Transmigrator Meets Reincarnator

Chapter 110: Famous (2)


Needless to say, the level of cooking in the Great Wu Dynasty was like that of nobles and nobles, let alone ordinary people!

The pork that is usually made always has an unpleasant smell, and the spices are not widely used. The pork cooked with only salt and water is hard to eat just thinking about it. ()

Now suddenly smelling the taste of carefully cooked jar meat, the shock is huge.

The onlookers, who were still cursing at first, couldn't wait to get the thick porcelain plate on the table at this time.

The three big guys stood behind the three thick jars, yelling and lining up around the audience. The guy held up a small copper spoon, took a spoonful from the jar with a strong aroma, and placed it at the top of the line. in the dishes carried by the people.

The copper spoon is really too small, and only two or three small square pieces of sauce-colored meat were dug up with one spoon. The sauce-colored meat pieces were lying on a gray rough porcelain plate, and a handful of chopped meat was sprinkled by another waiter next to it. The chopped chives become more beautiful in an instant and make people more appetizing.

The old diner who was the first to recognize Guilinju's sign finally queued up to scoop up a small plate of meat in a jar. He held it carefully. Following his footsteps, the small sauce-colored pieces of meat on the plate trembled slightly, emitting an aroma. It's almost like luring others to eat it quickly.

The old diner squeezed out of the crowd with the thick plate in his hand, then stopped, first lowered his head and sniffed the scent of the meat in the jar, he sighed intoxicatedly, and then actually took out a pair of wrapped clothes from his sleeve pocket. The silver chopsticks from gauze came, hold the chopsticks and carefully squeeze the meat into the mouth.

Immediately, a scent filled the entire mouth. After chewing twice, the strong taste filled the entire taste buds. The meat was delicious, fat but not greasy.

The old diner was immediately captured by this pot of meat. He no longer had the patience to taste the remaining two pieces seriously, but quickly stuffed those two pieces into his mouth.

Chewed twice and swallowed.

Looking down at the empty thick porcelain plates, the old diner was stunned for a moment.

The three small jars of meat are really too little, he has just tasted some of the taste, and he has already eaten it, it is not enough to fit between his teeth, smash it, smash it, the old diner suddenly remembered what Qin Guanshi said on the table before words come.

In addition to the free pot of meat for everyone to eat, there is also a chance to draw lots for everyone to go to Guilinju to eat noodles for free!

Immediately, the old diners didn't know where a strong force came from, pushing away the crowd on both sides and pushing towards the table.

The meat in the three jars looked quite a lot, but in fact it was not much compared to the crowd of onlookers. Besides, the jar looks huge from the outside, but the containers inside are only half of the size of the jar.

Soon, all the three jars of meat were distributed.

The big man scraped the bottom of the jar and found that there was only some soup left. He raised his head and said apologetically to a young man in front of him: "Brother, I'm sorry, the jar meat for the restaurant's opening today has been distributed. If you want to Taste the craftsmanship of our Guilinju, in the alleys of the West Market, please hurry up every day!"

The young man stared at the waiter with wide eyes in disbelief, and even grabbed the jar in disbelief, took a look at the empty jar, and then beat his chest and wondered why he didn't line up earlier.

When the diners in the back row heard the voice of the buddy, they also wailed immediately. Like the old diners, after reacting, they all scrambled to draw lots at Guanshi Qin's place.

For a moment, the situation in front of them was even more lively than when they just gathered together. After eating the jar meat made by Gui Linju's secret recipe, the previous voices of opposition died down in an instant.

Many people even immediately became loyal fans of Guilinju, a newly opened restaurant located in the remote Old West City.

These three jars of meat are like that powerful drug, it's good that it's not contaminated, once you taste it, you'll want more, a few pieces of meat completely seduce everyone's curiosity and appetite.

Not to mention that Guilinju is in the remote alley of the old West Market, even in Zhangzhou, Lincheng, Shengjing City, there will be people who will work hard and run hundreds of miles for this delicious food that is still fresh in their memories.

Steward Qin had a friendly smile, and the people who drew lots were also happy to deal with it, but Mr. Wang, who was standing not far from De'an Building, always felt that behind this young steward's friendly and smiling face was obviously a little fox.

And not only is Manager Qin a cunning little fox, but the owner behind the scenes he said is a big and cunning fox!

Mr. Wang has opened his eyes today. He has never seen it before. I believe it will not take a month for this restaurant to open like this. No no, I am afraid it will only take until tomorrow. It will spread throughout Shengjing City!

Not reconciled! Gui Linju's behind-the-scenes owner is really a good manipulator, but he has to admit that the special dishes that Gui Linju brought out are so delicious.

Mr. Wang is well-informed and knowledgeable. He also has a big boss behind the scenes of this restaurant. During the holidays, he can also use his relationship to eat a meal or two in Xungui's mansion. The refined food is delicious, but compared with this ordinary jar meat, which can no longer look ordinary, it instantly becomes a vulgar food, and it becomes rough food that is difficult to swallow.

Mr. Wang sighed, but unconsciously recalled the few pieces of jar meat he ate just now, and really wanted to taste a few more bites!

Looking down at the wooden card drawn by lottery in his hand, this Mr. Wang from De'an Building was somewhat looking forward to being able to draw himself.

The last sound of gongs and drums sounded on the wooden platform surrounded by all the common people. Qin Guanshi stood gracefully in the center of the wooden platform and read aloud the six places that had been drawn.

Every time a number is read, someone below cheers excitedly, and it is obvious that the one who is drawn is the one who cheers.

In the end, Mr. Wang from De'an Building was still not so lucky, but he did not admit defeat, and spent ten taels of silver to buy a number plate from one of the drawn people.

Today, he has decided on the banquet that belongs to Lin Ju.

The corners of the shopkeeper's eyes twitched as he watched the shopkeeper hand out a big silver ingot, which was ten taels! It is enough for their family to spend for a year.

Gui Linju was remodeled according to the blueprint given by Chu Lian, and she later asked Guanshi Qin to buy a lot of private houses on both sides.

Although the facade of Guilinju is still so big, the inside has been completely turned upside down.

Later, it was changed into two courtyards, and there are many rockery and carved corridors. Although it is not as good as the various mansions in Shengjing, it still has the small and elegant style of Jiangnan water town.

The two courtyards were divided into several small courtyards by Chu Lian's order. The layout of each small courtyard is different, some are simple and simple, some are elegant and warm, and even have the appearance of a modern Japanese restaurant. In short, Each small courtyard has different characteristics.

For the convenience of guests, the inner courtyard is used to entertain female guests, while the outer courtyard is used to entertain male guests.

These small courtyards are naturally prepared for people with unusual status, and ordinary people who are serious and just come to eat will be entertained in the front lobby and the second floor.

Guilin Residence is divided into two entrances, and there is another more secret entrance around the street corner at the back, officially for people with unusual identities to enter.

The first two guys and maids who entered the courtyard to serve were carefully selected by Guanshi Qin, and they were very different from the guy who served in front of him, Xiao Er, who was yelling and drinking.

It was estimated that it was almost noon, and Chu Lian led someone into Guilin residence through the back door.

As soon as he entered the door, Manager Qin greeted him, "Third Grandma, Mrs. Yang and Princess Duanjia have arrived, and they are waiting for you in the yard of Kunjia!"

Chu Lian nodded, she didn't expect these two to come so early.

"Where is the male guest?"

Hearing Chu Lian's question, Qin Guanshi laughed, "The prince is here, and he is helping you entertain the male guests! Old Zheng Guogong is also here."

Chu Lian raised her eyebrows. She sent two posts to Zheng Shizi, but she didn't expect that one was actually given to Old Zheng Guogong.

Steward Qin saw Chu Lian's subtle expression, he paused, and said, "Miss Mingyan is also here with the old man."

Chu Lian glanced at Guanshi Qin, but did not reply to his words, but said: "You keep an eye on people, and the people who drew lots in front of you also entertained well, there must be no unexpected situation today."

"Third Mistress, don't worry, the subordinates will keep an eye on them."

After Chu Lian explained, he accompanied Duanjia Princess and Mrs. Yang in Wenqing Wenlan.

At this time, at the entrance of the alley in the old west market, two carriages drove up, and several servants followed beside the carriages, and people from afar were staring at the luxurious carriages.

Some ignorant children were still running behind the carriage, but were yelled at by the two strong servants on horseback, and immediately ran away in fright.

The curtain of the carriage in front was slightly lifted from the inside, and Sister Yuan, who was sitting in the carriage, rolled her eyes immediately, "What kind of lousy place is this? Sixth sister must be crazy to open a restaurant in such a place."

Sister Su, who was sitting across from her, glared at her, "Say less."

Sister Yuan snorted disdainfully, "You'll be able to speak harder, but you may be even worse than I thought in your heart, why pretend to be a good person."

Sister Fu chuckled beside her.

Sister Su's face turned red at what Sister Yuan said, but she had no words to refute her.

Indeed, she also thought so in her heart, would there really be customers coming to the restaurant opened next to such a remote residence

Even her, a young lady who doesn't know much about business, knows that this is almost impossible. Could it be that Chu Lian is so stupid

Sister Yuan saw that Sister Su's face was flushed and she couldn't speak because she was blocked by her, and she was very happy.

She was very disdainful in her heart, but it was just a restaurant, and that bitch Chu Lian was eager to send some invitations. She thought she would not come, but she turned around and sent someone to inquire about the situation, only then did she know that it was like this A restaurant in a remote place, she suddenly wanted to come again.

She wanted to see how embarrassing Chu Liu would be!

She still remembers what happened last time!