Transmigrating To Become The Boss’s Little Fairy

Chapter 79


When have they seen Ji Rang smile so softly

Still facing a girl.

Ji Rang, which I heard from a middle school student, is violent! fierce! insidious! He would do anything if he didn't agree with him. He had a grumpy temper and was best at solving problems with his fists! It's wild and cold, doesn't look good to anyone, super fierce!

During this period of time, everyone has also experienced his indifference, but he is handsome. They have not seen the bloody and violent past, which will only increase his charm.

Anyway, he treats everyone the same, it doesn't matter! Everyone is very balanced!

Anyway, they are all women who can't get big brothers!

But now, the boss squatted in front of a little girl and laced her shoes.

After tying his shoelaces, he raised his head and smiled, with a gentle smile in his eyes that is even more dazzling than today's big sun.

Who says big guys like men? Dogs than!

There was a crackling around and my heart was broken.

Ji Rang stood up with a water bottle, just like not knowing someone next to him, and asked in a low voice, "Is it hot?"

Qi Ying shook her head and said, "But I still want to eat ice cream."

He laughed: "Well, go buy it."

He walked a little bit ahead, the tall man slightly blocked the slanting daylight for her, and walked very slowly, accommodating her.

There were whispering whispers all around.

Qi Ying took a look, turned her head and said to Ji Rang, "There are many people watching you."

"Really?" The boss didn't change his face, "I didn't pay attention, I didn't see it."

Qi Ying secretly laughed.

She didn't feel unhappy at all. Yue Li always came to her these days and told her that so and so and so and so confessed her love letter to Ji Rang, even more angry than her.

But she didn't feel angry.

In the past, when I was in the General's Mansion, there were always people who came to talk about kissing, and they were all regular wives. The prince’s daughter, the grandfather’s daughter, and finally the emperor’s favorite princess.

But in the end the generals refused.

The reason is the same: the world is not peaceful, and the unintentional love for children is long.

The mother secretly told her that the general was using his way to protect her.

She seemed to understand at that time, but now she understands his original intentions.

This person could refuse his majesty's marriage for her at first, and she should trust him completely.

When Ji Rang noticed that she was laughing, he couldn't help but laughed. He stretched out his hand and rubbed her head twice, "What are you laughing at, little idiot, are you happy when I'm surrounded by people?"

Her eyes were all crescents: "Yeah."

Ji Rang thought why this little girl didn't play cards according to common sense, "Why?"

"I'm very happy to have so many people like you."

With so many people like you, will it at least make you feel that you are not so lonely in this world

Ji Rang looked at the soft light under her eyes, wondering if he could see what she was thinking. He didn't speak any more, until he walked to the side of the street and waited for the red light to cross the road, Qi Ying heard him whisper: "Don't need that much."

It doesn’t have to be that much, it’s enough to have you alone.

At the end of the league qualifiers, the high school and high school students finished their last week of review and finally ushered in the final exams of the semester in the hot summer.

The teachers in each class are explaining that the teacher who prepared the test papers this time has integrated the real questions of the college entrance examination. You must carefully review the questions, check them carefully, and come up with the most realistic level and face it as the college entrance examination.

Ji Rang was nervous about this for a long time, for fear that he would not be able to break into the 100-person mark.

It was not until the end of the exam that the transcript came out to breathe a sigh of relief. Ninety-nine, very dangerous, and very worthy of his work day and night.

Liu Yao was happy to die. Class 9 was originally the class at the end of the grade crane. The top 100 in the grade were all seedlings from key universities. Ji Rang squeezed into the top 100 in the grade and ranked fifth in the class.

Holding the transcript, he shouted sharply on the podium: "You must learn from Ji Rang! Take him as an example!"

Class 9 students: "..."

Unexpectedly, one day we will set the example of the school boss, it's too damn magical.

At the end of the final exam, even if this group of high school students have officially entered the third year, after the transcript comes out, each class in the second year will hold a parent meeting to prepare for the mobilization of parents in the third year.

Ji Rang has never called anyone to attend a parent-teacher conference.

I don't plan to call this time.

On the day of the parent meeting, he practiced with the team on the playground. After all, the exam is over and the semi-finals will be held next week. The opponent is not weak. He said he would show Qi Ying the first place, so he can't relax.

The parent meeting started at 8 o'clock in the morning, and Yu Cheng specially asked for leave to hold the parent meeting for Qi Ying.

This time, she passed the fifth grade in the whole year and third in the class. Liu Qinghua praised her like a flower when she saw Yu Cheng. What a good and obedient, you work hard, as long as you keep it in the next year. The status quo, Tsinghua and Peking University is absolutely no problem.

Yu Cheng was so happy that he couldn't close his mouth.

The parent meeting will be held until ten o'clock, and the students will come back to class after it is over. After all, they are prospective seniors. After finishing the final textbooks in summer vacation, a round of review will begin as soon as the school starts in September.

After the team practiced the ball, season let to see the time, the parent meeting is over, wiped off his sweat, and walked to the classroom holding the basketball.

When I walked to the gate of Class 9 I saw Ji Weiyan.

The parents in the classroom have finished walking, and only Ji Weiyan is still standing under the podium. Liu Yao looks happily talking to him. Ji Weiyan looked mild and nodded with a smile.

Yu Guang glanced at someone at the door and turned to look around. When he saw Ji Rang, his smile became softer: "Arang."

Liu Yao also saw him and said happily: "I've finished training? I'm telling your dad about your grades. This time you really did a very good test. As long as you maintain steady progress during the third year of high school, you will be sure. no problem!"

Ji Rang's sloppiness was gone, only cold resistance was left, there was no emotion in his eyes, and he asked him blankly, "What are you doing?"

Liu Yao said, "You kid, how did you talk to your dad?"

Ji Weiyan didn't mind his attitude, but smiled gently: "Ms. Liu called me and said that there would be a parent meeting, so I came over."

Ji Rang was sneered and spoke like a sting: "Who admits that you are my parent?"

Liu Yao always knew that the relationship between father and son was not good, but he didn't expect to meet like enemies like this. What else did he want to say, Ji Weiyan smiled at him, and said softly: "Teacher Liu, I want to talk to Arang alone for a while. I'm sorry to trouble you."

Liu Yao sighed and left through the back door.

Only two of them were left in the huge classroom.

Ji Rang's eyes were cold, and his tone was impatient: "I have nothing to say to you, and you don't need to care about my affairs."

Ji Weiyan approached two steps and looked at him helplessly: "I don't want to fight with you, but I heard that your grades have improved. I am very happy and want to come and see you."

Ji Rang sneered: "It has nothing to do with you."

Ji Weiyan nodded: "Yes, it has nothing to do with me. I know you are because of Yingying. But even so, I am very happy." He has complicated eyes and looked at him with a trace of emotion: "As long as you can grow up well, I You and your mother are at ease."

It was okay for him not to mention his mother, but the mention of Ji made his eyes even worse, and he slammed the basketball in his arms in front of him. The basketball bounced under force and hit the desk next to it.

The textbooks piled on the desk crackled and fell to the ground, sandwiching his roar: "You are not qualified to mention my mother!"

This topic is always a taboo between them.

Ji Weiyan was silent, looking at the rapid blood-red eyes of the boy in front of him, for a long time, he gave a wry smile: "Yes, I am not qualified. You can resent me, but I just want to tell you, don't hurt yourself with this resentment. All of us hope you are well."

Ji Rangxiang heard some big joke, and pointed to himself: "I hope I'm good?" His expression was grim, his voice almost squeezed out of his teeth: "Who wants me to live well? Not all for the reputation of the Ji family. , For your so-called military reputation? It’s been a hard time to be corrupted by me over the years, right?"

He chuckled lowly: "But I'm fine. If you're not, I'll be fine."

The more they cared about the so-called reputation, the more he wanted to corrupt it without evil.

The more they want him to grow up and become what they want, the more he will do the opposite, do all the things that bad boys would do, and grow up to look like they hate him.

The obsession in his heart is so deep, like a poisonous thorn, like a dragon, poisoning himself and devouring others.

A group of students roared outside the corridor. He seemed to have recovered a trace of will from his loss of control, and took his spiteful gaze away from Ji Weiyan and cast it into the scorching light outside the window.

"What will happen to me in the future has nothing to do with you, and it has nothing to do with the Ji family. I don't want to see you again."

He leaned over, picked up the basketball on the ground, and walked to the window seat at the back of the classroom.

Ji Weiyan stood stiffly on the spot, sighed silently for a while, and walked out.

Outside the classroom, there was a little girl standing against the wall, her lips tight.

Ji Weiyan was taken aback, and a smile came out on his stiff face: "Yingying."

Qi Ying watched him silently.

Ji Weiyan regained his gentle voice: "Uncle invites you to eat ice cream, okay?"

She shook her head.

He smiled: "Aren't you curious about Agen? I can tell you."

She still shook her head, paused, and whispered: "He will tell me what he wants to say."

Ji Weiyan was surprised that she could speak, and the smile on her face finally softened a lot: "I can speak." He lowered his eyes and sighed, "Good boy, go."

When the words fell, he turned and left.

Qi Ying stared at his back, the always straight figure, with a somewhat tired rickety. After a while, she retracted her gaze and walked to the door to look at the teenager in the back row of the classroom.

He was lying on the desk, caged in the sun, and the sun was shining brightly outside the window, but he seemed to be alone in the winter and snow, and his whole body was cold.

Qi Ying pursed her lower lip and ran back to the second class classroom. When she came back, she held a strawberry candy in her palm.

She walked over, squatted down beside him, and whispered, "Eat candy?"

Ji let his body move, but still didn't look up. For a long time, a low mute voice came out: "Yingying, I'm a little uncomfortable."

She was on her knees, with her small head resting on his lap, and she whispered, "It won't be sad for me to be with you."

That is what he said to her.

He smiled, his face buried in his arms, and his voice was low and dull: "Little idiot, did you overhear the corner of the wall just now?"

She rubbed his head gently against his leg: "I didn't mean it, are you angry?"

He leaned back, still lying on his stomach, but face down, he could see the little girl squatting beside him. She leaned upward, and he leaned downward, looking at each other in the small and low space: "Don't be angry, I won't be angry with you."

She chuckled softly and didn't speak. She just half-kneeled, resting his legs, and looking at him obediently.

Ji Rang's heart felt sore and soft, he pulled out a hand, rubbed her fingertips against her face, and whispered, "May I tell you my secret?"

She said "Um".

He rubbed her face with his fingers, and whispered: "Before, there was a little boy who had a very happy family. His father was an armed policeman and his mother was a painter. The little boy wanted to be a policeman since he was a child. After winning the national shooting championship, he wants to be as good as his father."

"But then, there was a riot. In that riot, the little boy's mother was kidnapped. The armed police father went to be ordered to save the person. When he arrived at the scene, he found that another pregnant woman had also been kidnapped."

Having said this, his fingers were shaking uncontrollably, and he left her cheek for fear of hurting her.

Qi Ying felt the boy's heavy and depressed breathing.

She stretched out her hand and held the boy's cold fingers.

She has soft hands, always warm, starting from his fingertips, warming his cold body little by little.

"The situation is very urgent. The gangster will shoot the hostage soon. At that time, there was only time to save one person. The armed police father did not choose to save his mother, but saved the pregnant woman."

I thought he would never remember this past in his life.

But speaking in front of the little girl, it didn't seem to be as uncomfortable as imagined.

Qi Ying pillowed his knees, rubbed it in, stretched out her hand to wrap around his waist, and asked in a low voice, "What about the little boy?"

"The little boy was very sad and couldn't accept it. But those people told him that the choice made by the armed police father was the right one. It was his righteous sacrifice and his responsibility as a soldier. It seemed like his mother..." He paused, low. Smiled lowly: "Damn it."

But why

Why use her sacrifice to exchange the honor that belongs to them

The pregnant woman survived, but the child in her belly eventually died.

He hated the moral justice of these people, he hated their so-called sacrifices, and he even felt sick. He threw away all the trophies he had won and trampled on his dream of being a policeman.

He lived in a muddle-headed manner, until one day, he saw the rescued woman appear at his house.

Ji Weiyan rescued her.

Also married her.