Transmigrator Meets Reincarnator

Chapter 124: Unrest in the North


"If you want to completely cure my wife's illness, there is a medicinal material that is indispensable, but this medicinal material grows on the high mountains in the extreme north..."

The medicinal material that Miracle Doctor Miao needs belongs to the Snow Mountain Flower family, and it is the rarest type of Snow Mountain Flower, named "Xueshan Lan". It grows on the top of the mountains after snowfall, and it only blooms at the coldest time of year. After the flowers bloom, they wither in two or three days. It needs to be picked before the flowers wither to be used as medicine, otherwise it has no medicinal value at all.

The known place of growth is at the junction of the northern territory of the Dawu Dynasty and the territory of Tuhun - Mount Aming.

Waiting for another three months will be the time for the opening of "Snow Mountain Lan" on Mount Aming.

This kind of rare medicinal material cannot be preserved for a long time, and the field of use is extremely rare. Even many doctors do not know the medicinal value of this flower, and it is completely impossible to purchase it on the market.

Even Miracle Physician Miao discovered the usefulness of this flower by accident when he traveled to Kyushu when he was young.

Miracle doctor Miao said bluntly in front of Mrs. He and other He family masters that Mrs. Jing Anbo's body would not last long. Even if he helped to stabilize the condition personally, it would be delayed for another two years at most. "Snow Mountain Lan" flower, then he has nothing to do.

After Miracle Doctor Miao told all the facts, he left the flower hall and went to dispense medicine to Mrs. Jing Anbo.

Only Mrs. He, Dalang He Changqi, Erlang He Changjue and Chu Lian, the third grandson-in-law who just passed the family, were left in the flower hall.

The joy that had just overflowed on everyone's faces also faded, the old matriarch's face was slightly stern, and the gully on his face seemed to be getting deeper.

Chu Lian couldn't bear to look at it, and comforted her: "Grandmother, now my mother finally has hope. Besides, it's not like no one has seen this kind of flower before. Hope is better than no hope, right?"

Madam He took a deep breath and patted Chu Lian's hand, "Lian'er is right, your mother's illness can finally see hope, I should be happy."

There was another moment of silence in the hall, and He Erlang suddenly stepped forward and knelt down towards Mrs. He, and said firmly, "Grandmother, let the grandson go to the north to find medicine for mother!"

As soon as He Erlang's words fell, He Dalang also knelt in front of Mrs. He, "Grandmother, you must not promise Erlang, Erlang is not yet married, and I am the eldest son of the family. When my father went to guard the border, he gave his grandson an order and asked him to take good care of him." Grandmother, mother and younger brothers, this trip to the northern border should naturally be done by grandson!"

"No, brother, I'll go!"

"Second brother, you don't even listen to elder brother? Let elder brother go!"

Brother Youdi Gong's two brothers actually quarreled over who was going to the northern border. Mrs. He got a headache from the quarrel, and slapped hard on the small table next to her: "Enough, what are you arguing about!"

The two brothers bowed their heads and fell silent. But no one got up, they were waiting for Mrs. He's ruling.

Mrs. He rubbed her forehead, paused, sighed, and then said: "I know that you are all filial, but Dalang, you are working in the capital, and you can't leave your post without the order of the Holy Majesty. Amber Mansion also wants you to carry it. There is no male master in such a big mansion. And Erlang has an errand to Zhangzhou. I heard that this errand is an order issued by the emperor himself. The emperor's order cannot be violated. If you go at this time In the northern border, do you want to bear the crime of deceiving the emperor? So neither of you can go!"


No one can go! But now there are only the two of them in Jing'anbo's mansion in the middle of the capital, no one will go, how can they rest assured that the seriously ill is their mother!

"Grandmother, no, if we don't go, what will mother do!" He Dalang and He Erlang said in unison.

Mrs. He opened her mouth, and she was also full of embarrassment. Uncle Jing An had a deep affection for his wife. If he knew the news, he would not let it go. She also felt a lot of guilt for this daughter-in-law, and also hoped that her illness would be cured as soon as possible. .

Chu Lian pursed her lips and suggested, "Grandmother, have you forgotten about your husband? Why don't you ask your husband to send someone to Mount Aming to inquire about it. With your husband here, you will surely settle this matter."

Mrs. He was taken aback. She first glanced at Chu Lian, and then at the two grandsons kneeling in front of her. She felt that this was a good suggestion from Chu Lian. She thought for a while and said, "Even if you are going to the North The environment is not a matter of one or two days. The mansion still needs to make a lot of preparations. The old man has to think about it carefully. What Lianer said is right. There is Saburo in the north. Don't worry too much about the two of you, especially Erlang, the emperor can't delay. You pack up and go back to Zuo Wuwei today!"

He Changjue was still struggling and refused, but He Dalang gave him a stare and bowed his head, so he had to bow his head in response.

Chu Lian sent Mrs. He back to Qingwei Hall before returning to her yard.

Now, Miracle Doctor Miao is arranged to live in Jing'an Bo's mansion, and three meals a day are taken care of by the kitchen in Chu Lian's small courtyard.

Miracle Doctor Miao is easy to talk to as long as he has the food he likes, but he really feels at ease to live in Jing'an Bo Mansion.

Three days later, the British government sent an invitation to Mrs. He, which was Xiao Bojian's teacher appreciation banquet.

The old lady and Mr. Jinyixiang were specially invited.

Mrs. He was pinching the invitation card and considering how to deal with it, and Chu Qizheng, the father of Erfang Chu Lian, also asked his servants to send the invitation card. This time it was delivered directly to Chu Lian.

Chu Lian didn't know that the mansion had posted a message to Mrs. He, but when he received the message from his father, he frowned.

Xiao Bojian seemed to have figured out that she didn't want to go to the banquet, and deliberately asked her father in this body to post a post.

What the hell is he planning!

Chu Lian was irritable and stayed until the afternoon, taking the post to Qingwei Hall to discuss with Mrs. He.

In the flower hall of Qingyu Hall, just as the grandparents and grandchildren sat down, there was a noisy sound from outside.

Mrs. He was not in a good mood, and her face sank when she heard it, "Mu Xiang, go outside and see what happened?"

After a while, Mu Xiang came back.

Mu Xiang ran in with a face full of anxiety, not even caring about the etiquette, and hurriedly said: "Old Madam, the noisy people outside said that they were the guards of Prince Jin's Mansion, and they came to report something urgent to the old Majesty. The servant just overheard With one ear, it is said that the northern border is fighting!"

"What!" Mrs. He stood up in shock.

Chu Lian, who was sitting next to her, also widened her almond eyes in surprise, but she was mentally prepared, but she was much calmer than Mrs. He.

Mrs. He was stimulated for a moment, her body shook twice, she couldn't stand still, and fell forward. Fortunately, Chu Lian had quick eyesight and quick hands, so he helped Mrs. He, and the maid beside him also hurried over to help him.

"Grandmother! How are you? Is there something wrong?"

Old Madam He leaned on Chu Lian's shoulder, and pinched the center of her eyebrows with one hand.

After a while, she finally regained her strength, and she slowly opened her eyes, "I'm fine, hurry up, call the messenger in for questioning!"

Mu Xiang quickly went out to call people.

Chu Lian helped Mrs. He to sit down again, and was afraid that something might happen to her because of the stimulation, so she softly asked Wen Lan beside her to ask Miracle Doctor Miao.

The man in embarrassing clothes was led in by the chief steward of the outer courtyard, and after handing over the token, Mrs. He was really sure that this man belonged to Prince Jin's residence.

"Say, what's going on in the northern region?" Mrs. He's voice was hoarse and exhausted.

The guard who came to report the letter bowed and saluted and said: "The northern border army has gathered outside Liangzhou, and the northern frontier army has been raided several times. Now the Duke of Lu, General Qian, is leading the northern frontier army with all his strength." Resist, but now the weather in the north is bad, Liangzhou City has already been snowed heavily, just worried that the heavy snow will block the mountains, and the food and grass will not be delivered..."

The most taboo between the two armies is the lack of a reserve space. I am afraid that the Tuhun people who have been stable for more than ten years have already figured out the time for the northern frontier army to replenish, and specially picked this time to make a surprise attack...

Mrs. He and Chu Lian gasped when they heard the news.

Once the backup is exhausted, the entire frontier army will be consumed alive without the help of the Tuhun people. This is not a spring day like the warm sun, but a winter when even cold-resistant animals like yaks can freeze to death.

Mrs. He's whole body seemed to be softening. She looked lovingly at the beautiful granddaughter-in-law beside her, but she couldn't say a word that was stuck in her chest.

After a while, Mrs. He seemed to have recovered her voice, "These old people know, you can go back. If there is any news, I hope you can ask King Jin to inform you."

The guard who reported the letter hurriedly left after saluting.

The atmosphere in the hall was stagnant for a while.

After a long time, Mrs. He finally spoke: "Lian'er, I have made you suffer!"

Chu Lian was startled, took the old lady He's hand full of chicken skin, and shook her head lightly, "Grandmother must never be told that. When my husband went to the northern border, no one would have thought that Tuhun, who had been quiet for so many years, would Restlessness at this time, as the saying goes, danger is always accompanied by opportunities. Maybe this time Tuhun's sending troops is also a good opportunity for my husband. It is useless for us to worry in the mansion now. Why don't we discuss it with our elder brother, who has a wide network of contacts, maybe I can find out some side news."

Mrs. He is old after all, although she is shrewd, her brain is not as flexible as before. When she heard Chu Lian's reminder, she suddenly realized that she hurriedly sent someone to find He Dalang to return to his residence.

After all, He Changqi has a wide network of contacts, and he quickly obtained some news from various sources.

There was indeed a fight in the northern border, and it was snowing heavily in Liangzhou City at this time. The imperial court wanted to rescue them, but they were blocked by the heavy snow in the Yueqin Mountains, and reinforcements and food and grass could not get through.

If they change lanes, they have to take the Minjiang River from Chongzhou Mansion to Sucheng. Outside Sucheng is Qianshan Lake. At this time, the lake is frozen and it is impossible to take a boat.

For a while, the road to rescue in the northern border was all dead ends, and all the officials in the court were helpless! I can only stare and get angry.

At this time, another major case of ink corruption broke out in Zhangzhou, Lincheng, Shengjing. He Erlang's Longwei assisted in handling the case.

News from Liangzhou came to the Jin Palace every day, Mrs. He was haggard day by day, and even Mrs. Jing Anbo, whose condition was gradually improving, accidentally heard the news from the servants and passed out. , I was bedridden again for a while.

The entire Jing'anbo mansion is on the verge of collapse this winter, as if it will be washed away by time in the next moment.