Transmigrating into the Genius Cannon Fodder’s Aunt

Chapter 99: The 100th aircraft


On the other end of the phone, Xia Mian asked with a smile, "Dr. Ning, are the girls in good shape?"

Ning Shaobai let Rong Xin go for the time being, waved his hands to everyone, got up and left with his cell phone.

Xia Mian listened to the noise fading away and teased, "Don't go. Dr. Ning, you are having fun. I will keep the story short."

Ning Shaobai couldn't help laughing when he heard her sinister tone, "What do you want to say?"

"Say goodbye." Xia Mian said, "How's it going? Is it short enough?"

Ning Shao laughed in vain, with a coaxing tone in his tone, "Okay, do you believe Rong Xin's words?"

Xia Mian was about to say why she didn't believe it when she heard what he meant and said, "He also said that I bothered to research ear piercing because of him."


That cheater Rong Xin! Although I don't expect him to be able to hide it for long, it was revealed too quickly! Fortunately, she specifically induced him not to go to Ning Shaobai.

In fact, Xia Mian vaguely sensed that Ning Shaobai might have guessed something and was just teasing her.

But speculation and conclusive evidence are two different things after all.

Dr. Ning is so cunning. He talks in a loving tone, but ruthlessly exposes her crime of toying with him.

This made her somewhat guilty and short of breath.

Ning Shaobai seemed to be able to see her cowardly look, and he chuckled and continued, "He also said that I studied taking pictures and recording videos with my mobile phone for him."

Xia Mian was stunned for a moment. She didn't expect that her casual complaint would make Ning Shaobai come up with the idea of making a smartphone.

She pursed her lips, feeling an uncontrollable sweetness in her heart.

Ning Shaobai asked softly, "Do you think this is credible?"

Xia Mian had a sullen face, wanting to tell him something trustworthy.

However, Ning Shaobai seemed to know what she was going to say, and softly said "Huh?" and then sighed, "I thought that because you wanted to be my sister so much, you must know and trust me very well. I didn't expect that such a simple question could be answered. Can’t answer… ”じ☆veWWω.ЫKKメS.иEEt✾ ั

"You want to act coquettishly with me, you want me to clean up the mess, you want me to help you manage your money, and you want to rub my bed..."

Could you please stop saying the phrase "snubbing on the bed" so ambiguously

Xia Mian covered her face. She was so happy at that time, but now she is so upset. She really didn't expect the retribution to come so quickly.

Ning Shaobai said sadly, "So you just wanted to use me? I didn't expect you to deceive my feelings..."

Xia Mian was about to kneel down to him and immediately said, "Believe it or not, Brother Rong is a swindler. How can you believe his words?" Please stop talking! I was wrong!

Ning Shaobai breathed a long sigh of relief, "Thank you for trusting me." Then he said in a disappointed tone, "But don't you care what I do? Sure enough, you want to be my sister Just trying to deceive…”

Xia Mian was really afraid of him, so she quickly asked with a smile, "Doctor Ning, what have you been doing?"

Ning Shaobai smiled, "I heard that you like water slides and want to teach Xiaofeng how to swim, so I came to inspect the venue."

"It's quite nice here. There is also a children's area. You will definitely like it."

Xia Mian was indeed interested, "Where is this kind of place?"

"Well, the newly opened leisure hotel is right next to the Ning River, not very far."

"By the way," Ning Shaobai paused slightly at this point, "Ice cream, there is an unlimited supply of ice cream here. You should like it very much."

Even if the word "like" was said beautifully, even the word "ice cream" was so imaginative that the scene on the train appeared again in Xia Mian's mind.

His cheeks gradually became warm.

"Xia Mian." Ning Shaobai spoke again, no longer in a teasing tone, but with infinite affection.

This sudden move made Xia Mian feel like her ears were being electrocuted, and her mind was confused, "Huh?"

Then he heard a seductive voice saying, "Can I pick you up?" The tone was very suspenseful.

Maybe it was because the sun was too strong at noon, and Xia Mian's mind was dizzy. By the time she realized what she was doing, the word "good" had already been uttered out of her mouth.

On the phone, Ning Shao laughed. Strangely, the joy seemed to spread from the other side along the phone to the bottom of her heart, brewing a sweet feeling.

Xia Mian couldn't help but laugh, "Aren't you going to work?"

"There is annual leave."

"How many days are you going to ask for? When will you come?"

Ning Shaobai chuckled lightly, "I don't know about this. I have to go back and ask the leader. I have to arrange my working time."

Xia Mian didn't believe it. He always spoke when he was sure of things. He must be deliberately trying to appetize her.

Xia Mian laughed and scolded, "Bad guy!"

He was taking revenge on her and wanted her to experience the feeling of lust.

Ning Shao was proud, "Both each other."

After hanging up the phone, Xia Mian felt much better.

Xiaofeng opened the curtain and came in, holding the hem of her clothes with her little hands, carrying a lot of things inside, "Auntie, basin."

Xia Mian quickly pulled out a fruit bowl. The child let go and rolled out a bunch of fruits: apricots, wild dates, crisp dates, and mulberries...

Xia Mian looked at his blackened hem and didn't say anything. Anyway, he often did this when painting, so this piece of clothing was not bad.

Xiaofeng followed Qiangqiang out to pick these. Many fruits were ripe at the end of July. Although there are not as many fruit trees in the county as in the village, most people have one or two planted in their yards. The Xia family is also a big family. There are many relatives, and Qiangqiang can pick up a lot by taking Xiaofeng out for a walk.

This is one of Xiao Feng's favorite activities.

Xia Mian was also a little hungry. She had washed the fruit and was about to eat it when Li Fang and Hongjuan came in with two large bowls of vegetables.

Hongjuan said, "You're not even full yet. Eat something quickly."

Li Fang said to Xia Mian, "Don't take it personally. With dad here, no one can have any ideas about you."

"If we really get married to the Ma family, I'm afraid our family's peaceful life will be gone," Hongjuan said sarcastically, "We haven't even booked the marriage yet, and everything has been taken into account."

When she mentioned this, she became very angry, "How dare you plot against Mianmian, and not show off their family's virtues by soaking in urine, but also ask Mianmian to take them to Yan City, how dare you think!"

Xia Mian wasn't angry, she just thought it was funny.

She wanted to stay in her hometown for a while longer not to tease Ning Shaobai, but to meet Xia Chuan's marriage partner.

Xia Chuan is one year younger than Xia He, and Uncle Xia plans to get him married by the end of the year or early next year at the latest.

The time for getting married in a small place can basically be planned. After a man and a woman get to know each other on a blind date and their parents meet, they will get married in three to five months if they think it is suitable.

This is how the marriage of Xia Hai and Xia He came about, and it looks good so far.

Since neither she nor Xia Wenyue would be able to come back to attend Xia Chuan's wedding, Xia Mian simply stayed to at least meet her future third sister-in-law, and to contact her in advance if they decided to do so.

In fact, Xia Chuan started going on blind dates after Xia He got married, but his vision was quite high, and there was never a suitable match.

Until half a year ago, his colleague from the Transportation Bureau introduced him to Ma Lili, a nurse from the county hospital.

The two have been talking for several months now, so it should have been settled long ago.

It's just that Uncle Xia and Auntie are not willing. So I kept putting it off, hoping that Xia Chuan would change his mind.

It is true that the Ma family has a very bad reputation.

This kind of blind date marriage in the county not only depends on personal conditions, but the elders are more concerned about each other's family.

This is also the reason why people at that time paid attention to reputation. If the reputation was not good, the marriages of children and grandchildren would be greatly affected.

The people in this small place are all relatives and friends. Second sister-in-law Hongjuan has a cousin who happens to live in the same place as the Ma family. She shakes her head when she mentions the Ma family.

Stingy, snobbish, calculating and calculating, the most important thing is that their daughter was raised to serve her son.

They are the girls who will be called Fu Di Mo in later generations.

In fact, in this era, except for the only children in the city, most families in remote places tend to favor sons over daughters. However, many of them are within the normal range, except that compared to sons, daughters have fewer resources.

After their daughters get married, most of them also hope that the other person will live well in their husband's family and will not interfere too much.

Uncle Xia and Aunt Xia were reluctant because the Ma family was an extreme type. Anyway, the two sisters that Ma Lili married were rumored to have stolen money from her husband's family and gave it to her natal family.

They don't want to be in-laws with such a family.

But he couldn't help it, Xia Chuan liked Ma Lili very much, and repeatedly assured that Ma Lili was different from her two sisters: Ma Lili was educated, knowledgeable, always wanted to escape from the Ma family, and would definitely live with him wholeheartedly in the future.

When Xia Chuan said this, Xia Mian was still a little confused.

The eldest uncle spoke her mind directly, "Didn't Ma Lili graduate from a medical school? She is as good as a high school student. As for her knowledge, she is a nurse in a county hospital. She has never even been out of the county town. How can she get her knowledge?"

"Why is it in your mouth, as if she is a college student."

Xia Chuan smiled and said, "That's because she doesn't have the conditions. Otherwise, she might really be a college student. She is very smart. She has read a lot of books, so her knowledge may not be worse than Mianmian."

The aunt just rolled her eyes. The eldest sister-in-law and the second sister-in-law obviously didn't agree either, but no one said anything. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and a filter hundreds of meters thick cannot be easily understood.

Thanks to Xia Chuan's hard work, Uncle Xia and his wife decided to let the two parents meet first.

The day is set for today. Xia Mian was just a bystander, but she didn't expect that the incident would involve her in the end.

When Xia Mian saw Ma Lili, she knew why Xia Chuan liked this girl so much.

She has a bright appearance, a curvy figure, and the ordinary and conservative dresses all have beautiful colors on her body. However, she has a light expression and a cold temperament. The combination of these two contradictory qualities is very attractive at first glance, and it is very likely to be used in future generations. The kind that is called a cold goddess.

Xia Chuan's eyes almost died when he saw the other party. Uncle Xia and his aunt also smiled, and warmly greeted the matchmaker and the Ma family to come into the house and sit down.

Ma Lili didn't know whether it was because she was introverted or for some other reason, but her expression remained calm.

There are four people in the Ma family, Ma's father, Ma's mother, Ma Lili and her younger brother Ma Wenwu. Ma Wenwu looks about eighteen or nineteen years old, but I heard he is only one year younger than Ma Lili.

This is also the reason why Uncle Xia has always opposed it, because Ma Lili's marriage will definitely become a bargaining chip for Ma Wenwu's marriage.

Everything Ma Wenwu needed for his marriage had to be exchanged for Ma Lili's marriage.

Sure enough, it felt fine when they were polite at first, and the Ma family was a little more reserved. When they started to push cups and change cups, the rumored family tradition was fully exposed.

Father Ma's eyes swept across the Xia family and flickered when they landed on Xia Mian.

Ma Mu couldn't help but look at the room and the yard. During the conversation, she asked about the bride price given by the Xia family when Li Fang and Hongjuan got married, what they bought, and how the family would be divided in the future.

Ma Lili frowned slightly, as if she wanted to stop Ma Mu, but after being glared at by Ma Mu, she could only look at Xia Chuan helplessly.

Xia Chuan comforted her with his eyes.

The aunt's smile did not change, "We have three sons. I owe nothing to anyone. I have everything I should have."

"The families of my two daughters-in-law are also very understanding. Basically, they come back with their dowry. Anyway, the bride price and other gifts are for the couple to live their lives. It is always right to follow the rules."

After the uncle's words, Ma Lili's cold expression became even colder, and she didn't know who she was dissatisfied with.

The author has something to say: Today’s second update, the early morning update is still being revised.

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution between 2021-05-0305:10:55~2021-05-0323:53:53~

Thank you to the little angels who irrigate the nutrient solution: 75 bottles on the 18th floor; 26 bottles of Good Girl?; 25 bottles of Xujia Xiaolele; 20 bottles of Simi, Qingtan Gehua., Meow Meow ~ Ao; 17 bottles of chocolate ;Fuck you for a pretty little skirt! , 10 bottles of rebecca; 9 bottles of Ruyue; 5 bottles of Sheli Maze, Huale Youyou, Xiaocao (^_^), and Song of Azure; (??.??) 2 bottles; wudu, burping after eating and being too hungry. 1 bottle for hiccups, hundreds of bells, and late bells;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!