sense of superiority, always thinking that he has lowered himself to pursue her, and Ning Shaoyun should be grateful to accept it.

I thought this matter was over, but this guy showed up again two months ago.

Xia Mian was not at home at the time, but Mao Huimei happened to be at home and witnessed the incident with the children.

Xia Mian asked curiously. Before Mao Huimei could speak, Mao Huizhu suddenly stood up.

She spoke in a rough voice, posed in a graceful manner, and said with deep affection, "Yun, I really like you. I don't mind that you are divorced and have children..."

Mao Huimei quickly covered her mouth, "Why do you learn everything?"

After watching Mao Zhishan perform several times, Mao Huizhu became crazy about acting and wanted to act in anything she saw.

Mao Huimei didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "But it's just Huizhu who learned it that way."

Xia Mian was also amused.

Mao Huimei sighed, "That condescending attitude, as if he was pursuing Sister Ning even though she had a child, and Sister Ning got a huge bargain."

"What happened later?" Xia Mian was curious.

Mao Huimei said, "Aunt Wei got mad. Sister Ning probably has never been insulted like this since she was a child. Aunt Wei immediately chased her out with a big broom."

"Good job!" Xia Mian said, "Next time you come, don't let him talk, just beat him directly."

"I don't think so. There are many people standing at the door watching the fun. How can he have the nerve to come?"

He really never came here again after that, but I didn't expect to meet him here. It's such bad luck.

In order to prevent him from feeling extremely superior, Xia Mian returned to the box and told Ning Shaoyun about this matter.

Ning Shaoyun obviously had the same idea as Xia Mian, so she asked the barber's assistant to inquire about the situation there.

After a while, the barber's assistant came back and said that the man seemed to be accompanying his mother and fiancée to get his hair done, and that the fiancée was also a member here.

Ning Shaoyun breathed a sigh of relief, "I think they won't bother me anymore."

Xia Mian was relieved. "Only rich or noble people can become members here. I just saw that he was very attentive. I guess his fiancée is quite impressive."

However, to be on the safe side, they decided to avoid it if possible to avoid unnecessary trouble.

Knowing that they were also perming hair and the process was slower, they left with peace of mind.

After walking a few dozen meters, he saw Mao Huizhu staring at the man who was buying soda next to him. Xia Mian glanced at the sweat on Xiao Feng's forehead and simply asked the boss for five bottles of soda, "Let's finish drinking and then go back slowly."

The three children cheered immediately, and Ning Shaoyun also looked at them and smiled.

Xia Mian began to stare at her and drool again, "I said this hairstyle would definitely look good, Sister Ning, you are so beautiful! You are like a fairy descending to earth!"

Ning Shaoyun was amused by her, "Okay, I know you are sweet-talking."

The two were talking and laughing when they heard a name that gave them goosebumps, "Yun."

Lying on the grass

Xia Mian turned around and saw Ren Xiu De had caught up with her at some point.

She looked at Ms. Ning with a pained, soulful look, as if she had been ruthlessly separated from her lover, and was beaten up in her sleep.

Chenchen still remembered him, and immediately stood in front of Ning Shaoyun, with a stern face and cold voice, "My mother doesn't know you, please go away!"

Ren Xiude frowned as he looked at him. Ning Shaoyun protected Chenchen and said coldly, "Mr. Ren, I heard that you came here with your fiancée today. What's the matter? Do you want me to say hello to her?"

Ren Xiude wiped his face and said painfully, "You have indeed already inquired about it."

"That's just the fiancée my mother chose for me. Even though she's a rich lady, I don't love her. The only person I truly love is you."

This routine little girl's lines were so embarrassing that Xia Mian couldn't help but shiver.

Xiao Feng looked up at her, shrank his neck and shook it a bit. Mao Huizhu next to him followed suit. Then the two children looked at each other and giggled.

Ren Xiude's words suddenly lost their atmosphere.

Ning Shaoyun touched Chenchen's head and said with disgust, "Mr. Ren, I hope you know that I am not a little girl who knows nothing. Mr. Ren, I am afraid you are just unwilling to be rejected by me."

"I'll say it again, I have no intention of marrying up to you, please stop pestering me!"

However, Ren Xiude thought she was just jealous and was even trying to grab Ning Shaoyun's hand, "Yun, give me some time, I will definitely convince my mother."

"What are you trying to convince? Don't even think about it!" An angry voice came. Everyone turned around and saw a middle-aged woman walking towards them angrily.

It was the middle-aged woman who had been with Ren Xiu De before, Ren's mother.

After the other party rushed over, he looked Ning Shaoyun up and down with contempt, and sneered at Ren Xiude, "I was wondering why you were suddenly absent-minded. It turns out that you were seduced by a vixen."

"Before Qiqi finds out, get back here!"

"Mom~" Ren Xiude frowned in disapproval, "This is the painter I mentioned to you before, let's talk here, you go back first."

Ren's mother obviously didn't believe him and snorted, "Painter, what painter? Now anyone who can hold a pen is a painter. You have mentioned so many painters to me."

She couldn't pull Ren Xiude, so she sneered at Ning Shaoyun, "I see you're a mother now, and you're seducing a man in front of your child. You're not a decent person at first glance. I advise you..."

"Madam!" Ning Shaoyun was so angry that her face turned pale. She said angrily, "Please keep your mouth shut. It's your son who is harassing me! Please take him away immediately, or I will sue him for harassment!"

"Bah!" Ren's mother said coldly, "My son is pestering you? Don't you see what a vixen you are?"

"A woman with a child openly seducing a man on the street...ah!"

Xia Mian looked at Ning Shaoyun in surprise.

Ren Xiude was also shocked, "Ning Shaoyun, what are you doing?!"

Ning Shaoyun poured a bottle of soda on Ren's mother and said angrily, "Since you can't learn to respect others, wash your mouth properly!"

Mother Ren was doused with soda and went crazy with rage, "You bitch! How dare you!"

Seeing that she was about to rush over, Ning Shaoyun smashed the soda bottle at her feet, her pretty face turned cold, "Now, take your son and get out of here!"

Ren's mother was startled, and Ren Xiude's face darkened, "Ning Shaoyun, don't be so shameless..."

Xia Mian silently handed the soda bottle in his hand to Ning Shaoyun. Ning Shaoyun hit him on the shoulder and said angrily, "I'll say it again, get out!"

The soda bottle was not light, and Ning Shaoyun was very angry and very strong, so Ren Xiude screamed in pain.

Upon seeing this, Ren's mother immediately became angry and rushed towards Ning Shaoyun, "You bitch..."

Xia Mian was about to take action when she felt something cold in her hand. She looked down and saw that it was Xiao Feng who handed her the soda bottle, blinking his big eyes.

Xia Mian touched his little head in the midst of his busy schedule, stepped forward to block Ren's mother, pinched her chin and poured the soda into her mouth, "Auntie, you need to wash your shit-spraying mouth a few more times!"

"You little girl! Stop it!" Ren Xiude rushed over and cursed at Ning Shaoyun, "Ning Shaoyun, you are just a slut, why are you pretending to be so noble...ah!"

Before he could finish his words, he was knocked to the ground by a figure who rushed up.

"Uncle Zhou!" Mao Huizhu shouted happily and immediately ran over and handed over the soda bottle in her hand.

Zhou Xuewen was obviously furious. He took the gun without hesitation and hit Ren Xiude hard on the shoulder.

Mother Ren immediately stopped bothering with Xia Mian and rushed over with a scream, "Son! Son!"

Ren Xiude felt like his shoulder bones were about to break, but Zhou Xuewen was not satisfied at all. He raised his fist and punched him hard in the face again and again.

Seeing this, Ren's mother raised her bag and rushed over to hit Zhou Xuewen. Ning Shaoyun immediately snatched the soda bottle from Chenchen's hand and rushed over, "If you dare to touch him, I'll make you lie down with your son!"


Xia Mian couldn't help but whistled, Xiao Feng watched calmly, Mao Huizhu clapped and cheered, but Chenchen seemed to be meeting his father and mother for the first time. He looked at Ning Shaoyun and then at Zhou Xuewen nervously with a serious face.

Ning Shaoyun saw that it was almost time, so she leaned over and pulled Zhou Xuewen's arm, "Okay, someone's going to die."

Zhou Xuewen raised his head and looked at her with red eyes, "Can't you live well on your own? Why do you want to be bullied by someone like this?!"

The author has something to say: Three little ones: We are the mobile ammunition depot

I saw some little angels saying that the villains have low IQ. The author wants to make a serious clarification here. Generally speaking, the villains who jump around happily are not low IQ, they are just mentally retarded!

Intelligent villains will not provoke the Ning family unless there is a huge conflict of interest. The author only writes about ordinary daily life, so the probability of a high-IQ villain appearing is very low. If a high-IQ villain appears, it would be a drop in intelligence, so please stop scolding.

The author can only write about mentally retarded people that we often see. There are actually quite a few people like Ren Xiu De in real life, right

Thank you to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-04-2616:03:40~2021-04-2700:01:12~

Thanks to the little angels who cast mines: 3 Dai Tao;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigated the nutrient solution: Xiao Ershi 110 bottles; Bukaixin^V^ 48 bottles; Laji Jinjiang, Wutiao, Sleepy Bug?ō?, Xin 10 bottles; CC 5 bottles; Muxi Qianci 3 bottles; Xiaobao Ma, Impatiens Juice, Laye 2 bottles; Tianqing and Baixiang from Erha at home 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!