Transmigrating To Become The Boss’s Little Fairy

Chapter 38


Fu Nanxun: "Huh?"

Wu Rui: "Make a question!"

Ji Rang: "..."

Nothing to see.

Fu Nanxun reacted, glanced at Ji Rang, smiled and said, "You are still called a helper."

Ji Rang also laughed, too lazy to pretend to be with him any more, copying his hands and leaning back, "Yes, you can call me if you don't agree."

The atmosphere was suddenly tense.

Qi Ying finally finished reading the analysis of the big question. The steps were too complicated. She still couldn't understand a few places, so she marked it out with a red pen, pointed it to Fu Nanxun, and asked him to talk about it again.

Fu Nanxun retracted his eyes from Ji Rang and cast it on the draft, picked up a pen and was about to tell her. On the other side, Wu Rui pushed on the black-framed glasses, and said in a deep voice, "That's not right, student Fu, this question should have A simpler solution, if you solve it this way, it will complicate it."

Fu Nanxun paused. Wu Rui had already taken the draft and wrote down the simpler steps in the blank space, and then handed it to Qi Ying.

Qi Ying saw that it was much simpler and easier to understand than the method Fu Nanxun mentioned before, and nodded at Wu Rui happily.

Ji Rang: Well done!

However, Fu Nanxun did not turn into anger. He looked at Wu Rui's problem-solving method and suddenly realized: "This solution is much simpler, but I made it complicated."

He smiled gently at Wu Rui: "You are great."

Wu Rui, who was holding the shelf, suddenly became shy: "You... You are also very good. We haven't learned the formulas you used yet."

Ji Rang: "..."

Why are you feeling sorry for each other

With the help of the firsts of the two grades, Qi Ying quickly understood the questions that he didn't understand today, and even got a few different methods to solve them.

When leaving the dessert shop, Wu Rui was no longer as aggressive as when he came, and said hello to Fu Nanxun politely before leaving.

Yan Qi’s exchange students all live in the school’s dormitory. Fu Nanxun glanced at Qi Ying, who was obediently following Ji Rang. He lowered his eyes and said with a faint smile: "Send her off."

When the words fell, he waved to Qi Ying, turned and left.

Walking far away, he looked back.

The tall and thin boy led the girl across the road. She was holding the sleeves of the boy's clothes, he stopped and she stopped, he walked and she walked, following the same steps, too obedient.

Fu Nanxun always knew that Qi Ying had a very good personality, and she was smiling with everyone. When he first met, he thought this little girl was interesting to him.

Later I found out that it was not, she was just too good and too soft.

To this day, he saw Qi Ying in front of Ji Rang.

She was still smiling, but the smile was different. Those wet eyes, looking at Ji Rangshi, contained a unique light.

After losing her parents due to family changes, she can still find someone who can make her smile like this.

He is happy for her.

After sending Qi Ying on the bus, Ji Rang returned to the school gate to ride on his motorcycle.

As soon as I started the engine, I received a call from Qu Dazhuang: "Brother, come to the pool hall to play two? You should relax after studying for so long, and combine work and rest!"

Ji Rang actually didn't want to go.

But he did not play with Qu Dazhuang and the others for a while, and of course forcing them to study with himself does not count. Did not refuse, quietly responded.

When they arrived at the billiards hall, Qu Dazhuang and the others had already hit it.

The enclosed and dim hall was filled with smoke and mists. The people inside knew him more or less, and greeted him kindly: "Let me be good."

He was quitting smoking recently, frowned, took the club that Luo Bing handed him, bent over, scoring a goal, and said quietly: "Just one game and go."

Qu Dazhuang lamented: "Learning from this little fairy has taken away all of Brother's favor for us."

Ji Rang laughed: "Fuck off."

There was a noise on this end, and there was a sudden noisy curse on the other end. I don't know who was lifting the table. The billiard balls rolled all over the floor, and the cue cracked and smashed on the beverage cabinet.

Sandwiched with intermittent national curses.

Qu Dazhuang sat on the pool table with his elbows supported, stood up and looked around. It was not too much to watch the excitement: "Ah, it's a fight!"

Ji Rang hit his calf with a cue: "Get down, you fucking climb higher."

Qu Dazhuang finally glanced around, and was about to jump down, when he suddenly said in shock: "Fuck, acquaintance, isn't that the calf in our school every day?"

Ji Rang was taken aback, and asked, "Who?"

Qu Dazhuang jumped off the stage: "Yu Zhuo."

Ji Rang's eyes sank, but in the end he couldn't stand by and walked over there with his cue, "Let's take a look."

The fighting was in the corridor near the toilet.

I came closer and saw, good fellow, one-to-ten is not imaginary, a stool shook the air, and the mouth kept saying: "Fuck your mother! Come on! Who lie down and who is the grandson!"

Ji Rang:...

After a few days, this little boy has become more and more rampant

Yu Zhuo roared fiercely, and beat fiercely, but in the end he had two fists that were hard to beat by twenty hands, and his face was already wounded. A tall man behind him didn't know where to find a wine bottle and slammed it at the back of his head fiercely.

Ji Rang kicked the person in front of him, raised his hand and raised his cue, hit it with one shot, knocking out the bottle of wine in that person's hand.

The big guy joins the battle, and the big guy's little brothers of course can't stay out of the matter. Qu Dazhuang took up the tools nearby and joined in yellingly.

The battle was suddenly reversed.

The person who took the lead here to beat Yu Zhuo saw who the person was and immediately cursed: "What the hell Ji asked you to mix with?! What's the matter with you?"

Ji let a pole on the calf of the man in front of him, and immediately kicked him down to his knees.

He grinned: "Seeing that the road is uneven, draw your sword and help."

Seeing that the wind fell, the man quickly closed his hand: "Stop, stop, don't fight! Fuck, luck for you kid!"

Qu Dazhuang turned around and Yu Zhuo: "Isn't this the handle of No. 6 Middle School? Why did you mess with him?"

Yu Zhuo said in a huff: "How the hell did I know? It's not that I've made him green, I don't even know what the woman's name is, okay?!"

His voice was loud, and the handle of No. 6 Middle School pointed at him: "You kid, dare you not admit it, don't you? If you have the courage to soak up other people's horses, don't you fucking bullshit now!"

Ji Rang looked back at Yu Zhuo and asked coldly, "Did you do this?"

Yu Zhuo collapsed and said: "What a fuck! I'm a girl who wants to have a face value equal to my sister, right? I get along with my sister day and night, and my eyesight has long been raised, okay? The woman he said. Not half as good-looking as my sister, I just look down on it!"

Ji Rang thought for a while: "That's true."

Sixth Middle School: "?"

Ji Rang turned around, staring at the opponent, with cold eyes, but the corners of his mouth were hooked: "Didn't you hear me clearly? Are you still going out?"

Sixth Middle School held out a finger and pointed at Yu Zhuo. He wanted to speak harshly, Ji Rang yanked it over with a swish, leaving a trail of shadows in the air.

The child soul almost flew away when he carried the handle, but fortunately, his eyes and hands quickly shrank back.

Ji Rang sneered: "You fucking point again?"

He is notorious, and these people can't afford to provoke them, so they can only retreat with their tails in their hands.

Yu Zhuo cursed at the back: "A bunch of idiots."

As soon as the voice fell, Ji Rang turned to face him with a gasp.

Yu Zhuo screamed: "What did Ji ask you to do? You are fucking sick!"

After a few shots on his body, the pain made him grin. Ji Rang said coldly: "I'm making trouble outside all day long, and I will teach you for your sister."

Yu Zhuo yelled: "What qualifications do you have to teach me for my sister! The rain girl has no melons!"

Ji Rang took another shot at him: "You fucking put your tongue out for Lao Tzu to speak straight!"

Yu Zhuo: "..."

Sister Wuwu, this person is bullying.

Since the psychiatrist recommended to reduce the time to look after Qi Ying and let her become independent as soon as possible, Yu Zhuo no longer has to accompany Qi Ying to and from school every day.

After school, he wanders outside every day. He is not afraid of causing troubles. He has never been able to accept a word of softness.

Others are not afraid, only in front of Ji Rang is a little vacant.

I couldn’t play billiards. Ji Rang took him downstairs, called a car, slid into the car, and lay down on the car window and threatened coldly: “Don’t let your fucking yelling all day long. Kill, you think you are a young and Dangerous boy."

Yu Zhuo's eyes almost stared out: "School bully, won't your conscience hurt when you say this?"

Ji Rang slapped him on the head, too lazy to talk nonsense with him, and told the driver: "When driving, you are not allowed to stop when you reach the ground."

Yu Zhuo hugged his head and shouted: "The red light still has to stop!"

After being taught by Ji Rang this time, Yu Zhuo really stopped a lot, and began to listen to the class for an unprecedented time.

If you don't study, it will be the mid-term exam.

He can stay where he is, but he must not step back, otherwise he must be greeted by his parents in a fancy mashup.

His sister is different, and it doesn't matter whether he scores well or not. Early on the morning of the mid-term exam, Yu Cheng even said to Qi Ying when he drove them to school: If you are too tired, you should apply for abandoning the exam with your teacher. Your health is important.

Yu Zhuo is really envious.

Of course it is impossible for Qi Ying to give up the exam.

Her last monthly test score was 27th grade, so the examination room was naturally arranged in the front position. It's a playground away from the countdown classroom in the old building.

Ji Rang's position has remained basically the same.

Only this time, the little fairy is no longer sitting behind.

Instead, he breathed a sigh of relief.

In the past, the countdown examination room was full of noisy rumors, and the invigilator also turned one eye and closed one eye to get by. This time it was different. As soon as I came in, the classroom was too quiet, and after a closer look, the group of teenagers in the back row were actually looking nervously flipping through the book.

The final raid before the exam.

Qu Dazhuang is still silently memorizing the key compulsory poems that Wu Rui hooked out for them yesterday.

Ji Rang sat on the seat, holding the pink whale pen, his face was indifferent, but his palms were already sweating. He was really nervous.

Liu Haiyang poked him in the back, lowered his voice and said, "Brother, please don't digress in this composition!"

The exam bell rang, and the invigilator patted the desk: "Put away the books, please be honest with me."

The test papers began to pass back.

Ji Rang looked serious and took the paper to test his learning achievements.

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

Began to work hard.

The midterm exams took two days.

After the exam is the weekend, the students are on vacation, and the teacher corrects the test papers. Some good students will be selected to help correct the questions and score, and strive to get results on Monday.

Ji Rang had an unprecedented and extremely tormented weekend.

Wu Rui comforted him very calmly: "Even if you only improve by one place, it is also an improvement!"

Is there a difference between the third from the bottom and the fourth from the bottom

Ji Rang: "If you only improve by one place, you just wait to be killed by me."

Wu Rui:...

Woo, there is a personal risk to tutor the school bully.

Arrived at school early on Monday morning, the results list has not yet come out, Qu Dazhuang ran to inquire, and came back to tell him that the transcript will be released after the first get out of class.

Ji Rang said blankly, "Don't look at it for a while, wait until class comes."

He ran to see the results in front of so many students, what if he really only improved by one place, would he be embarrassed? !