Transmigrating into the Male Supporting Character’s Ex-wife

Chapter 83


When Ruan Jiujiu fell asleep, his head was muddled.

She only remembered sitting on the sofa playing with her mobile phone, and then, how she went back to the bedroom, how she fell asleep on the bed, she lost all memory.


She drank!

Ruan Jiujiu put on his slippers, rubbed his eyes and pushed open the door. Cheng Juan was leaning on the table, eating frozen rice balls while looking at his phone. Ruan Jiujiu subconsciously asked, "Did the rice balls be taken out of the refrigerator for a while?"

Cheng Juan nodded. Ruan Jiujiu told him many times, even though he thought it was troublesome, he still did it.

"That's good."

Ruan Jiujiu loosened his hair with his hands, and continued to ask a little embarrassedly: "Did I get drunk last night?"

Cheng Juan was silent.

"I'm not drunk?" Ruan Jiujiu lost his memory, afraid of doing something inappropriate like last time.

Cheng Juan said slowly, "You kicked me."

Ruan Jiujiu: "???"

She actually kicked him? !

Seeing that Cheng Juan's words didn't seem to be fake, Ruan Jiujiu looked embarrassed: "I didn't kick... well, some important parts."

Cheng Juan's eyes wandered for a moment, and Ruan Jiujiu couldn't help but become more nervous.

"Could it be—"

"Back pain."

"Waist?!... Oh, it's the waist." Ruan Jiujiu breathed a sigh of relief.

Cheng Juan asked quietly, "Where do you think it is?"

"Cough cough cough..."

Ruan Jiujiu chose to refuse to answer this question.

She turned around and went to the bathroom to wash up. Cheng Juan continued to eat, and within a few minutes, Ruan Jiujiu sounded extremely surprised from the bathroom.

"Hey! What's wrong with my neck? Why is there a red and swollen piece?"

Cheng Juan almost choked on the rice ball.

Ruan Jiujiu snapped open the bathroom door, pulled off the collar with one hand, and pointed at Cheng Juan's neck. There was a bright red mark on the right side of the slender neck, which was so eye-catching compared with the fair skin.

The two looked at each other, and Cheng Juan's expression was stiff.

Ruan Jiujiu: "Could it be..."

Cheng Juan: "..."

Ruan Jiujiu: "Could it be that there are bugs in the house? No, no, wait until you go back to the supermarket to buy insecticides and eradicate them early."

Cheng Juan: "..."

Ruan Jiujiu really didn't think too much, so that Mr. Cheng, a fruit farmer, managed to escape the suspicion. Ruan Jiujiu looked in the mirror for a long time, with a gloomy expression on his face. A bite in such an obvious place does look unsightly. If it doesn't clear up in a few days, it would be bad to be gossiped by colleagues in the company.

She found out the concealer, carefully applied layer after layer on the red and swollen area, and after making sure that it didn't look too obvious, she went back to the living room.

Cheng Juan ate a rice ball for a long time, making Ruan Jiujiu wonder if he had something on his mind.

"Did you not sleep well last night? Why do you feel weird?"

Cheng Juan looked at her, and what appeared in his mind was Ruan Jiujiu's delicate and lovely appearance last night. She was lying on the bed, charming and charming, calling her brother in a drunken way.

"The rice balls don't taste good," he said.

Ruan Jiujiu believed it.

"Oh, then don't buy this flavor next time."

Cheng Juan bought the medicine, and under the command of Ruan Jiujiu, he "killed the insects" in every room. To Ruan Jiujiu's disappointment, in the past few days, let alone a bug, he hadn't even seen a leg.

Perhaps the insecticides were not effective enough, or perhaps the insects foresaw the imminent danger and moved away in advance.

It's just that since that day, Ruan Jiujiu has never been bitten by bugs again, so it can be said that he is relieved.

After a spring rain, the cherry blossoms and apricot blossoms in the park not far away are blooming with tender buds and branches. Before there were too many people to stamp out the flowers, Ruan Jiujiu found some free time and took Cheng Juan to enjoy the flowers.

Of course, you have to wear a beautiful skirt to enjoy the flowers. Ruan Jiujiu is wearing a blue long skirt, which makes her gorgeous and moving. She rejoiced along the way, ready to take some nice photos.

Of course, it would be even better if Cheng Juan could count on it.

Ruan Jiujiu told Cheng Juan along the way: "You will listen to me later, and you can shoot as I say."

Cheng Juan: "Okay."

"If you take an ugly picture of me, I will hold vengeance." Ruan Jiujiu warned.

Cheng Juan: "Okay."

"... so confident!"

Cheng Juan agreed so calmly, Ruan Jiujiu still couldn't trust him, she was already prepared for the possibility of being irritated by the straight man's aesthetic photos.

There are not many people at this point, but the appearance of the two is still the focus of attention. Fortunately, Ruan Jiujiu had the foresight, and each of them had a pair of sunglasses, covering half of their faces.

This posture is not like coming to enjoy the flowers, but going to the catwalk.

… So, it also becomes more compelling.

Ruan Jiujiu pulled Cheng Juan towards the uninhabited bushes. When you look up, you can see the blooming flowers, which are beautiful and full of the beauty of spring. Ruan Jiujiu took a deep breath of air, and said happily, "That's great, I haven't walked away like this for a long time."

Cheng Juan suddenly looked at her.

Ruan Jiujiu asked, "Huh? What do you see me doing?"

Then she realized that at this time, the male protagonist would generally say that the female protagonist is more beautiful than flowers. Cheng Juan probably wanted to prepare his words.

In order to take some beautiful photos today, she specially painted beauty makeup. Although Cheng Juan was a little straighter, it didn't mean he didn't have the ability to appreciate aesthetics.

Cheng Juan said slowly, "You have something on your face."


At this time, Ruan Jiujiu was very embarrassed.

"Where is it? You wipe it off for me, could it be that the eye makeup is dizzy?"

Cheng Juan wiped the corner of her left eye with his hands, and wiped off the so-called dirty things. Ruan Jiujiu realized something was wrong, and quickly picked up his phone to turn on the front camera.

Cheng Juan emphasized that he wiped it very clean without leaving any traces.

Ruan Jiujiu glared: "Why did you wipe away the tear mole I drew!" She worked so hard to find a place to click on it! Just for the photo effect!

Cheng Juan was ready to take pictures of Ruan Jiujiu only after being hit by a hammer.

With one beauty spot missing, Ruan Jiujiu was in a very bad mood, especially when facing an unreliable cameraman like Cheng Juan. Ruan Jiujiu taught him how to find an angle to take a picture, while posing for her, waiting for Cheng Juan to take a picture of her.

Cheng Juan acted very professionally, like a seasoned professional photographer. He adjusted the focus calmly and aimed at Ruan Jiujiu.

"Crack! Crack!"

The photos took one after another, and when Cheng Juan signaled that the photo was over, Ruan Jiujiu hurried forward to see the effect Cheng Juan took.

Unexpectedly, actually, it was shot very well.

The beauty in the photo is like a flower separated from the clouds, smiling slightly among the shadowy branches and leaves, she looks like a flower demon in the forest, pure but with an unconscious style. The framing is very good, the angle is good, and the focus is just right. It can be said that it is a photo with a very high degree of completion, and there is basically no need for post-processing.

Ruan Jiujiu was really shocked: "What happened to you? Why is technology advancing by leaps and bounds?"

Cheng Juan replied slowly: "I studied it a bit. It's very simple."

Ruan Jiujiu: "..."

Why does it always feel like IQ is being crushed

Cheng Juan took several photos of Ruan Jiujiu. Ruan Jiujiu took a camera and wanted to take pictures of him, but Cheng Juan refused. Cheng Juan said, "I don't like taking pictures."

"it is good."

Ruan Jiujiu hugged the camera and said, "I was planning to take a few group photos, so forget it. I'll talk about it next time I have a chance."

"Group photo is okay."

Ruan Jiujiu: "Huh?"

Cheng Juan repeated: "Group photos are fine."

Since Cheng Juan said yes, Ruan Jiujiu happily picked up the camera and pointed at the two of them to take pictures. She took Cheng Juan's arm with one hand, and leaned on Cheng Juan's shoulder affectionately. The man beside him froze for a moment, but even so, he still looked as calm as water.

The picture freezes at this moment.

Ruan Jiujiu retracted his arms and looked at the photos in the camera. She blinked and asked, "Why is your face so red all of a sudden?"

When he raised his head, Cheng Juan had returned to normal. Facing Ruan Jiujiu's question, he answered calmly.

"Too much to wear."

As he spoke, he held Ruan Jiujiu's hand: "Let's go and see the flowers."

Cheng Juan didn't let go of his hand along the way. His palm was wide and warm, and he held Ruan Jiujiu's hand all the time. The two walked quietly side by side in the bushes. This experience made Ruan Jiujiu feel very good. It was like being fed a piece of honey, her heart was sweet, as if even the breath in the air had turned into a sweet smell.

Cheng Juan's gaze was precisely positioned: "There is a pastry seller in front, I'll buy a few."

Ruan Jiujiu: "???"

Sure enough, the taste of sweetness is not imagination, but there are really small stalls selling food. There are all kinds of exquisitely crafted pastries on the stalls. Ruan Jiujiu took a look at the cherry blossom glutinous rice cakes and said, "Here are a few."

The soft pastry seems to melt in the mouth, but it has a sweet and sticky taste in the mouth, which is delicious.

Cheng Juan waved his hand: "Five of each kind."

"Hey, can you finish?"

As soon as Ruan Jiujiu said that, he knew he was asking too much. Cheng Juan only had enough to eat, how could there be times when he couldn't finish it.

A big customer came, the boss happily packed the cakes, gave some more pieces, and handed them to the two enthusiastically: "Are you going to the temple later?"

"Temple? Is there a temple near here?"

"Yes, I heard that it has been enshrined since the Tang Dynasty until now. It's amazing. You can ask for marriage, career, or anything. You are a young couple, and it was good to worship in the past. If you don't believe this, just pretend to be me. Didn't say hahahaha!"

Ruan Jiujiu didn't trust ghosts and gods at all. She claims to be an atheist, but she experienced a ridiculous incident of traveling to another world, how could she believe that there is no god in this world. It's amazing to think about it. A year ago, she was still living alone in a small city, thinking that she would live alone in the world forever.

And now—

Cheng Juan was still holding her hand. The fingertips touched and entangled, and Cheng Juan held them tightly, with no intention of letting go.

"It's just right, we're all in the temple, let's go and have a look."

Everything happened today was wonderful, Ruan Jiujiu just wanted to pray for her and Cheng Juan, hoping that life would be smoother and that Cheng Juan would not encounter any disasters.

Cheng Juan held the snack wrapped in a paper bag in one hand, and held Ruan Jiujiu's finger in the other. Hearing Ruan Jiujiu's words, he looked at her. The eyelids that were always lowered on weekdays were staring at Ruan Jiujiu, which made her a little dazed. When she was about to ask, Cheng Juan said, "Forget it."

Ruan Jiujiu begged: "Everyone is on the way, let's go and have a look. I haven't been to the temple for a long time, can you accompany me?"

Cheng Juan was silent for a few seconds, but he couldn't refuse.

"it is good."

Along the way, instead of eating snacks as usual, Cheng Juan remained silent, holding Ruan Jiujiu's hand even tighter. In the past, it was common for two people to walk on the road without talking, but Ruan Jiujiu felt a little awkward at this moment. The reason came from Cheng Juan's different aura from the past, the low air pressure exuded from his whole body, making him so stuffy that he couldn't breathe.

Ruan Jiujiu looked away at him. Cheng Juan's profile is very good-looking, with a sharp chin and a straight and delicate bridge of nose. When he pursed his lips, his thin lips formed a straight line, which made him look like he was not close to strangers.

"What's the matter?" Ruan Jiujiu asked, "Is it because you don't like temples?"

Cheng Juan: "No."

"Then why do you look unhappy, are you hungry?" Ruan Jiujiu could only think of reasons related to food.

"Probably." Cheng Juan replied.

Ruan Jiujiu breathed a sigh of relief: "I knew it! We will find a restaurant to have a big meal when we get out of the temple. I remember that there seems to be a restaurant nearby that is not bad."

Cheng Juan hummed, and remained indifferent when he heard the food.

Ruan Jiujiu's attention had been distracted.

They walked through the path in the forest, and at the end of the stone bricks was a temple. The location of the temple is very secluded, and the surroundings are silent. Occasionally, there are pilgrims walking back and forth, only the rustling sound of the wind blowing the leaves.

The temple is not too big, and it looks like it has been around for some years. The walls are mottled and peeling off, making it look a bit dilapidated, but the steps in front of the door have been cleaned and spotless.

Ruan Jiujiu unconsciously lowered his voice: "Come on, let's go inside."

Ruan Jiujiu took a step forward, but Cheng Juan grabbed his arm.

"Forget it."


Ruan Jiujiu really didn't understand what Cheng Juan was thinking. She said with a depressed face: "Okay, if you really don't like the temple, I'll go in and pay your respects. Just stand here and wait for me."

"Then I'll go in."

Ruan Jiujiu: "..."

Isn't this playing with her!

Ruan Jiujiu didn't guess what Cheng Juan was thinking. Seeing his reluctance to speak, Ruan Jiujiu couldn't pry his mouth open, so he took Cheng Juan into the temple. Even the temples are keeping pace with the times these days, Ruan Jiujiu was a little worried that he didn't get the change, probably because he couldn't buy incense.

The handsome young master quickly took out the payment QR code and said, "Just scan this."

Ruan Jiujiu scanned the QR code to pay, dumbfounded.

Cheng Juan tugged on Ruan Jiujiu's wrist the whole time, as if afraid that she would run away. The little master looked at the two of them and smiled slightly, which made Ruan Jiujiu very embarrassed.

"Let go of your hand, how do you get in like this?"

Cheng Juan hesitated for a moment, then let go, but when the two of them passed the threshold, he grabbed Ruan Jiujiu's sleeve. Ruan Jiujiu looked at him suspiciously, Cheng Juan's face was expressionless, and his tone was usually gentle: "It's okay."

...doesn't look like anything is going to happen.

It was inconvenient to talk at this time, so Ruan Jiujiu could only suppress the confusion in his heart. Before she offered the incense to the case, she had never had such a pious moment in all these years since she was a child. Ruan Jiujiu clasped his hands together, closed his eyes, and muttered something.

She thought Cheng Juan would pray like her. Unexpectedly, Cheng Juan was staring at her all the time, his nerves were tense, and he was almost next to Ruan Jiujiu.

Ruan Jiujiu admitted that she was greedy, because she made a lot of wishes.

She hoped that Cheng Juan would be safe and sound, that Tu Nan and his buddies would get out of the singles as soon as possible and enter into a happy marriage, that Lao Meng would live a long and long life, that Gu You and his wife from his previous life would be happy... She promised a lot Wish, only to forget myself.

When Ruan Jiujiu slowly opened his eyes, he met Cheng Juan with a pair of dark eyes.

Ruan Jiujiu was startled: "Why are you so close to me?"

"I have a question."

"you say."

Cheng Juan said, "Can the offerings be eaten?"

Ruan Jiujiu: "?? Of course not!"

She quickly dragged Cheng Juan out of the temple, and the two walked in a hurry, one after the other, the few pilgrims were attracted by the two, Ruan Jiujiu quickly asked Cheng Juan to put on sunglasses, it's better to be careful when going out .

"You haven't said, why did you act so strange just now?" Ruan Jiujiu looked puzzled, "What are you thinking?"

Before Cheng Juan had time to open his mouth, at this moment, a figure slowly walked over. He looked like an octogenarian, with an air of immortality. The old man looked at the two of them with a smile.

"Girl, do you want to come to tell your fortune today? I think you are interesting."

Ruan Jiujiu waved his hand: "It's not fate, it's not fate."

If her fate could really be calculated, the fortune teller would have been frightened and ran away long ago.

"Girl, there are dark clouds floating in your Yintang. Have you slept well recently? It looks like some strange things are haunting you. You have to ward off evil spirits. I have a talisman to ward off evil spirits. You..."

The fortune teller took out the talisman from his pocket while talking, Ruan Jiujiu was about to refuse, but Cheng Juan moved faster than her.

He stepped over Ruan Jiujiu and grabbed the arm of the fortune teller who was pulling out the talisman.

Cheng Juan turned his back to Ruan Jiujiu, she couldn't see his expression clearly. He stood up straight, took off his sunglasses, held the fortune teller's hand without moving, and even said slowly, "She doesn't want it, so you take it back."

Ruan Jiujiu couldn't help being startled.

Cheng Juan actually got angry? Just because a fortune teller scammed money

She clearly saw the fortune teller pull an ugly smile, revealing a golden tooth, and the creases accumulated on his face could almost kill a fly. Facing Cheng Juan, he trembled a little, and subconsciously stuffed the talisman back into his pocket.

"Okay, okay... I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm bothering you!!!"

After saying these few words of apology, the fortune teller ran away in a hurry, and his skills were so vigorous that he didn't look like a little old man at all.

Ruan Jiujiu stood behind Cheng Juan with a dazed expression on his face.

"Hey, did you take the wrong medicine? Why don't you be so unhappy all the way today..."

Before she could finish her words, Cheng Juan turned around and hugged Ruan Jiujiu in his arms. His arms were tied around Ruan Jiujiu's back, forcing her to be close to his chest. Ruan Jiujiu's heart skipped a beat as her cheeks were buried in Cheng Juan's clothes, and her cheeks were bright red.

"What's the matter with you?" Her momentum softened quickly.

Cheng Juan's face was buried on her shoulder.

After a long time, the voice muffled: "Don't go."

"I'm definitely not leaving. When did I say I'm leaving?" Ruan Jiujiu was a little amused.

How did Cheng Juan know from her behavior today that she was leaving because she came to worship the gods? Ruan Jiujiu was confused, but in order to appease Cheng Juan, he patted Cheng Juan on the back lightly.

Cheng Juan hugged her for a long time, and Ruan Jiujiu could almost feel the eyes of condemnation from the uncles and aunts who came to offer incense. Even though it's not inside a temple, the courtyard doesn't seem quite right either. Ruan Jiujiu awkwardly motioned Cheng Juan to let go of his arms so that they could leave here quickly.

Cheng Juan was reluctant, so he let go after a while. The two looked at each other, brewing an ambiguous and tender atmosphere.


Ruan Jiujiu witnessed with his own eyes that Cheng Juan's light gray sweater was covered with lipstick marks.

Ruan Jiujiu: "..."