Transmigrating into the Genius Cannon Fodder’s Aunt

Chapter 96: Chapter 97


The next day, Xia Mian took Xiao Feng to visit Xia Chun's grave.

Together with her children, she made a copy of the court's judgment and burned it to Xia Chun.

Xiaofeng knelt in front of the grave, burning paper and crying silently.

Xia Mian was heartbroken and held him in her arms to comfort him. Xiaofeng finally lay on her shoulder and cried, "Mom... aunt."

"Well, my aunt is here." Xia Mian stroked his back and stayed with him silently...

The child didn't cry for long.

More than two years have passed, and they have all accepted the fact that Xia Chun left. Although they still feel sad when talking about it, they have also learned to look forward.

Xia Mian wiped away the child's tears, held his hand and walked back slowly.

From a distance, I saw Qiangqiang waiting by the roadside, throwing something unknown in his hand.

Seeing her and Xiaofeng, Qiangqiang immediately ran over excitedly.

When he came closer, he saw that Xiao Feng's eyes were red. He scratched his head in confusion and suddenly remembered something. He roughly thrust what he had in his hand to Xiao Feng, "Here, the Jianlibao I bought for you is super delicious. After drinking it, I no longer want to cry, I just want to laugh.”

Xia Mian didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "If you just want to laugh, you're talking about yourself."

Qiangqiang chuckled, and seeing Xiaofeng holding Jianlibao motionless, he simply reached out and took it from his arms to help him open the bottle.

Xia Mian suddenly remembered that she had seen this guy throwing things around before, her eyes fell on the jar of Jianlibao, and she quickly said, "Wait a minute!"

However, it was already too late. The pull tab was pulled open, and the soda water spurted out like a fountain. Qiangqiang faced the impact and was sprayed all over his face.

Xiaofeng was stunned for a moment before reacting, and said anxiously, "Brother Qiangqiang!"

Qiangqiang had a face full of foam but didn't care. He hurriedly opened his mouth and plugged the mouth of the can, sipping the soda that came out.

After he finished sucking, he handed the remaining Jianlibao to Xiaofeng, "Okay, drink it!"

Seeing Xiaofeng looking at him with a worried expression, he wiped his face casually and said, "Really, I just want to laugh after drinking it all." After saying that, he started laughing as if he was suffering from a smile.

It made Xia Mian and Xiao Feng laugh.

Qiangqiang immediately became happy when he saw this, turned around and ran forward with a quacking smile.

There was a wooden plank on the side of the road supported by stones, like a seesaw. Qiangqiang stopped, found a flat round stone and placed it on the side of the wooden plank. He ran to the raised side and stepped on it fiercely. Go down, still shouting: "Cannonball, fire!"

They were heading in the direction of Xia Mian and Xiao Feng. Xia Mian quickly protected the child and said angrily, "Qiangqiang!"

Then he watched helplessly as the "cannonball" fired by Qiangqiang was thrown high, crossed a perfect parabola, and landed straight on Qiangqiang's head.

The naughty man screamed in pain and squatted down while covering his head.


She quickly ran over to check on his injuries.

Then, even though she knew she shouldn't, Xia Mian couldn't help but burst out laughing as she stared at the bulging bump on Qiangqiang's forehead.

Xiao Feng, who was next to him, obviously knew that he shouldn't laugh, so he could only bury his head on Xia Mian's shoulder. His small shoulders were shaking, and he turned his head to look at Qiang Qiang from time to time, and then continued to bury his head back.

With this naughty guy around, it's really hard to feel sad at all.

In short, thanks to Qiangqiang, Xia Mian and Xiao Feng's moods quickly recovered, and Xiao Feng followed him out to play in the water in the afternoon.

At night, Xia Mian was lying on the bed and talking to Ning Shaobai on the phone.

She couldn't stop laughing when she talked about Qiang Qiang's naughty things, "I really have to be beaten every day. These days Xiaofeng is here, and if he doesn't get beaten, his father will stuff him in the tank every day."

Naturally, I started talking about what happened yesterday...

"... I'm really good at playing. The design is much more exciting than the water slide. The mud is evenly coated and can be fried directly," Xia Mian said while laughing, "My eldest brother was almost so angry that he stood there Explosion, I see that the tank is almost useless today. He is now stuck in the tank, twisting and twisting his limbs together, having fun. "

Xia Mian couldn't help laughing when she thought of Qiang Qiang's look. She was very regretful, "It would be great if my phone could take pictures. I would like to pass them on to you. I didn't bring a camera with me this time."

If we put it in future generations, it is estimated that Qiangqiang's daily naughty projects can support a short video account, and it is the kind that can become popular.

"And Xiao Feng, his appearance yesterday is also very rare to see." Xia Mian looked at the child lying next to her, and remembered the muddy appearance and regretted it again, "It's a pity that I couldn't take a picture, even if I couldn't take a picture, It would be good to leave a video or a photo. When will the phone be able to take pictures? It will be interesting to show it to him later. "

Xiaofeng knew she was talking about him, so she got up and put her little head on Xia Mian's shoulder and twisted around in embarrassment, which made Xia Mian cute.

She hugged the child and kissed her hard, "It's okay, you have a good memory. When you grow up, you can draw out all the dark history of your strong brother."

Xiaofeng didn't know what Qiangqiang looked like, so he chuckled again, nodding while laughing, obviously remembering this matter.

Over there, Ning Shaobai couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth when he heard the laughter of his aunt and nephew, "You guys are having a very lively life. You are so happy that you don't miss Shu."

The words "I don't like Shu" can inexplicably sound resentful.

Xia Mian pretended to be stupid, "Why don't you miss Shu? This is my hometown, okay?"

"Besides, it's only been three days, Doctor Ning."

Ning Shaobai had an understatement, but what he said was very interesting, "Really? Why do I feel like so many years have passed?"

Xia Mian couldn't help but cover her face. Dr. Ning was really good at seducing people.

Not to be outdone, she said in surprise, "Is life in Yan City so difficult? I originally wanted to go back earlier. In this case, I'd better stay a little longer. I think it would be good to stay until the end of the summer vacation."

Ning Shao hesitated for a moment, and soon had a new reason, "When the summer vacation is over, it will be difficult to buy a ticket to Yan City. Then you will have to take a hard seat and come back."

Xia Mian wanted to laugh when she heard this, and continued to argue with him, "It doesn't matter. I can buy a sleeper and come back at any time. It doesn't matter if it's ten or eight days later than the summer vacation. The worst I can do is ask for leave from our class teacher. Anyway, I can keep up with my homework." ☆veWWω.ЫKKメS.иEEt✾ ั

"We are comfortable here in the summer, and the days go by very quickly, right, Xiaofeng."

Xiaofeng nodded and started counting on his fingers, "Catch monkeys, touch loaches, swim..." At this point, Xiaofeng looked at Xia Mian and said, "Auntie, I want to swim."

Xia Mian said with a smile, "Okay, my aunt will teach you how to swim."

Ning Shaobai asked, "Do you have a swimming pool there?"

"Where is the swimming pool?" Xia Mian said with a smile, "We have a big stream. This is the origin of Mingxi County. There is a place in Mingxi where the water is not too deep, which is just suitable for children to swim."

"It's not too late to go back after Xiaofeng learns to swim."

"Wait a moment." Ning Shaobai seemed to leave for a while, and when he picked up the phone again, his tone was full of regret, "It seems that you can't buy the house this time."

Xia Mian asked, "What house?"

"Don't you want to buy a house that may be demolished?" Ning Shaobai said, "I just got a call from an acquaintance and said that there is a family in Xianghe Village who wants to sell a ten-room homestead."

Xiao Feng next to him immediately pricked up his ears.

"It is said that my sons all want to buy a building in the city, so they have to sell the house in the village to split up the houses for the sons. My friend said that the yard is quite nice." Ning Shaobai analyzed, "If Yan City is to be demolished, what will happen there?" It should be soon."

Of course it’s very fast. Between the Third Ring Road and the Fourth Ring Road, that’s a prime location! Not only is it fast, but it’s also valuable!

Xia Mian didn't know if what Ning Shaobai said was true or if he was deliberately teasing her. While she was hesitating, Xiao Feng beside her was already anxious, "Uncle Ning, buy, buy!"

"You have to come back before I can buy it." Ning Shaobai said, "Xiao Feng, don't you want to learn swimming?"

Xiao Feng glanced at Xia Mian and said, "Go back and study."

Xia Mian burst out laughing. It was almost certain that Ning Shao was teasing her in vain. Dr. Ning tried all possible means to trick her into going back, including even children.

She smiled and said, "Dr. Ning, please buy it for me. My money is all with you anyway."

"The money is with me," Ning Shao said leisurely, "but the household registration is not with me..."

Xia Mian didn't know if she was overthinking it, but she always felt that this was another pun.

Just listen to him continue, "To buy a house, you have to transfer the ownership. I don't have your household registration book. I can't use your money to buy it and then put it in my household registration book."

At this point, he chuckled, "Otherwise, whose responsibility will it be in the future?"

Xiaofeng said, "It's my aunt's fault."


Her house is listed in Ning Shaobai's household registration book. A nephew would not sell his aunt like this.

Ning Shaobai laughed loudly, and Xia Mian also laughed angrily, and said to Xiao Feng, "We buy it ourselves, and it must be recorded in our household registration book."

Xiao Feng didn't quite understand, but whatever Xia Mian said was what she said.

Ning Shaobai said calmly, "It's okay. I guess there are quite a lot of people buying that house. It should be sold soon. Since you want to buy it yourself, it's probably too late. I'll ask a friend to give it to you again." Ask around."

"Maybe you can meet someone better when you come back."


Xiaofeng immediately said, "Let's go back and buy it."

Ning Shaobai continued to fool the children shamelessly, "It's too late for you to come back. At worst, I'll pay the money first, and the transfer will be delayed for a few days."

Xia Mian snorted angrily, "You mean I can catch up when I go back tomorrow?"

Ning Shaobai said "Hmm" seriously and asked, "Would you like to help you buy tickets?"

Xia Mian raised her phone and said, "Dr. Ning, can you see my expression."

Ning Shaobai could completely imagine the way she was holding up her phone and staring, and she suppressed a smile and said, "Well, I know you can't wait to come back, but I have to look at the tickets, and I may not be able to buy them."


"I really want to see your expression now!" You're such a good guy after getting a bargain!

"Brother Bai, are you still on the phone?" Rong Xin's voice came, and he seemed to check the time, "It's been almost an hour."

Xia Mian was confused, "Why is Brother Rong at your place?"

"I was kicked out of the house." Ning Shao said in vain.

"Ah? Why?" Xia Mian thought for a moment and said, "Let me guess, it's not because of having a girlfriend, right?"

"Well," Ning Shaobai said, "Uncle Rong thought he was getting married this time, but he ended up breaking up as soon as he came back."

"Did they break up again?" Xia Mian was speechless.

Rong Xin is really a model of a playboy. Because of the convenience of opening an entertainment company, he came into contact with a lot of actresses and female singers. When he pursued him, he pursued him enthusiastically. He caught up with her in as long as three or four months, and in as little as three months. They'll break up in a month or two.

This time should be the one that lasted the longest, it seemed to be almost half a year, so Mr. Rong thought that he seriously wanted to get married.

Unexpectedly, they were separated again.

"Reason?" Although Xia Mian asked, she already guessed the answer.

"Now I like another actress."


Xia Mian said, "Let me guess, she is not the heroine of the TV series currently being broadcast."

"Yes," Ning Shaobai said, "The heroine of a Hong Kong drama seems to be a newcomer."


In her opinion, Rong Xin is not so much in love as chasing stars, and he is always stripping off his followers and climbing on the wall.

Because Rong Xin was there, the two chatted for a few words and hung up the phone.

Ning Shaobai looked at her phone thoughtfully. Can she take photos or record videos? Can she see the other person...

Rong Xin came over wiping his head and said, "Brother Bai, when did you become so sticky on the phone? If I hadn't known it was Xia Mian, I would have thought you were in love with some girl."

Ning Shaobai:…

At this point, Rong Xin sighed and said, "But you'd better stop falling in love. If you fall in love, I won't be able to survive."

Ning Shaobai said expressionlessly, "You will have no way to survive now."

The author has something to say: Xia Mian: I remember some people said they hope the summer vacation will go over quickly and don’t want to see me.

Ning Shaobai: Now I also hope that the summer vacation will pass quickly...

Thank you to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution between 2021-04-3022:46:01~2021-05-0200:01:16~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mines: Danyue invited 3 boats;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigated the nutrient solution: DTYB.72 bottles; Ali Ali, 456~~60 bottles; Feiyu Yuebanwan 40 bottles; Like Water without Traces 31 bottles; Yingai 30 bottles; Jiajia 25 bottles; creek , Allery, 20 bottles of coffee fragrance; 18 bottles of Xiaomaizi, Amiao Miaomiao Miaomiao_; 15 bottles of Soy Sauce King, Zhongyun's Little Tongue, and Fox's Tangyuan; Sanjiu, vitamins, Ji Ze, Hua, jangseng, 10 bottles of Zaibai and Chang'an; 7 bottles of Hearsay Lingzi; 6 bottles of Mu Xi Qianci; 5 bottles of Tell the Wind, Confused Little Salted Fish, Jili Guala, Sleepy Kitten, Simi, Xiong Cuihua; 3 bottles of ee, Yangyang ; 2 bottles of black and white tone; 1 bottle of Jiu Bu Nian, Late Zhong and Aneng;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!