Transmigration: Raising the Child of the Male Lead Boss

Chapter 107: Third


In the dressing room of the crew.

"Sister Yu, have a sip of pear juice. Moisturize your voice, there will be more words in the next drama."

Assistant Xiao Shuang, took advantage of the juice bottle during the makeup period.

Putting a straw in and letting her suck it doesn't affect the lipstick.

The two makeup artists who were tossing about Yu Yaoyao's hairstyle and makeup all smiled and couldn't help but joke when they glanced at the almost piled table next to them.

"Teacher Yu is really lucky. The only thing my husband gave you was a drink, and I almost couldn't put it down. I labeled you one by one. We thought it was made by Xiao Shuang at first, but we knew it was your husband when we asked. ."

Assistant Xiaoshuang also nodded enviously, "Well, the boss is a peerless husband. Before going out, he told me personally, when to drink and when to eat..."

Yu Yaoyao held the script and couldn't help but grinned, "He just despises my IQ and feels I can't remember it."

"Shen always cares for his wife, and now I know it online."

The makeup artist who made Yu Yaoyao's hair couldn't help but took a photo of the water bottle, thermos, and lunch box on this big table.

"Ms. Yu, can I shoot?"

"I… "

She was also a little embarrassed.

In fact, she wanted to take pictures and share gossip with her friends.

Yu Yaoyao and his wife took part in variety shows and showed their affection many times, but because of her early reputation, there have been a small part of the voice that has known about her and questioned their relationship between husband and wife.

Especially this time when the vampire mother appeared, some people felt that Shen Yichong's love was either true love or a fake marriage.

It's a man, and he can't make his wife's family pit so much money... unless he is really stupid and has a lot of money.

But outsiders don’t know the truth, just curious.

The makeup artist is also gossip and wants to send a friend the latest internal news.

But she didn't dare to say that she wanted to go abroad, and felt sorry for Yu Yaoyao.

"Pap, pat, and post wherever you want~"

But Yu Yaoyao waved her hand readily and narrowed her eyes.

"It doesn't matter."

How can she be embarrassed to do such a show of affection? What a shame!

And Xiaoxiaosi said that his wife occasionally praises her husband, but it should not be too praised. It should be based on encouragement, otherwise it is easy to make a man proud~

Let others send it, then it will be beautiful!

"Teacher Yu, thank you! You really don't have any airs at all, you are so nice."

The makeup artist was really surprised when he heard it.

You know, they do this, revealing celebrities' privacy to friends, and rarely get permission from artists.

"Where? By the way, are you hungry? Little Shuang, take out my little cake for everyone to eat, as well as little pudding and milk. Get more flavors and let everyone choose."

After Yu Yaoyao has a girlfriend, she knows how to share.

"I guess this movie will take a long time, and you will all be hungry."

When it comes to this, she has a bitter face.

My husband is right, Director Qi Hang really likes NG!

In the last play, she was with Liu Fang, the star of Xiaosan. Just because Liu Fang was not angry enough or aggrieved by her sorrowful expression, she was NG thirteen times, and then because of her speed of cursing Liu Fang and eating, The types of dishes...we were NG four times!

"Ms. Yu, you are not bad." The makeup artist sighed when he said this. "After you went back last night, oops, the heroine is just the place to buy a shoe... Take it thirty-five times, dare you letter?"

Yu Yaoyao nodded sadly.

Fortunately, after listening to my husband's words, I read the theory book about moving position and lens in advance, and learned the basics of a few long and short shots and dynamic shooting.

Otherwise... I guess she is a pill!

"The director said that the scene will be difficult later, sister, drink more pear juice, I'll get you a milk bottle, and wait for you by the side later. While NG is applying makeup, we can add electricity."

Assistant Xiaoshuang was also worried.

The makeup artist is also ready to listen, "Director Qi said it is difficult, so there is no record of less than 30 times! I will bring all the brushes later and use them for makeup."

Take it thirty times, the makeup must have been spent.

The entire crew, except Qi Hang himself, everyone else was terrified by him.

From actor to supporting actor, female to supporting actress, almost every shot takes more than a dozen times.

Yu Yaoyao has been emotionally unstable these days, and she is still being taken care of by Qi Hang. She concentrated on crying scenes, but NG is still the least.

When Yu Yaoyao and her party arrived at the shooting area after putting on their makeup, Director Qi Hang was also ready.

"Okay, then get ready to start!"

Yu Yaoyao was dressed in an interview dress, and Heixi was wearing a white shirt and a well-groomed skirt.

According to the role of the film, she is a woman who has been a full-time wife for seven years after getting married. The age in the play is thirty-five years old.

Therefore, her delicate face in the past was blackened with a dark foundation by the makeup artist, and some obvious nasolabial lines and eye lines were also made, which dulled her whole spirit through makeup.

In this way, it is also in line with the image of a woman who was once a beautiful woman, but gradually faded and was tired of her husband and derailed.

In this scene, she participated in an interview after the divorce, but was suppressed by the interviewer and asked her to go home and wait for news.

"The 84th machine A seat, the first time! Let's start!"

There was a slap on the board, and the actor who played the interviewer moved.

"Fang Xuewei?"

The interviewer is a white-collar worker in his thirties, with exquisite makeup and sharp eyebrows, but with obvious forehead lines.


Yu Yaoyao replied softly, her hands tightly pinched together.

"Your only work experience was seven years ago?"

The interviewer's ending sound is unusually high by an octave.

Yu Yaoyao's face blushed instantly, and she nodded awkwardly at half the rate.

"Seven years ago, I became the head of the department's finance and was in charge of..."

"Then what have you been doing these seven years?"

"I... Bring the kids at home."

"Bringing children is not related to financial work?"

"… No."

"Then why did I enroll you? Adopt an accounting supervisor who only takes children? Others are working, and you are at home for seven years... Why do you think you come for an interview? Why do you take away this job from someone who has been working for seven years Chance!?"

With the lines coming and going, the interviewer’s voice became louder and louder, and the expression on his face became more and more sarcastic!

The staff at the scene almost couldn't help but glance at each other.

People who are far away from the radio microphone have begun to whisper.

"These are just a few lines? Director Qi didn't call a card?"

"No? Did he forget?"

"Wait, don't worry."

"Hmm... Call the card at the last second, haha."

Everyone is very experienced.

After booting up to now, I haven't done it again.

The director was desperately NG before, they were worried, but now suddenly they don’t call cards, hey, they are not used to it!

As the lines continued, more and more people began to look at Qi Hang.

Why are you not stuck

When is the card

There was a more tense atmosphere in the crew than ever before!

The less you stop calling, the more fearful you are that the director will make a big fire and make you calm before the storm!

Finally, after the last line of the interviewer, Qi Hang shouted.


Everyone breathed a sigh of relief!

As expected, the director finally got stuck again!

"Not bad, Xiao Xia and Xiao Yu both played well, it's okay~"

Qi Hang quickly said.

Everyone at the scene looked incredible, and they mentioned it again in one breath!

They looked at Qi Hang in disbelief.

Even the actor who played the interviewer couldn't believe it, "Director, it's over? No need to remake?"

When Qi Hang was asked by her, he grabbed his eyebrows again and looked at the monitor. "Well, what was just now was fine... If you insist, then Xiao Xia, please repeat your last line."

"Xiaoyu, you don't need to move, just stand there."

"Xia Xia, just do it again, since you are so demanding of yourself."

Xia Li: "..."

staff member:"… "

Special, the director has changed his sex! What happened

Even Yu Yaoyao felt it was a surprise, and she turned her head and gave her little assistant and makeup artist a reassuring gesture.

And Xia Li dazedly repeated her lines again, and was told dazedly that she was over and that this scene didn't need to be retaken.

Everyone at the scene will have their jaw dropped!

"Okay, okay! I will end work ahead of schedule today, and everyone will have dinner!"

Qi Hang waved his hand directly, took his kettle and walked to the rest area.

As soon as he entered the empty director's lounge, Qi Hang kicked the door closed, and that old face, which was always strained, finally smiled into a flower!

He took out his cell phone cheerfully and made a call.

"Huh! What NG King me!"

"Lao Li, hello, eh, I've done one item today!"

"Hahaha, if it weren't for a little girl who is too motivated, she has to take more shots and read the lines well, I'll just pass it if I'm really special!"

"What, get rid of your NG Voldemort!"

"Hey, I just called to show off to you! The Yu Yaoyao you introduced to me is really a big baby, hahahaha!"

With his old waist stuck in, Qi Hang couldn't help it anymore, raising his head and laughing three times.

He immediately found a chair to sit down, and continued talking about the mountains with excitement.

"I'll show you the tape, she is such a born actor!"

"Hey, no matter when, no matter what the scene, she instantly enters the character world as soon as she arrives in front of the camera, as if she is the character herself! The expression on that face, oops, you didn't see it, it's so exciting, from the eyebrows to the eyes Everywhere to the mouth is a drama! It's alive!"

"Well, that girl is not good at all. I prepared to NG at least thirty times. I ate lunch in advance, but... just now, she was brought into the play by Xiaoyu's expression!"

"Xiaoyu's expression is pitiful, inferior and fragile, like a small flower crumbling in the storm, with only a few branches that are still strong, hey... even I look at it and want to destroy the flower!"

As Qi Hang said, he patted his thigh excitedly.

"In the next second, the young female partner will be taken by her, her momentum is getting more fierce, and her tone is getting sharper and sharper! It's the flower-promoting scene I want!"

"Old Li, you are right. I haven't met a good actor with a soul fit, otherwise I could pass Qi Hang!"

"Hahaha, in the first few scenes, I was just looking for Xiaoyu's not so beautiful angle. Well, it's been NG a few times. Today I can already do it! Please call me a crazy monster in the future! Tsk~"