Transmigrator Meets Reincarnator

Chapter 106: Grandma


He Changdi looked into the distance with his eyes, and kept walking, but the thoughts in his mind had already drifted away.

Apart from Lu Guogong and himself, even Xiaowei Guo didn't know the reason for his sudden promotion.

Although his performance in the army was remarkable, he was not the only one who was so outstanding, and he would not be so naive as to think that this was the aura he got after his rebirth.

What kind of person is Lu Guogong, General Qian? He has lived two lifetimes, and he knows better than anyone else that even if the son of General Qian enters the army, he must start from the lowest rank of soldiers, and The requirements for him will only be more stringent, let alone an outsider like him who has almost nothing to do with General Qian.

He was able to start with Guo Xiaowei and become the general manager in a short period of time, which is already a shortcut. This is because he has the memory of his previous life and the help of King Jin.

The reason why I saw General Qian again in the army was because of the bottle of wine that Chu Lian sent. Although General Qian is good at wine, it is definitely not because of a bottle of wine that he will be promoted.

So when Xiaowei Guo informed him that he was promoted to Lieutenant of Infantry, even he himself was surprised.

At that time, he immediately went to see General Qian.

General Qian is not a person who likes to hide things, so he told him right away that it was because Zheng Guogong wrote to intercede for him.

Old Zheng Guogong is the mentor of General Qian. His mentor came to the border with a letter, and he just asked him to give He Sanlang a chance. How could he not sell his mentor's face

Besides, the person that General Qian respected the most in his life was Zheng Guogong. It is no exaggeration to say that General Qian might not listen to his father's words, but his teacher's words are "imperial decree", and he must do it no matter what.

Moreover, Zheng Guogong seldom asks for help, and it is even more impossible for General Qian to leave him alone.

However, He Changdi is not stupid, he will not hypocritically refuse to be promoted because of this, a higher position means that his starting point is higher, and his expected goal will be achieved faster.

He just doesn't want to be a confused person, there must be demons when things go wrong, although grandmother and Mrs. Zheng Guogong are handkerchiefs and have frequent contacts, but after all, it is just a private relationship between the two old ladies, and usually the two houses do not interfere with each other. .

In his previous life, the Jing'an uncle's mansion ended up in such a miserable situation. Old Zheng Guogong never said a good word in front of the emperor. Why did he write a special letter to inform General Qian to take care of him at this time

Although He Changdi wanted to ask again, he knew that no matter how deep the reason was, he would definitely not be able to find out. Let alone whether General Qian knew the whole story, even if he knew, he would not tell him.

He Changdi resigned, and now he can only hope that the letter from King Jin and his family can reveal a little bit.

Also, I haven't received a letter from my family these days, and I don't know if that poisonous woman in Chu Lian has behaved against the rules in the mansion. If she dares to make any changes, then when he returns to Beijing, it's time to abandon her!

When I was thinking about it in a mess, I had already walked a long way before I knew it.

He remembered that in his previous life, one month after Qiu Wei, the Tuhun people rioted in the northern border which had been quiet for five years.

It took five months for General Qian to lead the troops to really suppress it. At that time, the northern frontier army suffered heavy casualties. Because it was winter, the mountains were blocked by heavy snow, and the army food from the two Huaihe Rivers could not be transported to Liangzhou. At least one-fifth of the frontier army The soldiers were frozen to death and starved to death.

After the heavy snow melted, spring came, and supplies came in, the situation gradually eased, and the Tuhun soldiers were wiped out in one fell swoop.

It was also in that battle that General Qian's left-wing military academy lieutenant Gao Changwei made great military achievements and was named General Changping in one fell swoop, and was even bestowed a title.

He Changdi narrowed his eyes slightly, revealing a gleam of light.

In this life, his first step starts from the place where he was exiled in the previous life!

After walking for another half an hour, the dilapidated tent that seemed far away in the sky finally arrived in front of us.

This is a small hill, and several dilapidated tents were built on the leeward side of the hill, and the damaged parts of the tents have been blocked by the dead grass cut by people.

Not far from the tent, there is a fence around, and two lean horses and a few old sheep are tied in the fence.

The bleating of the sheep was carried far away by the wind.

At this time, the sky had begun to darken slightly, but there were still no lights in the tent. Standing outside the tent, only a few coughs and low, hoarse female voices could be heard occasionally.

He Changdi's icy heart was blown by the desolate gust of Liangzhou, as if he was instantly warmed up by this unpleasant female voice.

The corners of his eyes seemed to be hotter than usual, staring at the tent that was almost submerged in darkness, his deep eyes were full of warmth at this moment.

I don't know how long I stood outside the tent, but the curtain of the tent that was pressed from inside finally moved, and a middle-aged woman came out of the tent after a while.

The night was getting darker, the woman was wrapped in thick fur clothes, she couldn't see her face at all, she could only vaguely see a stupid figure.


He Changdi murmured silently at the corner of his mouth.

The middle-aged woman who came out to pour water and wash the dishes looked up and saw two dark figures not far away, screamed in fright and fell to the ground.

He Changdi hurried up to help the woman up.

When they got close, the middle-aged woman saw clearly that they were two young men from the Han family. She breathed a sigh of relief and tried to ask a few words in barbaric language.

He Changdi also opened his mouth in a barbarian language, and he was quite proficient. It was no different from speaking with a barbarian. The middle-aged woman became happy, and stretched out her hand to invite He Changdi and Lai Yue into the tent to talk.

The barbarians living on the border of Liangzhou are always so friendly and hospitable. They treat people who can speak barbarian language as if they were their own compatriots, with simplicity and enthusiasm.

This quality has never changed whether it is in the previous life or today.

It was precisely because of this that they were unprepared, and a few years later, they were slaughtered by the Tuhun people.

The middle-aged woman opened the curtain of the tent, and a strange smell penetrated the nostrils of He Changdi and Lai Yue.

This is the result of the long-term lack of ventilation in the tent, mixed with various musty and rotten smells.

Lai Yue couldn't help covering his nose, and looked up at his master, only to find that He Changdi didn't even change his expression, as if he had already adapted to this almost disgusting smell.

Seeing that the master was like this, he had no choice but to let go and hold back.

There was no light inside the tent, and it was even darker than outside the tent.

He Changdi turned his head and said to the back: "Light up the lamp."

Fumbling more and more to the low table placed in the middle of the tent, he took out an oil lamp from his bundle and lit it.

When the light flickered slightly, the dim tent was instantly filled with warm yellow light. With the help of the light, He Changdi could see the situation in the tent, and the barbarian woman standing opposite was also clearly seen by him.

At this time, the barbarian woman opened her eyes wide and stared at the small oil lamp on the table in disbelief. She was stunned for a moment, then waved her hand in a panic, and reached out to extinguish the lamp.

"A Sai, you don't need to light the lamp, the lamp oil is very expensive!" the barbarian woman said anxiously, "A Sai" is a barbarian term for noble son.

The barbarians work almost as soon as the sun rises and rest at sunset. They never have the luxury of oil lamps to buy. To buy oil lamps, they have to go to the market of the Han family or the Tuhun people, and a bottle of oil lamps needs to be exchanged for half a sheep. Most barbarians can't afford it.

Oil lamps are a luxury for them.

(Sorry, girls, I have urgent matters today, so I can only update so much, and there will be more tomorrow. In addition, the barbarians and barbarian words in the article are all fabricated by A Lan, please do not research.)