Transmigrator Meets Reincarnator

Chapter 108: opened


(The newly created group did not expect so many friends to join in, thank you for liking the article written by Alan!)

How can Nanny Gui let her sleep again? It's okay to be lazy on weekdays. The old lady in the house loves her so much that she often saves her master from waking up in the morning and evening. Their servants also love her master, and they always want her to sleep enough Understand.

But today is different, the opening of Guilinju has been planned by their third grandmother for several months, and the old lady is also waiting to see the result!

"Third grandma, Guilinju is opening today, you have to go there in person! Just now, Mother Liu at Qingweitang sent someone to inquire."

Hearing Nanny Gui's words, Chu Lian opened his eyes, sighed, sat up, and instructed Xi Yan to get her clothes.

While putting on her clothes, Chu Lian said, "Grandma, you don't have to worry, even if I don't go today, Linju will still be able to catch fire."

How could Nanny Gui believe that even if Guilinju was rebuilt magnificently, even compared to the Yuehong Building on Zhuque Street, she did not believe that Guilinju would be full of guests immediately, after all, in such a cold location, there are still many people around. They are all residential buildings.

The third grandma really thinks she is easy to coax!

Seeing the obvious disbelief in Nanny Gui's eyes, Chu Lian twitched her lips helplessly, and decided to prove it with facts.

Xiyan picked out an apricot-colored dress embroidered with plum blossoms for her. It was not high-profile, and because of the red plums on the dress, it brought a touch of festiveness. The person invited here asked her to entertain her personally.

There were not many invitations, only ten in total, and she wrote them herself. After several months of hard work, her handwriting was finally able to be seen by people, and her daily efforts were not in vain.

Although there are few invitations, they are not expensive.

Zheng Guogong's mansion and Wei Wang's mansion sent two invitations each, as well as the previous invitations from Master Ge and Serena Weiyuan, and the remaining four, two were sent to Yang's mansion, and two were sent to her mother's British mansion.

These people are the honored guests that Chu Lian will invite today.

Chu Lian dressed up in a leisurely manner, enjoyed court food again, and went to Qingyu Hall under the anxious urging of Nanny Gui.

Today Wenqing Wenlan was by Chu Lian's side, and the remaining maidservants would go to Guilinju with the two nuns to entertain distinguished guests until around noon.

Fu Yan and Xi Yan stood together and looked at Chu Lian's slender back.

Fuyan's face was full of astonishment, she smacked her lips, "Why don't you think our third grandma is not worried at all? Can that remote restaurant really open?"

Xi Yan glared at her, her face full of confidence, "Don't talk nonsense, I believe in the third grandma."

Fu Yan was disdainful in her heart, it was clearly the truth, why don't people say it

I don't know where Xiyan's self-confidence comes from. In her heart, even a shrewd person like the old lady in the dilapidated restaurant can't save her. How could their third grandmother be better than the old lady

In the courtyard of the big house, Mrs. Zou waved a group of housekeepers who came to report the matter to retreat, and the servant girl beside her brought her freshly brewed tea.

Zou picked up the teacup and took a small sip, the corners of her mouth raised.

If she remembers correctly, today is the day when the third younger brother and sister return to Linju to open their business.

Gui Linju is owned by the old lady. She knows the situation of this old restaurant better than anyone else. She admits that the dishes made by the secret recipes of the third sibling are delicious, but the restaurant is located in such a remote place, so there may be no one there. Thinking of going there for dinner.

The smell of wine is afraid of deep alleys, let alone restaurants!

It is not a matter of a day or two to become famous. If you really wait until that day, I am afraid that the day lily will be cold, and by then, it will be nothing more than making wedding clothes for her.

Thinking of this, Zou was proud. Today, she was waiting to see Chu Lian's jokes.

Just as she was thinking about it, she saw He Changqi striding out of the back room. Seeing that he was obviously dressed up, Zou frowned, "Da Lang, where are you going?"

He Changqi straightened his neckline, and ordered his servant girl to bring some food. He sat down at the table, picked up his chopsticks and said, "Today, the third sibling's restaurant is open. I'll go and support her."

Upon hearing this, Mrs. Zou's eyes widened immediately, "It's just a restaurant, so I want you to go too."

He Changqi frowned and glanced at her, "Ge Da, Tiancheng, Xiaowei Yuanhou will all come to join us today, if I don't go, who will entertain these male guests?"

Zou's body froze, and she looked at her husband in disbelief. Suddenly, she felt uneasy, remembering that day when her husband's friend was a guest at home, and she falsely claimed Chu Lian's credit. Could it be that those people already knew about it.

He Zhangqi suddenly lost his appetite. He put down his chopsticks, lifted his robe and stood up. Before leaving, he took a deep look at Mrs. Zou, and then left the yard without saying hello.

Zou, who was left on the sandalwood chair in the flower hall, turned pale for a moment.

She wanted to call "Da Lang", but the voice lingered for a long time before it came out of her throat.

Read the Red Chamber.

During the banquet, there was a lot of drinking and excitement, and suddenly there was a commotion on the street, accompanied by people's voices, everyone couldn't help but look at each other, and the nearest person by the window opened the window.

The noise suddenly came louder and louder.

"There are a lot of people on the street!" One person said.

During the banquet, another bearded man laughed loudly, "What's so strange about this, there are already many people on the street."

Immediately, everyone in the lobby laughed together.

The person who spoke first turned red in an instant, "No, no, it seems that something happened, someone left the road, and someone was wearing a lion dance costume."

Curiosity in Shengjing City never discriminates between superior and inferior, and soon one after another people stretched out their heads and looked towards the noisy street.

"What a mighty lion dance team. I have never seen six lion dancers together. Look at this posture, are you going to play music?"

"Is it really so lively?"

At this time, a young man in blue brocade came from the door. As soon as the young man came in, he said loudly: "Go out and watch the excitement. I just came from Changping Square, and there is also a majestic lion dance team preparing there!"

Everyone finally couldn't help being curious, and many people got up and left the restaurant to the street.

Mr. Wang from De'an Building was settling accounts behind the counter of his own restaurant, when there was a sudden commotion outside, the restaurant lobby, which was originally full, was suddenly empty, and a few waiters hurriedly followed behind to pay the bill.

"What's going on?" Mr. Wang, who was full of hair, frowned and asked a restaurant waiter.

"Shopkeeper, let me go out and inquire for you?"

Mr. Wang waved his hand.

After a while, the guy came back, "Shopkeeper, shopkeeper, there's a lot of excitement outside!"

"What's the fun?"

The guy gestured and said, "The lion danced by six people, the shiny lion head is so big, followed by those who play and sing, all wearing the same clothes, it looks very festive, I don't know what they do, they are doing it now. Preparations are being made on the street, and it may not be long before the performance. Shopkeeper, why don't you go and see the excitement, there are quite a few people gathered in the street outside now!"

The guy obviously spoke excitedly, with excitement on his face.

Mr. Wang put down the counting scroll in his hand, and took a square step to take the waiter to the street to watch. Now that the guests in the restaurant have been attracted away, and the business can't be done, it's better to go and see what is going on outside. A moth.

As soon as the middle of the day arrived, the group of lion dancers on Zhuque Street outside Yuehonglou suddenly let out a loud and orderly call sign, and the big golden lion danced, and then the following troupe began to play, play and sing.

The lion dance leads the way in the front, and the music in the back is exciting. As soon as the music is played, people who know how to do it will immediately exclaim.

"What's the tone, why is it so strange and so exciting?"

As soon as this person finished speaking, a rough and clear voice sounded in the playing and singing team.

"The big river flows eastward! The stars in the sky wipe the Big Dipper!"

As soon as the voice fell, more than a dozen big men in the team shouted, "Hey~ Shen Beidou~ A bowl of wine for life and death~"

The big man in the lead continued to sing: "Let's go if we say go, you have everything and I have everything!"

Another group of deep and mighty voices shouted, "Hey, there are all of them~ Wow, there is no turning back in the water~"

Whether the people in Shengjing City are high-ranking nobles or ordinary people, this is the first time I have heard such a weird and surging tune that people can't help but hum along behind.

The lyrics, the catchy tune, the bold and heroic music and singing voice seem to make people's emotions churn and excited in an instant.

There were more and more people on the street, and each of them stretched their necks to see what was going on.

Someone at the front shouted loudly: "The lion dance team is moving, moving, everyone, let's move, let's move!"

When the crowd was crowded, someone asked: "What is this for! Why is it so lively?"

"We don't know either. Look, the team is moving forward, and we will follow to see."

A middle-aged man beside him interjected, "Huh? This team seems to be heading for the northwest platform. Could it be that this group of people built the wooden platform that was built a few days ago?"

The lyrics of the heroic song are simple, and there are only two short paragraphs, but the melody is passionate and majestic. The men in these groups only sang it once or twice, and many people who followed soon learned it.

The leader of the team sang again: "When the road is injustice, let out a roar, when it's time to take action, take action, rush into Kyushu in a hurry!"

There was no need for other men in the team to agree, and the common people automatically agreed: "Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey."

Such peculiar tones and majestic songs spread throughout the entire street in no time. Even naive children learned such catchy sentences, running behind the lion dance team and shouting in unison.

Singing and dancing the lion at the same time, the spacious Suzaku Street was packed to the brim.

"Look, the lion dance team has finally stopped!"

Sure enough, the lion dance team came to a wooden platform that had been set up long ago. Afterwards, the lion dance climbed onto the wooden platform, attracting admiration from the onlookers.

At this time, the singing and the sound of gongs and drums finally stopped.

At the last moment when the singing and gongs and drums came to an end, a huge red banner spewed out from the raised lion's head.