Transmigration: Raising the Child of the Male Lead Boss

Chapter 121: First more


Chen Qiao suddenly flashed a possibility that was impossible, extremely bloody, and even more exaggerated than the TV series he played!

But he took a deep breath and told himself that it was impossible!

How could there be such a mistake in this world!

He had been communicating with Ling Shuang at that time, how could he make a mistake

It is simply absurd!

"Brother Qiao, I'm sorry, the light in the main dressing room upstairs broke down today. I would like to trouble you to follow me to the large private room on the left. I'm sorry to change it temporarily!"

The assistant of the studio suddenly ran over, bowed and apologized.

Chen Qiao frowned suddenly.

He was still in his thoughts.

But when the assistant said that he wanted to change the room, he couldn't help but move his eyebrows.

Back then, after he communicated with the girl once, he heard that she had gone to boarding school.

But the second time, the other party's letter was one week late.

When the letter arrived, she not only changed her mailing address, but her handwriting became crooked. At that time, she said that she fell down the stairs on duty and fell to her right hand, and she had just moved to a new home on the weekend.

So I can only change to the left hand to write to him slowly, and let him not mistake the address when sending letters in the future.

He never doubted it at the time.

Several times later, she repeatedly mentioned in the letter about their first meeting, and all said nothing bad!

After two or three months, her handwriting gradually became normal... but it was not the same as before.

But she had just entered junior high school at the time, she was still young, and she was still practicing calligraphy, and her handwriting gradually became mature. He never felt anything unusual.

But now, Chen Qiao feels that something is faintly wrong.

Could it be that Ling Shuang behaved abnormally recently

But... He shook his head.

I felt that this idea was really ridiculous. It must have been too much pressure recently, and Ling Shuang disappointed her a bit.

"Yu... Mrs. Shen."

Chen Qiao resisted the chaotic thoughts and stepped forward to greet Yu Yaoyao, who had been evasive before.

He barely smiled at her.

"Huh? Brother Chen Qiao?"

When Yu Yaoyao heard his voice, she lifted her face from the shoulder of her sweet and sweet bun.

The moment Chen Qiao stared at her black eyes, he became a little nervous, but there was a faint loss on Jun's face.

She walked over just now, but she really didn't see him

He has always been called the walking spotlight by fans, and he is the top ten attractive male artist.

But she didn't even notice.

But soon, his eyes were burnt.

Big brother

When the little girl met for the first time, she called him the big brother.

But Chen Qiao's complexion soon became stiffer.

They didn't have much intersection before, but after hearing Yu Xinjie tell a lot about Yu Yaoyao's fascination with him, he always thought she was very sick, she was already married and had children, and he wanted to get divorced with him.

He thought she was stupid and unreasonable.

"What's up?"

Yu Yaoyao's distant voice sounded.

Chen Qiao couldn't help but frown more tightly.

When he met her the last few times, she acted as if she was not obsessed with herself at all.

She, who is so indifferent every time, really writes a love letter to herself

Will he still confess, give him what investment money

But the reporter also broke the news before that Yu Yaoyao's bank card password was changed by her sister and embezzled it for her own use.

That's Yu Xinjie, who gave him money on her own initiative!

Chen Qiao hadn't thought about this before, but now the more he thinks about it, the more it feels wrong.

Could it be that Yu Xinjie has been lying to him, but in fact her sister has never liked him

In Director Li's film, Yu Yaoyao played her own fan, so she showed her admiration for him in the crew at that time

If so, why did Yu Xinjie deceive him

Deliberately creating their scandal, and deliberately telling it to him, so that he can avoid Yu Yaoyao like a snake, what good is it

To help Ling Shuang get Shen Yichong

But the two of them, he introduced them to each other later.

Chen Qiao thought, there was a faint panic in his calm brain!

Chen Qiao twisted his eyebrows, and finally couldn't help but ask.

"Mrs. Shen, have we met... before?"

Yu Xinjie, can't he do so much just to make him hate Yu Yaoyao

It doesn't make sense to make him hate Yu Yaoyao and stay away from her for no reason, unless Yu Xinjie wants to cover up!

The impossible thought in Chen Qiao's heart actually emerged slowly and uncontrollably.

But he himself felt a little ridiculous.

After so many years, if Yu Yaoyao was the girl of the year, why didn't she say that she didn't recognize herself

"I mean, we have seen it before, in the past we were still..."

Chen Qiao frowned, organizing the language.


Yu Yaoyao took the soft and tender hands of her little bun, and she looked at the big brother Chen Qiao strangely.

"I have seen it."

Chen Qiao clenched his fists with both hands at once.

As soon as my head was hot, my chest shook.

"Have you written to me before? Your pen name..."

When he was anxious, he fainted and grabbed her arm.

write a letter

Yu Yaoyao didn't even react, her face was blank.

Love letter? She had already refuted the rumors!

What pen name? !

But in the next second, the soft bun she was holding, she immediately stretched out her white and fat little hand, and directly pushed Chen Qiao vigorously!

"Uncle, don't bully my mommy!"

"My mommy is my father and me!"

"Her hand, you can't hold it, don't hold my mommy!"

The little bun Shen Rui suddenly howled out anxiously.

With her milky white and tender face, they all looked at Chen Qiao who appeared suddenly.

The little bun is like the little cub who protects the food, directly blocking Yu Yaoyao and Chen Qiao.

When Chen Qiao wanted to hold Yu Yaoyao's hand, his small hands were abruptly separated.

His small pink face was so serious at this time.

Dad told him that the only mother in the family is a girl.

If he goes out with Mommy, he must listen to what Mommy said, and be humble, not to make Mommy angry or hurt.

Shen Rui immediately turned into a flower protector.

Chen Qiao looked awkwardly at the little boy in front of him, and finally realized that he had done something rash in front of so many people.

"Um... I'm sorry, I... I was just a little excited for a while. My kid, I just found that your mother looks a lot like a friend of mine when I was a kid."

Chen Qiao took a step back hurriedly, and distanced himself from Yu Yaoyao.

But when he said this, looking at Yu Yaoyao's eyes at the moment, he felt that she seemed a bit like the girl he met when he was a child.

Even if the little bun Shen Rui received an apology, he refused to give in a step. He tightly grasped Yu Yaoyao's hand and stood in front of her with a small chest.

"My father said, except for kindergarten and elementary school students, boys and girls must stand one meter away."

"You can't touch my mommy's hands, and you can't approach her."

With a word, Xiao Baozi betrayed his father.

It can be seen that he came to accompany Yu Yaoyao to work today, and he is also his father's little vest.

When Chen Qiao heard this, his face became a little awkward, and he took a step back in a hurry.

"Big brother, when I was a kid... looked like your friend?"

Yu Yaoyao was guarded by a little bun, and finally realized afterwards the anomaly in Chen Qiao's words.

Chen Qiao's heart was lifted in an instant.

But Yu Yaoyao shook her head decisively.

"I am not, you have admitted the wrong person."

"We knew each other before, didn't it mean that we filmed Director Li's scene together five years ago?"

As she said, she seemed to think about it carefully.

"Before I don't know you anymore, I may have seen you on TV~"

In one sentence, all Chen Qiao's speculations were rejected.

His handsome face subconsciously squeezed out an awkward and cramped smile.

"That's the person I confessed to the wrong person."

"I thought... I'm sorry, I think too much."

Chen Qiao shook his head abruptly, it wasn't her, it was Ling Shuang, it was that he didn't recognize the wrong person.

But he didn't know why, at this moment he felt a little disappointed and disappointed.

It seemed that a large piece of stuff had been dug into the chest, and it was empty.

"Before that... you were to me..."

Chen Qiao smiled bitterly and lowered his voice, only two people could hear it.

"Is it the mood of the fans?"

Yu Xinjie, from start to finish, is really playing him like a monkey!

"Huh? Fans? No."

Yu Yaoyao shook her head directly, and her gentle face immediately became fierce.

"I will fan my kiss husband~"

"Don't talk nonsense! Don't discredit me, just push me on the hot search!"

Chen Qiao's handsome face suddenly twitched.

In the next second, a round head with a tiger-headed head and a tiger-brained head hit his stomach directly and vigorously!

"Uncle, my mommy will fan my dad!"

"You speak, don't get in!"

Shen Rui Baozi immediately refused to comply!

Usually it's fine for father to hug mother, how can other men be generous!

Chen Qiao smiled bitterly, and immediately took a step back.

"I made a mistake, sorry..."

He nodded apologetically to Yu Yaoyao, then quickly turned around and walked back to the assistant.

But as soon as he turned around, he heard a cry of excitement from the child behind him.


Chen Qiao's body stiffened and turned back immediately.

Sure enough, the entrance of the studio, looking at it from a distance, stood there for many days without seeing him, but he was still a tall and upright man who was majestic, cold and arrogant.

Just standing there, he lowered the air pressure in the shed a lot.

Even the squeaking noises around him were suddenly relieved.

Shen Yichong was dressed in a straight suit and had a cold temperament, making it seem that strangers would not enter, but as soon as he heard the shout, he strode in immediately.

Seeing her son holding Yu Yaoyao's hand tightly, guarding her in front of her like a cub, a small face looked at her nervously and anxiously, and there was a little bit of anticipation in the round black eyes to move the soldiers. , Shen Yichong raised his eyebrows slightly.

Turning around, he squinted and looked in the direction his son was watching vigilantly.

"Mr Shen... Fortunately meeting."

Chen Qiao squeezed out a greeting stiffly.


Shen Yi Chongyun responded lightly, but in the next second, his eyes pierced sharply towards his peach blossom eyes.

"A Qiao, you want my wife to recollect the past?"

Chen Qiao's jaw twitched suddenly.

He could only gritted his teeth and chuckled in full view.


"I still have a job, and I'm unaccompanied."

He turned around almost hurriedly, blocking the opponent's icy sight!

But even so, he heard the delicate voice behind him.

"Husband, are you here to pick me up? I was thinking about you just now, and you magically showed up~ Did you get off work so early today?"

"Well, don't worry about you, let me have a look."

Shen Yichong's low voice has warmth that he doesn't usually have.

"Dad, the uncle just said he thought my mother was his childhood friend, but he admitted wrong!"

The voice of Xiao Baozi's grandma, can't wait to sue.

Chen Qiao's pace was messy.

Going to the top of the spiral staircase on the second floor and turning, he caught a glimpse of the back of a family of three warmly holding hands.

There was a sting in his eyes.

Yu Xinjie... He wants to ask questions.

She spread these rumors, what on earth did she want to do!


On the same day, the YY fans were all entangled. If it was the "Beauty" staff who mocked their Dayaoyao, when they wanted to buy the magazine, they suddenly swiped a new Weibo on that small account.

[Lao Tie Art: Three days of goodbye to the scholars, and treat each other with admiration. Ashamed. 】

Fans who were originally angry are immediately happy!