Transmigrating into the Villain’s White Rabbit Master

Chapter 140: the only truth


If Mo Shulin didn't wake up, he would have to repeat all his experiences over and over again.

This dream world was the hurdle that Mo Shulin couldn't get past, it was Mo Shulin's sadness, and it was the shackles that Mo Shulin blocked himself.

It thought of the waterfall river that went straight to the sky and flowed backwards in the Immortal Secret Realm. They in the water still know to leave before the river reaches the sky, how can they indulge in such time now, allowing time to push them to the unknown distance little by little.

It was worried that the end of the dream would plunge Mo Shulin into a deeper vortex.

It was its arrival that reminded Mo Shulin of the irrationality in this world. But what if the next dream starts again, and even it can't distinguish reality from dreams

How did it tell Mo Shulin

It can't afford to gamble.

"No. As long as I don't wake up, Master will never disappear." Mo Shulin already believed White jade tea's words, but he didn't want to wake up.

After White jade tea told the truth, the whole world stopped.

Cloudy red-black skies make the world sick and gloomy. There is no life in the earth, only dark red sand and gravel soil. Desperation covered every inch of it.

Duanmu Jinyan in the distance was full of hatred, and stopped at the moment before the self-defeating spiritual root.

The next second is desperate.

The next second is rebirth.

While Mo Shulin still had a chance, he acted like a gambler who had lost everything, with only the last bottle of wine left, just a dream. Knowing that I am going to die of cold on the side of the road, I still don't want to lose the lie I got in my dream.

Fat Rabbit stuck the rabbit's paw on Mo Shulin's face, hoping that this would transfer his strength to Mo Shulin.

The rabbit's claws gradually turned into human hands, and the fat rabbit turned into White jade tea. His long black hair covered his bright red clothes, making his skin white and flawless.

White jade tea realized that he had clothes on him, and realized that he had a certain degree of freedom in Mo Shulin's dream.

He doesn't have to completely abide by the laws and norms of the original world, and can realize his ideas as he pleases.

White jade tea looked at Mo Shulin, and said seriously, "I won't disappear. I saw you outside. Maybe I'll be outside when you wake up?"

"Really?" Mo Shulin whispered. He stared closely at White jade tea, for fear that he would miss his lover in the blink of an eye.

"..." White jade tea was a little nervous. He was also worried that he would not be able to promise Mo Shulin because he was not outside.

But when he realized that Mo Shulin was falling into madness again, White jade tea hurriedly said: "I will. I will definitely. Trust me."

With White jade tea's promise, Mo Shulin gradually relaxed.

Mo Shulin nodded, trying to leave the dream and return to reality.

The world gradually changed from solid to illusory, and White jade tea also began to become illusory.

Seeing himself gradually becoming transparent, White jade tea panicked, and an inexplicable fear arose in his heart. But reason told him that this was an inevitable phenomenon of leaving the dream. He should keep calm.

But why is he crying

White jade tea noticed that her face was wet and slick, and there was a sorrow from the bottom of her heart. He persuaded Mo Shulin to stay away from the dream, but he himself was reluctant to part with the dream.

White jade tea kept calm, but Mo Shulin couldn't. He hugged the translucent white jade tea, unwilling to return to reality.

The moment Mo Shulin hugged White jade tea, the whole world returned to its essence.

"You lied to me. You'll be gone when I wake up." Mo Shulin shook his head. He didn't believe White jade tea's words, and repeated to himself, "You will disappear. You will definitely disappear."

"I..." Fat Rabbit was at a loss, "But I saw you with my own eyes. I was outside, and you were outside. It's just that I had the same dream as you."

It didn't know how to calm Mo Shulin down. Probably the impact of all this on Mo Shulin was too great, and Mo Shulin couldn't accept the reality for a while.

Mo Shulin still didn't believe it. He shook his head and said in pain, "As long as I don't wake up, Master will exist 100%. I don't want to wake up."

If you wake up, all memories become memories.

He doesn't want to do this.

White jade tea felt uncomfortable, "But is it worth giving up reality for the sake of illusory dreams?"

Mo Shulin didn't answer, he just hugged White jade tea tightly.

He is too greedy.

He wants everything, but can't afford to bet on anything.

White jade tea wrapped her hands around Mo Shulin's waist, and leaned her head on Mo Shulin's shoulder, "I read the storybook every day, and I get stimulation, romance, joy, and sadness from the storybook, but none of this is real. Only what you have in reality is what you have. All spiritual pursuits should be based on material foundations. You should pursue spiritual stones, cultivation bases, and see more scenery.”

"Master, human beings are all souls in the end. Reality and illusion are all memories in the end. Is there a difference?" Mo Shulin hugged White jade tea tightly, "Why not live in the painful reality instead of living in the painful reality?" In illusory pleasures?"

White jade tea only thought that Mo Shulin was crazy. The heart is throbbing.

Mo Shulin pulled White jade tea out of his arms, and while stroking White jade tea's hair, kissed gently on White jade tea's tears, "If master really wants to leave, why is master crying?"

White jade tea saw himself in Mo Shulin's pupils.

His expression was so sad, it was like seeing someone else.

"Stay here." Mo Shulin begged, "In this world, there are masters and all kinds of people who love you for me. Isn't that good?"

"No. Mo Shulin, you can't be so selfish." Tears fell from the corners of White jade tea's eyes again, and White jade tea tightly grabbed Mo Shulin's collar, "You are good to me, and I want to give you the best what."

Indulging in dreams will end up getting nothing. He must not be so selfish and let Mo Shulin sink into grief for the rest of his life because of his momentary happiness.

"For me, Master should stay here." Mo Shulin had paranoia in his eyes, and wanted to do everything possible to keep White jade tea.

White jade tea calmed down, and said calmly, "But you can't stop me, I can wake up anytime."

As long as he wants, he can already go to that chaotic world of heaven at any time.

Hearing White jade tea's words, Mo Shulin couldn't put his hands down. He opened and closed his mouth, and after a while, he only said, "So, Master, are you going to abandon me too?"

White jade tea's heart suddenly throbbed.

Mo Shulin's life was like a collection of tragedies. The Feiyun Valley was destroyed, the spiritual root was damaged, and there was no help for entering the sect. It was hard to find a way out, wandering in the Demon Realm, but encountered betrayal and setbacks again and again. But even so, Mo Shulin still reached the cultivation base of transcending tribulation step by step. However, at the moment of becoming a god, it was written to death by the author.

Or from Mo Shulin's point of view, what happened to him was proof that the Dao of Heaven hated him.

Mo Shulin, who was abandoned by the whole world, finally found a trace of warmth in his dream.

Choose to die in a warm dream, or choose to survive in a cold world. This multiple-choice question was really too simple for Mo Shulin, who had never been warmed since childhood.

But as a bystander, it was really hard for White jade tea to agree with Mo Shulin's drunken indulgence.

Before White jade tea could reply, Mo Shulin smiled coldly. There is no joy in the smile, only coldness, paranoia, and sadness. The smiling Mo Shulin was even sadder than the crying White jade tea.

Smiling and laughing, Mo Shulin let out a deep breath.

Mo Shulin made a decision, "Since Master doesn't know how to choose, then don't choose again."

The sky and the earth suddenly darkened, and the mountains and rivers were disillusioned.

White jade tea realized that he had returned to the bed in Suoyudian, and the surroundings were no longer the furniture in the room, but black. He remembered that dream, and subconsciously twitched his feet. The chains bound his ankles, and he couldn't go anywhere except in bed.

Mo Shulin walked out of the darkness, wearing the Demon Lord's battle robe, with an imposing manner.

Mo Shulin leaned closer to the bed, and White jade tea carefully backed away. But he couldn't retreat, with the head of the bed behind him and shackles on his feet, he couldn't go anywhere.

However, Mo Shulin did not force him, but sat next to him, quietly facing the darkness in front of him without focus.

White jade tea gradually relaxed.

Mo Shulin like this made him want to cry even more.

Mo Shulin is so good, why does the world let Mo Shulin suffer those injustices

The warmth covered White jade tea's hands. Mo Shulin's hands had thin calluses, but they were very warm, as if a force helped him support the whole world, allowing him to hide under Mo Shulin's protection with peace of mind.

White jade tea couldn't help leaning his head on Mo Shulin's shoulder, and wrapped his hands around Mo Shulin's arm. He clasped the ten fingers of Mo Shulin's right hand with his left hand.

They were the only ones left in the world, so quiet that they could even hear their breathing clearly.

But White jade tea felt at ease.

At this moment, he felt that it was good to be in a dream.

But this is all a dream, a dead end with nowhere to escape. They have entered a dead end. They are unwilling to go to reality and face the pain that reality brings them, and they are unwilling to continue to enjoy illusion and indulge in that illusory world.

In a dilemma, they returned to this bed, huddled on the bed like children afraid of thunder, not going anywhere.

White jade tea closed her eyes, but what appeared in her mind was the scene after scene she had experienced with Mo Shulin.

When they first met, the pouring snow covered all the life in Yue Xuefeng, but it couldn't cover the poor little boy Mo Shulin. At that time, White jade tea was focused on avoiding Duanmu Jinyan, but never thought that he would be entangled with Mo Shulin.

Then, Mo Shulin took him to make money. Although Mo Shulin didn't say anything, his little face was full of complacency. Even if the spiritual root is entangled with demonic energy, Mo Shulin is still a smart child who can realize many dreams he wants to achieve with his hands.

Later, they made a life-and-death contract. Thinking about it now, White jade tea felt that he was really stupid. He couldn't see through such an obvious loophole in the life-and-death contract.

If it is the real way of heaven, how could it be possible for them to successfully form a bond. Of course, it was Mo Shulin's emotions that overcame his reason that caused the conflict in the dream.

Thinking about it, White jade tea slowly raised his head.

Mo Shulin, who was so happy, confident, and self-improving, was forced to become a paranoid, inferior, and unable to believe in the world.

White jade tea felt even more distressed.

If Tiandao's function was to bring Mo Shulin sadness, how could he become Tiandao's accomplice and let the knife penetrate deeper.

White jade tea put his hand on Mo Shulin's cheek, "Shulin, didn't you say that there is a legend here that as long as you kiss under the aurora, lovers can get married? Can you take me there?"

Mo Shulin blinked. White jade tea's words were like a drop of water falling into a dead lake, causing ripples.

"There are also meteors, rainbows, Sansheng stones, waterfalls, ancient trees... There are so many places we have never been to."

"I do not go."

"I'm here with you."

Since fate made him travel to Mo Shulin's dream, let him be the only reality in this nothingness, and make Mo Shulin smile again.

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-09-04 23:57:40~2020-09-05 21:15:49~

Thanks to the little angel of irrigation nutrient solution: 6 bottles full of dimples;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!