Transmigrating into the Reborn Male Lead’s Ex-Boyfriend

Chapter 75: Seventy-five big boys


The light in the alley was dim, but the snow under his feet reflected the light.

Song Xuanhe answered the wrong question: "You are really in a bad mood." Then he looked up at him again: "Why?"

There is a deep alley behind Xiao Yuanmu, and above his head is the dim light from the old window. His pupils are dark, and his gaze is beyond Song Xuanhe, reflecting the snow behind him. Tight, not saying a word.

Under such a scene, the man who was full of loneliness and coldness looked inexplicably lonely and decadent.

Suddenly, Song Xuanhe realized something, and many complicated emotions surged in his heart, but he just smiled, broke the silence at this moment, and said, "Are you having dinner?"

Xiao Yuanmu's eyelashes trembled slightly, his eyes met Song Xuanhe who only had his figure in his pupils, the light in his eyes changed slightly, and he said lightly: "No."

"Then let's find a place to eat."

Song Xuanhe moved closer, stuffed Xiao Yuanmu's cold hands into his coat pocket, and asked, "What do you want to eat?"

Xiao Yuanmu looked away: "Didn't you eat it?"

"I'll accompany you."

Xiao Yuanmu glanced at Song Xuan and his downcast eyes, and said lightly, "Go and remember."

Song Xuanhe paused and said, "Okay."

The nights in the city are always very lively. Even though it is a working day and it is already past 8:30, most restaurants still need to queue up to get a number. Song Xuanhe and Xiao Yuanmu only realized that the seats were full of people. If you want to eat, you have to wait at least half an hour.

Song Xuanhe was dressed in a suit, just like the luxury cars parked on the street, standing outside the century-old store without being obtrusive, but among the bustling crowd, the indifferent Xiao Yuanmu was a bit out of place, even sitting Sitting on a wooden chair that was obviously short compared to his leg length, it was difficult to suppress his cold temperament and shockingly beautiful appearance.

From time to time, someone boldly or covertly looked towards this side, and even the diners who came in and out would turn their heads to look out. Xiao Yuanmu's demeanor was unaffected, but Song Xuanhe felt unexplainably uncomfortable for some reason.

He took out his phone and swiped casually, and saw Zhou Nan's voice message.

There was a lot of voices, Song Xuanhe didn't bother to open it, and went back to: what's the matter, typing.

Zhou Nan didn't know what he was doing, so he returned quickly: Lin Zi seems to have something really wrong. It's the first time I saw him drink like this. Before, he just drank a few sips. This time, I thought he might be drunk up.

Song Xuanhe was thinking about something, and his eyes fell on the text sent by Zhou Nan, but he didn't take a word into his heart.

Xiao Yuanmu glanced at Song Xuanhe's cell phone, his already dark eyes became even darker, but his tone was as clear as usual without any trace of emotion: "Whose news?"

"Zhou Nan." Song Xuanhe answered casually, but was brought back to his senses by Xiao Yuanmu's voice, and finally read the text on the screen, frowning slightly: "They are in the bar."

At the same time as his words fell, Zhou Nan's WeChat sent again: Fuck, Lin Zi seems to be really drunk, if there is no other arrangement to come over to persuade him tonight!

Song Xuan moved his fingers to the keyboard, and just about to type, he heard Xiao Yuanmu ask, "Are you going?"

He snapped his fingers, and a few words appeared in the sending box: I have something to do, so I can't come.

Xiao Yuanmu withdrew his gaze, lowered his eyes and didn't know what he was thinking.

Time passed by, and the people in front of the queue went in one by one. Song Xuan and Bai Bai were playing with their mobile phones boredly, but they kept paying attention to Xiao Yuanmu from the corner of their eyes.

His eyelashes were drooping, and his sculpted side face was a little pale, but his lips were crimson, and the sharp contrast made his face more beautiful. In such a lively atmosphere, he looked even more lonely.

"Xiao Yuanmu."

Song Xuanhe couldn't help calling him.

Xiao Yuanmu raised his eyes slightly, met Song Xuanhe's gaze, didn't speak, just looked at him indifferently.

Song Xuanhe suddenly didn't know what to say, he looked away, looked at the phone screen and said without words: "What kind of porridge do you want later?"

"Seafood congee."

Song Xuanhe paused with his hands flipping the phone, and after a while, he turned on the darkened phone, lowered his eyes and said, "I'm going to drink this too."


Looking at the application icons on the phone, Song Xuanhe asked casually, "Are you done with your recent work?"

After a while, there was no answer, Song Xuanhe looked up, met Xiao Yuanmu's dark eyes, he was slightly taken aback, and looked away without any trace, but his expression was still relaxed: "Are you not done?"

"Busy working."

Song Xuanhe tightened his grip on the phone, and couldn't help scratching the card on the edge of the phone. His fingernails rubbed against the delicate long frame, and the corners of his mouth unconsciously pursed: "Then what are your plans for the next step?"

"Number five hundred and twenty!"

Didn't hear Xiao Yuanmu's voice, Song Xuanhe looked up, and was about to ask again, when a young girl asked in a loud voice, "Is No. 520 here?"

"What number is in your hand?"

Song Xuanhe took a look: "520."

Xiao Yuanmu stood up, "Let's go."

When the young girl saw the two walking side by side, her eyes lit up and she said, "Are the two seated at number 520?"

Song Xuanhe nodded, and handed her the numbering paper.

After confirming, the young girl covered her mouth with a smile and said, "The two should be a couple, right? Because the two bosses in my shop were together on January 16th, so every year on January 16th, they will smoke 16 No. and No. 520 are free, but if you are a couple, you must kiss to qualify for the overlord meal."

The young girl had a sly smile when she spoke, and her baby-fat face matched her cute expression. Song Xuanhe also raised her eyebrows with a smile, and said, "Why don't you just eat it as a couple? Is it treated differently?"

"Of course." The young girl smiled and said, "Caring for the singles, you two have such a handsome and excellent lover, so give the singles a balance."

Someone had heard their conversation a long time ago, and someone in the queue laughed and joked: "This is not giving us balance, this is forcing dog food!"

But more people are booing: "Bawangfan, bro! Give me a kiss!"

"Kiss one kiss one kiss!"

"You are all so handsome, what are you two big men doing?" Seeing that Song Xuanhe and Xiao Yuanmu were not moving, the young girl pouted and said, "If you don't kiss, you have to pay the original price."

Song Xuanhe didn't have the idea of kissing Xiao Yuanmu in front of so many people. He opened his mouth and was just about to say the original price, when he heard the young girl say: "Our store has been open for hundreds of years. The third boss started this event, and it has been eight years now, and all the sixteen couples who participated in this event have achieved positive results. Even if you don’t care about the price, just go for this... "

Halfway through the girl's speech, her eyes widened, there was a moment of silence outside, and a burst of applause burst out suddenly.

Xiao Yuanmu put his hands behind Song Xuanhe's head, his cold but soft lips pressed against him, and he pried open his lips and teeth amidst a sound of cooing.

The people around screamed and blessed, as if this was not outside the restaurant, but a wedding scene, Song Xuanhe paused for a moment with his raised hand, wrapped one hand around Xiao Yuanmu's neck and put the other behind his head, Pulling him in his direction, the tip of her tongue broke into his mouth without hesitation, and her lips and tongue intersected without giving in.

The two kissed inseparably, and more and more people watched the excitement. Some people directly turned on their mobile phones to record the video, and some even screamed and dialed the video call of their best friend, and the voice broke out with excitement: "Two peerless What a handsome guy! Absolutely once in a thousand years! I have enough sugar for the past ten years!"

Amidst the screams of the girl crushing other spectators, Song Xuanhe and Xiao Yuanmu separated at the same time. The two looked at each other, and they both saw something in each other's eyes that they had never noticed before.

Staring at each other in a daze, it took Song Xuanhe the first to react. He looked away in a little embarrassment, and looked at the young girl covering her face: "Is the king's meal qualified?"

"Enough is enough!" The young girl nodded quickly and said excitedly: "Not only is it enough, but I can also give you a membership card with 520 yuan recharged in it, and wish the two of you will be united forever and make a promise !"


Hearing this blessing, Xiao Yuanmu's cold pool-like pupils suddenly smiled a little, even if it was just a little bit, it was enough to melt the ice and snow, making the young girl stunned.

Xiao Yuanmu didn't pay attention to the little girl's expression, took the recharge card from her hand, and said softly, "Can you take us there?"

"Of course you can!"

The young girl hurriedly walked to the front to lead the way, then she couldn't help but turn her head to look after taking two steps. Unexpectedly, she happened to see one person holding the other's hand. The fingers with distinct knuckles were intertwined, so beautiful that she couldn't move it away. line of sight.

Song Xuanhe let Xiao Yuanmu's fingers squeeze into his, and saw the girl's dazed expression just as he lifted his leg, he couldn't help but pause, and joked, "Our seat is in the aisle?"

"Of course not!" The young girl came back to her senses suddenly, blushing and pleading in a low voice, "I can't blame me, it's because you two are the most compatible couple I've ever seen, so I was a little dumbfounded."

Xiao Yuanmu held Song Xuanhe's hand tightly, Song Xuanhe paused, the smile in his eyes dissipated a little, and his tone remained unchanged: "Really? You are only so old, and you are the best match you have ever seen. .”

"That's right!" The young girl walked ahead and led the way, not daring to look back at them, her voice was still very small but very sure: "I'm sixteen years old! Although I haven't met many couples, I can be sure that you are the best match , of course this is because my father and father are already married, they are the best match I have ever seen, but you are also like them, I know it at a glance."

Passing through the lobby and passing a corridor, she pushed open the small door of the private room, turned around with a smile and said, "This is the exclusive private room for 520, I will give you the menu later, please sit down first."

When they walked in and sat down, the little girl closed the door with a smile, and left bouncing away.

Song Xuanhe withdrew his gaze, concealed the flash of emotion in his eyes, looked away from Xiao Yuanmu's dark eyes, and said with a light smile, "The children nowadays are really interesting."