Transmigrating into the Reborn Male Lead’s Ex-Boyfriend

Chapter 91: Ninety-first boss


There are two most explosive news in the circle of the imperial capital this year, and they are both related to the Song family. They suddenly pushed the Song family, which was already in decline, to the cusp of the storm.

The first one is the news that the Xiao family found their eldest son not long ago. It is said that the eldest son was in love with Song Xuanhe, the second child of the Song family. The eldest son of the Xiao family finally found his way home for the first time in an exclusive interview in his own name. He directly stated that he is not single, and when he heard other questions, he hesitated to use words like Jin Xiao Yuanmu expressed his appreciation many times when he mentioned his lover Song Xuanhe , It can be regarded as a handful of dog food, and it also made other people in the imperial capital circle start to reevaluate the Song family's status.

The second piece of news is deeply involved with the first one, but it has a greater impact on the Song family and the entire imperial circle than the first one—the Xiao family has already confirmed the banquet time for officially announcing the return of the eldest son to everyone, and it also gives All the major families in the world who have close contacts with them have sent invitations, among which only three families in the entire imperial capital received invitations, one is the Wei family who is related to the Guan family, the other is the Zhang family who is usually very low-key, and the other one is no matter how you look at it. The Song family, who couldn't get a name in front of the eight big chaebols.

When they heard the news that the Song family had received the invitation from the Xiao family, many people in the imperial circle looked strange. Although Xiao Yuanmu had formally explained his relationship with Song Xuanhe in a magazine before, it had nothing to do with the Xiao family. The big connection, although everyone doesn't know much about the Eight Great Chaebols, they still know one thing very well, that is, none of the Xiao family has a partner who has never had a head of the same sex.

At this time, the Xiao family sent invitations to the Song family, and the intention was worth pondering.

Is this to show everyone that they approve of the lover of the eldest son who has been missing for many years, or is it telling them cryptically that the newly found eldest son Xiao Yuanmu has no hope of inheriting the Xiao family.

Everyone guessed the change in their minds. As the center of gossip that has attracted the most attention at present, the Song family has caused multiple waves because of this.

When news of Xiao Yuanmu being found by the Xiao family came back, the Song family didn't have much emotion other than shock and bewilderment. After all, Song Xuanhe also called Xiao Yuanmu in front of them before. Well, the cold looks of the two of them when they talked didn't seem like they were still together. Now that they had broken up, even if they wanted to use this relationship to do other things, there was nothing they could do.

Therefore, in the Song family, except for Song Guochao whose face is getting darker and darker, only Song Jiabao's family, who is becoming more and more fearful every day, cares about Xiao Yuanmu's sudden identity. It was a shock, so this shock was not as big as they imagined.

It wasn't until the magazine Xiao Yuanmu interviewed was publicly sold in China that it caused some waves in the Song family.

After all, the eldest son of the Xiao family is Song Xuanhe's ex-boyfriend, and it is completely different from the eldest son of the Xiao family who is now Song Xuanhe's lover. There are too many relationships that can operate and move around, which makes Song Yansong a little restless. Song Xuan and La went home and asked again.

However, Song Xuanhe didn't change his words, and still kept what he said before - he and Xiao Yuanmu have broken up and have no relationship at present.

Now it's not just Song Guochao who doesn't believe him, even Song Yansong and Li Nian'an doubt whether what he said is true or not. Together, and really like each other, how could Xiao Yuanmu openly announce their relationship in such a critical moment in a magazine with such a large circulation.

But Song Xuan and life and death refused to admit them, and there was nothing they could do. Even Li Nian'an and Song Xuanlin had a heart-to-heart talk with Song Xuanhe. Li Nian'an asked him if he was afraid that his family would oppose their relationship, or what Song Guochao had done and said before. The words made him resist confessing his lover to his family, comforting Song Xuanhe and saying that if it was because of such a reason, he would not need to worry at all, because Song Guochao would never dare to object to his being with Xiao Yuanmuzi under such circumstances. matter.

Song Xuanlin was different. He asked Song Xuanhe if he felt that the change of Xiao Yuanmu's identity made him feel inferior and afraid of losing, so he didn't want people to know their relationship, or he was worried that the company would take advantage of his relationship with Xiao Yuanmu. He said that if it was the former, Song Xuanhe would not need to worry at all, then squeezed out a few words to praise him, and finally told him seriously that although he has many shortcomings, he absolutely worthy of anyone.

At that time, Song Xuanhe felt a little strange and inexplicable, but he could also realize that this was not malicious, so he could only say thank you dumbfounded.

Hearing Song Xuanhe's thanks, Song Xuanlin was obviously a little uncomfortable.

He was silent for a long time without speaking. After a while, he suddenly sighed softly and said in a low voice, "I know I'm not a good brother."

Song Xuanhe turned his head in surprise, Song Xuanlin slightly raised his head to look at the moonlight above his head, the silvery white light waves fell on his side face, which rarely faded some of his usual calm and staid feeling, revealing the loss and depression of some young people .

"Actually, I don't really want a younger brother." Song Xuanlin turned his head to look at him, then moved his gaze back to the sky, and said lightly: "You were too far from the younger brother I imagined after you were born, and then you slowly grew up. Big, I feel you are more unfamiliar, so I have kept a certain distance, so I never thought about what I should do as a brother before, I only know that I should inherit the company, and you will follow what you want Life."

Song Xuanhe looked at him, Song Xuanlin's eyes were a little dazed, as if he was looking at the way forward with no guidance.

"But it seems that the heir that grandpa is optimistic about is not me. To be honest, I was jealous and even angry. At that time, I was thinking that in order to inherit the company in the future, I gave up the fun of my peers and spent all my time studying just for better future. I, who inherited the family business, can't compare to your feelings when you grew up with grandpa for several years?"

"Song Xuanhe never wanted to inherit the company." Song Xuanhe turned his head to look at Song Xuanlin, and said in a calm voice, "All he wants is an older brother."

Song Xuanlin was immersed in his own emotions, and didn't pay attention to Song Xuanhe's claim. He was stunned when he heard his last sentence, and then opened the corner of his mouth and said in a low voice: "I know, I only found out recently."

"That's why you asked me if I want to inherit the company?" Song Xuanhe thought of the previous conversation interrupted by Li Nian'an, and the many times when Song Xuanlin was obviously hesitant to speak but just said meaningless things casually. .

Song Xuanlin was silent, Song Xuanhe tilted his head to look at him, his eyes were clear: "You asked me if I want a company, and if I say yes, you can give it to me."

"No." Song Xuanlin shook his head: "I just want to confirm that you don't want to inherit the company."

"and then?"

"Then..." And then give up the desire to get rid of the burden of heirs to find your own life, completely settle down, and develop the company as much as possible, so that even when you face Xiao Yuanmu who has founded RE from scratch There will be no worries, let me make up for the responsibilities of my brother who have been missing for so many years.

Song Xuanlin wanted to say this, but he opened his mouth but couldn't say it. He is the opposite of Song Xuanhe's personality. He has too many precautions and worries. Whether it is true or not, he is not willing to express his feelings. His own maturity and stability, self-hypnosis-like elimination may affect his emotions in study, work and interpersonal communication. He told himself that those things were not important, and he didn’t know if the hypnosis was too successful. After a long time, he really felt that those changes It doesn't matter anymore.

Very abruptly, Song Xuanlin remembered what happened a long time ago. At that time, Song Xuanhe was probably only seven or eight years old. He was very cute since he was a child. Even if he was mischievous, it was hard to be blamed. Song Guochao, who seldom went home, even the auntie who woke up couldn't help giving him more food when she saw Song Xuan and Roududu with their baby fat faces, let alone Li Nian'an and Song Yansong.

At that time, he was in a hurry to make up lessons at the teacher's house, because he was afraid of traffic jams on the road, he couldn't help but hurried. Just as he walked to the door, Song Xuanhe, who was wearing a navy collar shirt and overalls, bumped into him from the corner. The plane, which was not completely spliced together, fell to the ground when it hit him, and the fuselage that hadn't been put together was instantly torn apart.

Song Xuanlin stopped in his tracks, feeling at a loss for a while, he thought Song Xuanhe would cry, after all, in his impression, his younger brother was always such a willful and unscrupulous creature.

However, Song Xuanhe just blinked his dark eyes, sat on the ground with his legs spread apart, one hand was pulling those messy model parts, the other hand hugged his leg, and he looked up and said: "Brother, I My plane broke and I managed to put it back together, and now you crashed it, I want you and me to put it back together."

How he answered at that time, Song Xuanlin didn't remember clearly, he only remembered that he didn't agree, and finally left in a hurry to catch up with the teacher's class.

If there was no external stimulus for this incident, it should have been hidden in Song Xuanlin's memory and would never be found again.

But some time ago, when the servant opened the door of Song Xuanhe's room in the morning to go in and clean it, Song Xuanlin who passed by accidentally caught a glimpse of the plane in the glass display case, which was kept torn apart. He saw many strange or familiar things in the cabinet.

It wasn't until the servant asked him if he was okay that Song Xuanlin suddenly remembered that all the cabinets were gifts he had given to Song Xuanhe.

Those are things that even he has forgotten in the corner of his memory, but his younger brother cherishes them carefully. At that moment, Song Xuanlin didn't know what he was feeling in his heart.

It was just that suddenly, he subconsciously observed Song Xuanhe more, and even wanted to communicate with him more, but Song Xuanhe began to consciously avoid him, and would look for him again when talking to him. Not the look he wanted to see.

Song Xuanlin said: "Then learn how to be an older brother."