Transmigrating Into The Heartthrob’s Cannon Fodder Childhood Friend

Chapter 101: I know it all


Song Yu walked over, sat beside the bed, and approached Xie Sui. He also saw the diary in his hand. The paper has turned yellow, and it has been some years. The handwriting on it is small and elegant, from the hands of Xie Sui's mother, and the words are like face, as if separated by life and death, and saw the beautiful and gentle woman back then.

Xie Sui closed the diary, tilted her head, and said with a smile, "I remember you said on the phone that you wanted to tell me a secret. It's a long story, so let's talk slowly."

Song Yu was stunned for a moment, looked up at his dark eyes, he always liked Xie Sui's eyes, but now he is watching quietly, such as Qingquan flowing into his heart to ease all the irritability, nodded slowly, he opened his mouth : "I'll first think about where to start."

Xie Sui said gently, "let's start with your dream."

"Dream...? No, it's too chaotic here."

Song Yu shook his head, and then got off the bed at once.

Pale feet on the heavy red carpet.

He walked to the desk, opened the drawer and took out a piece of paper and a pen.

The light of the retro-style lamp is not dazzling. He spread out the white paper, holding a pen in his hand, half-jokingly: "I'll tell you a sad story about you, do you want to hear it?"

Xie Sui smiled lightly, walked over, and stood beside him: "Okay, I'll listen."

Song Yu was holding the pen. The boy's wrist was thin and white, with faintly visible cyan blood vessels. It looked fragile and fragile.

He drew a line on the paper.

"Come on, this is your timeline. I once read a book called "Gentle Control", and the protagonist is you."

Xie Sui lowered her eyes and listened carefully, her expression calm.

Song Yu first drew a node on this line from left to right: "Here is six years old. Before the age of six, the author did not write it clearly, but he briefly described it in about three chapters later. You have a childhood sweetheart, and also it is me."

He simply signed his name next to him, and put the pen on the word "Song Yu": "You don't remember those memories, but we were quite happy together when we were young."

Then there was a break in the later timeline: "Six to fifteen years old, you followed Aunt Xu to Jingcheng and were adopted by Grandma Chen. The years between them can be summed up in one word, miserable."

Song Yu's tone of voice was not very heavy, trying to make the atmosphere less tense, and then stopped a bit later: "Then it's even worse, I really think it may be that the author has a grudge against you, and I wrote this book for torture. You. You went to high school and met Wang Ci. That's right, he was the second generation of the rich, who was at the same table with you and bullied you all the time. After you sent him to the hospital, he intensified against you. But he is not the most excessive. Yes, even more extreme is Qin Mo."

Xie Sui listened quietly, her smile still lingering.

"Qin Mo can't be described as naive anymore, he's just scumbag. He covets your looks, pretends to be a dog, and always has a good impression in front of you. When you were bullied by Wang Ci, he offered to help many times. I also chat with you from time to time to comfort you. Your temperament at that time was that of inferiority and timidity. Of course, when you met a little light, you would definitely seize it, so you dig your heart out for him. "

"But he's a scumbag. You're sincere to him. He's just playing around, and he played with you when you graduated from high school."

In Song Yu's mind, the boy who was retching while holding on to the telephone pole in the rainy night appeared again, and frowned slightly.

The end of the pen stopped at this place in the third year of high school, drew a node, and almost cut the paper. He didn't say those disgusting things, he just summed it up.

"You injured Wang Ci and escaped from the apartment, while Grandma Chen went out to look for you because you didn't come home too late, and got into a car accident."

Having said that, Song Yu tilted his head to see Xie Sui's expression. It's just that the young man turned against the light, his expression was hidden in the shadows, and he seemed unmoved. When he met his hesitant gaze, he just smiled and said, "Continue."

Song Yu was stunned for a moment, then nodded obediently, and continued to use the pen to break at the line.

It was broken in the part from the third year of high school to his return to Xie's house.

"University is a new stage. Here, you meet another scumbag called Sun Heguang. I should remember that name correctly. Grandma Chen is hospitalized and needs high medical expenses. You are working and studying in the university. , I don't know how many jobs a day. This scum is the boss of your hotel when you work. He has a white moonlight in his heart and looks very much like you. So when he first saw you, he plotted against you. "

Speaking of which, Song Yu seemed to be back when he watched "Gentle Control", he was aggrieved and speechless, especially now that Xie Sui was still his boyfriend. He had never seen Sun Heguang before, so he wondered if he could discuss with Song Dong and let Tianliang Sun Po, hehe.

"You rejected his pursuit, but he didn't give up, and he stumbled on you in school. When he cornered you, the Xie family found you."

new node.

After that, Song Yu paused, and then drew a short distance back.

"In the book, after you returned to Xie's house for a period of time, Xie Sinian made you his heir because of guilt. After the dust settled, you felt bad about everything in the country and went abroad for three years. Oh, we are in these three years. Reunion. You were disgusted by Sun Heguang and Qin Mo, and your personality was very gloomy at one time. I appeared as your playmate when you were a child. I talked with you for a long time in the book, and used childhood memories to solve you. "

Song Yu twitched the corners of his mouth and said speechlessly, "Release you, calm down the gloom in your heart, let you relax, let go of your hatred for Qin and Sun completely, and become a kind person again."

Xie Sui smiles

After Song Yu said the most disturbing paragraph, it was easy to talk about it later, because he was so angry at that time that he didn't read it carefully.

"You came back to China and really appeared in City A as the heir to the Xie family. At this time, you met Zhao Ziyu at the banquet, the one you saw tonight."

Speaking of this, Song Yu still felt the need to justify himself: "I really didn't hit him for no reason, he really deserves to be hit when he speaks."

Xie Sui smiled and said solemnly, "I believe you."

Song Yu finally felt a little better and laughed.

The time line drawn at the beginning was not enough. He extended it with a pen at the end, and there was no need to divide the nodes. Anyway, it was not clear.

Talk while extending.

"Zhao Ziyu and you are mortal enemies in business. After going back and forth, I fell in love with you, but you didn't like him. At this time, Qin and Sun suddenly came to their senses and felt deeply guilty about the past, so they rushed to apologize to you. But you don't seem to have forgiven. So because of love and hatred, the three of them joined hands to drive you out of Xie's house and imprison you on an isolated island."

Song Yu cursed in a low voice, "A bunch of idiots."

The pen stopped, the story behind was already heard from 008, the original plot of "Gentle Control".

Song Yu's tone became very complicated: "Zhao Ziyu regretted it after he imprisoned you, dealt with Qin and Sun, and was reluctant to let you go. He was on the island across a door and chatted with you every day. He still secretly I helped you solve the Xie family matter. In the end, the Xie family didn't know who it was. They came to the island from desperation and wanted to shoot and kill you. Zhao Ziyu blocked a shot for you, and at that moment, you were moved."

The last four words Song Yu almost said through gritted teeth.

You are touched. Impress a hammer!

"You all went back later. At that time, I had died of illness and was buried in a cemetery in City A. Zhao Ziyu was lying in a coma in the hospital. You came to my tomb alone and felt a little bit about the death of your childhood sweetheart."

"The ending of "Tender Control", you left from my tomb, went to the hospital where Zhao Ziyu was, and stayed in front of his bed... Well, it is estimated that he will soon open his eyes to achieve a happy ending."

Close the pen.

On the paper is a freehand drawn line that is not straight, but each node is clearly divided, and each person's name is written next to it.

Song Yu's subsections are based on time ratios, so on this line, there is a range of his name, which is pitifully narrow.

After recalling this story, Song Yu's head was a little empty. Stepping on the blanket, I still felt a little cold.

Suddenly, he felt that someone was sitting next to him, and he turned his head in a daze. It was Xie Sui.

The chair is big enough to fit two people together. The boy was wearing a shirt and untie his tie. The whole person was idle and lazy, and his expression did not change. It seemed that he just heard a story from a stranger.

Xie Sui asked: "Is the story of "Gentle Control" finished?"

Song Yu was very close to his warm body, and after half a second of being stuck, he nodded: "Yes. But I haven't told my dream yet."

Xie Sui nodded patiently.

Song Yu took out a blue pen from the drawer, turned around, and continued to add on the white paper and black timeline.

"I have a period of time, I dream of you every day."

"The first time I dreamed, it should be in this range. Not long after you returned to Xie's house, at the banquet, my sister and I chatted and saw you, but I didn't dare to recognize you at that time."

"The second time I dreamed, it was a reunion abroad. In the hospital, it seemed that we met because I touched porcelain. You didn't remember your childhood at that time."

Song Yu smiled and commented: "Xie Shao is quite impersonal."

"The third time," the pen returned to the starting point, "I dreamed that when I was a child, the first time I met in the manor, you followed my ass and called my brother, and I will take you to climb the wall to steal fruit."

"Then the fourth time..." Song Yu was at a loss for what to do. He didn't know which time period, before Xie Sui was trapped on the island or when he was trapped on the island

"Do you remember that I was trapped in the auditorium last semester, and it rained heavily. Then I had a dream that I was trapped in a dark room by Qin Mo, and this bastard gave me a tube of alcohol. I went out and called You, but I fainted before I finished the phone call. After fainting, I heard my mother crying, and my sister crying and questioning you, you said sorry."

Done. Song Yu didn't know how to participate in 008 and the system, but everything he wanted to tell Xie Sui was made clear, like a big stone in his heart fell.

He let out a long sigh of relief, felt comfortable, turned his head, raised his lips slightly, his eyes were clear and smiling, "So, in fact, I lied to you. Before I came to Jingcheng to find you, I had no childhood memories at all."

"I just think that your high school was too bad, and I want to help you."

When Xie Sui heard "a tube of alcohol", his blood was a little cold. The severe pain in the heart, the horror and fear in the haunted house at first, penetrated into the bone marrow and swept the brain. He closed his eyes and felt his hands shaking.

Song Yu kept saying that he had been miserable in his last life and had suffered all the world. But now, perhaps it is the time when he is the most real and closest to suffering.

After Song Yu finished speaking, thinking of Zhao Ziyu's words, his light-colored pupils flashed a trace of confusion and said: "I have always told you before that the ulterior motives are all malicious, but it seems that my purpose was not simple at the beginning. We are friends until we die. In this life, am I cheating? Because I knew the plot first, I went to find you when you were younger. Be nice to you, and then make you fall in love with me."

Is this cheating? In fact, this problem has been bothering him for a long time, like taking a strategy guide to strategy Xie Sui.

Xie Sui opened her eyes, her eyes were as cold as ever and only slightly reddened: "No."

Song Yu originally had a lot to say, but when he saw his red eyes, he suddenly shut up.

Xie Sui smiled, stretched out his hand to hold the back of his head, inserted his slender fingers into the boy's soft hair, leaned over and kissed him.

The lips and teeth were biting, as if to vent their unease.

The handle of the chair imprisoned Song Yu's body, leaving him nowhere to escape. He could only passively accept this somewhat out of control kiss.

Song Yu was stunned for a moment, and could feel the trembling of Xie Sui's hands.

He was a little confused.

Was his boyfriend frightened by the stupid book "Gentle Control"

"you… "

Xie Sui ended the kiss, but didn't get up, hugged him tightly, and said in his ear a calm and gentle voice: "We must have been in love with each other in the past life. You came to Jingcheng, I like you, it was love at first sight."

Song Yu was stunned.

Immediately afterwards, after listening to Xie Sui's silence for a moment, he almost coaxedly said, "Did Yu Yu have nothing to ask me?"


Song Yu's body stiffened.

Xie Lingshu's words passed through his mind like lightning.

- "But I'm still curious, how can a person change so much after a summer vacation, because of meeting you?"

The doubts that had been in his heart for a long time screamed silently, and were about to explode beside his head.

Since the second time I saw him, he has never concealed his true nature—a young man who is personable, smiling, gentle, indifferent, sloppy in his speech, and calm in his actions.

He was at the parking station and whispered to him, "Dreams are all fake. Open your eyes and I will always be by your side."

Song Yu's throat was dry, like waking up from a dream, his lips parted, and his voice didn't look like his own: "Xie Sui, you told me to stop dreaming that day, was it because..."

Xie Sui sat down, his eyes were as dark as a deep pool, and he looked at him quietly.

because of what

Song Yu was speechless.

Xie Sui smiled, lowered his eyes as if to comfort and sigh, and said, "Because I know it all."

boom. It was like a thunderstorm exploded in his mind, shattering all his reason and thinking, leaving only blank space.

Xie Sui rubbed Song Yu's hair and continued. .

"What you dreamed about, what you said, about the past life, I know all about it."

"I left your cemetery and didn't go back to the hospital."

His voice was calm, and he said something crazy in understatement.

"I even fired the shot that made Zhao Ziyu unconscious in the hospital. How could I fall in love with him?"

"In the dark rainy day, I left your cemetery without going to the hospital. I died in a car accident on the highway."

"And the story has just begun, I'm back at fifteen..."

He watched gently and patiently, with Song Yuzhen's expression.

The boy's pupils were widened, his vision was blurred, and his face paled from shock.

Xie Sui gave him some time, slowly and softly: "I am fifteen years old, come to meet you, and fall in love with you again."

Song Yu's mind went blank. All of a sudden, all the clues are clear, and all the doubts are solved.

But his limbs were still stiff, his body was cold, and he could not speak.

Xie Sui knew that his current gaze would only put more pressure on Song Yu, so he was not looking at him.

He took the pen from Song Yu, his eyes fell back to the timeline on the white paper, the corners of his lips twitched, ironic and cold, like a knife in the snow, piercing to the bone.

"The story of "Gentle Control", I don't know whose imagination, but now, I can restore my truth to you."

He continued to hold Song Yu's blue pen, starting at the place where they met again, and re-divided a line.

"After I came back from my rebirth, all my memories about you were formatted, leaving only the concept of a simple childhood sweetheart."

"But it doesn't matter, some I have already remembered, and some I can guess by myself."

He holds the pen very steadily and elegantly, but the words he writes are cold and sharp.

"We reunited abroad, but it's impossible for me not to remember when I was a kid. Maybe I was lying to you or teasing you, but it's all about chasing you."

Song Yu was speechless.

Xie Sui: "Just like what you told me when you were six years old sitting on the iron gate of the orchard, the authorities are a fan. It turns out that I really like the 'little sister' who is showing her teeth and claws, but I don't know it myself."

Song Yu: "..."

The lines Xie Sui drew were as straight as if they were drawn with a ruler.

The tone is calm and tells the truth.

"I wasn't sure if I caught up, but now, I think we were lovers in my last life. If I caught up, I got my wish."

"Love should be in China, when I left the Xie family. And I was not framed by Zhao Ziyu and the others. When I left, it was just a game for Mr. Xie and Xie Lingshu."

"Your accident also happened at this time."

Xie Sui looked at the place silently for a long time, then laughed at himself: "I'm really useless."

He extended the line back and said lightly.

"I was never forced to go to the island."

"Maybe at the beginning, I ran towards Zhao Ziyu to kill him."