Transmigrating to the Qi Family

Chapter 47: Change the way of doing business


Jiang Miao and Xiao Shitou sat face to face, both with serious faces, obviously having a conversation between men.

The cause of this incident was that when Xiao Shitou got out of school today, Jiang Miao came to pick him up in Pei Che's carriage. Xiao Shitou was very happy at first, and this mood lasted until he saw the box on the altar, because Jiang Miao, in order to save face, told Xiao Shitou that the imperial edict said that the emperor had granted him a wife.

"Brother, how could your wife be Mr. Pei? He is a man, right?" Although Xiao Shitou is still young, he is not easy to deceive after reading books. The wife should be a girl. Although Mr. Pei is good-looking, he is a man. How can he be my brother's wife

Jiang Miao thought for a moment and said, "Because this is a marriage granted by the Emperor, you cannot refuse. Even if the Emperor asks you to marry Dahua, you have to do it. What does it matter whether you are a man or not?"

Little Shitou was stunned, with rejection written all over his face. He didn't want to marry Dahua. Dahua liked to eat mice and never slept at night and ran around!

It seems that the emperor is really scary!

"Then... will he come to live in our house in the future? Can he live in this room alone?" This is what Xiao Shitou is most worried about. There are only two rooms in their house, and he is afraid that Master Pei will not let him and his brother sleep together.

"No," Jiang Miao suppressed his laughter and continued to tease the child, "What man doesn't sleep with his wife? When he comes, you will have to sleep here alone. I will make a small bed for you. If you need to get up at night, you can light the lamp yourself. If you are really scared, let Dahua come to accompany you."

Little Stone showed a sad expression, looked at the imperial edict, then looked at Jiang Miao, pouted and said: "Well, then will my brother still send me to school?"

"Yes, can you let Master Pei's carriage take you there?"

"Alas," Little Stone sighed like an adult, "It would be great if the emperor allowed you to marry the carriage." That way, you can not only ride in the carriage, but also sleep with your brother at night, and the carriage won't come in to sleep.

Now it was Jiang Miao's turn to be at a loss whether to laugh or cry. What a brat!

"Brother Jiang, I've repaired this cart for you. Try it and see if it's sturdier than the previous one." Master Huang patted the cart.

He is in high spirits every day now. Since he bought the blueprints for the trolley, his business has been booming. When people come to order trolleys, they often buy some basins and buckets from him. These are not very noticeable, but when they count the accounts at the end of the month, they earn a lot more money than before.

Jiang Miao pushed the cart around and found that it was indeed stronger, and the wheels underneath seemed to be more flexible. He bent down to take a look and found that the new wheels looked a bit like modern universal wheels: "Master Huang, did you change the wheels? They turn much more flexibly than before."

Master Huang said proudly, "I told you to figure it out. The previous cart could only move forward and backward, and it was too inconvenient to turn. I was thinking about whether I could make the wheels more flexible."

Jiang Miao was generous with his praise. He was indeed a professional with a strong ability to draw inferences from one example. Master Huang was so flattered by his praise that he felt that Jiang had a good eye. There were so many vendors coming and going, but he was the only one who could tell everything.

Jiang Miao took out his wallet and was about to ask for the price to pay, but Master Huang held his hand and said, "Don't do that. I got a bargain when I bought the cart last time. If you want to repair something in the future, I won't charge you a penny. If you want to make furniture, I'll just charge you for the wood."

Jiang Miao refused again and again, but he couldn't prevail, so he had to thank him.

He pushed one back home and the other to Daniu's house. Daniu was repairing the roof with a ladder, and was happy to see Jiang Miao. He had work to do, so he called into the house, "Grandma, Jiang is here."

When Aunt Zhang heard this, she hurried out of the house and greeted Jiang Miao warmly. She made him some sugar water and gave him some melon seeds. It was obvious that she treated Jiang Miao as a distinguished guest.

But this is true. In the eyes of the Zhang family, Jiang Miao helped Daniu make money and was not harsh on him. Last time Daniu was hit twice, he not only bought medicine, but also sent eggs, brown sugar and pork to their family, saying that he should take good care of his injuries. Where can you find such a good master

"Please stop working. I'm here to deliver the cart and talk to Daniu to see if we can change the way we do business in the future."

Daniu had just washed his hands and came over. He was stunned when he heard what he said: "Brother Jiang, what do you mean by changing the method?"

"It's like this. I may be very busy these days, so I won't be able to take care of the stall here. I thought you could come to my place every day to get the prepared stuffing, then bring it back to make buns and sell them. In this way, the cost can be shared, and then we can divide the money according to the cost invested. How do you think?"

Jiang Miao took over Pei Che's big business, and he might have to go out with him someday, so naturally he couldn't take care of the bun stall here. But this bun stall had just become famous, and the business was good, so he was a little reluctant to let it go.

Daniu thought for a while before he understood what Jiang Miao said: "No way. Your business is so good because of the good stuffing. The customers want it after eating it. How can you calculate the cost based on the cost? Why don't you buy the flour and let me do it here? I can still get my previous salary." Daniu knew very well that what he did was just a miscellaneous job that anyone could do. Without the stuffing, he would be nothing. How could he have the nerve to split the profit with others

Jiang Miao noticed that Daniu said this without any hesitation. As a person who was used to being honest, he was afraid of taking advantage of others.

"That's not the case. I don't know how long I'll be busy. Maybe for a long time, I'll just be able to make stuffing. By then, I'll be a hands-off boss, and you'll have to mix the dough, make the buns, and sell them on the street. You'll have to do more work than before. If you still only take that little salary, I'll be bullying you. How about this, either I stop doing business for a while, or you do it the way I say?"

"You are so straightforward, Auntie. Starting tomorrow, you will go to my place every morning to get the prepared stuffing. We will benefit each other." This should also be considered a kind of franchise, right? Jiang Miao thought uncertainly.

Jiang Miao took Daniu to Manager Wang's shop. He had bought flour here before. They never sold damp flour, nor shortchanged customers. Sometimes if they bought too much, they would deliver the goods to their door. The service was very thoughtful. Moreover, since he was a regular customer, Manager Wang would give him discounts from time to time.

After Wang understood, he asked his clerk to take Daniu over to have a look. He said to Jiang Miao, "You are not a kind person. Not to mention that you don't sell fried buns on our street, you haven't sold steamed buns for several days."

"Aren't you busy? Otherwise, why not make some money?" Jiang Miao leaned on the counter, his attitude very casual, "Can you recommend me another good restaurant? Last time I ate the sweet-scented osmanthus duck, the taste was not authentic."

When Shopkeeper Wang heard this, he immediately perked up: "From what you said, it seems that you have eaten more authentic ones? Can you cook it?" He had eaten the mutton cooked by him once last year, but it made him think about it for a long time. Later, he and Lao Chen pestered Jiang Miao for several days before he had another meal of it.

"Of course I will, but now is not the time to eat duck. It is best eaten in summer and autumn. When there is a suitable duck, I will let you try it." Jiang Miao promised.

"You're right. I've hired some farmers to farm some land in the countryside, and there's also a big pond. I'll have them catch some ducks and raise them there. When they're ready to eat, I'll have them catch them and bring them back. You'll have to show off your skills then."

While the two were chatting, Daniu also bought some flour. Shopkeeper Wang had someone push a wheelbarrow from the backyard and asked Daniu to push it away and bring it back later.

Da Niu was a little excited along the way, and once again felt that Jiang Miao was very capable, so he was not afraid of the owner of the grain store, and he would also benefit from it.

The next morning, Jiang Miao gave the prepared stuffing to Daniu, then went to the morning market, found Uncle Ding who was selling tofu pudding, and told him that he probably wouldn't be able to use the dried tofu for a while.

Uncle Ding thought he had found another way to make a living, and congratulated him. Now he not only helped Jiang Miao carry dried tofu, but other people who had eaten the buns also praised the dried tofu as good, and often asked him to bring some, which made him earn a little extra money.

Jiang Miao sat at his stall and ate a bowl of plain tofu pudding. Finally, he couldn't help but make a suggestion: "Uncle Ding, your tofu pudding tastes good, but it lacks a bit of flavor."

"Isn't it because brown sugar is too expensive?" Grandpa Ding was also helpless. Jiang Miao hadn't set up his stall these days, so he often had to take some of his tofu pudding back home. Usually everyone would eat it with buns.

"Sugar is expensive, you can put some soy sauce and chopped green onions in it, or add some stewed food you fried at home, wouldn't it be tasty?" Jiang Miao eats both sweet and salty food, but he doesn't like tasteless food.

This suggestion gave Uncle Ding a new idea. Although he was a little skeptical, he still tried it after returning home. Some people in the family were not used to it, but those who could eat it said it tasted good and ordered two more bowls.

By the time salty tofu pudding became popular on the streets, Jiang Miao had forgotten his suggestion and had no time to try it. At this moment, he was wearing brand new clothes that made him feel awkward, sitting in Pei Che's carriage and letting him look at him.

"Hey, have you seen enough?" Jiang Miao couldn't help blushing, feeling a little embarrassed. He didn't know why, but he could wear any torn clothes and was not afraid of being looked at when walking outside. But today, after wearing this set of clothes, he felt uncomfortable all over.

Pei Che retracted his gaze and said with a smile: "Miao, this is just the right outfit for you."

He wore a small jade crown on his head, no longer just a piece of cloth as before. His delicate eyebrows and eyes, matched with the green gown he was wearing, made him look like a bamboo standing proudly in the wind. At first glance, he looked no different from those young masters from good families. He just changed his clothes, but his temperament was completely different.

"What's wrong with it? I still think the previous one is more comfortable. This one is not convenient for working." Jiang Miao felt uncomfortable and began to find faults with the clothes. He raised his hands and stretched his legs, but found that the clothes were not tight at all. No matter how he moved, it was very comfortable. It was indeed tailored to his body. It was much better than those ready-made clothes sold in the store.

"You don't have to work today. Just be patient and go over and take a look. I'll try to take you away as soon as possible." Pei Che thought that he was really uncomfortable wearing the clothes, and thought that next time he should ask the embroiderer in the mansion to cut them better. Slow work produces fine work, and the clothes will be better.

"Where are we going?" Jiang Miao felt uncomfortable after just putting on his clothes and forgot to ask where he was going.

"They are some of my good friends who want to meet you." Pei Che thought of the good friends who had come to visit him in the past few days and couldn't help but smile bitterly. He thought that only Han Qin was difficult to deal with, but who knew that all of them were the same.

(End of this chapter)